Sport Policy
Recent papers in Sport Policy
In 2012, the national sports policy paper was presented to the Sri Lankan parliament to mitigate mismanagement in sports and direct the sports sector to long term progress. However, the Sri Lankan policy framework has not been evaluated.... more
It was the fifth President of the International Olympic Committee, Avery Brundage, who once remarked how politics and sport had little to do with one another. If only he was alive today, what might he think of the recent revelations... more
This article explores the views of 906 football fans (96% of whom selfidentified as White), collected via an online survey from May-June 2019, regarding the impact of the leading equality and inclusion organization, Kick It Out, in... more
In September 2014, a historic referendum on the issue of Scottish independence was held, with the potential to dissolve the political union between Scotland and the other constituent nations of the United Kingdom which had survived intact... more
This article presents a case study of corporate social responsibility in one major European professional football league. An empirical analysis of the German Bundesliga investigates the social and environmental measures that were... more
Since Greco-Roman antiquity, the convergence of sports and politics has been a constitutive feature of political cultures. More recently, the blending of sports and politics has been revived with racist understanding by twentieth century... more
This article offers the first empirical account of the role of County Sport Partnerships (CSPs) in delivering grassroots sport policy in the UK. Current leading academic approaches to policy delivery in the UK suggest that we have... more
Sport : « culture volontaire et habituelle de l'exercice musculaire intensif appuyé sur le désir de progrès et pouvant aller jusqu'au risque » (Pierre de Coubertin)
We often hear claims made about sport’s special status as a meritocratic ‘level playing field’, where sporting success is seen to be directly related to talent, and where discrimination and social inequalities can be dissolved through the... more
This study focuses on the issue of social exclusion in British tennis. It commences with a critique of current LTA policy, presenting exclusion as static, ahistorical and underpinned by false dichotomies of age and social class. Aspects... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, gelişmiş ülkeler arasında değerlendirilen İngiltere'nin spor organizasyon ve yapısının tarihsel süreç içeresinde spor politikaları ile birlikte incelemektir. Çalışmada İngiltere'nin ele alınmasının sebebi, dünyada... more
A globalizáció hatása alól olyan társadalmi alrendszer, mint a sport sem jelent kivételt. A globális médiapiac, illetve infokommunikációs eszközök dinamikus fejlődése és a sport univerzális jellege miatt a nemzeti kormányzatok és a... more
Das Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat erarbeitet gemeinsam mit dem Deutschen Olympischen Sportbund eine Strategie für Sportgroßveranstaltungen in Deutschland. Dabei werden durch die Einbindung einer Vielzahl an Expertinnen... more
This paper examines online sports betting in Germany and the USA, two countries that differ from the global trend that has been moving toward the legalization and liberalization of the sector. The following research questions are asked:... more
Resumen: La organización y expansión del deporte internacional durante el siglo xx se ancló principalmente a la implicación político-económica de los Estados, motivada por su representación en las competiciones deportivas por... more
En los estudios realizados por instituciones político-deportivas vascas que abordan la posibilidad de que el deporte vasco obtenga una representación de carácter internacional, no se valora suficientemente la implementación de una... more
The only one of its type, this study is a socio-political investigation into the relationship between sport and nation-building in Malaysia. The relationship between sport and nationbuilding incorporating analyses of the 'nation;... more
This article investigates why the small Middle Eastern country Qatar is investing so heavily in the sport sector. The country is hosting prestigious sporting events such as the Asian Games, the handball and the football World Cup,... more
The bibliography is intended to illustrate the state of research on different types of video games (e-sports and serious games) in connection with sport culture. For this purpose, scientific publications from sport-specific databases but... more
7 PREMIERE PARTIE : Revue de littérature 12 Présentation 13 Chapitre premier. Politique sportive nationale 16 Chapitre deuxième. Politique sportive liée à des jeunes pays ayant acquis leur indépendance 27 Chapitre troisième. Politique... more
Tesi di laurea in DIRITTO DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA Relatore Prof. Francesco MUNARI Candidato Matr. 3037586 Stefano ORENGO con il cuore fino alla vittoria Ringraziamenti RINGRAZIAMENTI Nei momenti più alti e nei momenti più bassi della... more
This article presents the responses of 4,113 sports fans (55% of whom self-identified as female), collected via an online survey from April 2019 to June 2019, about their views on trans women competing in women’s sports. In presenting the... more
Background: The development of appropriate and comprehensive sports for all levels of society is essential in every regional development step in sports. Various approaches have been made to study the development of sports, but the primary... more
Over the last 20 years or so there has been a proliferation of anti-racist organisations, campaigns and interventions across football at all levels, allied to broader social, cultural and political shifts in late modern digital societies.... more
Contact Dr Neil Ravenscroft, Chelsea School Research Centre, University of Brighton, Trevin Towers, Gaudick Road, Eastbourne BN20 7SP [email protected] tel 07801 282 180. ... There has been a proliferation of new sporting forms... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
Considerable attention has been paid to the experiences of pain and injury in the sociology of sport literature. In this vein, this paper probes the experience of pain and injury as it pertains to masculinities. This paper documents the... more
This study traces the implementation of The English Football Association's Ethics and Sports Equity Strategy (E&SES), which aims to tackle inequalities -including racismin English football, but particularly in the often overlooked local,... more
Significant economic development has been experienced by Brazilian society in the past 10 years, leading to important changes in the social structures found in this country. Parallel to the economic improvements, Brazil has also been... more
It can not be overlooked that sports, in its journey in the last century, exhibits an important institutionalism in the creation of country's image and the state of life. Sport as a social phenomenon, is... more
Since Greco-Roman antiquity, the convergence of sports and politics has been a constitutive feature of political cultures. More recently, the blending of sports and politics has been revived with racist understanding by twentieth century... more
Actes des Jeudis de l'éducation et de l'Insertion par le sport. 28 mai 2009. Metz
Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports
Pôle ressources national
Sport, éducation, mixités, citoyenneté
Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports
Pôle ressources national
Sport, éducation, mixités, citoyenneté
Comitato di Direzione vincenzo iaconianni (Coni-coordinatore), albeRto anGeletti (avv. Foro Roma), antonio baRtolini (Un. Perugia), SteFano baStianon (Un. Bergamo), FRanceSco bonini (Lumsa), maRcello claRich (Un. LUISS "Guido Carli"),... more
Purpose of this paper: This paper examines current momentum in the sport policy arena congruent with the sustainable development agenda. It presents two consensus frameworks endorsed by the UN that provide mechanism for coherent action to... more