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Most of economic and financial time series have a nonstationary behavior. There are different types of nonstationary processes, such as those with stochastic trend and those with deterministic trend. In practice, it can be quite difficult... more
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      MathematicsTime SeriesFinancial time seriesRandom Walk
In biological suspensions, the forward light scattering is done mainly by the contribution of the suspended cells. The multiple scattering is almost always unavoidable, its contribution being described by Monte Carlo simulations or by... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationLight ScatteringMonte CarloMonte Carlo Methods
We survey the current status of the list of questions related to the favourite (or: most visited) sites of simple random walk on Z, raised by Pál Erd˝os and Pál Révész in the early eighties. ... Let (S(n), n ∈ Z+) be a simple symmetric... more
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      Pure MathematicsProbabilityRandom Walk
We present a continuous extension of the recent Monte Carlo entropic method for sampling a density of states restricted in dimensionless macroscopic parameters. The method performs a random walk through a two-dimensional macrostate space... more
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      Lattice TheoryMonte CarloTerm Structure of Interest RatesRandom Walk
We investigate the survival probability ⌽(n,c) of particles performing a random walk on a two-dimensional lattice that contains static traps, which are randomly distributed with a concentration c, as a function of the number of steps n.... more
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      EngineeringMonte Carlo SimulationRandom WalkMathematical Sciences
Problem statement: The stock exchange market has been one of the most popular investments in the recent past due to its high returns. The market has become an integral part of the global economy to the extent that any fluctuation in this... more
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      StatisticsMartingaleForecastingPure Mathematics
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      Random WalkSocial ChoiceExplicit KnowledgeRecommender System
Using Monte Carlo simulations we examine the diffusive properties of the greedy algorithm in the d-dimensional traveling salesman problem. Our results show that for d = 3 and 4 the average squared distance from the origin r 2 is... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationRandom WalkTraveling Salesman ProblemSearch Space
Based on reinforced urn process introduced by Muliere, Secchi and Walker we propose a Bayesian nonparametric approach to analyse a design determining the maximum tolerated dose in Phase I clinical trials for new drug development when... more
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      Applied MathematicsProbability TheoryStochastic ProcessEconometrics
Asymptotic forms for the expected number of distinct sites visited by an n-step random walk, being calculable for many random walks, have been used in a number of analyses of physical models. We describe three recent extensions of the... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsRandom WalkPhysical Model
This paper presents a chip-level charged device model (CDM) electrostatic discharge (ESD) simulation method. The chiplevel simulation is formulated as a DC analysis problem. A network reduction algorithm based on random walks is proposed... more
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      Random WalkSimulation MethodsChipElectrostatic Discharge
Weak convergence of a class of functionals of PRWRE is proved. As a consequence CLT is obtained for the normed trajectory.
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      StatisticsRandom Walk
We introduce solvable stochastic dealer models, which can reproduce basic empirical laws of financial markets such as the power law of price change. Starting from the simplest model that is almost equivalent to a Poisson random noise... more
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      EngineeringStochastic ProcessRandom WalkMathematical Sciences
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      Applied EconomicsWorld EconomicsRandom WalkStock Price
This paper presents the SILAM dispersion modelling system that has been developed for solving various forward and inverse dispersion problems. The current operational version is based on a Lagrangian dispersion model that applies an... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAtmospheric ScienceMonte CarloNumerical Weather Prediction
In this paper we examine four different approaches in trading rules for stock returns. More specifically we examine the popular procedures in technical analysis, which are the moving average and the Moving Average Convergence-Divergence... more
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      EconomicsForecastingRandom WalkMoving average
The purpose of this paper is to investigate random walk in HongKong stock exchange. The unit root, autocorrelation and the variance ratio tests are applied, using daily data on returns of two indexes in the period 1997:7 to 2012:12. For... more
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      EconomicsRandom WalkSTOCK EXCHANGEUnit Root
Collaborative Filtering is one of the most widely used approaches in recommendation systems which predicts user preferences by learning past user-item relationships. In recent years, item-oriented collaborative filtering methods came into... more
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      Collaborative FilteringRandom WalkSparsityRecommender System
Manifold learning has been successfully used for finding dominant factors (low-dimensional manifold) in a high-dimensional data set. However, most existing manifold learning algorithms only consider one manifold based on one dissimilarity... more
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      Sensorimotor integrationRandom WalkManifold learningHigh Dimensional Data
This paper examines whether stock prices for a sample of 22 OECD countries can be best represented as mean reversion or random walk processes. A sequential trend break test proposed by Zivot and Andrews is implemented, which has the... more
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      Applied EconomicsPanel DataRandom WalkStock Price
The fundamental design choices in an evolutionary algorithm are its representation of candidate solutions and the operators that will act on that representation. We propose representing spanning trees in evolutionary algorithms for... more
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      Information SystemsMathematicsComputer ScienceComputer Graphics
We present a new approach for conformance testing of protocols specified as a collection of communicating finite state machines (FSM's). Our approach uses a guided random walk procedure. This procedure attempts to cover all transitions in... more
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      AutomataCommunication NetworksRandom WalkProtocols
We present an adaptive method for the automatic scaling of Random-Walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithms, which quickly and robustly identifies the scaling factor that yields a specified overall sampler acceptance probability. Our method... more
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      StatisticsRandom WalkMarkov Chain Monte CarloMultivariate Normal Distribution
