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The purpose of this study is to estimate soil losses at the Mikkes watershed upstream of the Sidi Chahed dam in the Meknes region (Morocco), using the revised universal equation of losses in soil of (Walter H Wischmeier et Smith, 1978).... more
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      Watershed HydrologyWater ErosionRUSLECatchment Area
Xói mòn đất do nước là một nguyên nhân hàng đầu gây ra suy thoái đất ở Việt Nam. Trong nghiên cứu này, chúng tôi tích hợp Phương trình mất đất phổ biến cải tiến (RUSLE) và Hệ thống thông tin địa lý (GIS) để ước tính lượng mất đất tiềm... more
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      Application of GIS and RS for Integrated Watershed ManagementSoil ErosionErosionRUSLE
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) tabanlı Düzenlenmiş Evrensel Toprak Kaybı Denklemi (RUSLE) kullanılarak Gelibolu Yarımadası’nda erozyon risk sahalarının ve yıllık ortalama toprak kayıp miktarının belirlenmesi ve... more
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      Soil ErosionCBSErozyon Tahmin ModelleriRUSLE
Soil erosion due to running water has dramatic consequences because it removes nutrients and organic matter from the soil and besides it loads with high amounts of sediments the hydrographic network. The last one affects directly... more
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      Arid environmentsSoil ErosionSemi-arid EnvironmentsRUSLE
A comprehensive methodology that integrates Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques were adopted to determine the soil erosion vulnerability of a forested mountainous... more
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      Remote SensingSoil ErosionUSLERUSLE
Soil erosion is one of the major environmental degradation, which is caused by natural process like rainfall, high wind forces and also anthropogenic activities with improper utilization of lands with respect to agricultural activities,... more
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      Remote SensingSoil ErosionGIS Based Soil Loss Estimation Using RUSLE ModelRUSLE
Soil erosion is a serious environmental problem in Kothagiri Taluk. Many studies have been carried out to map shifting cultivation and areas susceptible to soil erosion. Mostly, estimated soil loss is taken as the basis to classify the... more
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      Soil ErosionWestern GhatsSoil lossSoil Erosion Modelling
Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) to predict the annual average soil loss rate from the Kottangudi watershed and to use the output data to the SDR model for sediment yield calculation. To achieve the goals of the thesis, the... more
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      Remote SensingSoil ErosionRUSLEGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      Physical GeographyRUSLEGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
In this paper, we attempted to review the soil erosion studies conducted throughout the globe using Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). We searched the SCI, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar database and various theses for... more
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      Soil ErosionRUSLECover management factor (C)
Occurrence of soil erosion will lead to sedimentation and siltation of reservoirs in case of major rivers. Remote sensing data provide compact information to evaluate the sedimentation yield in the reservoirs by deriving several surface... more
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      Remote SensingHydrologyRUSLEGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
The greatest obstacle to soil erosion modelling at larger spatial scales is the lack of data on soil characteristics. One key parameter for modelling soil erosion is the soil erodibility, expressed as the K-factor in the widely used soil... more
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      Soil ScienceSoil ErosionSoil ErodibilityRUSLE
Soil erosion in caused by five factors: rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, slope and slope length, crop management, and land conservation practices. In theory, vegetation as one of the affecting factors has inversed correlation with... more
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      Remote SensingRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchRemote sensing and GISSoil Erosion
Al-Sen watershed with a surface area of 98.8 km2 is forming an important vital spatial sector for Syrian Coast Basin in the western part of Syria. Soil loss in Al-Sen basin is one of the major growing eco-environmental risks that need to... more
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      Syrian StudiesSyriaSoil ErosionGIS Based Soil Loss Estimation Using RUSLE Model
Con el propósito de generar información que contribuya a resolver incertidumbres que se plantean durante procesos de gestión ambiental orientados al desarrollo agropecuario, nos propusimos estimar la erosión hídrica potencial o de... more
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      Sistemas de Información GeograficaRUSLE
"A soil erosion risk map was developed for Yulin, North Shaanxi province, China, using the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) and geoinformation technolog, i. e. remote sensing (RS) , geographical information system (GIS) and... more
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      Remote SensingChinaGeoinformationSoil Erosion
