Penology and the Penal System
Recent papers in Penology and the Penal System
La surpopulation carcérale est un problème récurrent auquel sont confrontés de nombreux établissements pénitentiaires en RD Congo comme dans bien d'autres Etats de la planète. Elle génère des conditions de vie inhumaines pour les détenus... more
The paper examines the extent to which Michel Foucault's 'Discipline and Punish' can be seen to be relevant to how power relates to embodiment beyond the prison's walls in the modern era.
The study is aimed to reveal the differences between formal and informal control in crime prevention. It refers to the similarities of the work of volunteer probation officers in Japan and the disestablished institution of placement... more
Sosiologi pemidanaan merupakan diskursus alternatif diantara dua tradisi diskursif yang cukup mapan dalam memahami pemidanaan, penologi dan filsafat. Artikel ini memperkenalkan secara singkat beberapa pemikir yang membahas peran... more
Offenders' rehabilitation programs that are based upon the interaction with animals have increasingly been receiving the attention of the media and experts from various fields of science (including psychology, sociology, andragogy,... more
Dalam rangka pembaharuan sistem dan pelaksanaan pidana, maka istilah sistem kepenjaraan telah diubah menjadi sistem pemasyarakatan, dan istilah penjara diganti menjadi lembaga pemasyarakatan. Demikian pula dalam hal perlakuan terhadap
Menurut Wolfgang, Savits, Johnston Kriminologi adalah Kumpulan ilmu pengetahuan tentang kejahatan yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dan pengertian tentang gejala kejahatan dengan jalan mempelajari dan menganalisa secara... more
Reproducerea integral sau par ial , multiplicarea prin orice mijloace i sub orice form , cum ar fi xeroxarea, scanarea, transpunerea în format electronic sau audio, punerea la dispozi ia public , inclusiv prin internet sau prin re ele de... more
The offenders who are accused of horrendous crimes when under the influence of mental disorders should be first identified for mental disease by a competent psychologist. There are a lot of variants of mental diseases. However,... more
This is a book about prison, rehabilitation, cells, hallways, human psychology, values, conspiracy theory, justice, dysfunctions, "criminal minds", morality, and many more. The issues revealed in it are part of my work as educator in the... more
We sought to understand incarcerated youths' perspectives on the role of protective factors and risk factors for juvenile offending. We performed an in-depth qualitative analysis of interviews (conducted October-December 2013) with 20... more
This paper is an analytical attempt to examine the mortality of prisoners in the Gulag timber camps on a micro-level during the Great terror of 1937- 1938. The author uses a comparative methodology for his analysis. For comparison, he... more
Over the last 25 years, community sentences have evolved significantly. However, throughout this period there has been a consistent theme of rehabilitation underpinning them. Section 44 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013 has set out, the... more
Since the late 1970s advocates of restorative justice (RJ) have argued that this approach to justice represents an alternative to the dominant social logics of punishment. Critical of rehabilitation and retribution in particular,... more
According to section 142 of the Criminal Justice Act (2003), there are six aims of sentencing which consists of; Retribution: Denunciation: Incapacitation: Deterrence: Reform/Rehabilitation and Reparation. The aim of sentencing can vary... more
In past though attempts have been made to discuss in general, the sentencing policy in India, but no serious attempts have been made to analyze sentencing policy in context of socio-economic offences. This article attempts to fill this... more
The article proposes the institutional analysis of convict labor as an alternative to both (profit-oriented) economic and (discipline-oriented) political explanations. The specialized labor-based prisons in Turkey from 1936 to 1953 are... more
Las primeras dos partes de este texto son una síntesis del artículo del mismo nombre publicado en: Anitua, G., Bodelón E., Machado, B. Monclús, M. y Rivera, I. (2021) La sociología del control penal en España y Latinoamérica. Homenaje a... more
Offender supervision represents an important mechanism applied during the execution of criminal sanctions and measures, especially of community or alternative sanctions. Official reports of some European countries suggest that the... more
L'article interroge les enjeux que le COVID-19 soulève dans et autour de la prison, en discutant, dans une perspective historique, les politiques pénales, les mesures prises par les administrations pénitentiaires et les réactions des... more
Regarding the last amendments to the Criminal Code of May 2019, the author critically questions the introduction of life imprisonment into the system of penalties in the Criminal Code of Serbia criticizing the arguments that aims to... more
During his brief reign as Liberal home secretary in 1910, Winston Churchill embarked upon an ambitious reform of the English prison system. His first principle of prison reform was ‘to prevent as many people as possible getting there at... more
Extant research on the relationship between political systems and state punitiveness has so far paid little attention to the impact that transition from one political system to another may have upon levels and patterns of state... more
This paper explores one of the most palpable managerial manifestations of contemporary criminal policy, we refer to the process of introducing the client- user paradigm in the penal system. To do this, we review the process of how the... more
Pengurangan masa menjalani pidana (remisi) bagi narapidana kasus korupsi menuai kritik dari beberapa kalangan dalam masyarakat. Bagi beberapa kalangan, narapidana kasus korupsi sudah sepantasnya mendapatkan hukuman yang berat, dan selama... more
Iako krivična dela učinjena od strane lica u stanju duševne poremećenosti čine mali procenat ukupnog kriminaliteta, psihičko stanje takvih učinilaca i njihova potencijalna opasnost za okolinu zahtevaju specifičnu državnu reakciju u obliku... more
During his brief reign as Liberal home secretary in 1910, Winston Churchill embarked upon an ambitious reform of the English prison system. His first principle of prison reform was ‘to prevent as many people as possible getting there at... more
Biographical and Constitutional Analysis of an Engineer of the Attica Prison Riot, 1971; Russell Oswald
Trestní systém království Čosǒn
Italy has long been considered a non-punitive country due to its low imprisonment rates and the leniency of some of its penal policies. However, recent developments in the penal climate reveal a growing demand for punitiveness. What will... more
This paper examines the penological challenges confronting Irish prisons in the near future with the likely increase in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) prisoners. It takes a comparative approach, learning from the experience... more
The presented publication is an author's study on various aspects of the functioning of the penitentiary system of other countries and the possibility of using their positive experience in the penitentiary practice of modern Ukraine. The... more
La surpopulation carcérale est un problème récurrent auquel sont confrontés de nombreux établissements pénitentiaires en RD Congo comme dans bien d'autres Etats de la planète. Elle génère des conditions de vie inhumaines pour les détenus... more
An Anthropological review on Alice Goffman's non-academic novel, Ont e Srun: Fugitive life in an American city.
Deinstitutionalisasi merupakan suatu alternative untuk menghadapi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh lembaga penghukuman saat ini. Dimana penjara saat ini dianggap tidak mampu menjalankan fungsinya sebagai tempat memulihkan konflik antara... more
La surpopulation carcérale est un problème récurrent auquel sont confrontés de nombreux établissements pénitentiaires en RD Congo comme dans bien d'autres Etats de la planète. Elle génère des conditions de vie inhumaines pour les détenus... more
Times are changing, and penology is no exception. Court rulings favor bringing people out of the darkness of prison corridors deeply hidden in the dark setting of tons of concrete and steel. With artificial surroundings and no direct... more