Recent papers in Prajñāpāramitā
The Nakano Zeshin 中野是心 edition of the *Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtra 大般若經 is a woodblock print edition made by Nakano Zeshin 中野是心 (?-1677), a member of a famous family of traditional publishers in premodern Kyoto (17~18c). After it came out,... more
The Prajñāpāramitā genre is well known for its generic rhetorical formula “X is not X”, i.e. an affirmation followed immediately by a negation. Often the text proceeds to claim that the ultimate is inexpressible, non-dual, emptiness... more
This was a presentation made during a panel on the Heart Sūtra at the Group Meeting for the Society of Asian and Comparative Philosophy, at The American Academy of Religion Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, November 2009.
Edward Conze still dominates the field of Prajñāpāramitā Studies, such as it is, forty years after his death in 1979. He continues to draw the highest praise from some quarters for his “meticulous” scholarship and his “pioneering” work on... more
During the summer of 2007, a collection numbering over a thousand leaves of rare and important Indian paintings on palm leaf and paper were rediscovered during a renovation and storage relocation project within The Metropolitan Museum of... more
Connections between Pancaviṃśatisāhasrikā-prajnāpāramitā-sūtra and Aṣṭasāhasrikā-prajnāpāramitā-sūtra suggest a new interpretation of an important passage in the Prajnāpāramitā-hṛdaya or Heart Sutra . I am able to show that the four... more
In this article, I continue a detailed critical re-assessment of the text of the Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya or Heart Sutra begun by Jan Nattier (1992, see also Huifeng 2014, Attwood 2015). Nattier and Yamabe pointed out that where the Sanskrit... more
Several scholars have cited the statement, “Even nirvāṇa is like an illusion, like a dream?” from the early Prajñāpāramitā as evidence of a “shocking” and “novel” Mahāyāna ontology (§1). This paper examines three phases of historical... more
The Chöd tradition practiced at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery (KNSL) in Boudhanath, Nepal places a much greater emphasis on awareness (rig pa) and devotion than is recognized in academic studies on Chöd. Moreover, in connection to this... more
Connections between Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra and Aṣṭasāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra suggest a new interpretation of an important passage in the Prajñāpāramitā-hṛdaya or Heart Sutra. I am able to show that the four... more
This paper examines the reception, development, and classification of the Abhisamayālaṃkāra and its related commentaries in Tibet from the ninth to fourteenth centuries as a case study in how sections of the Tibetan Bstan ’gyur... more
An excerpt translation of “The Study on the establishment of Fahua Wenju(法華文句)” of Hirai Shun'ei.... more
Ratnākaraśānti’s commentaries give us insight into the tantric and non-tantric atmosphere of Vikramaśīla during his mid-eleventh century tenure there. Other prior Mādhyamika-oriented Vikramaśīla scholars, such as Bhāvyakīrti, had held the... more
Indian Buddhist commentary on the Prajñāpāramitā preserved in Sanskrit and
Conze’s critical editions, translations and commentary on the Sanskrit Heart Sūtra indicated three problematic statements: 1. “no attainment and no non-attain¬ment” (§1.1); 2. “because of non-attainment(ness)” (§1.2); and 3. “without... more
A transcription of the Fangshan Stele of the Heart Sūtra is presented in an English language Buddhism Studies context for the first time. While the text of this Heart Sūtra is relatively unremarkable, the colophon reveals that work on the... more
A number of lexical and syntactic problems have already been identified in Section VI of the Sanskrit Heart Sutra (Conze 1948, 1967, Nattier 1992, Huifeng 2014, Attwood 2018a). A close parallel reading of the Chinese and Sanskrit texts... more
I've long been frustrated that some expert has not produced a proper critical edition of the Chinese Heart Sutra, so this is my own attempt, incorporating all that I have learned to-date and attempting to recreate an ur-text. I expect... more
The phrase tryadhvavyavastithāḥ sarvabuddhāḥ “all the buddhas that appear in the three times” in the Sanskrit Heart Sutra is a hapax legomenon in Buddhist Sanskrit, but it is similar to the common Chinese idiom 三世諸佛 “buddhas of the three... more
... GHA 221 this point one has gathered a rough understanding of the essencelessness of things and begun the unified path of calm abiding and special insight (samathavipasyanŻayuganaddha). The bodhisattva is ready to enter into the... more