Resumo: Processos erosivos são eventos naturais, porém podem ser acelerados pelo uso incorreto do solo na produção agrícola. Nessa perspectiva, a utilização de modelos preditivos e georreferenciados para quantificar e classificar a... more
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      GeografiaGeografia FísicaNdviGeologia
Water erosion is the principal degradation process of tropical soils, and its effects can be measured by modeling techniques. Erosion models provide a diagnosis of the soil loss intensity and can support the planning of soil conservation... more
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      Soil ConservationRUSLESoil Losses
Erosi merupakan suatu fenomena alam yang kejadiannya dapat memberikan dampak negatif terhadap kemampuan lahan, khususnya apabila prosesnya dipercepat. Berbagai faktor mampu memberikan kontribusi terhadap laju erosi yang terjadi di dalam... more
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      Remote SensingSoil ErosionVegetation densityGIS Based Soil Loss Estimation Using RUSLE Model
Soil erosion by water is considered as one of the most significant forms of land degradation that affects sustained productivity of agricultural land use and water quality. It is influenced by a considerable number of factors (including... more
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      Remote SensingSpatial AnalysisSoil ErosionLand Use
Một mô hình có thể giải quyết bài toán xói mòn bồi tụ phục vụ cho các chính sách quản lý tổng hợp tài nguyên lưu vực sông là yêu cầu thực tiễn cho các nghiên cứu xói mòn đất hiện nay. Bài báo nghiên cứu và áp dụng mô hình RUSLE2 (USDA,... more
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      Application of GIS and RS for Integrated Watershed ManagementSoil ErosionRUSLE
Purpose: This study gives a critical assessment of the rainfall erosivity factor (R) for selected sites in the Majha region, representing different locations use of mean monthly rainfall data. Methodology: By applying empirical methods,... more
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      Rainfall-Runoff modellingPunjabSoil ErosionRainfall Climatology
The study integrated the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) with Geographic Information System (GIS) to quantify the potential soil erosion risk in the Fincha'a watershed. Rainfall, soil, digital elevation model (DEM) and... more
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      Land-use planningSoil ErosionSoil lossRUSLE
A soil erosion risk map was developed for Northwestern part of Hebei province, China, using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) technology were used in this study.
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      Remote SensingChinaSoil ErosionLandsat TM
Soil erosion is a severe environmental problem worldwide as it washes away the fertile topsoil and reduces agricultural production. Nepal, being a hilly country, has significant erosion disputes as well. It is important to cognise the... more
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      Land-use planningLand use/ land cover change studiesSoil ErosionLand Use
With this study, it is aimed to draw a potential erosion risk map needed to be used for planning the precautions against erosion, which is one of the biggest problems of our country, by using advanced techniques. An area of 1126 km 2... more
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      Remote SensingMediterraneanMaquisErosion
Aquí se estima la pérdida natural de suelos por erosión hídrica en la Alta Cuenca del río Escoipe- Chicoana, que resulta ser un tipo de erosión lenta. En vistas de que parte del área actualmente está sujeta a un proyecto de Declaración de... more
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      Sistemas de Información GeograficaBosques NativosGIS Based Soil Loss Estimation Using RUSLE ModelRUSLE
Laterites of Birbhum district are indentified as the ‘low-level laterites’ of ‘Rarh Plain’ of West Bengal and these are very much prone to severe soil erosion (mainly surface and sub-surface water erosion) in the monsoonal season (June -... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental GeographyPhysical GeographyGeomorphology
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      Remote SensingModelMappingErosion
Agriculture is the backbone of Kenya’s economy. Agriculture in Kenya is characterized by low productivity due to low external inputs, lack of good farming practices, soil erosion, and other losses. In most farming regions of the country,... more
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      AgroforestryAgricultural InformaticsLand Suitability AnalysisNdvi
La présente étude a pour but d’estimer les pertes en sol dans le bassin versant de l’Oued Mikkès en amont du barrage Sidi Chahed situé dans la région de Meknès (Maroc), par l’utilisation de l’équation universelle révisée des pertes en sol... more
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      Watershed HydrologyWater ErosionRUSLECatchment Area
Climate change poses an imminent physical risk to cultural heritage sites and their surrounding landscape through intensifying environmental processes such as damaging wetting and drying cycles that disrupt archaeological preservation... more
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      Climate ChangeRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchRoman Frontiers (Archaeology)GIS and Landscape Archaeology
Assessment of soil erosion risk, especially in hilly areas, is a challenging task mainly due tovariability in topography and non-availability or insufficiency of relevant data. The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model is... more
