Political consumerism
Recent papers in Political consumerism
Understanding how people engage in politics, and what motivates them to do so, has been an ongoing concern in the social science literature. Over the past decade, scholarly interest in boycotts and buycotts, which collectively comprise... more
This article is organized as follows. The background section describes the case of newly legalized recreational marijuana. It introduces Portland, Oregon as a hub of ethical consumerism and environmental mobilization; outlines the status... more
Do contemporary governments adapt to rising social movements or do they actually cause them? This paper endeavours to argue that although it is often difficult to determine the origins of social transformations, there are reasons to... more
Abstract With the diffusion of the Internet, Web 2.0 and online social network usage, consumers’ power has increased against to companies which were seen inaccessible in the past. The Internet that enables consumers to be producers has... more
As emphasized in the collection of articles for this special issue, clothing and textile production is one of the most polluting industries in the world. Its sustainability challenge involves multiple, interrelated, and complicated... more
Günümüzde küreselleşme ve bireyselleşmenin ortaya çıkardığı değişimlerle pazar, geleneksel işlevlerinin ötesine geçerek bireylerin ve tüketici gruplarının yaptıkları tüketimler aracılığıyla kendilerini ifade ettikleri bir yer haline... more
Fair trade, ecovillaggi, transition towns, banche del tempo, slow fashion. È il vocabolario del consumo innovativo, in cui contano non solo il prezzo e la qualità dei prodotti, ma anche il comportamento dei produttori e la sostenibilità... more
....Inwiefern sind aber die Bürger/innen tatsächlich auch bereit, an der Bewältigung der großen Herausforderungen, vor denen unsere Gesellschaft steht, gestaltend mitzuwirken? Inwiefern sind sie Konsumbürger/innen in dem Sinne, dass sie... more
This historical chapter investigates two examples of racist political consumerism in early-20th-century Australia. It found expression in a locally particular form as the ‘White Sugar’ campaign, which declared consumption of cane sugar a... more
A farmer on a small scale organic farm in rural India uploads images of his latest produce to consumers and retailers via an open source online food hub; a " conscious consumer " in Charlottesville, Virginia uses an app while supermarket... more
Now in its sixth edition, The Better World Shopping Guide is the most comprehensive guide available for socially and environmentally responsible consumers. Drawing on over 25 years of research, this 100,000-copy bestseller rates every... more
In recent years, there has been an increased mobilization around vegan and plant-based diets. The chapter will analyze this mobilization, the evolution of the images and practices of vegan eating and what kind of political consumerism... more
Socially responsible marketing is practiced by companies engaged in corporate social responsibility as a way to clearly communicate their positive social and environmental behaviors to ethical consumers. The opposite practice,... more
Although social movements are concerned with resistance, there has been a surprisingly little effort towards conceptualizing and problematising resistance within social movement studies. This chapter aims to address such a gap. It shows... more
The chapter aims at providing a set of interpretive tools to analyze the outcomes of consumer activism when performed through collective action. In the last years, in fact, we have witnessed a shifting from political consumerism... more
Ethical consumerism theory aims to describe, explain, and evaluate the ways in which producers and consumers use the market to support social and environmental values. The literature draws insights from empirical studies of sectors that... more
Winner of the 2013 Michael Ramsey Prize for Theological Writing. Reviewed in: Journal of Church & State; Studies in Christian Ethics; Politics, Religion & Ideology; Evangelical Journal of Theology; Journal of Practical Theology;... more
L’appropriation progressive du champ politique par les marques témoigne d’un besoin de conformisme communicationnel spécifique à la société de consommation. Une évolution liée à la dédifférenciation du politique par rapport à l’ensemble... more
This article examines the growing entanglements between the digital and the world of food while suggesting that food is a particularly generative space through which to understand the evolving but often hidden role of the digital in... more
An introduction to the problem of greenwashing, this presentation was given in March 2015 at the Eastern Sociological Society's Annual Conference in Boston, MA. It seeks to answer 5 questions: 1. What is greenwashing? 2. How do we... more
