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This thesis is primarily an examination into Eberhard Jüngel’s concept of theological anthropology. Secondarily, this thesis examines how Jüngel’s theological anthropology can support the correction that Howard Zehr for in his book... more
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      Theological AnthropologyEberhard JüngelDoctrine of JustificationDeath Penalty
There is a concern that causal determinism might render free-will impossible. I compare some different perspectives, namely Compatibilism, Incompatibilism, Libertarianism, and Hard Determinism, and conclude that Hard Determinism is... more
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      Cognitive ScienceNeuropsychologyPhilosophy of MindFree Will, Moral Responsibility
Vinculada à linha de pesquisa de Criminologia e Controle Social do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Criminais da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, a presente dissertação investiga quais e de que modo dispositivos... more
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Türkiye’deki ceza infaz sistemi her zaman kendi gündemini yaratmış ve hem sosyal bilimlerin hem de politikanın ilgi alanında kalmıştır. Sosyal hizmet, bizzat ilgili kurumlarda çalışan meslek elemanlarının da bulunmasına rağmen, suçluluk... more
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      Social WorkCrimePenal SystemSosyal Hizmet
This paper presents the abolitionist proposal through a critic to the penal system. Prison is considered as a central element of it and its function and effectivity are examined, as well as the consecuences it has for prisoners. Later... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeWomenPrisons
A partir del análisis de la Encuesta de Presos Condenados de ochos países de América Latina, el documento contribuye a expandir el conocimiento sobre las mujeres privadas de libertad. En primer lugar, los resultados del estudio... more
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      Criminal JusticeSocioeconomicsCriminal careersColombia
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      CriminologyRehabilitationPenologyCritical Prison Studies
Over the last 25 years, community sentences have evolved significantly. However, throughout this period there has been a consistent theme of rehabilitation underpinning them. Section 44 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013 has set out, the... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticePunishment and PrisonsSentencing
Abstrak Dewasa ini, kasus perkosaan terhadap anak di Kota Medan masih sering terjadi dengan meskipun hukuman yang diberikan kepada pelakunya terbilang berat. Perkosaan terhadap anak merupakan suatu kasus hukum dimana para pelakunya harus... more
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      SociologyCriminal LawGovernmentIndonesian Studies
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    • Penal System
Las primeras dos partes de este texto son una síntesis del artículo del mismo nombre publicado en: Anitua, G., Bodelón E., Machado, B. Monclús, M. y Rivera, I. (2021) La sociología del control penal en España y Latinoamérica. Homenaje a... more
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      Penal SystemAmérica LatinaViolência PolicialPolice Violence
En los últimos 20 años en Argentina el campo de estudios sobre sistema penal se ha revitalizado en torno a la relevancia que adquieren las agencias que lo componen (policía, justicia y cárcel) en las distintas gestiones de gobierno. Entre... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesPoliciaEpistemología
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      PenologyPrisonsPenal System
Resumen: En la Argentina, la cuestión criminal se ha convertido en un tópico recurrente en diversos ámbitos como el político, el mediático, el académico, etc. Las ciencias sociales han producido una vasta producción de materiales... more
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      ArgentinaHuman SecurityMass mediaCrime
O artigo discutiu de forma abrangente e crítica como se dão as notícias sobre a questão criminal nos grandes veículos de comunicação brasileiros (principalmente a televisão). O objetivo foi sistematizar, de forma profunda, como os meios... more
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      Criminal LawMedia StudiesTelevisionPunishment
To address the ever more pressing and harmful development of the prison industry we present in this newsletter Daniel Achutti, Raffaella Pallamolla and Fabricio Pontin's article about the increasing prison population in Brazil, soon to... more
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      Critical CriminologyBrazilPenal System
direito penal e, a seguir, aponta para a violência performática do Direito. Trabalha a relação entre a Casa Verde, de O Alienista, de Machado de Assis, e o fenômeno do hiperencarceramento brasileiro, e sugere a necessidade de rompimento... more
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      Machado de AssisPenal SystemPenal Abolitionism
Ubicándonos geográfica y analíticamente en la ciudad de Quito (Ecuador), en este informe presentaremos algunas ideas en torno a los procesos, espacios, tiempos y racionalidades que actualmente estructuran las violencias en Quito, con la... more
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      International RelationsViolenceHomicideDiscrimination
元代是中國歷史上最特殊的朝代之一,是北亞草原民族首度征服全中國的政權,在政治、社會各方面都帶來極大的衝擊,學者討論元代在中國歷史上的地位,多研究其特殊性,而常忽略其在中國歷史發展的延續性。這種現象也反映在法制史研究上。民初程樹德於《九朝律考》中所畫律系表:漢律→後魏律→北齊律→隋開皇律→唐律→宋刑統→明律→清律。一望即知少了元代,而法制史學者如楊鴻烈、徐道鄰均對遼、金、元三朝不甚關注。普遍來說,學界鮮少關注遼金元法律對明清法律的重大影響。本文將透過元代刑罰制度──笞、杖、徒、... more
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      HistoryCriminal LawYuan DynastyChinese history (History)
Interroger la peine par son emprise sur le corps sur un temps long, telle est l’ambition de cet ouvrage qui montre que quels que soient les temps et les lieux, le corps est l’objet d’une attention constante de la peine car il permet... more
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      CuerpoPunishmentPenal SystemHangman
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      Penal SystemPenology and the Penal SystemPenal Policy and Criminal Sentencing
Following global trends, Chile is plunged into a new migration situation because of the increased arrival of foreigners. Furthermore, since 2005 it has been established in the Metropolitan area a criminal justice reform that is design to... more
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      CriminologyMigrationPenal System
The current Medical Ethics in Western societies (and its followers in other societies) has been compiled upon the secularist presupposition. This presupposition has different principles in comparison with the Islamic attitude which can... more
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      Medical EthicsIslamic StudiesObligationPenal System
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      Yuan DynastyHistory of ChinaHistory of Crime and PunishmentPenal System
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      CriminologyRussian StudiesPost-Soviet StudiesGULAG
У статті аналізуються такі форми обмежень прав засуджених, як обов’язок та специфічне суб’єктивне право. Íаведено приклади, як ці форми обмежень можуть відображатись у законо- давстві. Показано, що обов’язок завжди є обмеженням прав... more
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      Constitutional LawPhilosophy Of LawCritical Prison StudiesPunishment and Prisons
元代是中國歷史上最特殊的朝代之一,是北亞草原民族首度征服全中國的政權,在政治、社會各方面都帶來極大的衝擊,學者討論元代在中國歷史上的地位,多研究其特殊性,而常忽略其在中國歷史發展的延續性。這種現象也反映在法制史研究上。民初程樹德於《九朝律考》中所畫律系表:漢律→後魏律→北齊律→隋開皇律→唐律→宋刑統→明律→清律。一望即知少了元代,而法制史學者如楊鴻烈、徐道鄰均對遼、金、元三朝不甚關注。普遍來說,學界鮮少關注遼金元法律對明清法律的重大影響。本文將透過元代刑罰制度──笞、杖、徒、... more
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      Criminal LawYuan DynastyChinese history (History)History of Crime and Punishment