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Ritenuta una delle opere più alte mai collocate su un altare romagnolo nel Cinquecento, la pala di Lugo di Girolamo Marchesi eseguita nel 1528 per la chiesa dei padri conventuali di San Francesco, sarà elemento centrale dell’incontro... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtFine ArtsThe London art market
1. Una nueva era. Las exposiciones de Arte Español y panorama general de la situación. 2. Pintores en torno al 1900. Ricardo Montes – Ricardo Baroja –Eliseo Meifrén – Josep Cusachs – Gustavo Bacarisas – Otros artistas- 3. Dibujantes en... more
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      Spanish paintingThe London art market20th century Spanish art19th Century Spanish Art
II.EXPOSICIONES DE PINTURA ESPAÑOLA EN EL SIGLO XIX. La exposición Universal de 1851. 1. La Exposición Internacional de Londres de 1862 2. La Exposición de Dublín de 1865. 3. La exposición de la Spanish Gallery en las Cavendish... more
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      Spanish ArtThe London art market19th-Century ArtXIX Century Spanish Painting
Works of Art recovered for Polish Collections thanks to activity of Andrzej Stanisław Ciechanowiecki – hunter of Polonicas in the West Andrzej Stanisław Ciechanowiecki, collector, marchand and patron of the arts, was born on the 28th of... more
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      Art MarketThe London art marketRestitutionRynek Sztuki
1.- Londres ante la dicotomía París-Roma. 2.-El león dormido. El despertar. 3.-La percepción del arte británico bajo la perspectiva española. 4.-Pintores británicos en España. 5.-Cuadros de historia. 6.-Influencias de los... more
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      Spanish paintingSpanish ArtThe London art marketXIX Century Spanish Painting
Recently identified by the editors as the Rua Nova dos Mercadores, the principal commercial and financial street in Renaissance Lisbon, two sixteenth-century paintings, acquired by Dante Gabriel Rossetti in 1866, form the starting point... more
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      Victorian StudiesPortuguese StudiesPortuguese HistoryGlobal cities
Conference: London and the Emergence of a European Art Market (c.1780–1820), held at the National Gallery, London, 21-22 june 2013
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      History of ArtHistory of CollectionsArt MarketThe London art market
In his popular and successful essay Reflections on British Painting, an elderly Roger Fry—who died in September 1934, the same year of this essay’s publication—criticised the art-historical use of a concept closely related to nationalism:... more
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      The London art marketLondonRoger FryEuropean Old Master paintings and sculpture
A segnare l'esordio espositivo segantiniano sulla scena anglosassone è la presenza della tela "Shepherd housing the sheep at night" all'International Exhibition di Glasgow del 1888 1 , cui segue, nello stesso anno, la partecipazione... more
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      The London art marketOttocentoHistory of ExhibitionsSegantini
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtPoetryRitual
Reputation management is a contemporary offshoot of public relations, but reputation has long had economic currency in British culture. Less well studied is the way commercial reputation consolidated around ideas of the brand. This case... more
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      Brand ManagementBrandingPerformativity of GenderFemale Artists