The "white Australia policy" has so far largely been discussed with regard only to its political-ideological perspective. No account was taken of the central problem of racist societalization, i.e. the everyday production and reproduction... more
Food is becoming an increasingly disputed issue, and food movements have emerged in both the Global North and Global South. Food security and food sovereignty are still influencing the everyday life of almost 1 billion people in the... more
(FREE DOWNLOAD FROM Taylor&Francis website) Do contemporary governments adapt to rising social movements or do they actually cause them? This paper endeavours to argue that although it is often difficult to determine the origins of... more
See the following link for a published version of this article: http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ap/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/ap201527a.html Van Deth’s (2014) comprehensive ‘conceptual map of political participation’ has reinstated a... more
This article explores the question of how the idea of political consumerism looks from a liberal democratic viewpoint. The question is analysed by looking at the main thoughts behind the liberal, democratic model of society. John Locke’s... more
The globalization of production chains has triggered an abundance of political consumer campaigns aimed at promoting global social and environmental responsibility. What is the most effective way to conceptualize and gauge the impact of... more
Most of the literature treats boycotting and buycotting – which collectively comprise political consumerism – as homogeneous acts, reflecting a single mode of behavior. However, several key differences between boycotts and buycotts... more
Dieses Buch untersucht die kommunikative Konstitution sozialer Bewegungen durch Selbstbeschreibungen. Es versucht damit, die seit den späten 1990er Jahren brachliegende systemtheoretische Perspektive auf soziale Bewegungen konzeptuell und... more
Critical consumption, the purchase or boycott of goods for political, ethical or environmental reasons, is regularly characterised as an example of ‘new politics’ or ‘new’ political participation. However, such analysis often neglects... more
A growing number of environmental groups focus on more sustainable practices in everyday life, from the development of new food systems, to community solar, to more sustainable fashion. No longer willing to take part in unsustainable... more
Ovaj rad se bavi analizom duga kao načina funkcioniranja današnje ekonomije i društva. Kako bi se sa svih aspekata analizirao dug, rad kreće od objašnjavanja osnovnih ekonomskih i društvenih uvjeta današnjice koji su u pozadini stvaranja... more
Cannabis (marijuana) is the most commonly consumed, universally produced, and frequently trafficked psychoactive substance prohibited under international drug control laws. Yet, several countries have recently moved toward legalization.... more
While existing studies assert that citizens actively use digital media to exert their political agency, the various roles and impacts of digital media should be further unpacked. Building on the notions of 'digital democratic affordance'... more
The deliberate decisions to buy- or boycott a product for political, environmental or social reasons clearly seems to be driven by different factors: Boycotters want to express their discontent with certain market practices and to put... more
As the prevalence of “conscious” consumption has grown, questions have arisen about its relationship to political action. An influential argument holds that political consumption individualizes responsibility for environmental degradation... more
Several recent studies have shown an increase in political consumerism (boycott and buycott) and a tendency towards a new ‘politics in the supermarket’. These developments are usually seen as a transformation of forms of political action... more
This paper contributes to an ongoing effort by scholars to bridge the gap between the growing literatures on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethical consum- erism (EC) by proposing that these phenomena be considered as two ends... more
Ph.d. afhandling om den politiske forbruger
Il tentativo di questo saggio andrà dunque nella direzione di una problematizzazione dell’etica attraverso gli strumenti della sociologia, al fine di verificare la possibilità per l’etica di configurarsi non tanto come un insieme di... more
Although new theories of collective action in the contemporary media environment have provided an expanded view of the structure of action, important questions remain. These questions include how action frames flow between advocacy... more
Ethical consumer discourse is organized around the idea that shopping, and particularly food shopping, is a way to create progressive social change. A key component of this discourse is the “citizen-consumer” hybrid, found in both... more