Bashar al-Assad
Recent papers in Bashar al-Assad
The Syrian war will allow Russia to recover its naval presence in the Mediterranean. The Russian Navy will have more facilities at the same time that the Chinese Navy will appear in this scenario. This new situation will give us a new... more
Azzam, F. (2021). If you are Syrian these days. (G. Alatrash, Trans.). Gutter Magazine. (The magazine of new Scottish and international writing), 24, p. 13-17. YouTube link: more
تسعى الأطراف الدولية المتدخلة في الأزمة السورية إلى إطالة أمد الصراع التركي-الكردي في سوريا لاستنزاف القدرات العسكرية التركية، وتحجيم النفوذ التركي في سوريا، بهدف استبعاد أنقرة من معادلات تقاسم مناطق النفوذ بعد نهاية الصراع. وفي المقابل،... more
The longer the conflict continues and the Syrian population came back to traditional structures such as clan and community. The defense of the community and clan is becoming more important than ideologies and political demands. The... more
Unlike other Arab revolution which were found relatively quickly exits, the Syrian revlt is continuing for more than two years and it can not seem to find a rapid conclusion. The geostrategic position of the Syrian Arab Republic, ruled by... more
Social media has become an increasingly important tool in the extremists' handbook. In particular, Instagram has become a major platform for the public relations posts of Syria’s Assad regime, which has been classified as a state sponsor... more
Syria's sectarian fragmentation was not created when the war began in 2011; it had its genesis in an inherited Ottoman millet system whose traits were accentuated by the "divide to reign" policies of Hafiz al-Assad. The war has compelled... more
Magistrant: Səma Kərimova İxtisas/Qrup: Skandinaviyaşünaslıq/130 Fənn: Müasir Beynəlxalq Münasibətlərin Aktual Problemləri və Regionalizm Mövzu: Ərəb Baharı: Ümumi analitik baxış Müəllim: Şəfəq Mustafayeva
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Since the Middle Ages, Saladin has been one of the most influential figures of historical memory in Eurasia. He was used as a symbol of the noble enemy, of war with the West and Israel, and of peace. In various incarnations he was also a... more
US NATO Krieg in Afghanistan seit 2001 ohne Erfolg, in Vietnam ohne Erfolg, Irak ohne Erfolg, in Libyen ohne Erfolg und jetzt gegen Russland? Der Intelligente Teil der Welt lacht schon über so viel Größenwahn! Kriegstote Bisher kamen... more
The goal of this dissertation is twofold. First, to analyse the three most seminal US policy decisions during the first two and a half years of the Syrian conflict for possible media impact. Those are the US government's decision to... more
Systematischer Tendenzjournalismus, Nachrichtenunterschlagung und bellizistische Propaganda: Die Informationen der "Tagesschau" über das Massenmorden in Syrien sind beispiellos einäugig. Das ist ganz im Sinne der Bundesregierung. Deren... more
History repeats itself. Not as a farce; but as tragedy. Those who witnessed the White House-led propaganda against Iraq in the run-up to the 2003 American war on that country cannot miss the startling similarities between those days and... more
Bachar al-Assad a gagné la guerre. L’avenir du pays dépend désormais d’un accord entre la Russie, l’Iran et la Turquie. Les Etats-Unis restent présents provisoirement dans le Nord-Est du pays, mais une fois l’Etat Islamique éradiqué, ils... more
Middle East has never been free from battle, conflict, war and change. Hosting these protracted problems Middle East is experiencing the same type of events in the current phase of history. The article will focus on Syrian Civil War which... more
In 2011, there was general agreement that Bashar al-Assad would fall like a ripe fruit after a few months of fighting and that the Syrian revolution was pacifist, non-religious, and democratic. There was no risk of radicalization, for... more
In 2011, everybody agreed on the fact that Bachar El Assad’s regime was about to fall apart after a few months of contestation, and that the Syrian revolution was a pacific, non-religious and democratic one. Everybody believed there were... more
This thesis attempts to understand the impact of the nature of the Assad regime on the trajectory of the conflict which took place in Syria following the 2011 uprising. It argues that the Assad regime which has been ruling Syria since... more
During the onslaught of the Islamic caliphate on Kobanî, Syria, media outlets across the globe broadcast pictures of brave and often unveiled Kurdish women fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a quintessentially male... more
The Russian military intervention in Syria since September 2015 has sparked spirited debates in Western policymaking and intellectual circles about the genuine motives behind the Kremlin's unexpected decision. Various monocausal... more
While peace talks between Syria's government and opposition bump along in Geneva or Vienna, battle rage on the ground and the death toll and refugee wave rise. Europe wants its voice to be heard in the talks, but can it keeps its eyes and... more
The history of Syria in the 20th century is marked by foreign domination, imperialism and the difficult formation of a Syrian identity, linked to questions of territorial integrity and national unity. The creation of a small independent... more
— Since the outbreak of Syrian war in 2011, an estimated 9 million Syrians have fled their homes, taking shelter in neighbouring countries like Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and other European Union nations. As a result of Turkey's... more
The Alawites are followers of a branch of Shi'a Imamiya, and represent about 12 percent of the Syrian population.
