World Social Forums
Recent papers in World Social Forums
Activism and advocacy have drawn academic interest as alternative ways of achieving collective ends outside established political institutions. However, there has been very little theoretical attention aimed at the interconnections... more
Neoliberalism, which is the dominant economic and political paradigm, is associated with trade liberalization, deregulation, austerity, and precariarization of the labour market. While the neoliberal and feminist logics may seem... more
Le prétexte de cet article est un slogan subtil qui a connu à partir des années 1980 un immense succès dans les milieux de l’écologie, où il est né, jusqu’à paraître aujourd’hui galvaudé par sa migration dans des domaines proches, comme... more
In spring 2011, while world history was being written in Cairo and other North African cities and countries, the World Social Forum (WSF) took place in Dakar, Senegal. The 10-year old WSF has proven to be an indis-pensible transnational... more
"Reading Geoffrey Pleyers’ account of the alter-globalization movement has a certain poignancy, as well as engendering a sense of excitement and the glimmer of new possibilities. ... Pleyers is very good on the limitations and... more
On all continents the enormity of the violence and danger of the times gives rise to multiple new practices of struggle and to conceptual innovations, which seek to serve justice, solidarity, and dignity for all. We explore the... more
After providing a brief overview of the global justice movement history, this article analyzes the main argument raised by its activists to oppose the neoliberal ideology, as notably asserted by the shifts in the discourses of some G20... more
In this reflexive essay, I explore how the present and the future of the World Social Forum are intimately related to the ability of its actors to acknowledge and actively address the inherent tensions of open spaces. The former must... more
In this article, we contribute to debates regarding the nature and role of the World Social Forum (WSF) in the post-2010 period by employing the prism of assemblage thinking. By using the WSF 2016 held in Montreal, Canada as a case study,... more
Call for Paper per un numero monografico di Farestoria Rivista dell'Istituto storico della Resistenza e dell'età contemporanea di Pistoia Tra il 1999 e il 2003 lo scenario politico mondiale fu attraversato dal cosiddetto movimento... more
Since the beginning of the Internet, its features have been used to communicate knowledge between researchers in different universities or scientific laboratories, and later, with the increasing growth of the World Wide Web, knowledge... more
Fifty years after Bandung, the Bamako Appeal calls for a Bandung of the peoples of the South, victims of really existing capitalism, and the rebuilding of a peoples 'front of the South able to hold in check both the imperialism of the... more
Civil society’ has emerged as one of the essentially contested concepts in political modernity. It includes a variety of differing and conflicting views and perspectives. These are visible beyond the academic debate also in the context of... more
This thesis provides an in-depth empirical analysis of the character and significance of media and communication in the World Social Forum (WSF), focusing on their relationship to processes of knowledge production. Using the concept of... more
"Lieux extraordinaires de brassage d’expériences et d’expertises altermondialistes, les sept Forums Sociaux Mondiaux ont profondément marqué le mouvement altermondialiste. Ils ont incarné une volonté de renouveler la politique et la... more
Det är i år 40 år sedan 1968. I västvärlden är inget annat år under efterkrigstiden så förknippat med politiska protester, rörelseengagemang och snabba samhällsförändringar. Historieskrivningen har hittills inte tillmätt året 1999 samma... more
It has become increasingly accepted that the world cannot be properly understood through theoretical lenses that consider state actors as the exclusive domain of the political. At the same time, there has been surprisingly little... more
This article seeks to provide a critical analysis of the alter-globalisation movement as a potential 'postmodern Prince' as advanced by Stephen Gill. The article proposes that the social forces aligned under the rubric of alter-globalism... more
Reformulating the possibilities for action in this global world constitutes a major issue in contemporaneous social sciences and a central challenge of the alter-globalization/global justice movement. This book proposes to discuss it... more
Em tempos como os que estamos vivendo, de largo predomínio das ideias de uma mundialização sem fronteiras da economia (sobretudo a financeira) e de um crescente questionamento em relação à operatividade (em termos da efetividade e... more
Cet ouvrage est un constat d’apprentissage pour un travail dirigé effectué à titre de consultante interne au sein du Forum social mondial 2016 de Montréal. L’objectif du mandat était d’offrir du soutien à la performance de l’organisation,... more
This paper seeks an articulation between Marxist and anarchist approaches to representation in social movements. A generalised dismissal of representational politics leaves power with too many places to hide and sets unnecessary limits to... more
В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы межкультурной интернет-коммуникации и основные средства, позволяющие ее осуществлять.
This article describes issues of cross-cultural online communication and the basic means to carry it out.
This article describes issues of cross-cultural online communication and the basic means to carry it out.
This paper starts from the observation that the very concept ‘social forum’ is to some extent predicated on a distinction between the market – the primary organisational model of neo-liberalism – and the forum, conceived as a different... more
While social movement and global civil society analysts have strongly associated social movements internationalization with their institutionalization (e.g. Keck & Sikkink, 1998; Tilly 2004), a new path towards an internationalization... more
How are sexual politics part of global justice? Como a política sexual faz parte da justiça global? ¿Cómo es la política sexual parte de la justicia global? Inwiefern ist Sexualpolitik Teil globaler Gerechtigkeit? This essay discusses... more
This article examines, through a quantitative analysis of survey data, the extent to which union members and labor activists attending the World Social Forum from different world system zones vary in their political goals and activities.... more
Boaventura de Sousa Santos. 2014. Epistemologies of the South: Justice Against Epistemicide. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers. 292 pages; 978-1-61205-545-9 Paper ($32.95)
“Estamos ante un libro que, además de ser innovador, es muy oportuno. No podríamos pensar en una publicación más adecuada en el momento en que CLACSO organiza el Primer Foro Mundial del Pensamiento Crítico.” Boaventura de Sousa Santos,... more
Dibattito intorno a una riflessione del Subcomandante Marcos.
L'articolo di Gianni Palumbo viene dopo quelli di Raùl Zibechi e di Ramon Mantovani, dopo la lettera di Marcos al settimanale CARTA. E' il nostro dibattito "globale".
L'articolo di Gianni Palumbo viene dopo quelli di Raùl Zibechi e di Ramon Mantovani, dopo la lettera di Marcos al settimanale CARTA. E' il nostro dibattito "globale".
Qui sont les altermondialistes ? Comment s'organisent-ils ? Que revendiquent-ils ? Ce livre tente de répondre à ces questions à partir de la vaste enquête que les auteurs, politistes et sociologues, ont réalisée au cours d'un des... more
Observers such as Thomas Berry and David Korten have proposed that the contemporary ‘Great Work’ is to tell new stories, embodied in practical new politics and economics, to navigate the deep cultural and institutional transformations... more
THE MOST interesting attempt to create a global space for critical social movements is the World Social Forum (WSF), organized annually since 2001 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and in January 2004 in Mumbai, India. 1 Even though, to begin... more
1991) sobre a relação do PT com o novo sindicalismo no Brasil. 15 | A pesquisa Delegados-PT/Fundação Perseu Abramo foi feita por meio de entrevistas e atingiu 864 dos 1.053 delegados participantes (82%).