Recent papers in Cocoa
A través de estas líneas quisiera compartir algunos aspectos sobre el chocolate que lo hacen único y un gran provocador de emociones. Me gustaría además reseñar datos de su historia, para evocar algo de su connotación mágica y mítica .
Climate change is a looming threat for many aspects of human society, not the least of which is agriculture and food. Theobroma cacao, the plant behind the much-loved chocolate bars, is especially vulnerable to shifts in precipitation and... more
Szent István Egyetem Élelmiszertudományi Kar, Élelmiszermérnök Bsc. Édes-és zsiradékipari technológiák és minőségügy, Gabona- és Iparinövény Technológiai Tanszék Hallgató neve: Zajkás Bálint Dolgozat címe: Mogyorókrémek fizikai, kémiai... more
This report presents the findings of an independent evaluation carried out by Dr. Ritu Mahendru. The evaluation, commissioned by Oxfam’s Behind the Brands (BtB) initiative, provides an analysis of gender assessments and action plans... more
O Sistema Agroflorestal Cabruca (SAC) é um caso sui generis de lavoura compatível com o Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais (PSA). O presente trabalho analisa circunstâncias que envolvem a aplicação do PSA no SAC. O objetivo geral é... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Para superar o desmatamento, as queimadas e a violência, é preciso perguntar: precisamos da pecuária bovina extensiva na Amazônia? Esta pergunta tem que envolver o consumidor brasileiro, pois a maior parte da carne produzida na Amazônia é... more
El presente trabajo analiza la importancia del servicio de traducción e interpretación en las negociaciones internacionales por parte de las empresas ecuatorianas exportadoras, considerando que en la actualidad existe un mayor interés por... more
Breve reseña de la industria de la yerba mate
Every chocolate lover should know that Trinidad and Tobago is the birthplace of Trinitario cacao trees that produce Trinitario cocoa beans. For those who enjoy dark chocolate, and indeed all others, being the 'cradle' of Trinitario cacao... more
Côte d'Ivoire became the first world producer of cocoa beans in 1970 by reducing forest cover and by losing biodiversity. The West-central region of the country was a former production site of cocoa, and contributed strongly to the annual... more
The recommended way for fermenting the cocoa beans at tropical weather.
This review aims to show the potential nutritional waste and by-products of cocoa in animals through scientific studies. Indeed, research indicates that the waste and by-products generally contain cocoa 12-17% protein, major minerals (Ca,... more
Student Solution for Charles Chocolates Case Study for Corporate Strategy.
Dedication Mr Scott Kimpton, who was a postgraduate student at Curtin, passed away on 2 July 2009. Scott, an enthusiastic fi eldworker, was involved in data collection for the cocoa component of this chapter. He is fondly remembered by... more
Efficient Object Recognition and Tracking are main challenging assignments in computer vision techniques. A very big challenge in many object detection techniques using deep learning may lead to slow and non-accurate performance. This... more
This report presents the findings of a four year study of the poverty impact of voluntary sustainability standards, such as Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance and Organic, in Ecuadorian Cocoa. This study is one of four country cases covered... more
West Sulawesi Province is one of the cocoa production centers in Indonesia. This study aims to choose the right priority strategy in cocoa agribusiness development. The data used are primary data and secondary data which are analyzed... more
"Саагун Б. де., Куприенко С. А. Общая история о делах Новой Испании. Книги X-XI: Познания астеков в медицине и ботанике / Бернардино де Саагун, С. А. Куприенко. — Киев : Видавець Купрієнко С. А., 2013. — 218 с. : ил. — (Месоамерика.... more
This study was carried out to determine the functional and antioxidative properties of blends of sorghum ogi flour and cocoa powder. The blends were produced by adding cocoa powder in proportional gradients of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% to... more
Se estudiaron los diversos factores exógenos y endógenos que vienen incidiendo en el desempeño de la cooperativa CACAONICA, con la finalidad de poder establecer pautas que le permitan mejorar su posicionamiento y gobernanza dentro de la... more
The objective of this paper was to assess the influence of single standing shade trees in cocoa agroforestry systems on soil moisture and light availability for cocoa in the dry seasons and how these environmental factors affect potential... more
Aikpokpodion PE, Dongo LN (2010) Effects of fermentation intensity on polyphenols and antioxidant capacity of cocoa. Int. J. Sustain. Crop Prod. 5(4), 72-76.
Ghana is currently experiencing aged population among cocoa farmers, posing a danger to the future of the commodity. In this study, we examined the determinants of youth migration and its effect on youth participation in cocoa farming in... more
Ekstrak kulit buah kakao merupakan inhibitor alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menghambat laju reaksi korosi . Penelitian ini diawali dengan mengekstraksi kulit buah kakao dengan cara maserasi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan evaporasi pada... more
The dynamic global market in the world of business forces firms to initiate quick and favourable actions in order to stay active in this ever-changing world of business. The study investigated the post liberalization and privatization... more
ABSTRAK Komoditas pertanian seperti perkebunan kakao dianggap sangat membantu perekonomian masyarakat, akan tetapi kondisi perkebunan kakao saat ini berdampak negatif terhadap pendapatan para petani kakao. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk... more
I nte g ra ting e c o syste m se rv ic e s into the tro p ic a l tim b e r va lue c hain D u t c h p o l i c y o p t i o n s f r o m a n i n n o v a t i o n s y s t e m a p p r o a c h J . v a n d e n B e r g V . J . I n g r a m M . -J .... more
In the present technological context, the identification of substances that contribute to the quality of dry cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) beans is as important as the agricultural practices and processing of cacao beans for food safety and... more
Ecuador supplies 70% of the world’s fine aroma cocoa (Theobroma cacao), which is later used in the manufacture of high quality chocolates. The postharvest is an essential process for producers seeking a share of this market. The aim of... more
The study was conducted in Abia State, Nigeria. A sample size of 240 respondents generated through purposive and multi–stage sampling procedures. Data were realized using structured questionnaire and they were analyzed using descriptive... more
Context: Excipients play a key role in the quality of medicines and contribute to viable delivery systems. This has intensified the search for new natural polymer pharmaceutical excipients. Cocoa pod husks (CPHs) are a rich source of... more
The introduction of hybrid varieties cocoa has led to the progressive disappearance of the complex agroforestry systems in Côte d’Ivoire. However in forests-savannah transition area, these systems seem to persist in despite the high... more
Helpdesk question: What are the political, economic, social and security implications of the Ebola crisis, with a particular focus on Sierra Leone? Helpdesk response Key findings: •Political impact and implications: Initial analysis... more
This paper provides a study of Alternative Trade Organisations (ATOs) as a medium for incorporating “fair trade” values into the lives of rural African farmers. By undertaking an analysis of the modes of production as well as the... more
This report presents the findings for Ghana of the DFID funded project ‘Assessing the poverty impact of sustainability standards', which is led by the Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich in collaboration with KNUST and... more