Political Caricature
Recent papers in Political Caricature
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Zgrade fakulteta šumarstva i drvne tehnologije imaju dva zimska vrta koji su trenutno neuređeni. Ovaj završni rad obuhvaća prezentaciju idejnog rješenja uređenja tih površina te sadrži nacrte i skice koje će biti predstavljene Upravi... more
- by lucija balja
Originally produced by Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. (Brooklyn, New York), a localized version of Garbage Pail Kids sticker cards was distributed in Israel between 1987 and 1988. Although intended as a children's product, the Israeli version of... more
Au lieu de se livrer à des festivités qui les laisseront « sans pain le lendemain », la communauté anarchiste parisienne invite ses militants à manifester en plein centre de la capitale à la veille de Noël 1922. Sur le qui-vive, la police... more
Research on censorship and self-censorship in Croatia is focused on political cartoons and caricatures in the period of communist system (1945–1990) until the breakup of Yugoslavia, and on the recent period of independent Republic of... more
L’expression satirique se trouve au cœur des débats actuels en France sur la liberté d’expression. Si la pratique satirique n’est jamais allée de soi, un retour sur son histoire permet d’en souligner l’ambivalence : tantôt émancipatrice,... more
Handovers, which has critical importance at qualified nursing care and patient safety are functional process' that are used by nurses between shift exchanges every day. Information about patients is transferred systematically by... more
Este libro constituye la segunda entrega de una genuina y exclusiva historia contemporánea de España relatada desde la caricatura política. Sus variadas contribuciones dan cuenta de lo acaecido en España desde la Restauración de la... more
This article studies the representation of China in caricatures in printed publications of the Russian Empire based on material of the Boxer Rebellion. The study of journal materials of various kinds contributes to understanding the... more
Détricoter les clichés sur les femmes musulmanes, telle est la mission que se sont attribuées les « humoristes voilées », à grands coups de parodies et d’autodérision.
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 23 mai 2024. Le texte seul est utilisable sous licence CC BY 4.0. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.
Le déclenchement du conflit avec la Prusse en octobre 1806 va offrir aux satiristes français l’occasion de déployer leur verve contre le couple royal prussien, notamment la reine qui a l’outrecuidance d’accompagner son mari à l’armée.... more
This paper aims at pointing out relevant questions on the analysis of the work of nineteenth-century cartoonist Ângelo Agostini, as well as to present pertinent arguments on the analysis of images in the historiographical field. To this... more
Esta publicación está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 81-118
KOPSAVILKUMS Pirmā pasaules kara laikā lielākoties tiek publicēti dzejas un īsprozas darbi, kuros nereti tiek runāts arī par bada situācijas aktualizēšanos kara laikā, akcentējot ne tikai fiziskā, bet arī emocionālā un intelektuālā bada... more
Les premiers albums du dessinateur Jean Bruller proposent une caricature sociale originale par la combinaison du texte et de l’image. Si La danse des vivants (1932-1938) aspire à illustrer la comédie humaine du XXe siècle par la... more
Si le traitement des identités nationales par la caricature a, de longue date, fait l'objet de nombreuses analyses, le passage à l'échelle régionale et locale est dans une large mesure un angle mort de la recherche sur la satire visuelle.... more
La historia política de Colombia se caracterizó a finales del siglo XIX y la primera mitad del siglo XX, por las constantes disputas entre liberales y conservadores por el afán de estos por alcanzar el dominio del poder Estatal. Así, la... more
Durante el Sexenio democrático fueron publicadas en los semanarios satíricos El Caos y El Lío cinco caricaturas que recuerdan, al menos formalmente, a las cabezas compuestas que pintase en el siglo XVI Giuseppe Arcimboldo. En el presente... more
La caricatura es un producto cultural en proceso de adquirir reconocimiento historiográfico como espacio de socialización política popular. El presente texto analiza el impacto que esta tuvo en la configuración del rechazo generalizado... more
Podemos perceber claramente na história e na crítica da arte, a existência de hierarquizações de delimitam a distância entre arte e artesanato. Estas formas de categorizações definem os artistas originários das classes sociais populares,... more
Latvijas Nacionālais vēstures muzejs laidis klajā rakstu sērijas 24. sējumu "Ceļā uz latviešu tautu". Muzeja direktors Arnis Radiņš priekšvārdā atgādina, ka šis ir pēdējais darbs 1996. gadā aizsāktā projekta "Latviešu saknes" ietvaros.... more
latviešu kultūrā ir labi zināma kā dramatiķe, prozaiķe, liriķe, bet, līdzīgi kā daudzi latviešu rakstnieki, arī viņa devusi savu artavu citās kultūras un sabiedriskās dzīves norisēs. Tā A. Brigadere ir sastādījusi un rediģējusi latviešu... more
- by Ieva Kalnina
São os professores primários intelectuais? Este artigo visa a discutir a atuação e a constituição da professora primária como intelectual da cidade a partir da trajetória da professora BotyraCamorim, que atuou no campo educacional... more
La « chapellerie poli que » dans la caricature française au XIX e siècle. Réflexions sur trois usages symboliques de couvre-chefs. Une bou que dont l'enseigne indique « chapellerie poli que » : tel est le sujet central d'une lithographie... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
The study explores the relationship between caricatures, soft power, and the Palestinian cause, considering it a humanitarian issue before being moulded into politically and religiously charged narratives. This is especially important... more
Este texto tem como objetivo analisar o significado da trajetoria social da primeira professora rural do municipio de Tangara da Serra – MT, identificando-a como uma das pessoas responsaveis na dinâmica da efetivacao da politica de... more
"One may add that it is a loss for non-Nordic researchers with an interest in Nordic cultural history that only a few of Lena Johannesson's many texts are available in English. Books such as 'Mörkrum och transparens' and 'Ellen Keys... more
Entre 1871 et 1872, le dessinateur Paul Hadol publie dans l ’hebdomadaire satirique Le Charivari onze portraits-charges formant une série intitulée La Mythologie politique. Cet article rappelle d'abord comment celle-ci s'inscrit... more
Book Review
Satirical art forms are fast becoming a potent media of expression among artists and the general populace. This powerful and potent art form has been used to stir laughter and also point to a potent message in the observer. Cartoons,... more
The existence of cartoons in a printing media is a supplement that can even show other side in delivering self mission as social condition indicator of society currenntly. In its development, a cartoon is not an illustration of this media... more
[Abstract] This work makes a comparative analysis of the discourses and arguments provided by a sample of Spanish citizens from different regions of the country in order to calibrate the effect of two satirical sketches taken from the... more
This chapter considers political satire as a mode of visual representation. It focuses on a group of prints that were published in London between 1737 and 1741. When the prints were published, towards the end of Sir Robert Walpole’s... more
I have reviewed Allison M. Stagg's Prints of a New Kind, published by Penn State University Press. A PDF version of the review is included. You can find the review electronically here: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=59595
A much discussed topic of border research today is, on the one hand, the relationship between cultural, social, economic and political boundaries, and on the other hand, the relationship of all of these to specifi c locations, that is,... more
What do curators do in Latvia? What is at the centre of their attention? What are their strategies, methods, convictions and styles? The question is complicated, because the history of curating in Latvia remains unwritten. This essays is... more
This article investigates the political caricatures assembly of some major 'players' on the contemporary economic-political EU stage, and the semiotic-linguistic and visual rhetorical tools used to achieve this assembly. This is achieved... more
Tous droits réservés © Association québécoise d'histoire politique; VLB Éditeur, 2010 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique... more