L'IDEOLOGIA DEL BA 'TH (hizb al--Ba'th al--arabi al--'Isthiraki) IN SIRIA. Ad oggi la guerra civile siriana ha causato oltre cento mila morti e più di tre milioni di profughi, dimostrandosi uno dei più spaventosi e sanguinosi conflitti... more
In 2011, as a result of a series of social upheavals collectively called “The Arab Spring", a civil war started in Syria which would come to involve many parties and victims, both direct and indirect. During its first months, Bashar... more
With the deadly ISIS advance, the sudden rousing of Shia militias and the threat of Kurdish secession, Iraq faces a host of deep-seated and intractable problems. Together, these events raise a number of serious questions, not just for... more
The systematic savagery leveled by the Assad regime in Syria against its own citizens has sparked moral outrage and fueled calls for international intervention to stop the slaughter. For an increasing number of analysts this means... more
This study examines both Syrian Conflict and Critical Security Studies (CSS), as known Welsh/Aberystwyth School. The security situation in Syria, especially security of chosen case, the Ethnic and sect groups/communities has been examined... more
Le conflit Syrien, c’est des années de guerre, des milliers de morts et des millions de réfugiés. Une population plus que jamais divisée et aux intérêts opposés. Bain de sang généralisé, ce conflit est une guerre à la fois civile,... more
Sin dall'ascesa della famiglia degli Al-Asad, la Siria è stata schiacciata dalla censura e dal terrore politico. Questo elaborato cerca di far luce sulle strategie adottate dagli scrittori e intellettuali siriani per combattere la... more
Silvered Water, Syria Self-Portrait(2014) is a French-Syrian film made by Usama Muhammad and Wiam Simav Bedirxan, an elementary school teacher, over the past years of the civil war. The war started in 2011, after the wave of Arab Spring... more
• There has been an awful lot of noise and blowing wind of late across all forms of social media about an impending WWIII between the United States and Russia, most of which involves further involvement and an intensified escalation... more
The following pages analyse the motivations behind the Russian and Chinese vetoes that prevented three Security Council resolutions from entering into force. In particular, their commonly accepted argument that they used their veto power... more
ÖZET 1990’lı yılların başında Soğuk Savaş’ın sona ermesinden sonra Batılı devletlerce oluşturulmaya çalışılan yeni dünya düzeninden en fazla etkilenen Orta Doğu ülkesi, dış politikasını iki kutuplu uluslararası sistemdeki güç... more
It took a temporary partition to end the war that tore apart Bosnia in the 1990s. Why not do the same for Syria? In one sense, a partitioned Syria is already visible, its contours drawn by the front lines of the civil war. President... more
With the deadly ISIS advance, the sudden rousing of Shia militias and the threat of Kurdish secession, Iraq faces a host of deep-seated and intractable problems. Together, these events raise a number of serious questions, not just for... more
تعد سوريا الحديثة دولة فتية ظهرت إلى حيز الوجود منذ نهاية الحرب العالمية الأولى، وكان لها لحد ما الحدود الحالية ذاتها. وقد استقلت تماما في عام 1946. يتسم تاريخ سوريا في القرن العشرين بالهيمنة الأجنبية والتشكل الصعب للهوية السورية المرتبط... more
Book review of Michael Kerr and Craig Larkin's (eds.) "The Alawis of Syria: War, Faith and Politics in the Levant" (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015)
For centuries, the Alawis lived as prisoners in the coastal mountains and came out only to serve as labor for the landowners of Latakia, Tripoli, Homs, and Hama. The rise to power of Hafez al-Assad provided the community a chance for... more
Alla base dello studio vi è l’analisi dei personaggi principali, dei fattori e delle cause esterne e interne che costituiscono il conflitto in Siria. L’obiettivo di questa paper è quello di fornire un’analisi scientifica attraverso... more
A temática que se propõe abordar ao longo deste exercício prende-se com a necessidade de responder às razões que levam a Rússia a defender o regime de Bashar Al-Assad e qual o impacto que isso teve até aqui no desenrolar do... more