Public order policing
Recent papers in Public order policing
Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After... more
Stop and Search: the anatomy of a police power, edited by Rebekah Delsol and Michael Shiner, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan,2015, 228 pp., £65 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-137-33609-5 The police practice, or tactic, of stopping and searching... more
Suçun işlenmeden önlenmesi çalışmaları, modern toplumlarda kolluk kuvvetlerinin asli vazifeleri arasında ön plana çıkan görevleri arasındadır. Suçun önlenmesi anlamına gelen proaktif polislik, polisin suç işlenmeden önce harekete... more
The publication contains basic information about crisis management and hypothetical examples of crisis situations. The presented exercise scenarios concern various types of threats, thanks to which a wider perspective on the presented... more
«Quello che è accaduto è un massacro. Questa è la parola. Nella mia memoria ciò che più mi colpisce è che non sento che un rumore, il rumore dei bastoni sulle teste, sui corpi. Il tonfo secco dei bastoni che si abbattono sui corpi... more
Focusing on the moment when social unrest takes hold of a populace, Law and Disorder offers a new account of sovereignty with an affective theory of public order and protest. In a state of unrest, the affective architecture of the... more
Nell’ambito di un lavoro orientato a comprendere il ruolo della rule of law sull’equilibrio fra sicurezza e libertà nell’ambito di sistemi democratici di qualità, il presente capitolo si propone principalmente di offrire una panoramica,... more
This is my syllabus for the introductory class at Cornell University on the criminal justice system. I rewrote it substantially for S 2021 to allow a great deal more discussion of the historic and current role of policing in America, and... more
Violence breeds insecurity in Nigeria. Lack of security of lives and property of the citizenry is a severe hindrance to meaningful development. A climate of fear will frighten domestic and foreign investors. At the heart of many of these... more
Expert Opinion on the Disorder at the Euro2020 Final at Wembley. This opinion was prepared for Baroness Casey of Blackstock's Independent Review of the Euro 2020 Final for the Football Association and published as Addendum 4 to the Casey... more
On 24th March 2020, the first nationwide complete lockdown was announced by the Prime Minister of India for 21 days which was later extended to 31st May 2020. Consequently, thousands of migrant workers placed in big cities had no other... more
The leadership of major events security and its alternatives
An overview of the problematic areas and potential threats of the Hungarian major event security leadership system and possible solutions.
An overview of the problematic areas and potential threats of the Hungarian major event security leadership system and possible solutions.
Lo Stato esercita la sua sovranità ammettendo ed escludendo gli stranieri. Con quali poteri? Con quali condizionamenti dell’Unione europea? E quali sono i diritti che gli stranieri possono far valere nei confronti dello Stato? Al fondo di... more
Dolgozatomban az európai, ezen belül a kiemelten a hazai tömegkezelés témakörével foglalkozom. Az első fejezet ezen tevékenység nemzetközi, európai és hazai jogi hátterét mutatja be, részletesebben foglalkozva a vonatkozó magyar jogi... more
'Gobernadores' es un estudio original sobre el franquismo en Barcelona entre 1939 y 1977. El libro pretende analizar el régimen "desde su interior", explicando el pasado a través de los gobernadores civiles y de las políticas que, durante... more
Public Order, Private Rules: Representations of the Crowd and Behavioural Recommendations in Italian Police Handbooks This article aims at contributing to the debate on policing protest, focusing on police knowledge and its role in the... more
This thesis analyses criminal justice discourse as it relates to offensive language crimes in Australia. Across Australia, and elsewhere, it is a crime to use offensive, indecent or obscene language in or near a public place. These crimes... more
在高度都市化和生活压力巨大的现代社会,精神疾病的盛行率不但高涨,精神疾病患者与一般民众互动的机率也跟著提高。当有涉及精神病患的危机事件突发时,几乎都是刑事执法人员抵达最早抵达现场进行控管。他们需要处理的紧急状况包括了从正企图自高楼跃下自杀的妇人到在购物中心持枪威吓他人的年轻人。即便在日常巡逻途中,他们也要处理骚扰路人却又无家可归的精神病患或是协助迷路走失的老年失智者。如果第一线警员没有接受适当的心理健康培训,误解精神病患者的意愿可能会导致至关生离死別的错误,误判问题的本质也会... more
The policing of peaceful public assembly during the Covid-19 pandemic has been one of the most central challenges to police legitimacy. This is arguably because mass gatherings are assumed to carry a high risk of contagion yet, at the... more
W artykule analizowano wpływ założeń kopenhaskiej szkoły bezpieczeństwa (Copenhagen School) i human security na koncepcję bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego. Zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego godzą nie tylko w państwa, lecz także w... more
On August 23, 1908, just one month after the restoration of the constitutional regime, İstanbul fell victim to conflagration that had erupted in Çırçır (Fatih) and burnt many neighbourhoods to the ground. There followed many small fires... more
Die Gefährdung der öffentlichen Sicherheit und Ordnung ist ein omnipräsentes Thema kommunaler Politik. Im dazugehörigen Diskurs wird es möglich, obdachlose Personen von Individuen, deren Sicherheit existentiell gefährdet ist, zu Subjekten... more
Purpose -This study seeks to examine what theory of crowd psychology is being applied within public order police training in England and Wales and what accounts of crowds, police strategies and tactics subsequently emerge among officers... more
This book provides a comparative and transnational examination of the complex and multifaceted experiences of anti-labour mobilisation, from the bitter social conflicts of the pre-war period, through the epochal tremors of war and... more
On 5 February 1995, four Romani men noticed a strange traffic sign, erected on the path to their segregated neighbourhood in the Austrian town of Oberwart. On the sign was written 'Roma back to India'. When they tried to remove the sign,... more
In 1983 the British police adopted their first public order policing manual, laying the foundations of a secretive archive. The manuals and training materials produced in the intervening years provide an untapped repository of affective... more
Topics such as public security and intelligence are talked about almost everybody and are daily present on newspapers columns. The activities of secret services, always working on the evaluation of threat levels, are nowadays an highly... more
El imaginario colectivo imperante sobre el franquismo ha tendido a ver una frontera muy definida entre el período de posguerra y las décadas finales de la dictadura. Esta diferenciación parte de una realidad incuestionable, que atañe no... more
This article intervenes in discussions about the circulation of policing knowledge and the politics of expertise. As part of a broader conversation about transnational reconfigurations of state power, critical scholars have drawn... more
O texto apresenta de forma sucinta os elementos e estratégias gerais que caracterizam o policiamento de proximidade. A partir dessa breve revisão com ênfase na doutrina da Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais, é evidenciada a possibilidade de... more
The Police Force is one of the oldest institutions in modern Sudan. Since its establishment in 1899, political instability and internal armed conflicts have beset the country. Security problems and political instability have played a... more
Istanbul's Great War: Public Order, Crime and Punishment in the Ottoman Capital, 1914-1918 is a study of the social and economic life in an imperial capital at a time when the first total war of history swept through Europe, hitting the... more
The article, based on previously obscure archival documents, provides a description and analysis of the measures taken by the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) to uphold public order in Temirtau (Kazakhstan) after a mass riot was... more