Fair Trade
Recent papers in Fair Trade
Чай и чайная торговля в Российской империи в XIX – начале ХХ вв.
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
Globalization, free trade, and individualization have opened up a worldwide marketplace for trading goods. The fair trade movement and other political consumerist endeavours view consumers as important active holders of responsibility for... more
RÉSUMÉ Comme toute innovation sociale, le commerce équitable (CÉ) est confronté au défi de son institutionnalisation sans que soit dénaturé son idée initiale (introduction). L’analyse de la trajectoire du CÉ permet de rendre compte de... more
The increasing disparity of income level among countries has triggered a global discussion on how to minimize wealth gap among nations. Developed countries continue to progress while the developing ones stagnate or deteriorate further.... more
In the last two decades, the fair trade movement has undergone significant institutional changes. From an informal network of activists and producers, it has evolved into a structured set of actors whose collective adherence to ‘‘fair’’... more
Bob Thomson is the retired ex-founder and Managing Director (1994-2000) of Transfair Canada. He is currently working on a book on zero growth. Ian Hussey, a PhD student (Sociology, York University), was the founding co-director of the... more
Fair Trade Tourism South Africa (FTTSA) is a certification that has similar ambitions to the pro-poor tourism approach. accordingly it has been implemented as a way of contributing to sustainability and poverty relief in South Africa post... more
is a consultant who has been interested in the Maasai since meeting Chief Isaac ole Tialolo at a London event. She led operations at a climate change data firm after gaining a Master of International Development degree from King's College... more
Ähnlich grundlegend ist die Einführung in die Perspektive der globalen Wertschöpfungsketten und die ihnen inhärenten Governance-Aspekte von Jutta Kister. Sie stellt eine grundsätzliche Diskrepanz der Fairhandels-Idee zwischen... more
While the market for fair trade products has been growing in many countries, this paper examines the French market where fair trade remains marginal but is experiencing growth. Using a modified Theory of Planned Behaviour framework the... more
This paper explores Israeli backpackers’ travel narratives, in which a profound self-change is recounted. These tourists are construed as narrators, whose identity stories, in which the powerful experience of self-change is constructed... more
Within global food networks, multiple and diverse meanings of social justice, environmental sustainability, livelihoods, fairness and well-being (or ‘ethicality’) exist in parallel to those embedded in ethical sourcing schemes. This paper... more
Candace Archer and Stefan Fritsch (2010) “Fair Trade: Humanizing Globalization and Reintroducing the Normative to International Political Economy.” Review of International Political Economy Vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 103-128.
Manejo de inversiones en materias primas , metales preciosos.
lector, no autor.
lector, no autor.
One approach to bilingual education that has gained increasing support from parents, educators, and researchers in the United States is one in which English language learners and English proficient students share a classroom and receive... more
In recent decades, scholarship on post-conflict states in Africa has expanded exponentially as scholars voraciously document the recovery efforts of countries despoiled by wars, among them Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo... more
German policy on sustainable development aims at encouraging the shaping of a more just and sustainable world marked by solidarity. Yet, it may also facilitate the perpetuation of existing hierarchies and the strengthening of certain... more
Do export sanctions cause export deflection? Data on Iranian non-oil exporters between January 2006 and June 2011 shows that two-thirds of these exports were deflected to non-sanctioning countries after sanctions were imposed in 2008, and... more
The vast majority of the books and articles that have been written over the past few centuries about trade policy in general and protectionism in particular have been written from a utilitarian perspective. Indeed, it would only be a... more
In dit artikel wordt onderzocht of het verkopen van fairtradeproducten een goed instrument is om ethische principes werkelijkheid te maken. Globalisering brengt een hoop onrecht met zich mee terwijl binnen de Westerse maatschappij de... more
Starbucks as a global company that reflect American values plays an important role in the trade of coffee industry. In February 2000, Starbucks partially adopted the Fair Trade and in early 2001 Starbucks fully adopt Fair Trade. This... more
This dissertation is a systematised and thematic study of Friedrich List’s economic approach, showing: 1) The fundamental importance of immaterial production factors, and 2) How ‘mental capital’ binds a multitude of issues together into... more
This paper examines the question of whether it is ethical for company officials to use the force of government to reduce or eliminate foreign competition, using the antidumping laws as a case study. This paper begins with a brief... more
Framed within the common goal of advancing trade justice and South-North solidarity, The Fair Trade Handbook presents a broad interpretation of fair trade and a wide-ranging dialogue between different viewpoints. Canadian researchers in... more
This paper is one of five case studies which is a part of a larger project looking at the various effects that trade and investment can have on innovation. This paper studies the effect of the ending of the Multi-Fibre Agreement (MFA) on... more
This article critically considers the `fit' between FairTrade consumption and conceptualizations of the reflexive project of selfhood. By outlining the ways in which FairTrade products are marketed, we argue that a particular and partial... more
This Backgrounder is based on research that examined land use change in Costa Rica as a result of the global coffee crisis, posing the following questions: Why did some areas abandon coffee production while other areas were able to... more
Nestled in the Himalayan foothills of Northeast India, Darjeeling is synonymous with some of the finest and most expensive tea in the world. It is also home to a violent movement for regional autonomy that, like the tea industry, dates... more
The Fairtrade movement is a group of businesses claiming to trade ethically. The claims are evaluated, under a range of criteria derived from the Utilitarian ethic. Firstly, if aid or charity money is diverted from the very poorest people... more
In diesem Aufsatz geht es mir darum, einen verantwortungsethischen Ansatz in der Konsumentenethik zu entwickeln, der jüngste Debatten zu Kollektivierungs und Institutionalisierungspflichten zusammenführt. Erstens werde ich dafür... more
Employee buy-in is a key factor in ensuring small- and medium-size enterprise (SME) engagement with corporate social responsibility (CSR). In this exploratory study, we use participant observation and semi-structured interviews to... more
Miller have both written engaging analyses of the global agriculture/food system and its alternatives. Within this general subject area, the authors take interest in different foci and use different theoretical frameworks in their... more
The increase in concern for ethical issues among consumers has been well-documented in literature. The context of clothing, however, remains less developed. Research and the media have highlighted sweatshop labour concerns in clothing as... more
This article examines how The wealth of nations (1776) was transformed into an amorphous text regarding the imperial question throughout the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Adam Smith had left behind an ambiguous legacy on... more
Fair trade is a fast-growing alternative market intended to bring better prices and greater social justice to small farmers around the world. But what does a fair-trade label signify? This vivid study of coffee farmers in Mexico offers... more
El comercio justo es un mercado alternativo internacional en rápido crecimiento que busca promover una mayor justicia social para los pequeños productores y ofrecer mejores precios para sus productos. Este estudio de los productores de... more
Globalization, either directly or indirectly (e.g. through structural adjustment reforms), has called for profound changes in the previously existing institutional order. Some changes adversely impacted the production and market... more
The influence of information about organic production and fair trade on hedonic and analytic judgments of pineapple was studied in British (n = 44) and Dutch (n = 51) subjects. The subjects received pineapple pieces of three regularly... more