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The aims of EU cohesion policy is to reduce the economic, social and territorial disparities between European regions, supporting job creation, economic growth and competitiveness in order to improve life quality and sustainable... more
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      Cohesion PolicyCommunity DevelopmentRegional and Local GovernanceRegionalism
Abstract: Development of entrepreneurial attitudes in the society and entrepreneurship as an expression of activity of entrepreneurs and managers of companies is considered as a particularly important factor of the socio-economic... more
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      EntrepreneurshipRegional GeographyEuropean StudiesEconomic Geography
Horváth Réka: A területrendezés és regionális fejlesztés céljai, dokumentumai és szereplői Romániában. A tanulmány áttekinti a romániai területrendezés céljait, dokumentumait, a dokumentumok közötti alá és fölérendeltséget, valamint a... more
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      Regional developmentRegional EconomicsEU Regional Policy
Toimielimen asettamispäivä | Organets tillsättningsdatum | Date of appointment Julkaisun nimi | Titel | Title Näkökulmana paikkaperustainen yhteiskunta Tiivistelmä | Referat | Abstract Asiasanat | Nyckelord |
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      Space and PlaceRegional policyRegional and Local GovernanceRegional Planning/Development
Regional policy is a set of measures at the disposal of public institutions needed to regulate economic activity in a regional area. Regional policy is part of structural category. Structural measures are indispensable for medium and long... more
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      Economic HistoryEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsInternational Economics
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      Cross-border cooperationRegionalismEU Regional PolicyEuroregions
La politique régionale de l'Union européenne constitue le principal instrument d'intervention des instances communautaires au sein des États membres. L'augmentation régulière des budgets alloués à cette politique a entraîné la... more
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      European StudiesProject ManagementFinancial AccountingLocal Government and Local Development
Problems related to the economic innovation regarding the spatial analysis create a dynamically developing research stream and owing to their complexity constitute a significant methodological challenge. The hereby study, in line with... more
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      Regional innovationEuropean UnionEU Regional PolicyClassification
This chapter explores how the EU–V4 relations have changed through the course of transformation from an external, regional domain to an internal partnership. Keeping in mind the fact that the V4 has become an integral part of the European... more
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      European UnionBrand ImagePolandRegional Integration
Turkey-EU relations are currently in a state of flux. Turkey and the EU have moved apart in their political aspirations after accession talks faced a stalemate due to the Republic of Cyprus’ EU accession as a divided island. The EU has... more
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      European LawDemocratizationEU External Relations LawTurkey
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      EU Regional PolicyRomaniaCorruptionEU structural funds
Romania tried through public policies to follow the steps of Poland but, unfortunately, few results have been achieved. Despite the cultural, historical and political differences, the Polish model is an enviable one, when it comes to the... more
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      LawInternational RelationsPublic AdministrationLeadership
This chapter entitled 'About Independence (with independence)' will be included in a book edition called 'The Right to Decide, Power & Sovereignty'. The chapter aims to address ten strategic drivers to understand and update the quest for... more
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      Comparative PoliticsBasque StudiesRegional policyPolitics
Even if 2016 is the first ‘normal’ year in delivering all ESIF programmes 2014-2020, the Mid-Term EU Budget review and the new Juncker Commission are bringing forward the future Cohesion discussions. Commissioner Cretu is clear that... more
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      Regional and Local GovernanceLocal Government and Local DevelopmentEU Regional PolicyMultilevel governance
This paper examines the discourse and practices of Iran in the areas of water and agriculture, economy, migration and political ideas, to test Iran’s approach and also its influence in various fields. Drawing on a critical discourse... more
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      Discourse AnalysisInternational RelationsMiddle East StudiesGeopolitics
Since the turn of the century, music industry has undergone major structural changes due to an unstoppable process of digitization. Despite the initial enthusiasm of web utopians, such shift has so far been unable to produce alternative... more
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      Media StudiesPopular Music StudiesCultural PolicyPopular Music
Since 2015 the European Commission has been working hard with interregional thematic S3 partnerships supporting them to figure out how to go about teaming up and developing joint efforts in the best way. By preparing this manual, the... more
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      Science, technology and Innovation PolicyAgriculture and Food StudiesEU Regional PolicyGlobal Value Chains
Cooperation between European territorial authorities is a developing phenomenon resulting from the overlap and convergence of International, European and National law, which requires scholars interested in multi-level governance dynamics... more
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      FederalismRegionalismEU LawEU Regional Policy
The chapter offers a critical revision of smart specialisation and place-based policy concepts. Focusing on empirically strengthened measurement of agglomeration and concentration in regions, the chapter also draws attention to the... more
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      Regional policyRegional developmentRegional StudiesEU Regional Policy
Finančný manažment pre samosprávy a jeho využitie v rámci vzdelávacieho procesu na vysokých školách [elektronický zdroj]. -Poproč : Európske centrum manažmentu, 2014. -ISBN 978-80-9171582-1-7. -S. 52-58 [CD-ROM] Využívanie finančných... more
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      EU Regional PolicyEU structural funds
This paper seeks to determine the share of Polish regional centres in the absorption of European funds as compared with their regional surroundings. The analysis covered the years 2004-2013 and embraced 18 cities functioning as regional... more
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      Regional developmentRegional StudiesEU Regional Policy
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      Border StudiesRegional policyRegionalismRegional development
