Pro Poor Value Chain Development
Recent papers in Pro Poor Value Chain Development
The numbers surrounding the world coconut industry are substantial – 55,500,000,000 coconuts produced every year from 12,000,000 hectares supporting an industry worth USD 6 billion at wholesale. Yet despite the size and wealth of the... more
The vast majority of people living along the East West Economic Corridor (EWEC) are involved in the agricultural sector. A dependency on subsistence agriculture using traditional farming methods that rely on expensive pesticides has... more
The 2009 global economic crisis has significantly impacted international tourism, causing a decline in international tourist arrivals and international tourism revenues. This study looks into the effects of the decrease in international... more
Indian society is highly stratified on caste lines, with the national Constitution recognizing indigenous tribes and four broad caste types. The lowest of these, ‘Scheduled Castes’, account for 16.5 percent of the population, and... more
This study was designed to identify factors affecting coffee productivity in Daro Labu district of West Hararghe Zone of Ethiopia. The study was based on data generated from 120 coffee producers selected based on simple randomly sampling... more
PROPOSAL MAKAN SANTRI RAMADHAN 1436H- AYO TINGKATKAN NILAI IBADAH KITA "Barangsiapa memberi makan kepada orang yang berpuasa maka baginya seperti pahala orang yang berpuasa itu tanpa mengurangi sedikitpun dari pahalanya. " (HR. Ahmad dan... more
Aims: To provide empirical evidence on the determinants of access to extension services in Northern Ghana. Study Design: Cross sectional. Place and Duration of Study: Kumbungu and Sagnarigu Districts of the Northern region; Builsa North... more
The present study maps the organic vegetables value chain in the East West Economic Corridor (EWEC). It covers horizontal and vertical linkages, information and support services, price differentials, and packaging, branding and... more
Se estudiaron los diversos factores exógenos y endógenos que vienen incidiendo en el desempeño de la cooperativa CACAONICA, con la finalidad de poder establecer pautas que le permitan mejorar su posicionamiento y gobernanza dentro de la... more
This pre-feasibility study on Sarawak-West Kalimantan cross-border value chains covers six topics: It analyzes existing trade patterns and competitive advantages of Sarawak and West Kalimantan, as well as government objectives in... more
Smallholder farmers have difficulties entering established value chains with value-added products. In this paper, we look at smallholders’ capability to establish and sustainably manage a competitive and economically viable local dairy... more
Though, there are some empirical studies conducted on agricultural value chains in Ethiopia, it is rational to exhaustively and specifically review and update the finding of different author's value chain analysis works. In line with this... more
This article reviews two books on value chain research against the background of the outcome document from the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FFD3) convened by the United Nations in 2015. The books –... more
Pro-Poor Tourism (PPT) is a development methodology that aims to use tourism as a tool for poverty reduction. PPT has been adopted by multilateral institutions, official development agencies, and NGOs. PPT assumes an absolute definition... more
Crop diversification is the most important risk management strategy. The study investigated the pattern, trend and covariates of crop diversification in eastern Ethiopia based on data collected from 167 households randomly and... more
Critical scholarship on geographical indications (GIs) has increasingly focused upon their role in fostering development in the Global South. Recent work has drawn welcome attention to issues of governance and sparked new debates about... more
This Evidence Report examines the potential for and limitations of promoting business and market-based approaches to reducing undernutrition through increasing the availability and accessibility of nutrient-rich foods for the... more
The study was sponsored by Ministry of Education (Haramaya University
This paper outlines the application of Systems Thinking in investigating ways to improve the returns to smallholder tree farmers in the Philippines. The paper illustrates how a systems approach was used in the conceptualisation of the... more
Many contemporary development solutions and policy prescriptions place emphasis on the potential for closer integration of poor people or areas with global markets. But the prospects for the reduct-ion of chronic poverty depend in great... more
The transition from subsistence to commercial production poses uncertainty and risks that require putting in place adaptive systems. Such systems are imperative for agricultural production where weather and food markets are always... more
This paper disaggregates two social business models for development, namely Base of the Pyramid models and Inclusive Business models, with particular attention to the extent of theoretical differences and similarities between the two. It... more
This study was designed to identify factors affecting coffee productivity in Daro Labu district of West Hararghe Zone of Ethiopia. The study was based on data generated from 120 coffee producers selected based on simple randomly sampling... more
This practitioner paper reflects on the mistakes that most emerging economies make when planning to grow tourism, as they fail to invest in the most creative, caring, responsible and capable segment of their population. It offers an... more
There is an urgent need to reduce alarming rates of undernutrition in Tanzania. This report analyses options for policies and interventions to improve the functioning of markets that deliver nutrient-dense foods. Currently, a set of... more
Far too often, global supply chains distribute value in ways that contribute to income inequality and the uneven accumulation of wealth. Despite a surge of innovations to address this problem— such as fair trade, corporate social... more
The study describes four clusters for organic vegetables along the East West Economic Corridor (EWEC). These clusters have three goals: (a) to foster the conversion of conventional agricultural farming to organic production, and thereby... more
This paper outlines the application of systems thinking in investigating ways to improve the returns to smallholder tree farmers in the Philippines. The paper illustrates how a systems approach was used in the conceptualisation of the... more
IDS is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (No. 877338). The IDS programme on Strengthening Evidence-based Policy works across seven key themes. Each theme works with partner institutions to co-construct... more
This paper outlines the application of Systems Thinking in investigating ways to improve the returns to smallholder tree farmers in the Philippines. The paper illustrates how a systems approach was used in the conceptualisation of the... more
Without the right employees, companies cannot operate effectively or efficiently. Employer Branding is a tool used for companies to build a brand for themselves as a place to work for, and Employer Attractiveness is the benefits shown... more
Whether market liberalisation can promote agricultural development in Africa depends on how well existing institutions can facilitate trade by private agents. This article assesses the performance of the Tanzania coffee marketing system... more
Critical scholarship on geographical indications (GIs) has increasingly focused upon their role in fostering development in the Global South. Recent work has drawn welcome attention to issues of governance and sparked new debates about... more
There is an urgent need to reduce alarming rates of undernutrition in Tanzania. This report analyses options for policies and interventions to improve the functioning of markets that deliver nutrient-dense foods. Currently, a set of... more
The concepts like 'value chain development (VCD)' or 'Market Development (MD)' were often promoted as implementation approach in development project to identify overall constraints that were hindering more production and income generating... more
The central theme of this article is that the usual Shannon’s entropy [1] is not sufficient to address the unknown Gaussian population average. A remedy is necessary. By peeling away entropy junkies, a refined version is introduced and it... more
- by International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT)
- Philosophy of Value, Value theory (Philosophy), Value pluralism, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, contemporary continental philosophy, axiology (theories and applied research on values), philosophical and cultural anthropology, diversity managment, gender studies, intercultural communication, and translations studies