Recent papers in Pluriculturalism
Sesión de sistemas de salud, medicina tradicional y pueblos indígenas La sesión fue dada por el doctor Roberto Campos Navarro. Ejemplo de la multiculturalidad de México con un platillo típico mexicano e introducciòn sobre México y la... more
Una storia di contadini, soldati, mercanti, aristocratici, vescovi e qualche re Dispensa per il corso di "Storia d'Italia 1" (Università d'Islanda) Versione 0.0 Forlagið Snorri Sturluson Reykjavík AD 2012
La méthode biographique en didactique des langues et des cultures est née d’un ensemble de pratiques de recherche/intervention menées par des didacticiens et des sociolinguistes qui s’intéressent à la fois à l’étude des – et à l’éducation... more
RESUMEN En el siguiente trabajo, se analizarán las formas en que el cine afro brasileño, como fenómeno contemporáneo de reciente aparición que trata sobre el negro y la problemática racial, actúa como dispositivo crítico de las... more
RESUMEN: El presente artículo es una reflexión en torno al rol que cumple el peritaje antropológico dentro de los sistemas de justicia ordinaria en materia indígena, en los países andinos. Esta discusión surge del análisis histórico y... more
As multi/plurilingual research advances understandings of plurilingual speakers’ fluid language use, particularly in multilingual settings, new research methods and pedagogical orientations that address this complex phenomenon are needed.... more
This study aims to create curiosity about literary texts in order to understand cultural aspects of language. Participatory action research was conducted with B1 level students from an international boarding school in Istanbul.... more
En los últimos veinte años se ha hecho visible la omisión de la palabra y de las lenguas indígenas en el canon de los estudios literarios, evidenciando la necesidad de revisar la historia de las literaturas nacionales y sus categorías... more
In recent years, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has spread far beyond the borders of Europe and become a point of reference for language teaching in a variety of contexts. It has seen particularly... more
La cooperación internacional es un escenario cotidiano de expresiones multiculturales. Por ello, tener plena conciencia de las categorías de la diversidad cultural es fundamental en el (mejor) ejercicio de la colaboración entre – e intra... more
A take on translation that considers in our modern world the role of the original texts.
To meet the needs of adult language learners in modern communicative contexts, pluralistic approaches to language education such as Pluricultural Language Education (PLE) are emerging. These approaches aim to recognise and build on... more
This paper furthers current analysis of anti-racist, critical multicultural, and decolonial educational reforms in Brazil through a focus on the significant role played by post-racial ideology, black politics, and racial literacy in... more
Análisis de la Sentencia SUP-REC-35/2020 referente a los derechos de pueblos y comunidades indígenas en la Ciudad de México.
In the past decades, the field of TESOL has been primarily concerned with teaching English through a monolingual framework, that is, with the use of English as the only medium of instruction. This monolingual tradition has been based on... more
The present paper accentuates the need for innovation in pedagogical theory and practice of the day. It elucidates the linguistic dilemma of the present times and identifies space for bilingualism and pluriculturalism. To make the readers... more
To meet the needs of adult language learners in modern communicative contexts, pluralistic approaches to language education such as Pluricultural Language Education (PLE) are emerging. These approaches aim to recognise and build on... more
Perú en bandeja. Colonialidad y modernidad en la alta cocina peruana Jorge López-Canales "Proximity, especially within a class hierarchy, can be a cultural liability much greater than foreignness. The intimate Other is always disdained,... more
This chapter adresses the remarkable synergy between the emergence of a new intellectual wave in the Americas after the 1920s favorable to ethnic miscegenation as central features of national identities, and the paralleled production of... more
Il n'y a pas de patrie.
English: In traditional studies of linguistics, the notion that languages are part of a closed system with a set of fixed grammatical and phonological rules to be followed has been consolidated over the past years. This notion typically... more
Two essays in Italian translation on plurilinguism.
Many adult international students taking EAP programs in Canada often ask instructors for strategies to integrate into the new country and to communicate with Canadians, speakers of English as an L1. One main concern shared by students... more
This paper furthers current analysis of anti-racist, critical multicultural, and decolonial educational reforms in Brazil through a focus on the significant role played by post-racial ideology, black politics, and racial literacy in... more
A la demande des éditeurs, trois textes publiés récemment dans le Bulletin font ici l'objet de l'attention. Plutôt que d'en détailler les spécificités, on en propose d'emblée une vue d'ensemble de ce qui les unit au plan des objets, de la... more
The concept and conceptualization of Nation is related to the identity profile of a community of people and it is based on common origins, language, traditions, territory, ethnicity and/or psychological characteristics expressed in and by... more
This study aims to create curiosity about literary texts in order to understand cultural aspects of language. Participatory action research was conducted with B1 level students from an international boarding school in Istanbul.... more
This study aims to create curiosity about literary texts in order to understand the cultural aspects of language. Participatory action research was conducted with B1 level students from an international boarding school in Istanbul. The... more
This article examines educator participation in training initiatives based on Brazilian federal education legislation (Law 10,639 from 2003) in one city in the state of São Paulo. Law 10,639/03 represents a significant moment in the... more
La methode biographique en didactique des langues et des cultures est nee d’un ensemble de pratiques de recherche / intervention menees par des didacticiens et des sociolinguistes qui s’interessent a la fois a l’etude des – et a... more
The 'new NAFTA' agreement between Canada, Mexico and the United States maintained the system for binational panel judicial review of antidumping and countervailing duty determinations of domestic government agencies. In US-Mexico... more
Plurilingualism, Pluriculturalism, Companion Volume of the CEFR, Language Policy, Pluricultural and Intercultural Education Contexts, Language Teacher Training
Los planes curriculares actuales de enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras reconocen el gran valor comunicativo que tienen los signos no verbales y, por esa razón, consideran necesaria su inclusión en el aula de ELE. Enseñar comunicación no... more
This major research paper presents the findings of the literature review that explores the effects of teaching rhetoric on L2 writer identity. The study was conducted based on three central questions: how do both advocates and critics of... more
As global dining culture turns increasingly homogeneous, there is a parallel interest in reconnecting with locality. Two global food movements codify this return to the local: the Slow Food and New Nordic Cuisine movements, both European... more