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P ublic parks are designed to provide aesthetically pleasing green spaces where communities can gather for recreation, rest and leisure. Given that communities are not homogenous, user conflict between groups might seem inevitable. The... more
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      HomelessnessUrban PlanningQualitative Health ResearchQualitative Research
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      EcotourismRecreation EcologyParks and Recreation Management
Gardens,Parks,Plants and flowers-even before the microscope was invented ancient Hindus had knowledge about these and maintained magnificent Parks. Here is all aboyt their knowledge of plant physiology and Horticulture
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      Theme ParksParks and Recreation ManagementHorticultural SciencesOrnamental Horticulture
A B S T R A C T Urban park managers in densely-populated metropolises such as Hong Kong have to cope with dynamic user expectations, the impacts of recreation, and the shortage of resources over time, and the goal to improve park... more
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      Urban ParksParks and Recreation Management
The health of any city is measured by the number of parks and green spaces in it. In any metropolitan city, urban parks are a great source of recreation and public activities. With the passage of time, many urban parks have evolved with... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureSustainable DevelopmentLandscapePark Management
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      EcotourismRecreation EcologyParks and Recreation Management
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    • Parks and Recreation Management
Abstrak Peningkatan jumlah orang kurang upaya (OKU) dalam kalangan warganegara Malaysia telah mewujudkan permintaan untuk penyediaan fasiliti khas untuk orang kurang upaya di tamantaman rekreasi awam seluruh negara. Setakat Disember 2018... more
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    • Parks and Recreation Management
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      ManagementUrban managementLandscape ArchaeologyLandscape Architecture
The open space system is put forward again in recent master-planning schemes, whose strategic framework is characterised by continuity and chain paradigm. This has become a crucial component for the regeneration and integration of the... more
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      History Of LondonUrban Open Space DesignLondonThe Economic Value of Urban Green and Open Space : Analysing the Link Between Housing Properties and Urban Green and Open Spaces
Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere memorizzata, fotocopiata o comunque riprodotta senza le dovute autorizzazioni.
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      Local Government and Local DevelopmentLondonUrban DesignUrban Parks
The idea for writing this piece of study is to analyze the overall impact of organizational culture directly or indirectly on employee's job performance.To find the influence of organizational culture on employee performance within... more
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      Event ManagementFacility ManagementParks and Recreation ManagementTorismus
Measuring the impact of parks on property values: new research shows that green spaces increase the value of nearby housing Sarah Nicholls Partially in response to the large volume of data required to conduct such analysis, as well as its... more
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    • Parks and Recreation Management
ARCH (Action Research Collective for Hospitality) was created in January 2019, in the continuity of the work carried out at Metrolab Brussels on the theme of “urban inclusion” with the intention of pursuing observations, analyses and... more
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      Social GeographyAction ResearchEthnographyRefugee Studies
Integrated Plan For Management And Monitoring Of Research
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      ConservationMalaysiaProtected areasBiodiversity Research
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      EcotourismRecreation EcologyParks and Recreation Management
Tourism in protected areas has developed and is becoming desirable attractions in many parts of the world. The expanding of the industry into the fragile and sensitive areas necessitates proper planning and management to ensure balance in... more
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      Tourism ManagementCultures and heritage tourismSustainable TourismProtected Area Management
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This new series aims to provide a public forum for single treatises and collections of papers on social indicators research that are too long to be published in our journal Social Indicators Research. Like the journal, the book series... more
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      Tourism StudiesSocial IndicatorsQuality of Life StudiesCommunity indicators
With an increasing global population, there is growing demand for access to natural greenspaces for recreation. The importance of such access is now widely recognised, for example in terms of improvements to physical and psychological... more
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      Wildlife ConservationProtected areasRecreation EcologyPark and Recreation Planning
Park managers are increasingly faced with responding to the recent rise of those experiencing unsheltered homelessness residing in urban green spaces. In response, researchers have explored and attempted to mitigate a variety of negative... more
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      HomelessnessUrban StudiesUrban SociologyRiparian Ecology
Increasingly, parks and protected areas are seen as tourist locations that could help visitors learn and experience a particular place. The uniqueness of a successful park is derived not only from the value of the resources available but... more
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      International RelationsConservation BiologyUrban ParksParks and Recreation Management
As a historically intense country, Egypt's built environment has always been the focus of plentiful urban research. However, the natural component in the urban fabric of Egyptian cities has been undermined and understudied in between all... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyLandscape ArchitectureAuthenticityCultural Landscapes
When Erion Veliaj became mayor of Tirana, Albania, in 2015, he inherited a fast-growing city with unchecked construction and traffic that threatened the health and well-being of all citizens—especially the youngest and most vulnerable.... more
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      Albanian StudiesBalkan StudiesUrban PlanningNew Urbanism
I have included Indigenous themes and topics that can be used within lessons, and their relevant resources. I have listed these topics within tables and under the relevant Australian secondary school learning areas.