We investigate the random walk properties of a class of two-dimensional lattices with two different types of columns and discuss the dependence of the properties on the densities and detailed arrangements of the columns. We show that the... more
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      Statistical PhysicsRandom WalkMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
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      Random WalkCumulant
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      Comparative StudyKalman FilterRandom WalkSensor Fusion
... Although this approach has been very successful, up to now the related ideas (multifractality ... shown in (b)]. De-pending on the parameters b, different structures with arbitrary ... proper-ties can be investigated by the... more
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      Random WalkMathematical SciencesLattice Beam ModelPhysical sciences
Random walks are gaining much attention from the networks research community. They are the basis of many proposals aimed to solve a variety of network-related problems such as resource location, network construction, nodes sampling, etc.... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyComputer NetworksNeural Network
Hypothesis of Market Efficiency is an important concept for the investors who wish to hold internationally diversified portfolios. With increased movement of investments across international boundaries owing to the integration of world... more
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      MarketingBusiness EconomicsApplied EconomicsStock Market
This paper describes an approximate approach to evaluating the performance, including the probability of loss-of-power (or loss-of-load, as some would have it) of stand-alone photovoltaic solar energy systems. The method treats the energy... more
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      EngineeringSolar EnergyPerformance PredictionRandom Walk
This work introduces a new family of link-based dissimilarity measures between nodes of a weighted, directed, graph that generalizes both the shortest-path and the commute-time (or resistance) distances. This measure, called the... more
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      Statistical PhysicsRandom WalkGraph MiningComputational Efficiency
The main objective of a hedge strategy is to generate positive returns irrespective of market conditions. This paper presents a classic hedge fund strategy: an investment vehicle whose key objective is to minimize investment risk in an... more
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      Asset AllocationHedge FundsPortfolio OptimizationRandom Walk
A bivariate inverse Gaussian (IG) density function is constructed. Relations of the bivariate IG distribution to the normal and Z ~ distributions are established. The corresponding bivariate random walk (RW) density function is obtained.... more
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      StatisticsRandom WalkDensity Functional Theoryinverse Gaussian distribution
This paper tests for random walks and weak-form market efficiency in European equity markets. Daily returns for sixteen developed markets (
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      Stock MarketCzech RepublicUnited KingdomEmerging Market
This paper examines the random walk process for four currency futures prices for the period 1977-1987 by using the variance ratio test. The random walk hypothesis is tested through asymptotic standardized statistics as well as by... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceTime SeriesRandom Walk
While detection of acute cardiac disorders such as myocardial infarction (MI) from electrocardiogram (ECG) and vectorcardiogram (VCG) has been widely reported, identification of MI locations from these signals, pivotal for timely... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringPattern RecognitionRandom Walk
Random walks have been created using the pseudo-random generators in di erent computer language compilers (BASIC, PASCAL, FORTRAN, C++) using a Pentium processor. All the obtained paths have apparently a random behavior for short walks... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsRandom WalkPseudo-Random Number Generator
The monograph presents new probabilistic representations for classical boundary value problems of mathematical physics. When comparing with the well known probabilistic representations in the form of Wiener and diffusion path integrals,... more
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      Monte CarloRandom WalkIntegral EquationLinear Fractional Transformation
It is well known that there is no analytic expression for the electrical capacitance of the unit cube. However, there are several Monte Carlo methods that have been used to numerically estimate this capacitance to high accuracy. These... more
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      Monte CarloRandom Walk
This paper investigates the properties of Dickey-Fuller tests for seasonally unadjusted quarterly data when deterministic seasonality is present but it is neglected in the test regression. While for the random walk case the answer is... more
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      EconomicsMonte CarloEmpirical EconomicsSeasonality
This study addresses the question of whether the adaptive market hypothesis provides a better description of the behaviour of emerging stock market like India. We employed linear and nonlinear methods to evaluate the hypothesis... more
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      EconomicsFinancial EconometricsNonlinear dynamicsMedicine
This paper focuses on the problem of wind turbine fatigue load reduction by means of individual pitch control (IPC). The control approach has a two-degree-of-freedom structure, consisting of an optimal multivariable LQG controller and a... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsLow FrequencyNonlinear Control
This study assesses the forecast bias and accuracy of the three commonly used forecast methods for 12 different emerging market currencies. We find that each forecast method commonly exhibits a forecast bias. The random walk method... more
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      ForecastingEmerging MarketsEmerging MarketRandom Walk
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      Applied EconomicsRandom WalkExchange rateReal Exchange Rate
The few existing studies on equity price dynamics and market efficiency for Latin American emerging equity markets show conflicting results. This study uses multiple varianceratio and auto-regressive fractionally integrated moving-average... more
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      Random WalkProfitabilityFinancialLatin American
A novel method is proposed for performing multilabel, interactive image segmentation. Given a small number of pixels with user-defined (or pre-defined) labels, one can analytically and quickly determine the probability that a random... more
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceGraph Theory
ABSTRACT The responsiveness of the market financial instruments in terms of prices to reflect market information and the inability of information privileged market participant(s) to out-perform other counterparts pose the quest to test... more
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      Mutual FundsInformationPortfolioRandom Walk