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تسعى الأطراف الدولية المتدخلة في الأزمة السورية إلى إطالة أمد الصراع التركي-الكردي في سوريا لاستنزاف القدرات العسكرية التركية، وتحجيم النفوذ التركي في سوريا، بهدف استبعاد أنقرة من معادلات تقاسم مناطق النفوذ بعد نهاية الصراع. وفي المقابل،... more
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      Russian PoliticsSyrian StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyTurkish and Middle East Studies
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      Middle East StudiesRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign PolicyMiddle East Politics
Alors que la crise syrienne est entrée dans sa cinquième année, l’évolution du contexte sécuritaire en Syrie et en Irak depuis l’été 2014 met en lumière le rôle grandissant des Kurdes comme force combattante contre l’État islamique (EI).... more
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      Russian StudiesMiddle East StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and Caucasia
With the Syrian crisis entering its fifth year, the changing security context in Syria and Iraq since the summer of 2014 has highlighted the increasingly important role played by the Kurds as a fighting force against Islamic State (IS).... more
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      Middle East StudiesInternational SecurityRussian Foreign PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and Caucasia
Syrské příměří ohrožují sami jeho zprostředkovatelé. Američané se za nálet omluvili, Rusové ho popírají. Analýza politologa Emila Aslana.
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      Russian Foreign PolicySyriaRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaSyrian Civil War
This study provides a brief overview of Russian and EU policies towards the MENA, followed by case studies of Russian engagement in three distinctive groups of countries in 2011-20: the Arabian Peninsula, Levant and Iraq, and North... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean Foreign and Security PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and Caucasia
This article examines the successes and failures of Russia's military involvement in Syria, the reasons behind its (partial) withdrawal, and the prospects for its return to this war-torn country.
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      Russian StudiesMiddle East StudiesRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign Policy
Russland zeigt nach Syrien nun auch in Libyen Präsenz. Das Vorgehen ist jedoch sehr verschieden. Die militärische Unterstützung für den ostlibyschen Machthaber Chalifa Haftar fällt deutlich schwächer aus als die für Assad in Syrien. Auch... more
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      Middle East & North AfricaRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign PolicyMiddle Eastern Studies
ÇARLIK'TAN BOLŞEVİK DEVRİMİ'NE RUSLARIN ORTADOĞU POLİTİKASI Öz Uluslararası ilişkiler literatüründe Rusya'nın Ortadoğu coğrafyasına verdiği jeopo-litik değerin, son 100 yılda izlenen emperyal politikaların bir uzantısı olarak... more
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      Middle East StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and Caucasia
First published in American Chronicle, Buzzle and AfroArticles on 30th December 2010 ............................................... Here, I would like to merely ask the following question: When Islam's worst enemies, namely the Zionist... more
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      European HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean StudiesIslamic Law
∎ Relations between Turkey and Russia are a puzzle to many in the West. How sustainable is the relationship? What is it grounded on? And what can the West learn from it? ∎ Central to the relationship is its bilateral nature. Relations... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyTurkish Foreign PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaRussia in the Middle East
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisTurkish Foreign PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaTurkish Russian Relations
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryOttoman HistoryMiddle East History
La Ciscaucasia, o Caucaso del Nord, è la regione della Federazione Russa compresa tra il Mar Nero ed il Caspio, lo snodo delle vie di comunicazione che da Mosca raggiungono il Medio Oriente e l’Asia Centrale. Un’area unica per la varietà... more
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      Russian Studies (in Area Studies) and the CaucasusNorth CaucasusRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaUS Foreign Policy, US-Russian relations, Geopolitics of South Caucasus
Russia’s recent military engagement in Syria and calls for the establishment of an international coalition against the terrorist group calling itself the Islamic State (ISIS) has produced renewed interest in Moscow’s policies toward the... more
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      Russian StudiesMiddle East StudiesRussian PoliticsCentral Asian Studies