This article offers an introductory overview of the attribution and dating of the versions of the extended Heart Sutra preserved in the Chinese Tripiṭaka and some preliminary assessment of the reliability of these sources. It includes... more
A Chinese translation of Prajñāpāramitāhṛdayārthaparijñāna
The gotra, ekayāna and tathāgatagarbha theories of the Prajñāpāramitā according to Dharmamitra and Abhayākaragupta. In: The Prajñāpāramitā and related systems: Studies in honor of Edward Conze (Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series 1), ed. L.... more
Buddhists have articulated the central notion of the “path” in a variety of different ways and in a great number of texts throughout the history of their traditions. Among texts related to the path, the Ornament for Clear Realization, a... more
In the Mahāyāna tradition, the doctrine of emptiness and Selflessness of the person holds a great place; which is also known as the second turning of the wheel of law. This doctrine or philosophy has been preserved in a category of... more
Since the Six Dynasties, the doctrinal classification theories became the principal characteristic for every buddhist sect which can mostly be found in Chinese monks' works of interpreting buddhist canons, and have gradually evolved into... more
In this article, I consult commentarial and bibliographical texts from the early Tang dynasty to better understand the history of the Heart Sutra. As in a palimpsest, there appears to be another, earlier history partially preserved... more
A number of lexical and syntactic problems have already been identified in Section VI of the Sanskrit Heart Sutra (Conze 1948, 1967, Nattier 1992, Huifeng 2014, Attwood 2018a). A close parallel reading of the Chinese and Sanskrit texts... more
This is a Chinese translation by Heng Xie of a paper I presented at the group meeting for SACP at the annual AAR conference in 2009: “The Prajñāpāramitā Logic of Soku-hi in Nishida Kitarō." A worked out version of this paper eventually... more
Study of the Twenty Saṃghas in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism published in 2003. A full monograph on the topic is published in Stairway to Nirvāṇa: A Study of the Twenty Saṃghas Based on the Works of Tsong kha pa (SUNY, 2008) [... more
В книге представлена четвертая глава сочинения «Украшение из постижений» — основного текста индо-тибетского буддизма по учению о пути махаяны. В работе обсуждаются вопросы познания, психологии познания и буддийской сотериологии с точки... more
Ārya and Bhadanta Vimuktisena on the gotra theory of the Prajñāpāramitā. Beiträge zur
Geistesgeschichte Indiens: Festschrift für Erich Frauwallner = Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südund
Ostasiens 12-13 (1968), pp. 303-317.
Geistesgeschichte Indiens: Festschrift für Erich Frauwallner = Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südund
Ostasiens 12-13 (1968), pp. 303-317.
In his critical edition of the Sanskrit text of the Prajñāpāramitāh. rdaya, first published in 1948, Edward Conze treated the verb vyavalokayati as intransitive and declined pañcaskandha as nominative plural, making the first sentence in... more
Chiasmus in the Early Prajñāpāramitā: Literary Parallelism Connecting Criticism & Hermeneutics in an Early Mahāyāna Sūtra Shì Hùifēng (釋慧峰) / M B Orsborn for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at The University of Hong Kong in... more
Buddhist and other texts were brought from Tibet to Japan by Kawaguchi Ekai(1866-1945), Nōmi Kan(1868-1901?), Teramoto Enga (1872-1940), Aoki Bunkyō (1886-1956), and Tada Tōkan(1890-1967). Each of these imported a copy of the Tibetan... more
In his critical edition of the Sanskrit text of the Prajñāpāramitāhrdaya, first published in 1948, Edward Conze treated the verb vyavalokayati as intransitive and declined pañcaskandha as nominative plural, making the first sentence in... more
The literature review of the Jizang's Jin'gang bore shu(Jin'gang bore jing shu/Jin'gang bore jing yishu). 《金刚般若疏》是三论宗创立者吉藏对鸠摩罗什译本 《金刚经》所作经疏,亦是隋唐之际一部重要的 《金刚经》释经作品。然... more
The article is devoted to the historical and philosophical issues in the study of the text of the so-called Heart Sutra within the Tibetan-Buddhist tradition. We reviewed the horizon of the Sanskrit-Tibetan and western translations as... more
Section VI of Conze’s edition of the Heart Sutra, containing the word niṣṭhānirvāṇaḥ or perhaps niṣṭhānirvāṇaprāptaḥ, has given translators and commentators considerable difficulty. Nirvāṇa being a neuter noun, the word niṣṭhānirvāṇaḥ, in... more
«Ma esiste questo pensiero, ... un pensiero che sia non pensiero?»...