Reading Habits/Attitudes
Recent papers in Reading Habits/Attitudes
How can you get future teachers and school lbrarians to know and use local public libraries? The author who is a teacher trainer (library science, reading education, children's literature) at the University College of Teacher Education... more
L' analisi dell'atteggiamento di Hawthorne verso la sua protagonista è lo spunto per una disamina del rapporto tra la lettrice e i testi del canone letterario. Si evidenzia una fatica di "traduzione", non da evitare ma da sottolineare con... more
Exploring reading in the urban environment.
The objective of the present study was to develop once-daily sustained-release matrix tablets of nicorandil, a novel potassium channel opener used in cardiovascular diseases. The tablets were prepared by the wet granulation method.... more
Amid ongoing concerns about the reading decline, the lack of a "reading culture" and children not reading enough, a variety of solutions are put forward, largely in the form of reading promotion campaigns. these campaigns are seldom... more
Reading noncompliance is a storied, perennial problem for college teachers. In cases where teachers assign primary source material as readings noncompliance is perhaps even more likely. In this paper, I share how I have increased student... more
Die Kunst des Lesens ist, das Ganze eines Werkes zu verstehen. Es wird die These vertreten, dass die Poetik in dieser Form vollständig ist und kein Buch fehlt.
This paper explains the motivation for establishing a Reading for Pleasure ethos in general, explains the additional challenges for pupil with MLD SEN (UK), and how this can positively impact on pupil progress if embedded in whole school... more
This article is a bibliographic review of the scientific production published internationally from 2010 until the middle of 2019 on the concept of School Library. The objective was to establish an updated status of the issue on the most... more
Resumen Las prácticas de lectura más relevantes en la actualidad se enmarcan en el para-digma de la lectura dialógica, dando relevancia no solo a la lectura sino también a la interacción entre lectores. Una de estas prácticas son los... more
Статья посвящена различным аспектам чтения и его роли в монастырской жизни. Самым важным аспектом является техника чтения (вслух и про себя). Долгое время существовало мнение, что техника чтения про себя появилась сравнительно поздно, а... more
Berbagai hasil survey menunjukkan bahwa minat baca di Indonesia sangat rendah. Pertanyaannya adalah apakah kegemaran membaca buku untuk saat ini dapat merefleksikan minat baca secara menyeluruh? Bagaimana kontribusi membaca melalui media... more
Dit artikel doet verslag van een verkennend onderzoek naar wat vo-leerlingen zelf zouden willen bespreken als zij over verhalen praten op school. Daarnaast is onderzocht wat leerlingen daadwerkelijk bespreken over verhalen, als zij zelf... more
The reading habits of children are affected by the penetration of electronic devices, social media applications and games. Hence, there is general decline in reading habits / culture in society and specifically among children. In this... more
This essay investigates the conceptual framework of some notable contributions dedicated to the study of reading practices in the 20th century. Although reading processes have gained a crucial importance both in human and social sciences... more
From last century, many researchers have devoted efforts to examine reading habits of students. The present study is a step forward in the process which aims to identify the reading preferences and tastes of the college students across... more
ÖZ. Bu araştırmanın amacı McKenna ve Kear (1990) tarafından 1-6.sınıflar için geliştirilen Okumaya Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği'ni Türkçeye uyarlanmasıdır. Orijinal formu İngilizce olan ölçek 20 madde ve iki faktörden oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada... more
Reading plays an integral part in the education of individuals, especially children and young adults. It is defned as a basic life skill, a cornerstone for a child’s success in school, and indeed throughout the life. Reading is so... more
Por lo general, quienes hablan de hábitos lectores están pensando, aun cuando no lo manifiesten, en un tipo de práctica cultural basada en la lectura más o menos continuada de ciertos textos, casi siempre literarios. Es el recurso... more
Il y a une dizaine d’année, j’ai été frappée par la transformation d’une amie à la lecture de Femmes qui courent avec les loups , ouvrage qui invite les femmes à recontacter la femme sauvage qui sommeillerait en elles. Cette sociologue de... more
In this chapter, I present an analysis of a group of boys in upper secondary school who are poor readers in Norwegian as their first language (L1), but good readers in English as the second language (L2); a highly unusual combination.... more
The purpose of the present study is to determine the viewpoints of primary school teachers on difficulties experienced by 3rd and 4th grade primary school students in reading comprehension. The study was planned in Phenomenology Design,... more
Bosquejo de Proyecto en Fomento de lectura en espacios marginados, el proyecto sigue en confección, por lo cual después se subirá el completo.
This chapter excerpt describes how to approach sight words and sight word instruction in a reading curriculum. This is appropriate from emergent level and beginning level readers as well as struggling readers at all levels. Related... more
Newspaper is a most essential part of acquiring knowledge and the current affairs which are most required part of education. The students can get easily present news and motivating things by reading a newspaper. The reading of newspaper... more
Records pertinent ideas independently from articles, poems, and reading passages giving relevant detail supported by facts.
Dewey’s social ontology could be characterized as a habit ontology, an ontology of habit qua second nature that offers us an account of intentionality, social statuses, institutions, and norms in terms of habituations. Such an account... more
I. Context and Rationale The study will cover the identification of the academic performance in English and Filipino of the pupil respondents in Grade II to Grade VI and the correlation of the implementation of I Read Project from... more
Reading attitudes and beliefs about reading competency are thought to affect reading frequency, and thus exert an indirect influence on reading achievement. This study examines student attitudes and beliefs concerning recreational and... more
Extensive reading (ER) as an effective approach for both first and second language (L2) learning has been in the literature for decades. In Korea, however, little mention of ER or research in this area has occurred until recently.... more
This study will investigate the common concept of using reading as a springboard to writing. This study will attempt to answer two research questions: 1. Does reading narratives have an effect on the writing performance of ESL students?... more