Recent papers in Restitution
Graham Virgo has argued that recent Supreme Court rulings on unjust enrichment neglect the theoretical basics of that liability, an approach which (he argues) can only lead to chaos in doctrine. But unjust enrichment theory, having been... more
The Texas Supreme Court must clarify the law of restitution. The law of restitution regulates a major area of litigation in Texas and suffers from a significant degree of confusion. The Texas Supreme Court has adopted the modern view of... more
The Benin Bronces. An infinite Serie. Short summary of the long history of preparing the restitution of the Berlin Benin Bronzes, the actual state of the art and an outlook.
2021 marked the 200 th anniversary of the start of the Greek Revolution. During the early stages of the Greek War of Independence there was a siege of the Acropolis by the Greek rebels. One of their generals, Makriyannis, told his troops... more
Il saggio esamina la complessa e attualissima questione della restituzione di beni culturali fra nazioni diverse, così come fra i rispettivi musei. Dopo aver individuato le principali categorie di beni culturali cui si può applicare il... more
The ongoing restitution procedure, in the interest of all participants — the State and the Churches — must be based on the principles of Rule of Law, good faith and very important: on a real knowledge of history and of often complex... more
In this article, I explore the relationship between the supersession thesis and the rights of future people. In particular, I show that changes in circumstances might supersede future people’s rights. I argue that appropriating resources... more
The Indigenous People of the nordic countries, the Sámi, have historically been subjected to both the colonization of their customary regions (Sápmi) as well as four different nation states assimilation politics. The result of which has... more
Chapter 34 of The Wiley Companion to the Holocaust, edited by Simone Gigliotti and Hilary Earl (London: Wiley 2020)
1. L'alterità strutturale e funzionale di restituzione e risarcimento. - 2. L'uso di un bene o di un servizio altrui. - 3. Il concorso dell'azione generale di arricchimento senza causa con quella di risarcimento del danno. - 4.La... more
Through a historical, institutional, and qualitative study, the thesis seeks to resolve the phase in which the narrative of the return of Surinam's colonial collections from the Netherlands finds itself. By answering questions such as:... more
Abans de restaurar (coberta anterior) i després de restaurar (coberta posterior). Impressió EADOP (Entitat Autònoma del Diari Oficial i de Publicacions) Dipòsit legal B 19183-2021 ISBN 978-84-18986-37-6 CRBMC Direcció Àngels Solé Gili... more
An overall picture of the law of negotiorum gestio and unjustified enrichment in a comparative perspective
Works of Art recovered for Polish Collections thanks to activity of Andrzej Stanisław Ciechanowiecki – hunter of Polonicas in the West Andrzej Stanisław Ciechanowiecki, collector, marchand and patron of the arts, was born on the 28th of... more
Haydarpaşa Muhacir Misafirhanesi (1908); Mimar Kemalettin tarafından inşa edildiği düşünülen I. Ulusal Mimarlık Akımı’nın mütevazi örneklerinden biridir. İçten içe 28.40 m x 13.53 m ölçülerindeki iki katlı yapı; merkezde giriş holü /... more
Tanulmányom célja megvizsgálni a holokauszt áldozatai vagyonának kezelésével és a túlélők kárpótlásával foglalkozó egyik intézmény, az Elhagyott Javak Kormánybiztossága történetét, felépítését, céljait, eredményeit. A téma történelmi... more
La dottrina italiana ha proposto interpretazioni sempre più aggressivamente critiche nei confronti della sussidiarietà in astratto dell’azione generale di arricchimento senza causa, giungendo a prospettare una sua più o meno radicale... more
Deutscher Text. Für die überarbeitete englische Fassung s. König 2023. Das Humboldt-Forum im rekonstruierten Schloss im Zentrum der deutschen Hauptstadt Berlin gilt als eine Art "Katalysator" für die späte öffentliche deutsche Debatte... more
ÖZET 20. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde geçirmiş olduğu büyük savaşlardan sonra Anadolu ve Trakya'da birçok Türk şehri harap duruma düşmüştür. Savaş sonrasında yeni kurulan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, hukuk, eğitim, imar gibi birçok alanda reformlar... more
We built upon previous laboratory studies by examining the independent and interactive effects of restitution and apology on behavioral and self-reported measures relevant to forgiveness. Undergraduates (N¼155) received two of 10 tickets... more
Hablar de repatriación, restitución y retorno de los ancestros implica, necesariamente, tocar heridas que el correr de los años no han podido sanar, porque, para que esto ocurra, es necesario escarbarlas, sacar todo lo que las dañó y, en... more
While art provides a physical and transportable object within which heritage and, by extension, national identity is stored and displayed, it nonetheless also exudes and absorbs these same intangible concepts. The Wedding Feast at Cana,... more
Harita 1.2 Bizans dönemide İstanbul'un regio'larını gösteren harita (Kavalcı, L., 2010, s.10).
In book: Who owns our forests? Forest ownership in the ECE region
Chapter - 3.2 Changes in forest ownership
Publisher: UNECE/FAO
Chapter - 3.2 Changes in forest ownership
Publisher: UNECE/FAO
According to the Peace Treaty 10 February 1947, Italy had to restore to Yugoslavia all the objects of public nature having artistic, historical, scientific, educational or religious value removed from the territory ceded to Yugoslavia... more
The postcolonial discourse on museum and culture collecting practices has instilled more leverage into the conventional template of "provenance", which initially merely determined the place of origin of an object sans the account of its... more
In Campbell v ] UKHL 22, [2004 2 AC 457 the House of Lords approved of protecting privacy interests through incrementally developing the existing action for breach of confidence. Lord Hoffmann suggested that this modified cause of action,... more
Of Arbiters, Judges, and Wisemen: Judicial Proceedings in the Jewish Aljama of Medina del Campo in light of Two Family Disputes (1486-1504). During the latter decades of the fifteenth century, participation of several Jews of Medina... more
Based on fieldwork conducted in Abomey in 2021, this article focuses on a "bo," one of the "amazon amulets" collected in 1890 by a French merchant from the corpses of the Agodjie (amazons) who fought and swayed the French colonial army.... more
À travers trois films qui reposent sur des photographies — Si j’avais quatre dromadaires de Chris Marker (1966), Ulysse d’Agnès Varda (1982) et Le sel de la Terre de Wim Wenders et Juliano Ribeiro Salgado (2014) —, cette contribution... more
Rapport sur la question de la gestion et de la restitution des patrimoines extra-européens présents sur le territoire de la FWB. Ce rapport a été commandité par la FWB à l'Académie royale de Belgique
This chapter aims to define the broad parameters of a “rights-based approach” to Palestinian refugee housing, property, and land claims as part of a comprehensive solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The first section summarizes... more
1. La natura giuridica dell'azione di ripetizione. - 2. Il fondamento giuridico. - 3. La legittimazione attiva e passiva: regole generali. - 4. Segue: regola speciali. - 5. La fattispecie: la prestazione eseguita. - 6. Segue: la mancanza... more
While the glaring differences between Holocaust-era and colonial-era persecutions and expropriation instances are indisputable, inquiring into the similarities in post-fascist and post-colonial restitution practices and discourses appears... more
Though historically recent, a European law of unjustified enrichment is already existing and embraces both contractual and extra-contractual restitution, which however are governed by different rules and shall not therefore lose their... more