Greek and Roman studies
Recent papers in Greek and Roman studies
MILANO 2017 INCONTRO DI STUDIO N. 70 QUANTE EQUITÀ? A cura di Dario Mantovani e Salvatore Veca Milano, 28 febbraio 2013
Antik yerleşimlerin Roma Dönemi tabakalarında, kırmızı renkte kilden ve kırmızı renkte parlak astarlı, kalıpta ya da çarkta yapılmış, kabartmalı bezemeli ya da bezemesiz seramikler sıklıkla bulunmaktadır. İlk yapılan çalışmalarda Arezzo... more
Today some scholars think that the name Poseidā́ōn means 'o husband of Dā-!', supposing that Dāwas a goddess of water. Accordingly, the name Demeter is explained as 'Mother Water'. But PIE *poti-in compounds and univerbations never means... more
Ο τόμος αυτός επιχειρεί να προσφέρει ένα έγκυρο βοήθημα για τη μελέτη της αρχαίας ελληνικής γραμματείας κατά τους ελληνιστικούς και αυτοκρατορικούς χρόνους, δηλαδή την περίοδο από τον θάνατο του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου, το 323 π.Χ., έως το... more
Ausonius' Mosella represents a river that is a matrix of multi-species relationalities--spatial, legal, sympathetic, antipathetic, cosmological, economic, and filial. Reading the river as relational unlocks new perspectives on the... more
Traduction entièrement nouvelle de l'Apologie, tenant compte des dernières éditions ainsi que des enseignements tirés de l'édition-traduction du Dialogue avec Tryphon publiée en 2003, avec les articles qui l'accompagnent. Bien que les... more
Die vorliegende Studie setzt sich mit der militärischen Metaphorik im Corpus Paulinum im Blick auf deren Vorkommen und Bedeutung auseinander. Es zeigt sich, dass sich die militärische Rede und deren Anwendungsbereich im Corpus Paulinum... more
The Colosseum is well understood as a dynastic monument that was key to the Flavian building programme and to Flavian ideology. From this point of view it has been approached as the fulfilment of Augustus's ambition for a large-scale... more
Bodnaruk, Mariana. “The Politics of Memory and Visual Politics: Comparing the Self-representations of Constantine and Augustus.” In: Annual of Medieval Studies at CEU. Vol. 19. Eds. Judith Rasson and Marianne Sághy (Budapest: Central... more
en un sello en ánfora Dressel 20, se revisa cuanto sabemos sobre el personaje, el Kalendarium Vegetianum y la importancia de las confiscaciones de Severo en la Bética, precisándose, gracias a la epigrafía anfórica, aspectos muy concretos... more
Appian's Illyrian book (Illyrike) was originally intended to be just an appendix to his Macedonian book and today remains the only extant ancient work dealing with the early history of Illyricum which is preserved in its entirety. In this... more
Bodnaruk, Mariana. “Producing Distinction: Aristocratic and Imperial Representation in the Constantinian Age.” In: Shifting Genres in Late Antiquity, eds. Geoffrey Greatrex and Hugh Elton (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015), 135-155. Scholars... more
One of the recurring elements of the mythic landscape is the spring, whose appearance is linked to the fate of a series of female figures. Greek and Roman literature abound in stories of human and divine girls, who are the protagonists of... more
Abstract: Le village de Shahba, devenu la colonie romaine de Philippopolis, est situé à quatre-vingt dix kilomètres au sud de Damas et à vingt kilomètres au nord de Suweida’ en Syrie du Sud. Sa notoriété et son développement sont dus à... more
En este texto analizamos las prácticas bélicas y los derechos de guerra de la República Romana con los pueblos vencidos de Grecia y Oriente a partir de la obra Guerras civiles de Apiano (siglo II d. C.). Primero, revisamos las nociones de... more
Il saggio ripercorre le ipotesi ricostruttive sulle origini di Roma di alcuni illustri studiosi - Dominique Briquel, Andrea Carandini, Tim Cornell e Jacques Poucet - oggetto in questi ultimi decenni di un vivace dibattito, accompagnandole... more
About the word order in Veg. mil. 3, 9, 3, where 'certe uel' means ‘or at least’.
ÖZET Amastris antik kentine ilişkin ilk epigrafik araştırmalar, buraya 19. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde ziyarette bulunan G. Perrot, J. H. Mordtmann, G. Hirschfeld, G. Doublet, E. Kalinka ve G. Mendel gibi biliminsanlarının yaptıkları yazıt... more
Βασιλείου-Δαμβέργης, Αλέξανδρος-Νεκτάριος, Ιω., «Η ιωνική της Εύβοιας από το Ποτήριον του Νέστορος μέχρι την κλασική εποχή». Πρακτικά Εργασιών 5ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου για την Προώθηση της Εκπαιδευτικής Καινοτομίας, Λάρισα 11-13 Οκτωβρίου... more
Con esta obra Alfonso Mañas se propone introducir al gran público en el fascinante mundo de los gladiadores. El autor, apasionado estudioso de la gladiatura desde hace años, no busca atrapar la atención de los lectores repitiendo las... more
A chapter from the book Serbs in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Il Romanzo di Alessandro, testo greco di controversa datazione, attribuito falsamente allo storico Callistene, traspone la vicenda storica di Alessandro Magno su un piano mitico e allegorico e contribuisce a plasmare l’immagine del... more
A cura di Laura Lalli e Giulia Di Stefano. Presentazione di Laura Gigli.
ΒΙΒΛΙΟ: Δ. Ν. Μαρωνίτης, Έπος και δράμα: Από το χθες στο αύριο, εκδ. Άγρα, Αθήνα 2014, περ. Φρέαρ [Στο βάθος των περιστάσεων], τχ. 12+ (Οκτώβριος 2015), σσ. 635-637.
A new issue of POLIS is available now. Contents: Positive Freedom and the Citizen in Athens. Author: Naomi T. Campa Atimia and Outlawry in Archaic and Classical Greece. Author: Christopher Joyce The Madness of Cambyses: Herodotus and... more
The fight of Aeneas and his family from Troy does not seem to have attracted the attention of African mosaicists nor that of their colleges from the entire Roman Empire. Today we only recognize a single artwork, more specifcally, an... more
En el presente artículo se pretende analizar la !gura de la nodriza, las características que debían tener y las causas que motivaban su contratación. Para ello, nos centraremos fundamentalmente en el mundo romano, aunque también... more
This paper aims to provide insight into the troubled history of the editio princeps of Macrobius’ Saturnalia, which was planned for publication in Rome in the 1460s at Konrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz’ typography. As is known, this... more
This essay explores the relationship between Hollywood cinema and Chinese Wuxia through scrutiny of the 2015 movie Dragon Blade. This essay was written as part of my undergraduate degree module, Classics and Cinema, and was selected for... more
A Pedro Barceló Lehre tut viel, aber Aufmunterung tut alles 3 1. Introducción: Las relaciones de Severo (y Plauciano) con los cristianos En 2001, A. Daguet-Gagey publicaba un trabajo titulado Septime Sévère, un empereur persécuteur des... more
There is a prolific production of books on strategy and leadership comparing Ancient China thinkers, such as Sunzi and Laozi (among others), with their Western counterparts, from the Greeks and Romans Aelianus, Voegelius, and Frontinus to... more
Materiali per una raccolta dei senatusconsulta (753 a.C. -312 d.C.) Edizione a cura di Alessia terrinoni e Pierangelo Buongiorno Lungo l'arco di mezzo secolo, e sino agli ultimi giorni di vita, Edoardo Volterra lavorò a una raccolta delle... more