Most downloaded papers in Reunion
Contemporary literatures of the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean and Oceania, littérature contemporaine, littératures contemporaines, littératures francophone, francophone literature, Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Oceania, Océnie, océan Indien,... more
This thesis examines constructions of cultural identity in two geographically close but socioculturally distinct Indian Ocean islands: Réunion (a French overseas département) and Mauritius (independent from Britain since 1968). Neither... more
Scenes involving weeping in biblical and Homeric literature can be correlated with each other and with modem scientific studies of weeping. Seen through the lens of attachment theory, weeping expresses a need for relationship and... more
Le réunionnais, langue créole de l'océan indien, aurait-il pu contribuer au développement du tayo, langue créole parlée par les Kanak de Saint-Louis ? Afin de répondre à cette question, Karin Speedy expose un épisode de l'histoire... more
Laboratoire de recherche sur les espaces créoles et francophones -EA 4549 Université de la Réunion -15, avenue René Cassin -97715 Saint-Denis messag cedex 9 Tél : 02 62 93 85 70 -Fax : 02 62 93 85 73 -Site : <>... more
Marine debris, caused by anthropogenic pollution, is a major problem impacting marine wildlife worldwide. This study documents and quantifies the ingestion and defecation of debris by 74 loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, in the... more
Even though early works about Creole languages in the late 19th century frequently follow the patterns of the predominant racist discourse in contemporary philology, the texts by Volcy Focard from La Réunion are remarkable exceptions: his... more
Dans les universités comme dans les médias la francophonie connaît un succès croissant fait de nouveaux cursus et de collections littéraires diverses. Des espaces aussi variés que le Québec et Tahiti se découvrent parents francophones car... more
The analysis that follows examines how religious citizenship evolved during the twelve years of Reconstruction (1865-1877) in the United States that followed Lincoln's injunction to his fellow Americans to act in the years ahead "with... more
The relative attractiveness of six commercially available protein hydrolysates and the inßuence of their concentration were evaluated in Þeld cages by a release-capture method of lab-reared melon ßy adults, Bactrocera cucurbitae... more
Abstract The main objective of this study was to compare the trapping efficiency of two Alsynite sticky traps (modified Williams and modified Broce) and two phtalogen blue cloth traps (Vavoua and Nzi) to be used in an integrated control... more
South American fur seals breeding in Peru are subjected to levels of maternal aggression, and subsequent pup mortality, that are higher than has been reported for any other otariid species. For mothers and pups to maintain contact with... more
Resistance to insecticides was monitored on Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus mosquitoes collected in twelve localities of La Réunion, a geographically isolated island of the Indian Ocean. This mosquito is of medical concern in the region as... more
Reçu le 13 juillet 2007 ; accepté le 21 janvier 2008 Disponible sur Internet le 18 avril 2008 Résumé Objectifs. -Décrire l'incidence de l'infection bactérienne néonatale précoce (IBNP) dans le Sud-Réunion ; étudier l'application des... more
The objective of this study is to investigate the potential of TerraSAR-X (X-band) in monitoring sugarcane growth on Reunion Island (located in the Indian Ocean). Multi-temporal TerraSAR data acquired at various incidence angles (17°,... more
Background: The development of the sterile insect technique (SIT) for reducing populations of Aedes albopictus (Skuse), (the vector of Chikungunya and Dengue fever), was studied in Reunion Island. For some mosquito species the... more
Write an essay focussing on one of the following: an endangered or minority language.
Reunion Island is a French territory located in the western Indian Ocean. The genetic pattern of the Reunionese population has been shaped by contributions from highly contrasting regions of the world. Over the last 350 years, several... more
Background: First described in humans in 1964, reports of co-infections with dengue (DENV) and chikungunya (CHIKV) viruses are increasing, particularly after the emergence of chikungunya (CHIK) in the Indian Ocean in 2005-2006 due to a... more
Several of the EU Member States possess overseas territories lying thousands of kilometres away from Brussels. The application of EU law in such areas can very much differ from the way how this law functions on the European continent.... more
Actinomycetes, one of the major communities of the microbial population present in soil, can also be found inhabiting a wide diversity of ecological sources. We have explored the use of lichens as an alternative source for the isolation... more
Mayotte and La Reunion islands are currently free of animal rabies and surveillance is performed by the French Human and Veterinary Public Health Services. However, dog rabies is still enzootic in Madagascar with 4 to 10 confirmed human... more
The objective of this study is to investigate the potential of TerraSAR-X (X-band) in monitoring sugarcane growth on Reunion Island (located in the Indian Ocean). Multi-temporal TerraSAR data acquired at various incidence angles (17°,... more
Reçu le 13 juillet 2007 ; accepté le 21 janvier 2008 Disponible sur Internet le 18 avril 2008 Résumé Objectifs. -Décrire l'incidence de l'infection bactérienne néonatale précoce (IBNP) dans le Sud-Réunion ; étudier l'application des... more
Brown dog ticks are distributed world-wide, and their systematics and phylogeny are the subject of an ongoing debate. The present study evaluates the reproductive compatibility between Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks from North America,... more
Arctomia borbonica sp. nov. is described as new for science from montane natural and secondary habitats in Reunion in the Mascarene archipelago (Indian Ocean). It has a sterile, foliose, usually wrinkled, thallus whose margins produce... more
We still have the same kinds of feelings as our ancestors who lived many thousands of years ago: love, hate, rage, despair, endurance, hope, anxiety, forbearance, loyalty, betrayal, and so forth…….That is why old books of science and... more
Objectives: This study compares the prevalence and perinatal mortality of congenital heart defects on La Réunion with European (EUROCAT) standards. Methods and results: Data were extracted from a EUROCAT-affiliated congenital... more
Reunion Island is a French territory located in the western Indian Ocean. The genetic pattern of the Reunionese population has been shaped by contributions from highly contrasting regions of the world. Over the last 350 years, several... more
Este artigo propõe um estudo comparativo entre os contos A terceira margem do rio, de João Guimarães Rosa, e Nas águas do tempo, de Mia Couto. Partiremos das imagens metafóricas do rio e da água para pensarmo o tempo e a tradição. Nossa... more