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Historically the concept of risk is rooted in Renaissance lifestyles, in which autonomous agents such as sailors, warriors, and tradesmen ventured upon dangerous enterprises. Thus, the concept of risk inseparably combines objective... more
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In the usual model of the collective risk theory, we are interested m the severity of rum, as well as its probability. As a quantitative measure, we propose G(u, y), the probability that for given initial surplus u ruin will occur and... more
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      Applied MathematicsRisk theoryExponential distribution
The Zero Emissions Research and Technology (ZERT) project at the Los Alamos National Laboratory is studying the injection of CO2 into geologic repositories. We are formulating the problem as science based decision framework that can... more
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      EngineeringDecision MakingRisk theoryStochastic Simulation
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      LawPolitical ScienceFish EcologyRisk theory
actuar is a package providing additional Actuarial Science functionality to the R sta-tistical system. The project was launched in 2005 and the package is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network since February 2006. The current... more
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      SimulationRisk theoryCredibility TheoryRuin Theory
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      Stochastic ProcessStatisticsRisk theoryStatistical
The objective of this paper is to develop conditions for global multivariate comparative risk aversion in the presence of uninsurable, or background, risks, and thus generalize Kihlstrom and Mirman [1974] and Karni [1979,1989]. We analyze... more
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      EconomicsRiskPublic GoodRisk theory
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      Game TheoryDecision MakingRisk theoryFinancial Institutions
e 18,00
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      Sociology of RiskModernizationRisk and VulnerabilityRisk Management
The article focuses on the psychological dimensions of readers’ engagements with young adult climate change fiction. It argues that that the embodied simulation of a fictional climate-changed world can offer much more than simple... more
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesEmotionAmerican Studies
This is the English version of the frontispice and index of the volume Andrea Cerase (2017) Rischio e comunicazione. Teorie, Modelli, Problemi. Milan: Egea (p. 288).
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      Social TheorySocial SciencesDisaster risk managementRisk Governance
The latest wave of zombie enthusiasm in the US coincided with a series of spectacular failures of risk assessment and response. Drawing on Ulrich Beck, this article argues that Dawn of the Dead and 28 Days Later stage audiences’ radical... more
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      Film StudiesRisk theoryHorrorScience and Technology Studies
Chinua Achebe’s seminal work, Things Fall Apart, has been widely analysed through the framework of postcolonialism, psychoanalysis and feminism but not much research has been carried out on how the fear of the unknown, that is risk,... more
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      LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesRisk theoryChinua Achebe
This essay is an introductory chapter to some different ways in which social theorists have approached the concept of risk and various processes which this concept is applied to. The chapter is published in: Elliott, A. (ed.) The... more
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      Political SociologyRisk theoryIntroduction to SociologyRisk and crisis management
This article develops the concept of "olfactory narcissism" through an analysis of Boris Raux's multi-media artworks. Approaching narcissism through the sense of smell, Raux frames the self in insistently material, trans-corporeal terms.... more
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      Aesthetics"New" senses in art: touch, smell, tasteArt And EcologyEnvironmental Humanities
We developed a model of the adoption of business process outsourcing (BPO) based on risk–benefit analysis. The model was tested in the German banking industry in four areas of transaction processing. Our results showed that, in general,... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ManagementModelingOutsourcing
Ecocriticism has been at the forefront of introducing risk theory and risk research to literary and cultural studies. The essay surveys this more recent trend in ecocritical scholarship, which began with the new millennium and has focused... more
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      Sociology of RiskRisk and VulnerabilityLiterary TheoryEcocriticism
In this article, the authors examine consumers' behavior with respect to expiration dates for grocery store perishable products. A better understanding of such behavior can both guide efforts to educate consumers about the risks... more
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      MarketingTourismRisk theoryPerceived Risk
This paper outlines a relational theory of risk. According to this theory, risk emerges from situated cognition that establishes a relationship of risk between a risk object and an object at risk, so that the risk object is considered,... more
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      Situated CognitionRiskRisk ManagementRisk communication
In recent years there has been a distinct performative turn in the development of landscape-based architecture; it is now more than possible to consider scenographic models of spatial conceptualization – the “creation of spaces within... more
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      Human GeographyTourism StudiesPerforming ArtsTheatre Studies
L’alliance entre les sphères de pouvoir politiques et psychiatriques s’est longtemps justifiée par la nécessité et la complémentarité. Or, depuis le milieu du vingtième siècle, les bases de la gouvernance politique et les... more
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      Law and SocietySocio-legal studiesMichel FoucaultPsychology and Law
Pursuing a line of thought initiated by Maurice AUais (1979), I consider whether the mean-risk method of decision making introduced by Harry Markowitz (1959) and other resolves Karl Menger's (1934) version of the St. Petersburg paradox. I... more
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      EconomicsDecision MakingDecision And Game TheoryDecision Theory
Since the 1980s, “risk” has been one of the most productively employed categories of analysis in the social sciences. Risk theory and risk research in these disciplines have shown that pervasive risk awareness has increasingly... more
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesGame studiesEnglish Literature
In: Ecocriticism, Ecology, and the Cultures of Antiquity, ed. Christopher Schliephake. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2016. 61-68.