This interpretive article relies on insights from three critical literatures -world-systems analysis, postcolonial studies and, to the extent of an extended simile, the economic sociology of flexible global production -to propose a... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
Il Sud è spesso etichettato come dipendente, sprecone, piagnone. Stereotipi che dominano la scena da anni, semplificazioni e scorciatoie di analisi che alimentano la narrazione di un Mezzogiorno descritto come «sistema a parte»... more
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      Regional EconomicsEU Regional PolicyEconomia RegionalMezzogiorno
Pohjois-ja Itä-Suomen alueellisen kehityksen turvaaminen oli yksi keskeinen kysymys Suomen neuvotellessa liittymisestä Euroopan unioniin. Suomen ja Ruotsin jäsenyysratkaisussa Unioni sai uuden alueulottuvuuden, jonka erityispiirteitä... more
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      Regional developmentRural Policy makingEU Regional Policy
Το 2011 γιορτάσαμε την επέτειο τον 30 χρόνων από την ένταξη της Ελλάδας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση το 1981. Για την επέτειο αυτή, η «Ομάδα Ευρώπη» της Ελλάδας προσφέρθηκε να συντάξει επιστημονικές μελέτες για επί μέρους πολιτικές της Ευρωπαϊκής... more
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      European UnionUrban PolicyEU Regional PolicyEU Programmes
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      Regional and Local GovernanceFederalismMediterranean StudiesEuropean/EU Politics
- Carmona, Ana; Köelling, Mario; Ródriguez-Izquierdo, Myriam; and Tuñón, Jorge. (2013): El lugar de las Macro-regiones en el marco de la Cooperación Territorial Europea: Presente y Futuro. Fundación del Centro de Estudios Andaluces,... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationRegional policyEuropean Politics
AB Bölgesel Politikası’nın, 1990’lı yılların sonuna kadar somut ve geniş çaplı bir mekansal planlama anlayışını içermediği görülmektedir. Ancak 1999 yılında Yapısal Fonların dağıtımında mekansal bir bir strateji öngören Avrupa Mekansal... more
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      European UnionEU Regional PolicyAvrupa BirliğiESPON
The paper aims to examine the changes in the rural waste management sector at regional scale since the Romania adhesion to the EU in 2007. The traditional waste management based on the mixed waste collection and waste disposal often on... more
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      Environmental EngineeringSociologyEconomic SociologyHuman Ecology
The paper covers the main developments in regional policy in the years 2014-2019 and the influence the European Parliament exerted on certain regional policy topics.
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      Cohesion PolicyRegional developmentUrban PolicyEU Regional Policy
Regional Policy of the EU
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    • EU Regional Policy
2018 wordt een cruciaal jaar in de geschiedenis van de Europese Unie. Geconfronteerd met interne veiligheidsproblemen, met een onstabiele internationale context, met migratiegolven en de brexit, wordt de opmaak van het EU-budget post 2020... more
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      EU Regional PolicyEU cohesion policyEu BudgetEU structural funds
Entrepreneurship is one of core social and economic development factor in spatial systems, particularly at regional scale. This article presents results of analyses focused on the place and role of entrepreneurship in the regional... more
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      EntrepreneurshipRegional GeographyEuropean StudiesEconomic Geography
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      Regional policyGovernanceFederalismRegional development
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationAgency TheoryEuropean Politics
The goal of this concluding chapter is to shed light on the conceptual value of the book. We discuss the chapters within the framework of the overall conceptual approach linking territorial cohesion and socio-spatial polarisation with the... more
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      Regional policyRegional and Local GovernanceRegional developmentEU Regional Policy
This note provides analytical, conceptual, and policy commentary on the proposed Culture Strand of the Creative Europe Programme. It takes into account all available commentary on this Programme from both official sources and a wide range... more
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      Cultural PolicyCohesion PolicyRegional policyPolitical communication
In the initial part of the article its author presents basic information about Polish special economic zones. Next there are discussed variants of obtaining regional assistance by entrepreneurs investing in SEZs. Particular emphasis is... more
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      Development EconomicsRegional policyRegional and Local GovernanceRegional Planning/Development
The European Union's cross-border cooperation policy is regarded as a key instrument through which to promote regional cohesion, competitiveness and identity. This paper studies performances of regional identity within the framework of... more
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      Regional policyCross-border cooperationRegional developmentEU Regional Policy
PG27245 Resumo O relatório em questão incide sobre o tema "A União Europeia e a Política de Coesão -A Europa das regiões: desigualdade e convergência entre as regiões da UE", no qual se destaca uma breve explicação do que se trata da... more
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      Cohesion PolicyRegional policyEuropean UnionEU Regional Policy
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      Chinese StudiesRegional policyBrazilian StudiesBrazil
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      CommunicationRegional policyFederalismPolitical communication
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      Regional policyGovernanceEuropean UnionRegional development
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      SubsidiarityEuropean UnionEU Regional PolicyUnited Kingdom
One of the ways with which it is used to define the economic profile of today society reports to the concept of Information Society (IS). The definition leaves from the proposition that information and knowledge (collection, production,... more
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      European StudiesInformation SocietyStrategic PlanningRegional development
The EU's response to the COVID-19 crisis, namely the approval of the Next Generation package, provides an opportunity to explore to what extent the existing Smart Specialisation regional strategies and related ecosystems have been taken... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagement of InnovationEU Regional PolicyRecovery
This Study links competitiveness of economy of the Vojvodina Province in Serbia and evolution of the energy system within its territory. It talks about energy security, energy efficiency and sustainable development. The Study was part of... more
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      Regional competitivenessRenewable EnergySustainable agricultureSustainable Development