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his article reviews the background to the High Court's decision in the ACT same sex marriage case and traces the origin of the court's surprisingly broad definition of what marriage is for the purposes of the marriage power in s 51(xxi)... more
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      LawFamily LawPolitical ScienceSocial Science Research Network
1. Abstract This chapter analyses the individual status of a Third Country National (TCN) from a standpoint which highlights the creation and the conditioning of this status by European institutions and laws. It is divided into two... more
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      European LawEuropean UnionMarriageMarriage law
This 2014 essay discussed the issue of same-sex marriage in the context of judicial review principles. Although the U.S. Supreme Court held that same-sex marriage was a constitutional right in 2015, the reflections in the paper on... more
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      HistoryLawJurisprudenceConstitutional Law
This paper is an analytical scrutinization of the proposed Marriage Bill by deconstructing it with respect to a wide scope of lawful , political and moral issues. I contend how the new bill ends up at chances with a portion of the... more
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      Family LawMarriage law
... in societies where sexual relations before marriage are limited, for example, in Palestinian society (Bow ... This analysis presents a rather nuanced per-spective on the negotiation of power and gender ... to abolish public sexuality... more
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      EgyptCustomary LawSex TourismPolygamy
The master’s thesis for MA Society, Law and Religion focuses on the procedural law reform introduced by the publication of Pope Francis’ motu proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus in 2015. Since the marriage procedural law reform, scholars... more
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      Canon LawFamily LawComparative Family LawMarriage law
The divorce law prescribed in the Marriage Registration Ordinance is based exclusively on the concept of matrimonial fault, while the Muslim and Kandyan law contain grounds based on the doctrine of fault as well as on irretrievable... more
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      Family LawMarriage and DivorceMarriage lawFamily Laws
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      Family LawFamily Property LawPrivate lawMarriage law
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      Human RightsFamily LawShariah and Muslim Personal LawMarriage law
The aim of this essay is to analyze misogyny in the eighteenth-century novel through the representation of women in Defoe’s work and to evaluate the degree to which Defoe’s work itself can be considered misogynistic. In order to do so, I... more
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      English LiteratureFeminist TheoryEighteenth-Century literatureGender Equality
Authored, edited, and co-edited, with links and abstracts
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      Political PhilosophyTheologySystematic and Historical TheologyMarriage law
Title of the forthcoming publication: «The legal notion of marriage in English and Canadian Courts (1866-2017): a comparative perspective on judicial reasoning©». Original Italian title (tesi di dottorato): «La nozione di matrimonio... more
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      Roman LawEnglish lawHistory of LawMarriage law
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      Family LawHindu lawMarriage lawLaw of Divorce
The foundation of every marriage contract is the exchange of promises between a man and a woman. Such promise represents a manifestation of an intent to act in a way that allows another to believe that a serious commitment has been made... more
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      Contract LawFamily LawChild protection and family lawLaw of Contract
This Article analyzes John Calvin’s reformation of Western family law in sixteenth century-Geneva. Calvin depicted marriage as a sacred and presumptively enduring union, but also a conditional and breakable covenant with distinct and... more
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      Sex and GenderFamily LawCovenant TheologyJohn Calvin
This paper provides for an overview of the law which governing succession under Islamic law on both testate and intestate succession. Also it provides for the concept of will and its validity under Islamic law
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      Succession LawMarriage lawProbate and Administration of Estate
The Civil Law Department of the University of Malta and the Mediterranean Institute research group on Belief, Identity and Exchange in conjunction with the European Research Council funded research project ‘Problematizing “Muslim... more
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      MediterraneanMarriage lawReligious MarriagesMuslim Marriages
A paper giving and commenting on the statutory steps to a valid marriage in Zimbabwe.
