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In recent years, interest in environmental issues has increased and, in particular, it has been rmly established the idea that consumer choices can actually affect the environmental performance of the different production systems. In the... more
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      Small FruitEcolabelLCAIPCC
Over the past several years, environmental economists have been increasingly attracted to the use of information as an alternative to traditional methods for regulating externalities. An example of this approach is ‘‘eco-labeling,’’ where... more
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      Environmental EconomicsEnvironmental policyEnvironmental ManagementEcolabel
In the last 20 years, the tourism industry has witnessed the proliferation of many ecolabels with different scopes and criteria and sometimes with a limited area of recognition, which has caused confusion among guests. In order to offer a... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEcolabelEnvironmental SustainabilitySustainable Architecture
The term eco-labeling‘ has become a buzz word in today‘s sustainable business world. The use of eco-labeling in various forms has been increasing notably for past many years, sometimes as an environmental ―requirement‖ and sometimes... more
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      EcolabelEnvironmental SustainabilityConsumer PerceptionFactors
Muhammad Mashuri Alif, Trisakti University, February 2, 2017 Dr. HifniAlifahmi. M.Si Keywords "EffectLabel Eco-Friendly Toward Brand Reputation the Mediated by Perceived Toward the Brand Quality and Trust Toward Papers Products... more
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      Image ProcessingTrustWater qualityEcolabel
Utilizing data drawn from online and print advertisements, this research compares the green advertising techniques of companies with well-documented strong and weak social and environmental track records. Notwithstanding more subtle,... more
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      PR and AdvertisingDramaturgyAdvertisingEthical Consumption
Panulirus argus constitutes the most highly valued marine species within the Biosphere Reserves of Sian Ka’an (SK) and Banco Chinchorro (BC) in the South-eastern Mexican Caribbean, and these are the first fisheries in the world for this... more
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      Marine EcologyMarine Protected AreasEnvironmental ManagementEcolabel
In the last 20 years , the tourism industry has witnessed the proliferation of many ecolabels with different scopes and criteria and sometimes with a limited area of recognition, which has caused confusion among guest s. In order to offer... more
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      BusinessSustainable DevelopmentEcolabelEnvironmental Sustainability
This paper contributes to an ongoing effort by scholars to bridge the gap between the growing literatures on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethical consum- erism (EC) by proposing that these phenomena be considered as two ends... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityEthical ConsumptionEcolabelCorporate Sustainability
Purpose—To encourage sustainable consumer practices, public policy makers introduce new ecological measures, including mandatory programs that require companies to provide environmental information about their products, even if not... more
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      EcolabelPro-environmental behaviourEnvironmental ConcernBrand familiarity
While prior ecolabel research suggests that consumers’ trust of ecolabel sponsors is associated with their purchase of ecolabeled products, we know little about how third-party certification might relate to consumer purchases when trust... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionEcolabelConsumer BehaviorConsumer Research
We examine new dynamics of privatization and collective action in common pool resource situations facilitated by the nonstate multistakeholder institutions of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), the global leader in sustainability... more
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      Political EconomyCommonsPolitical EcologyCommunity Development
Certification programs yield global assemblages of producers, consumers, investors, markets, and certifiers that are built around rules that define sustainability. In studying the dynamics and impacts of certification, scholars often... more
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      GeographyPolitical EconomyInternational Political EconomyStandards
In the last 20 years , the tourism industry has witnessed the proliferation of many ecolabels with different scopes and criteria and sometimes with a limited area of recognition, which has caused confusion among guest s. In order to offer... more
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      BusinessSustainable DevelopmentEcolabelEnvironmental Sustainability
Ecolabels are designed to help consumers identify environmentally superior products and services; however, they are not all created equal. Some ecolabels have strong rules that promote environmental improvements, while others have weaker... more
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      EcolabelEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceEnvironmental MonitoringGlobal Environmental Governance
Ο τουρισμός, ως δραστηριότητα με κοινωνική , πολιτισμική , περιβαλλοντική και οικονομική διάσταση, βασίζεται σε δύο πυλώνες , το φυσικό και πολιτισμικό περιβάλλον . Καθώς όμως αυτοί οι δύο πυλώνες απειλούνται από την οικονομική ανάπτυξη ,... more
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    • Ecolabel
In this paper we would like to focus on the awareness of sustainable management of resources among hotel managers and tourists visiting the mountainous parts of the Alpen-Adria region (Southeastern Alps, Northern Adriatic) of Europe. We... more
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      EcolabelSustainable TourismEnvironment Management, GIS, Urban Geography and Climate Change Adaptation
The state of the planet calls for large-scale sustainability transitions involving systemic adoption of markedly better environmental and social practices. The objective of this symposium is to better understand the role of corporations... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityEcolabelCorporate SustainabilityEnvironmental Policy and Governance
This paper takes a critical political economy perspective to examine the process of monetary and financial integration within the European Union (EU). In contrast to other perspectives, which emphasize the political or symbolic aspects of... more
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      Climate ChangeCritical GeopoliticsPolitical EcologyClimate change policy
While prior ecolabel research suggests that consumers’ trust of ecolabel sponsors is associated with their purchase of ecolabeled products, we know little about how third-party certification might relate to consumer purchases when trust... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionEcolabelConsumer BehaviorEnvironmental Sustainability
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      EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsEnvironmental ManagementEcolabel
The goal of this research was to shed light on the trade-offs that salmon consumers make between five types of production and health attributes of farmed salmon. In Canada, the major southern Ontario market cleaved into five distinct... more
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      Persistent Organic PollutantsMarine AquacultureEcolabelEnvironmental Sustainability
Tourism is an important aspect of the lives of the European citizens, who travel more and more for leisure or business. To this end, since the early 1980s the European Union and in particular, the European Commission and the European... more
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With more than 450 eco-labels worldwide, consumers have greater access to information about which products offer superior environmental attributes. How does a consumer decide which eco-labels are more likely to improve environmental... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionEcolabelEnvironmental SustainabilityGreen Consumer Behavior
This paper contributes to an ongoing effort by scholars to bridge the gap between the growing literatures on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethical consum- erism (EC) by proposing that these phenomena be considered as two ends... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityEthical ConsumptionEcolabelCorporate Sustainability
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      MarketingPerceptionStructural Equation ModelingGreen Marketing
With more than 450 eco-labels worldwide, consumers have greater access to information about which products offer superior environmental attributes. How does a consumer decide which eco-labels are more likely to improve environmental... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionEcolabelEnvironmental SustainabilityGreen Consumer Behavior
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