Slow Food
Recent papers in Slow Food
Terra Madre “arabanın arka tekeri” olarak nitelendirilen mütevazı ve marjinal bir kesimin kendi önemini anlayıp birlik olma hayalinin sayfalara dökülmüş halidir. Bu insanların önemi hep göz ardı edildi. Bu insanlar zamanın gerisinde... more
カブリエレ・ハード, 2018, 「スローライフへの誘い」,『2017年度チャペル講話集』関西学院大学社会学部, p.69-71.
An invitation to a "slow life", speech given at Kwansei Gakuin University School of Sociology Chapel 2018. (in Japanese)
An invitation to a "slow life", speech given at Kwansei Gakuin University School of Sociology Chapel 2018. (in Japanese)
The current and prevailing paradigm of intensive agricultural production is a straightforward example of the mainstream way of doing business. Mainstream enterprises are based on a negativistic view of human nature that leads to... more
Fair trade, ecovillaggi, transition towns, banche del tempo, slow fashion. È il vocabolario del consumo innovativo, in cui contano non solo il prezzo e la qualità dei prodotti, ma anche il comportamento dei produttori e la sostenibilità... more
Food is a potent site for the creation of memories. It can shed light on the broader processes of the construction of history and identity as well as the transmission of culinary knowledge. At the heart of this discussion is the fate of... more
Il brand è un oggetto ambiguo. Nato come strumento del marketing duro e puro, dunque chiave di volta dell'iperorganizzazione dei consumi individuali e collettivi, ha finito progressivamente per sganciarsi dalle sue basi... more
Mrs W.E. Kinsey's "The 'Mems' Own Cookery Book" published in 1920 gives insights to the conditions of colonial cooking in Malaya, explores the state of colonial meals and the skills of local cooks, and provides insights to adaptations of... more
Within contemporary social thought, the slow food movement is commonly construed as a growing, organized protest against the development of high-speed lifestyles. The primary aim of this article is to query the limits of such an... more
Co-traducción del italiano al español. ¿Qué tiene que ver la comida con la libertad? Las ramificaciones de una decisión tan cotidiana como qué poner en la mesa para comer son bastante profundas. Carlo Petrini las saca a la superficie en... more
Bringing together scholars from the areas of tourism, leisure and cultural studies, eco-humanities and tourism management, this book examines the emerging phenomenon of slow tourism. The book explores the range of travel experiences that... more
There have always been links between food and architecture, but the connections between Slow Food and Slow Architecture that are explored here could highlight a number of lessons learned and shared between these two multidisciplinary... more
Traditional and regional foods and dishes are specific to their composition, way of production and origin. They are parts of the country's cultural identity. In recent years, these products have been highly preferred by European... more
I argue that Petrini's claims that Slow Food can save the world are bloated and that it is essentially a gastronomic movement.
My Master's thesis research stems from the need to integrate a multidisciplinary view to conservation issues. The integration of a historical approach to the study of environmental systems (historical ecology), in addition to... more
Slow Food is a non-profit, eco-gastronomic, member-supported organization founded in 1989 to counteract Fast Food and fast life. A further development of Slow Food is the Cittaslow Movement, which builds on the ideas of Slow Food but... more
Second edition of the book 'Uganda from Earth to Table; Traditional Products and Dishes' a collection of local foods and dishes from around Uganda.
This is the introduction to the book FAST FOOD/SLOW FOOD published by Altamira Press in 2006, available on It is actually chapter 2 - the first chapter is an introcution by Sidney Mintz.
Tesi di laurea triennale
Corso di Laurea in “Scienze Politiche e dell’Amministrazione” (classe 36)
Tesi di laurea in Sociologia del Turismo
Corso di Laurea in “Scienze Politiche e dell’Amministrazione” (classe 36)
Tesi di laurea in Sociologia del Turismo
Copy here is a draft of the chapter. The direct URL for the book is:
A paper on glocalism in the Terra Madre network founded by Slow Food
Si invitano gli autori ad attenersi, nel predisporre i materiali da proporre alla rivista, alle norme specificate nel volume Fabrizio Serra, Regole editoriali, tipografiche & redazionali, Pisa-Roma, Serra, 2009 (Euro 34,00, ordini a:... more
O tema central deste projeto consiste em resgatar a personalidade dos produtos, por meio da customização sustentada no movimento Slow Design. Através de um estudo que aborda questões como a produção em série e a homogeneização dos... more
Comer é mais do que satisfazer as necessidades biológicas do nosso organismo. É um ato social, simbólico, significante e sensorial, que une o desejo, fome, praticas, rituais e a cultura de determinada comunidade. Os tempos mudam e aquilo... more
Eating is an intensely personal act. It has the power to communicate to our peers our beliefs, our experiences and our sociocultural backgrounds. As argues, food is a highly condensed social fact, playing a key role in the construction of... more
Corn in Mexico has been a source of conflict, commodity and fetishism. This chapter traces the evolution of narratives surrounding corn in Mexico to underline how these effect the country’s food security and capacity for... more
Zusammenfassung Es ging an der ersten Stelle um die Verlangsamung des alltäglichen Lebens in den Städten, die vom Tourismus einigermaßen überholt worden waren. Die Grundlagen der "Cittaslow", dass die langsame Stadt bedeutet, wurden im... more
In Sierra Leone l’agricoltura è uno dei pilastri dell’economia e fornisce occupazione a circa il 75% della popolazione. Nonostante il Paese sia dotato di molte risorse naturali, acqua e favorevoli condizioni climatiche, il raggiungimento... more
Slow tourism. New trend in holidays
Con questo elaborato ho voluto dar spazio alla tematica che si occupa della valorizzazione del territorio italiano ed essendo un argomento presente in vari settori, la scelta si è concentrata principalmente su quello agro-alimentare. Nel... more
1986’da İtalya’da başlayan ve 1989 yılı itibariyle uluslararası boyuta ulaşan Slow Food bugün 160 ülkede binlerce üyesiyle dünyaya daha kaliteli bir yaşam sunuyor. Slow Food soframızdan gezegenimize uzanan yolda yok olmakla karşı karşıya... more
Sürdürülebilir turizm; yaşanılan süreçte turizm bölgelerinin geliştirilip korunarak gelecekte fırsata dönüştürülmesini sağlamayı hedeflemektedir. Bu çerçevede, turizm kaynaklarının doğru yönetilmesi ve kültürel bütünlük ile... more
🇵🇱(🇬🇧 below) ABSTRAKT Wiele jest sposobów konserwowania owoców ze zbieractwa i z upraw. Jednym z najdoskonalszych jest typ produktu, którego forma kulinarna, znana od stuleci albo i tysiącleci w krajach Azji Centralnej i Kaukazu, a w... more