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      Family LawMarriage law
Il contributo intende contestualizzare la riforma matrimoniale della Repubblica bresciana nel quadro delle riforme Settecentesche e della politica ecclesiastica del governo insurrezionale cidneo. A seguito di una panoramica sulle riforme... more
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      French RevolutionMarriage and DivorceChurch HistoryJansenism
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      Indigenous StudiesCustomary LawLand LawBeliefs
La licencia de uso y distribución de Isimu. Revista sobre Oriente Próximo y Egipto en la Antigüedad es "Creative Commons Reconocimiento no Comercial 3.0. España (cc-by-nc)" La publicación de artículos en la plataforma editorial Revistas... more
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      AssyriologyAncient Near EastCuneiformMarriage (History)
Setiap manusia diciptakan berpasang-pasangan. Keyakinan ini banyak dianut oleh lapisan masyarakat yang masih menjunjung adat istiadat suku bangsanya. Manusia dan pasangannya ini hidup sebagai sepasang belahan jiwa yang mempersiapkan... more
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      LawCivil LawFamily LawMuslim Family Law
The laws of the Old-Babylonian kingdom of Eshnunna were discovered in 1945 and 1947, on 2 parallel tablets, during excavations outside of Baghdad. Eshnunna, to the east of the river Tigris, flourished 2200-2100 BC. These very early law... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyCivil LawSlavery
The point of discussion of this paper is to know about the realities relevant to triple divorce in Muslims. The objective of this paper is to explain the real meaning of triple talaq. It answers the query that what does the Sharia law say... more
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      Muslim Family LawJudicial PrecedentSocio-Legal Studies (Law)Muslim personal law
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      Marriage lawIndonesian LawHukum Keluarga dan Perkawinan
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      Marriage lawMedieval marriage lawRoman marriage law
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      Criminal LawFamily LawTortsInfidelity
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      LawPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthics
Victorian England is often seen as an era of stability for marital and family life. In reality, it was a period of significant legal and social change that opened the way for the introduction of the modern family court system. It was a... more
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      John Stuart MillVictorian EnglandLaw reformMarriage law
This article investigates whether Obergefell v. Hodges, the landmark 2015 same-sex marriage decision, supports or undermines a right to polygamous marriage. First, it shows that Obergefell defined marriage as a relationship that provides... more
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      Family LawMonogamyNon-MonogamyPolygamy
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      ScotlandMarriage lawCommon Law Marriage
The Emperor Justinian in Novel 154 addresses the inhabitants of Mesopotamia and Osrhoene in order to prevent and punish the unlawful marriages that were conducted there. This is not the first time in Roman legal history this problem to be... more
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      Roman LawCapital PunishmentJustinian I, EmperorMesopotamia
10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190205072.003.0010The chapter advances two claims: first, that commitment to one’s spouse is only instrumentally valuable, adding no intrinsic value to the relationship. Moreover, commitment has costs: it partially... more
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      Family studiesFamilyLoveRomantic Relationships
from University of Miami Law Review, vol. 55(1) (2000)
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      Family LawSame Sex MarriageMarriage law
There is a tension in government policy regarding marriage agreements: between wanting to reinforce the family unit and wanting to protect individual interests and liberties. This is further complicated when agreements involve religious... more
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      Family LawMarriage lawJewish Marriage ContractsIslamic Marriage Contracts
Este artigo tem por objeto a análise da regulamentação jurídica do matrimônio no Brasil Colonial e Imperial. Para tanto, examinam-se as disposições pertinentes no sistema jurídico-canônico e nas fontes legislativas estatais e, por fim,... more
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      Canon LawSlaveryHistory of SlaveryHistory of Law
The Bald Queen Some legal and cultural notes on Genemain Aeda sláne. In some cases the narrative text can tell us more about the application of law then any legal source. The birth-tale of Aed Sláne describes the complicated... more
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      Irish StudiesGender StudiesMedieval HistoryIrish Law
Kedudukan dan penerapan perjanjian perkawinan dalam perspektif hukum perkawinan nasional, antara lain: Menurut KUHPerdata, bahwa perjanjian perkawinan ditentukan pada Pasal 139 sampai pasal 154. Pasal 139 KUHPerdata menyatakan bahwasanya... more
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      LawProperty LawMarriage and DivorceMarriage law
This article explores the Law Commission's proposals on how and where people can get married in England and Wales as found in their 'Getting Married' Consultation Paper. It examines the extent to which the Law Commission's proposals will... more
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      Family LawLaw and ReligionMuslim Family LawFamily
The foundation of every marriage contract is the exchange of promises between a man and a woman. Such promise represents a manifestation of an intent to act in a way that allows another to believe that a serious commitment has been made... more
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      Family studiesInternational LawFamily LawMarriage & Family Therapy
After the conversion of Lithuania, Christian norms changed the old pagan traditions in society by adapting them to local customs. Although the blending of Christianity with old traditions in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) has already... more
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      Family studiesFamily historyMarriage (History)Christianisation of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages
Di Indonesia, perkawinan memang bukanlah sebuah persoalan yang rumit manakala pasangan memeluk agama yang sama, namun akan menjadi persoalan yang sangat rumit apabila kedua pasangan tersebut memeluk agama yang berbeda. Hal ini menjadi... more
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      MarriageMarriage law
According to Polish Concordat, from the moment of canonical solemnization matrimony shall be subject to such effects as a marriage contracted according to Polish law, if some conditions are fulfilled. One of the conditions is prescribed... more
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      Canon LawMarriage and DivorceMatrimonial LawMarriage law
While the Three-Anti movement has been investigated from a top-down perspective, less attention has been devoted to local implications or how the excesses of the campaign were addressed by the Party over a longer duration. This paper... more
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      Sexual ViolenceMarriage lawPRC history and politicsCadres
As Henryk Konic observed in 1903 in his study of the marriage law in the Kingdom of Poland, a profound dispute on the nature of marriage split Polish society in the 19th century into two camps. In his words, “while one of these camps... more
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      Comparative LawCivil LawPolish HistoryLegal History
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      SociologyLawJurisprudenceComparative Law
La presente contribución constituye un intento de proporcionar un elenco útil de datos referidos al fenómeno jurídico del divorcio en el antiguo Oriente. Para ello, se ordenan los documentos relacionados y se ofrecen algunos apuntes... more
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      Jewish LawAncient Near EastBibleBiblia
The context and purpose of Exod 21:7–11 has been the subject of much debate. One of the most recent treatments is that of Joseph Fleishman, who suggested that the law did not allude to a father selling his daughter, but to giving her in... more
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      Hebrew BibleBiblical StudiesBiblical LawNuzi
Lexicon article, Overview "Barriers to marriage in Judaism".
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      Jewish LawMarriage and DivorceHalachaMarital law