This article illustrates the shortcomings of the dominant explanations of Russia's goals and policies vis-à-vis the Islamic State. We argue that, while Russia faces limited and rather indirect challenges from the Islamic State, it has the... more
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      Russian StudiesMiddle East StudiesRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign Policy
This chapter provides an analysis of the political effects of the Egyptian Revolution from the perspective of postcolonial state theory. It starts from the premise that the uprisings of 25 January 2011 and 30 June 2013 have set in motion... more
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      Arabic LiteratureMiddle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryArabic Language and Linguistics
Étonnante par son dynamisme et par sa résilience, la relation israélo-russe a été mise à l’épreuve par l’établissement d’une forme de « protectorat militaire » par Moscou sur la Syrie utile en septembre 2015. Les... more
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      International SecuritySecurity StudiesRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaIsrael
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      Russian Foreign PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaRussia
Приведен обзор и представлены результаты анализа практики применения западными государствами современных технологий управления международными конфликтами ("управляемого хаоса") в цветных революциях на Ближнем Востоке и в Северной Африке.... more
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      African StudiesAmerican StudiesInternational RelationsForeign Policy Analysis
Τα κυριότερα ζητήματα που θα απασχολήσουν την ισραηλινή εξωτερική πολιτική το 2017. Δυτική Όχθη και Παλαιστινιακό, ο Συριακός εμφύλιος, οι σχέσεις με τη Ρωσία, την Τουρκία, τον άξονα Ελλάδας-Κύπρου, η περιφερειακή ενεργειακή συνεργασία... more
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      Israel StudiesIsrael/PalestineRussian Foreign PolicyCyprus conflict
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      International RelationsKurdish StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyEuropean Foreign Policy
The Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a new concept of foreign policy of the Russian Federation at the end of November. Compared with the previous concept of 2013, currently he concentrates more on security issues and countering... more
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsMiddle East StudiesGeopolitics
This article seeks to explain the reasons behind Russia's sudden (announcement of) withdrawal of its armed forces from Syria.
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      Russian StudiesMiddle East StudiesKurdish StudiesRussian Politics
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      Mount Athos StudiesRussian Policy in the Middle East and Caucasia
La crise syrienne a permis de faire franchir au partenariat russo-iranien un seuil qualitatif en lui ouvrant un champ inédit : celui d’une coopération militaire poussée. Avec la stabilisation des affrontements, le dossier syrien fait... more
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      International RelationsRussianIranian StudiesRussian Foreign Policy
Russia now is building up its strategy of seeming reconciliation with the West on the positive role it played in achieving the Iran nuclear deal. But no one should be fooled by Russia’s intentions. Since starting the war in Ukraine,... more
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      Russian StudiesTerrorismMiddle East StudiesRussian Politics
Coğrafyayı tarihten kopararak yapılacak analizler dar, soyutlayıcı ve anlamlandırmadan yoksun kalacaktır. Tarihi süreç her katmanda farklı ilişki biçimlerini şekillendirmekle hibrit ilişkiler üretmektedir. Analiz katmanlarında... more
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      Russian StudiesMediterraneanRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaRusya Ortadoğu
Since the late 2000s, the Russian Federation has expanded its naval footprint in the Eastern Mediterranean, and even resurrected its Mediterranean Squadron in 2013. The backbone of this operational squadron is provided by units coming... more
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      Security StudiesMediterraneanSyriaRussian Policy in the Middle East and Caucasia
Seit 2015 ist Russland Kriegspartei in Syrien. Mit seinem Kriegseintritt verfolgte der Kreml drei Ziele: das Assad-Regime zu stabilisieren, vom eigenen Krieg in der Ostukraine abzulenken und das Machtgleichgewicht in... more
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      Russian StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign Policy
Turkey's geopolitical identity has been in flux since the end of the Cold War. While societal pressures for democratization initially motivated popular support for European integration, seemingly incompatible identity narratives and... more
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      European UnionRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaMuslim BrotherhoodEgypt, Arab Spring, middle east, Arab studies
Russian foreign policy on the Middle East..
