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Aproximación a algunos aspectos de la onomástica en el reino de Navarra entre 1570, cuando de acuerdo con las leyes eclesiásticas y también reales se impone la obligación de llevar libros de bautismos, y 1870, año en que la administración... more
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      Siglo XVILenguas MinoritariasDiglosiaMatriarchy
The paper presents the history, the interdisciplinary character and the literature of the research in the field of official surname changes in Hungary. It presents a theoretical framework for the appropriate study of the complex... more
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      EthnohistoryHungarianOnomasticsStereotypes and Prejudice
Esta obra supone un acercamiento a la onomástica de Navarra desde la perspectiva lingüística, histórica y sociológica, y se centra en el análisis de la formación, uso y transmisión de nombres de pila, apellidos y nombres de casa desde la... more
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      Basque HistoryLenguas MinoritariasPatrimonio InmaterialPAIS VASCO
Se analiza la trayectoria de un linaje nobiliario oriundo de Baja Navarra, el de los Lizarazu-Santa María, que desde la vinculación en plena Edad Media de esas tierras a la corona de Navarra manifiestan un claro interés por asentarse en... more
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      History of ElitesHistory of NavarreLope de Aguirre15th Century
Türk hukukunda ve mukayeseli olarak İsviçre ve Alman hukuklarında evli ve bekar kadının soyadına dair düzenlemeler; Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi ve Kadınlara Karşı Her Türlü Ayrımcılığın Önlenmesi Sözleşmesi’ndeki hükümlerde kadının... more
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      LawCivil LawFamily LawWomen's Rights
El capítulo supone un acercamiento a la historia de la formación de los apellidos en el reino de Navarra durante la Edad Moderna, desde su origen medieval en el estamento nobiliario hasta su difusión entre otros grupos sociales. Se parte... more
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      OnomasticsEuskeraMigracionesLenguas Minoritarias
Estudio sobre el uso y transmisión de nombres y apellidos en un territorio marcado por la diglosia, el reino de Navarra durante la Edad Moderna: mientras que la inmensa mayoría de su documentación está escrita en lengua romance, la mayor... more
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      Multi- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyDiglossiaSiglo XVIMovilidad
Le texte fournit une analyse généalogique et sociopolitique détaillée de la famille Lizarazu dans le royaume de Navarre aux XIVe et XVe siècles, en mettant l'accent sur des figures notables telles que Pedro Sanz de Lizarazu. On souligne... more
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      Early Modern EuropeBastardsHistory of NavarreMoyen Âge
In our paper we focus on the translating practice and translatability of surnames used in Hungarian, from the problems of translating the immediate predecessors of surnames to the questions of translating surnames today. Our main interest... more
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      Translation StudiesHungarianOnomasticsSurnames
This paper applies different sources to investigate the social, historical, cultural and ideological context and the characteristics of the surname changes of the Jews in Hungary. It analyzes the names as ethnic symbols, the assimilation... more
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      Jewish StudiesHungarianOnomasticsLanguage and Identity
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      Gender EqualityEuropean Court of JusticePublic order policingSurname Changes
Este trabajo se centra en el reino de Navarra, conquistado por Fernando el Católico en 1512. Se subraya la relación del monarca con este territorio, por ser hijo de Juan II, rey del mismo. El estudio analiza uno de los linajes que... more
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      OnomasticsFronteraPatrimonio InmaterialMedieval Defensive Structures
Özet: Ülkemizde kadınlar, yasalar gereği evlendikten sonra ya kocasının soyadını almak ya da kendi soyadının yanında kocasının soyadını da alarak en iyi ihtimalle çift soyadı taşımak zorundadır. Bir başka deyişle kadının evlendikten sonra... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's RightsSurnamesWomen and Gender Studies
A research to comprehensively interpret the phenomenon of family name changes in Hungary, based on the methodology of Onomastics. Excerpts from the book here: the Summary in English (p. 107-111); the Introduction, Contents and... more
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      HungarianOnomasticsSurnamesLanguage and Identity
Este trabajo explora, a lo largo de un marco cronológico que se extiende desde la Baja Edad Media hasta los inicios del XVII, el proceso por el cual el reino de Navarra quedó dividido en dos partes, que pasaron a integrarse en Francia y... more
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      History of NavarrePatrimonio InmaterialLope de AguirreEl Dorado
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      Japanese StudiesHuman RightsFamily LawSurname Changes
This paper focuses on Navarre, a small kingdom near the French border, which was independent during the Middle Ages. The original language of Navarre was Basque, a non-Romance language, which was also unwritten, as the political powers... more
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      HistoryEarly Modern HistoryOnomasticsAnthroponomastics
The paper investigates the differences between the surname stock that arose naturally in the community and the surname stock that was created artificially later via a legal procedure of surname changes. They are quite different in a... more
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As a lasting practice, the surname change obligation towards women has become a controversial issue in the countries which have this legislation. The issue dates to 1850’s, a feminist, Lucy Stone declared to reject to change her surname... more
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      Gender StudiesSelf and IdentitySocial IdentityIdentity (Culture)
This bibliography presents the publications in the field which are possible to study without knowledge of the Hungarian language, i.e. written in English or other foreign languages, or which simply publish a database of the cases. The... more
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      EthnohistoryJewish StudiesHungarianOnomastics
This bibliography presents the publications in the field which are possible to study without knowledge of the Hungarian language, i.e. written in English or other foreign languages, or which simply publish a database of the cases. The... more
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      EthnohistoryJewish StudiesHungarianOnomastics
This article presents the surname changes of the Jews as formal acts which served as a means of assimilation, and which resulted in a characteristic phenomenon of the history of Jewish communities as well as of the surrounding society of... more
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      Jewish StudiesHungarianOnomasticsHungarian Cultural Studies
El estudio aborda, a partir sobre todo de documentación notarial inédita, la complejidad de los nombres de persona y sus implicaciones sociales en la Navarra moderna. Se destaca la relación entre los nombres y las funciones familiares,... more
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      Early Modern HistoryBasque HistoryDiglossiaHistory of Navarre
The paper aims to provide a comprehensive typology of surname changes, analysed in the case of the Hungarian surname system. The typology presented here is partly language specific and characterises the given historic, social and cultural... more
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      OnomasticsSurnamesHungarian StudiesHungarian language
This paper is a study of the use and the value of foreign surnames of minorities in a dominant linguistic and cultural context, as well as the process of the assimilation of these names and their bearers. It analyzes the different reasons... more
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      Jewish StudiesHungarianOnomasticsLanguage and Identity
The study focuses on the regulations for the history of surname changes in Hungary and on their realisation in practice. It provides an overview of the historical changes of these regulations and procedures, including the factors to... more
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      HungarianOnomasticsLanguage Planning and PolicySurnames
Recorrido por la historia de uno de los linajes que se precia de ser uno de los doce originarios del reino de Navarra, el de Urroz-Torreblanca, desde la Baja Edad Media hasta su desaparición ya entrada la Edad Moderna, con apoyo en... more
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      History of ElitesPatrimonio InmaterialMayorazgoEdad Moderna
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      Japanese StudiesFamily LawSurname Changes
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      Japanese StudiesFamily LawSurname Changes
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      Japanese StudiesFamily LawSurname Changes
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      Japanese StudiesFamily LawSurname Changes
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      Japanese StudiesHuman RightsFamily LawIllegitimate children
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      Japanese StudiesMasculinitiesSurname Changes