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      Remote Sensing & GISMorphometric Analysis using GIS TechniquesSoil Loss EstimationRUSLE
Conservation-oriented land practices have long been a strategy for mediating the environmental issues resulting from conventional agriculture. However, there is limited economic support and incentive for landowners to transition the... more
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      Farmland BiodiversityWatershed management and land productivitySoil erosion and sediment yield modeling in watershed scaleSite Selection Using Gis
En este trabajo se estimó la pérdida de suelos actual de campos de cultivos establecidos en un territorio serrano ubicado en el centro de la provincia de Salta, Argentina, en la Alta Cuenca del río Escoipe- Chicoana, de jurisdicción del... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringSistemas de Información GeograficaGIS Based Soil Loss Estimation Using RUSLE ModelRUSLE
Para a determinação do risco de erosão hídrica foi utilizada a metodologia RUSLE - Equação Universal de Perda de Solo Revista, que permitiu prever a perda de solo e identificar quais as zonas do concelho em estudo com maior potencial... more
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      Forest fireFire HazardRUSLE
The open source Geographic Information System (GIS) and Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) were used to predict the soil erosion hazard for Langkawi Island, Malaysia. Secondary raster data for the following parameters; rainfall... more
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      Remote SensingSoil lossRUSLEGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      Remote SensingSatellite DataSoil Loss EstimationUSLE
Background and Objectives: Preservation of soil and prevention of occurrence and intensification of erosion are the most important functions of natural ecosystems. This issue is especially important in steep and mountainous areas. Soil... more
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      Economic ValueRUSLESoil protection
In this study, quantitative assessment of soil erosion and sediment was done using the famous RUSLE model in the framework of GIS and remote sensing technology. The results showed the erosion values ​​of the basin vary from 0.001 to 257... more
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Accelerated soil erosion is a worldwide problem because of its economic and environmental impacts. Enfraz watershed is one of the most erosion-prone watersheds in the highlands of Ethiopia, which received little attention. This study was,... more
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      Environmental ScienceAgricultureEthiopiaSoil Erosion
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      Environmental ScienceFarmland BiodiversityWatershed management and land productivitySoil erosion and sediment yield modeling in watershed scale
Climate change poses an imminent physical risk to cultural heritage sites and their surrounding landscape through intensifying environmental processes such as damaging wetting and drying cycles that disrupt archaeological preservation... more
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      Climate ChangeRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchRoman Frontiers (Archaeology)GIS and Landscape Archaeology
The study integrated the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) with Geographic Information System (GIS) to quantify the potential soil erosion risk in the Fincha’a watershed. Rainfall, soil, digital elevation model (DEM) and... more
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      Land Use PlanningSoil ErosionSoil lossRUSLE
Identification of soil loss is a global concern as it increases the pollution and sedimentation in the concerned river or reservoir. Due to sedimentation not only the water storage capacity of the waterbody reduces but also the aqua... more
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      Soil ErosionLand Surface TemperatureRUSLENDVI and vegetation cover
Soil erodability that correlated with barren or void vegetation cover land has an outlandish result in the lower part of the study area. This study aim to analysis the soil erosion risk of G Madugula Mandal, Visakhapatnam district. The... more
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      Soil ErosionGIS Based Soil Loss Estimation Using RUSLE ModelRUSLESoil Erosion, Watershed, RUSLE
Soil erosion is a major factor in losses of soil. Different models are used for prediction of the amount of soil loss by erosion. In the present study, modelling using Revised Universal Soil Loss equation (RUSLE) is integrated with Remote... more
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      GeographyRemote SensingRemote sensing and GISSoil Erosion
Soil erosion is a serious environmental problem in Kothagiri Taluk. Many studies have been carried out to map shifting cultivation and areas susceptible to soil erosion. Mostly, estimated soil loss is taken as the basis to classify the... more
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      Soil ErosionWestern GhatsSoil lossSoil Erosion Modelling
In the context of Nepal, there are few gauged stations and long term data are not available which makes difficult to estimate the river flow. There are different approaches to estimate the flow of ungauged rivers and it is up to the... more
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      Rainfall-Runoff modellingWatershed ManagementRiver bank erosionRainfall variability