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    • Russian Policy in the Middle East and Caucasia
Цитата из статьи проф. М. С. Мегаломматиса «Почему Россия всегда терпела неудачи на Ближнем Востоке» Оказывается, "процесс 'арабизации' - уловка англо-французов, призванная обеспечить им... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsOttoman HistoryMiddle East Studies
Русская политика на Ближнем Востоке всегда отличалась недальновидность. Российские ориенталисты лишены оригинального мышления. "Царство славное Салтана..." 13th June 2008 Reference to and... more
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      Russian StudiesMiddle East StudiesRussian PoliticsColonialism
30 сентября 2015 г. Россия начала военную кампанию в Сирии. Ключевую роль для принятия российским властями решения о военном вовлечении в сирийский конфликт, по всей видимости, сыграли события весны-лета 2015 г., когда после потери... more
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      Syrian StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyMilitary and PoliticsRussian Policy in the Middle East and Caucasia
(...) "Η συμμαχία της Ρωσίας με τον Άσαντ, που μετράει από τα χρόνια της Σοβιετικής Ένωσης, είναι αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι του άξονα μεταξύ Ιράν, Συρίας, Χεζμπολά. Τυχόν κατάρρευση του καθεστώτος Άσαντ χωρίς την εξασφάλιση του ελέγχου στη... more
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      Russian PoliticsRussian Foreign PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and Caucasia
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      Russian Foreign PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaRussian Military Strategy and DoctrineTurkey and Syria Crisis
Problemstellung und Schlussfolgerungen Der geostrategische Kontext der türkisch-russischen Beziehungen Die Bedeutung der Nato für die Türkei Türkische Schwenks in Richtung Russland Die bilaterale Dimension der türkisch-russischen... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyTurkish Foreign PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaTurkey and the Middle East
هل يمكن أن تنتقل روسيا إلى محور المقاومة في المواجهة مع إسرائيل؟
في أي ظروف ولأية مصالح وغايات؟
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      Eastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaRussian Jewry, Hasidism, Jewish Traditional SocietyRussian Jewish history and culture
Уже много десятилетий турки занимаются изданием большого количества трудов на разных языках, в которых, исходя из политических соображений, скрывают или фальсифицируют исторические факты, вводя в заблуждение и собственный народ, и... more
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      Russian StudiesArmenian StudiesMiddle East StudiesTurkish Nationalism
Es geht letztlich um das Unterdrücken von europäischer Integration und die Sabotage liberaler Gegenmodelle zum russischen Autoritarismus, also von alternativen Entwicklungsszenarien, welche dann auch in Russland populär werden könnten.... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyCaucasus PoliticsRussian Studies (in Area Studies) and the CaucasusArmenian Foreign Policy
Για πρώτη φορά από την έναρξη του εμφυλίου, στις 17.3.2017 το καθεστώς Άσαντ ανταπάντησε στρατιωτικά στους επανειλημμένους ισραηλινούς βομβαρδισμούς κατά στόχων ιρανικού ενδιαφέροντος εντός του συριακού εδάφους. Παρά το ότι η κίνηση αυτή... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyIsrael's Foreign PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaBashar al-Assad
Philipp Ammon - "Georgien zwischen Eigenstaatlichkeit und russischer Okkupation. Die Wurzel des russisch-georgischen Konflikts vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zum Ende der ersten georgischen Republik (1921)" 2015 Kitab-Verlag Klagenfurt -... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureSoviet RegimeLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
The Soviets were South Yemen´s major partner, but South Yemen does not exist anymore. The Soviets built the Aswan High Dam in Egypt, but a few years later the opportunistic president Sadat terminated his country´s relations with the USSR,... more
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      Russian StudiesMiddle East StudiesIraqi HistoryRussian Politics
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      Russian Foreign PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaRussian Military Strategy and DoctrineTurkey and Syria Crisis
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      Russian StudiesMiddle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryIsrael Studies
Resume If the Arab Spring were to bring about meaningful changes to Arab societies, what is needed is a political order that is not only democratic but also inclusive. To be credible, the Arab world, including its Islamists, will have to... more
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      Russian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaRussiaArab Spring (Arab Revolts)