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      Cultural LandscapesEcocriticismEnvironmental HumanitiesRisk theory
This editorial marks a new venture in this journal, towards a regular special issue focusing specifically on social theories of risk and uncertainty. I begin by introducing part of the rationale behind this development, before reviewing... more
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      Social TheoryRisk ManagementRisk theoryHealth risk
Two renewal processes, known in reliability maintenance as minimal repair and replacement policy, arc considered. Their properties are studied in the case where the generating random sequence has a distribution with periodic failure rate.... more
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      Applied MathematicsEconometricsStatisticsRisk theory
Generally, when calculating value-at-risk (VaR), little importance is attached to extreme losses because they do not adequately reflect the skewness and kurtosis of the distribution. Moreover, assuming normality in VaR tends to... more
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      Risk theoryValue at RiskExpected ShortfallMéthode VAR ou Value at Risk
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      Cognitive PsychologyClimate ChangeInternational DevelopmentEconomic Theory
In this chapter we explain the nature of virtue ethics, differentiating it from competing moral theories - consequentialism or deontology - and arguing that it is superior to both when it comes to the moral assessment of risk. We explore... more
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      Virtue EthicsRisk theory
We consider an insurance portfolio situation where there is possible dependence between the waiting time for a claim and its actual size. By employing the underlying random walk structure we obtain rather explicit exponential estimates... more
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      Applied MathematicsStatisticsApplied ProbabilityRisk theory
In this article we describe a method for carrying out Bayesian estimation for the double Pareto lognormal (dPlN) distribution which has been proposed as a model for heavy-tailed phenomena. We apply our approach to estimate the... more
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      StatisticsBayesian InferenceRisk theoryLaplace Transform
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      Flood Risk ManagementSeismic HazardDisaster risk managementRisk Governance
Scientific evidence and scientific values under risk and uncertainty are strictly connected from the point of view of Peirce"s pragmaticism. In addition, economy and statistics play a key role in both choosing and testing hypotheses.... more
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      ValuesCharles S. PeirceAbductionRisk theory
Over the past two decades, the global flow of Chinese student migration has changed significantly. Overseas Chinese students are torn between the desire to return to China and a fear of returning. Based on a study of employability among... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesRisk theoryChinese International Students
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This article proposes a (re)consideration of antisocial behaviour control informed by an analysis of the seminal work of sociologists of 'reflexive modernity' . It is hoped that the arguments advanced within this article will prompt... more
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      Anti Social BehaviourRisk theoryUlrich Beck
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      Risk theoryBusiness Administration Accounting and Finance
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      EconomicsRational ChoiceUtility TheoryDecision Theory
Possibilistic indicators of fuzzy numbers (expected value, variance, and covariance) are an e±cient instrument in the modeling of uncertainty phenomena. Various models of uncertainty phenomena have led to several notions of variance and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceStatisticsRisk theoryFuzzy Numbers
This essay addresses the rhetorical issues at stake in contemporary architecture's attention to sustainability issues. Symbolic practices that do not lie within the technical domain of sustainability practices undergird much orf... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryFashion ethics and sustainabilityArchitectural Theory
In the period from 1997 to 2009 Australia experienced a severe drought, which significantly affected the Murray-Darling Basin. The drought has broken but state governments are still in conflict over water allocations. The establishment of... more
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      SociologyRural SociologyEnvironmental ScienceClimate Change
Mariella Nocenzi divides her intelligent discourse on the problems, and indeed the surprising prospects of living in a world of perpetual uncertainty, into two parts of unequal length. Via a functional analysis and then a clever empirical... more
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      Environmental EducationItalian StudiesEnvironmental StudiesRisk Management
According to a deep-rooted conviction, the occurrence of a tsunami in the Mediterranean Sea would bevery rare. Unfortunately, this belief is definitely false: at least 2,000 of the 80,000 victims of the great earthquakein Messina (1908)... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementSeismic HazardDisaster risk managementRisk and Vulnerability
Although the human dimensions (HD) of chronic wasting disease (CWD) research is relatively new, at least 38 journal articles have been published in the last seven years. This article synthesizes seven lessons learned from HD of CWD... more
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      Biological SciencesHuman dimensions of wildlifeRisk theoryEnvironmental Sciences
Risk communication and the social amplification of risk ORTWIN RENN "Fish may die or human beings; drinking water or swimming in rivers or lakes may cause diseases; we may run out of oil; the glaholtemperature may rise or fall; all these... more
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      BusinessPsychologyHealth CareCrisis Management
In a number of applications, particularly in financial and actuarial mathematics, it is of interest to characterize the tail distribution of a random variable V satisfying the distributional equation VD=f(V), where f(v)=A{v,D}+B for... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsStatisticsLarge Deviations
This paper focuses on analysis techniques of modern reliability databases, with an application to military system data. The analysis of military system data base consists of the following steps: clean the data and perform operation on it... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceData AnalysisStatistical Analysis
This paper derives several formulas for the probability of eventual ruin in a discrete-time model. In this model, the number of claims process is assumed to be binomial. The claim amounts, premium rate and initial surplus are assumed to... more
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      Applied MathematicsRisk theoryRandom WalkAstin
Introduzione: il contributo delle scienze sociali agli studi sul rischio Questo lavoro si propone come un breve percorso introduttivo alla letteratura delle scienze sociali, con il fine di analizzare criticamente alcuni tra i principali... more
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      Disaster risk managementRisk regulationSociology of RiskRisk and Vulnerability