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyHistorical GeographyIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
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      Landscape ArchitectureGreen InfrastructureUrban LandscapeGreen Roofs and Green Walls
This particular study titled
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      Event ManagementFacility ManagementParks and Recreation ManagementTorismus
PurposeThis research aims at examining public parks as a complex, interrelated system in which a public park’s natural system and its man-made system can work together within an ecocentric approach. It will create a framework that can... more
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      ManagementGeographyDecision MakingSystems Thinking
The preservation of Cultural Heritage in historically rich third world countries is a complex issue. Historical urban parks in particular face various challenges relating to management and evaluation. This paper tackles formulating a... more
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      Urban managementCultural LandscapesUnescoEgypt
Social interaction among diverse ethnic groups motivates people within communities to visit urban parks towards achieving social cohesion. Malaysians of different ethnic backgrounds spend their leisure time in urban parks because it... more
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      Social SciencesSocial NetworkingSustainability IndicatorsSustainable Development
Managers and planners may offer many recreational opportunities at the urban park but it does always depend on the users as to how they actually perceived the opportunities. These have been affecting their value system and influenced... more
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      GeographyQ MethodologyUrban ParksTourism Planning and Sustainable community development
Tourism Movie Competition (TMC) 2011 is one of important component of the education learning about movie and competition characteristic model in Bandung
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesOutdoor RecreationParks and RecreationRECREATION
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Given the emergence of obesity as one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States, it is not surprising that a focus on healthy lifestyles has become a central issue for disease prevention. The... more
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      Human GeographyGovernanceChildhood Obesity PreventionParks and Recreation Management
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      HomelessnessMigrationUrban SociologyHospitality
Because of the perceived weather sensitivity of park visitation in Ontario, Canada, several previous assessments have examined the impact of climate change. However, these assessments have predominantly been based on modeling approaches... more
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      Tourism ManagementClimate Change ImpactsParks and Recreation ManagementClimate Change Adaptation Using Analogues Tool
With a goal of improved social media communication by park agencies, the content from seven English-language North American park agencies' Twitter accounts were counted, interpreted, coded and compared. Trends in usage of Twitter by park... more
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      ConservationSocial MediaProtected areasTourism
Recreational use and protection of nature and landscape are usually perceived as two conflicting approaches taking place in urban, peri-urban and rural landscapes. Natural and semi-natural areas, especially those adjoining or well... more
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      Landscape EcologyLandscape ArchitectureRecreation & Leisure StudiesOutdoor Recreation
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Social interaction among diverse ethnic groups motivates people within communities to visit urban parks towards achieving social cohesion. Malaysians of different ethnic backgrounds spend their leisure time in urban parks because it... more
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      Social SciencesSocial NetworkingSustainability IndicatorsSustainable Development
Social interaction among diverse ethnic groups motivates people within communities to visit urban parks towards achieving social cohesion. Malaysians of different ethnic backgrounds spend their leisure time in urban parks because it... more
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      Social SciencesSocial NetworkingSustainability IndicatorsSustainable Development
Cette conclusion de l'ouvrage "Whose Future Is Here?" tire les enseignements de la recherche-action menée par le collectif ARCH en 2019 dans le quartier Nord de Bruxelles et interpelle les pouvoirs publics bruxellois, en proposant des... more
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      Action ResearchEthnographyUrban PoliticsRefugee Studies
Green Technology design approach is a new solution that must be applicable to preserve a nature and reduce the pollution. There are so much innovation could be use to in the development of the park to reduce the electricity use,... more
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      Multidisciplinary Design OptimizationGreen TechnologyParks and Recreation Management
Abstract Focuses on heritage tourism, a form of leisure travel in the US Categories of heritage attractions; Description of a typical heritage tourist; Benefits from heritage tourism; Other issues involved in the development and promotion... more
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      HistoryParks and Recreation Management
During the Winter 2017 quarter, Dr. Thomas Murphy’s Cultural Anthropology class conducted oral history interviews to help document Edmonds Community College’s involvement with the community and various Native Tribes. A team of students... more
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      EthnobotanyCommunity Engagement & ParticipationSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEnvironmental Anthropology
Tourism in protected areas in Sri Lanka has the potential to provide economic development as well as sources of the funding for maintaining the environmental values of national parks. However, for this to occur it is important tourism is... more
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      Tourism ImpactsParks and Recreation ManagementTourism resourcesWildlife Tourism
Limits on overnight visitor use may be needed when demand is very high and other management tools alone are inadequate to protect resource and experiential conditions. In the wilderness, trailhead quotas may be an effective management... more
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      Wilderness (Environment)Environmental ManagementEnvironmental SustainabilityParks and Recreation Management
Although several methods have been developed for measuring factors affecting long-term recreation trends, few have examined what accounts for short-term changes in recreation demand. This study examines weather and stream discharge as... more
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    • Parks and Recreation Management
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Given the emergence of obesity as one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States, it is not surprising that a focus on healthy lifestyles has become a central issue for disease prevention. The... more
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      GovernanceParks and Recreation Management
Recreational use and protection of nature and landscape are usually perceived as two conflicting approaches taking place in urban, peri-urban and rural landscapes. Natural and semi-natural areas, especially those adjoining or well... more
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      Landscape EcologyLandscape ArchitectureRecreation & Leisure StudiesOutdoor Recreation
In an era of rapid urbanization, a changing climate, and deepening political division, parks represent increasingly important places for urban residents to interact with, and feel connected to, the natural environment and the mental and... more
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      GeographyEthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyNature Culture