Politics and Public Policy
Recent papers in Politics and Public Policy
Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions... more
31-05-89 Decreto por el que se aprueba el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 1989-1994. Al margen un sello con el Escudo Nacional, que dice: Estados Unidos Mexicanos.-Presidencia de la República. CARLOS SALINAS DE GORTARI, Presidente... more
Zum Zweck der positiven Selbstinszenierung setzen wir tagtäglich Masken auf, deren Aufgabe es ist, bestimmte Merkmale hervorzuheben und andere zu verschleiern. Bei diesen Masken handelt es sich laut Thomas Metten um Medien, die der... more
), ARCHITECTE EN CHEF DES MONUMENTS HISTORIQUES : L'INDIVIDU ET LA FONCTION Mémoire de recherche en Master 2 préparé par Thomas Vétillart Sous la direction d'Éléonore Marantz-Jaen Année universitaire 2014-2015
Este ensayo entonces, es escrito en el marco de la investigación: Políticas públicas y gobierno público en Medellín, estrategias de consolidación del derecho público con perspectiva territorial. Esta Investigación es desarrollada por el... more
What is the state of the research on crowdsourcing for policymaking? This article begins to answer this question by collecting, categorizing, and situating an extensive body of the extant research investigating policy crowdsourcing,... more
Approaching the 2014 Election, Indonesian pollsters have been keen to release their polis presenting similar trends in party electability among the three big parties. The majority o f pollsters favour the prospects o f the Gol kar Party... more
Bringing together top scholars in the field, Universality and Social Policy in Canada (published by the University of Toronto Press in May 2019) provides an overview of the universality principle in social welfare. The contributors survey... more
What are the similarities and differences between crowdsourcing and sharing economy? What factors influence their use in developing countries? In light of recent developments in the use of IT-mediated technologies, such as crowdsourcing... more
Sebagai bentuk afirmasi politis, lahirnya UU Desa menyediakan peluang untuk memperbesar akses, kontrol, dan manfaat bagi desa guna membangun tata kelola demokratis yang diorientasikan bagi tercapainya kemandirian desa. Setelah berjalan... more
The characteristic of classical public policy was the will to power by a government that authoritatively and centrally formulated its policies and implemented them in the society under its control. With the increase of emerging problems... more
Can Crowdsourcing be used for policy? Previous work posits that the three types of Crowdsourcing have different levels of potential usefulness when applied to the various stages of the policy cycle. In this paper, we build upon this... more
The qualitative research addresses the political logic of why and how the incumbents succeed and fail in direct election for regional heads (pilkada) in emerging democratic Indonesia. De Mesquita et al. (2003) believe that, to survive in... more
Lessons from the Post-War Balkans. Part 6 of the book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe (ed. Pamela Kilpadi). Includes the articles: * 'Interethnic Policymaking for Interethnic Tolerance' by Islam Yusufi * 'Islam in Southeast European... more
In this chapter Paul Carr reveals a controversy at the heart of Canadian educational policy making. The unacknowledged power and privilege of'whiteness' and the ways in which white people can define the agenda to support their own power,... more
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* This research was selected for the special issue of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), Working Group 8.6 2007 annual conference (see the entry for this conference). This publication is part of the special... more
Crowdsourcing is rapidly evolving and applied in situations where ideas, labour, opinion or expertise of large groups of people are used. Crowdsourcing is now used in various policy-making initiatives; however, this use has usually... more
向来平静的新中双边关系近年来正在 经历一段少见的摩擦。虽然新加坡 并不是南海领域争议的一方,但是新中之间 所产生的张力,却主要来自南海纷争,特别 是两国对联合国海洋公约(UNCLOS)的诠 释和对中国在南海填盖人工岛礁的态度。新 中观点落差背后是双方对现有国际秩序、国 际法、海事管理,以及新加坡与美国战略合 作的认知差异。既使新加坡政府认为自己的 观点反映了该国在华府与北京之间“不选 边”的长期立场,但是海事和航海权益的问题仍然可能把新加坡卷入美中紧张关系。 This... more
Abstract: This comparative study of two cases draws upon alternative theories of policy change to explore the dynamics of tuition policy formation in Canada. The research examined five key dimensions in the policy episodes: (a) goals of... more
Article History Published Online: This paper presents a critical analysis of water literature, advanced in political discourses. The paper, while reviewing water studies, for this purpose, explores the prevailing understandings and... more
This paper presents a discussion on the fact that water is a right, and while presenting so it elaborates on the conceptual debates emerged out of discourse of rights. The paper argues and insists that the concept of Water Rights is... more
Europeanization of candidate states: the case of the Turkish administration This article investigates the way the national administration in Turkey has modified its organizations and modes of action under the influence of the European... more
In 2020, in the new EU strategic horizon1 that is opening at present, the place should matter more than ever when it refers to territories that are envisaged from the Social Innovation paradigm (Moulaert2, Mulgan3 and Morgan4).... more
Introducción Cualquier observador con una mínima información sobre la pandemia del coronavirus podría pensar o que Venezuela ha tenido mucha suerte o que el régimen dictatorial de Maduro lo ha hecho muy bien. Cuando este artículo fue... more
Conventional approach views that the root of poverty is inherently cultural factors. Indeed, structural factors outside the poor are the real impediments. This paper discusses three questions focusing on governance of antipoverty. It... more
Franks, P.E. (2005) A Warning on the Decay of Social Fabric in South Africa, Final Panel Discussion, Third South African Public Management Conversation, African peer review mechanism, Fancourt Hotel, George, Western Cape South Africa, 7-9... more
Using two conceptual frameworks from political science—Kingdon’s (2003) multiple streams model and the advocacy coalition framework (Sabatier & Jenkins-Smith, 1993)—this case study examines the detailed history of a major tuition policy... more
This paper presents a discussion on the fact that water is a right, and while presenting so it elaborates on the conceptual debates emerged out of discourse of rights. The paper argues and insists that the concept of Water Rights is... more
Trabajo de investigación sobre el impacto del programa del Ministerio de Vivienda (Perú) en las organizaciones sociales. Se utilizaron datos de corte transversal bajo un modelo multinomial (mlogit). La variable respuesta o dependiente es... more
Third Positionists as the political economists always believe that every ethnic community should have socio-political and economic rights within the territory where they stay in any state. However, level of provision of rights varies... more
The industrial revolution which became the hallmark of development and distinguishing factor that separates industrialized nations from the underdeveloped or developing countries, reigned for over a century before being overturned by... more
Publication represents a collection of critical texts that were created as a result of years of work of the Roma Forum of Serbia on the programme of political education. Referring to the official documents for inclusion policy as very far... more
Surveys on the direct election for local leader (pilkada) reveal that the popular leaders (who are close to the people) are most desirable, including among Javanese voters. Experts explain that those findings show evidence that there is... more
The citizens of Mexico and the United States are both victims of political corruption. Popular perceptions are that corruption in Mexico remains endemic while corruption in the US is more anomalous: views supported by the results of... more
My piece with East Asia Forum re-printed by Today. Full disclosure: Please note some changes from the original apart from the title. ___________ "Beijing apparently snubbed Singapore by not inviting its prime minister to the inaugural... more