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      American StudiesArchitectureUtopian StudiesUrban Planning
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      Film StudiesUrban StudiesCritical Race Theory and Whiteness theoryNew Urbanism
Può la densità essere lo strumento analitico di interpretazione dei fenomeni urbani e contemporaneamente un parametro progettuale di prefigurazione dello spazio architettonico? La densità nelle sue diverse accezioni e unità di misura,... more
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      ArchitectureTypologyUrban PlanningArchitectural History
One of the enduring origin myths of America is the idea of the New England village. As a symbol of how to make place, the story of New England represents the story of the nation, with the former being smoothed over and whitewashed to... more
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      American StudiesThe Everyday (Architecture)Urban StudiesNew Urbanism
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      Heritage ConservationArchitectural HistoryDesign PatternsCultural Heritage Management
A hipszter urbanizáció leglátványosabb megjelenési formája, a háztömbről háztömbre nyíló alternatív bárok, kávézók, művészeti galériák, közösségi terek, újhullámos éttermek, azaz a hipszter infrastruktúra kialakulása. A hipszturbanizáció... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsCreative IndustriesNew Urbanism
The nexus between energy and climate is inevitably one of humanity’s largest challenges, which will, in the future, require a radical turnabout in the ways we produce and consume energy. Even today, over one billion people lack any form... more
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      Civil EngineeringEconomicsDesignArchitecture
Leon Krier. Barcelona: Editorial Reverté, 2013. 483 páginas; 45
euros. Edición ampliada y actualizada en español.
Edición original: The architecture of community, 2009. Washington
D.C., Covelo y Londres: Island Press.
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      ArchitectureDesign TheoryVernacular ArchitectureUrbanism
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesModernityNew Urbanism
Proceedings from the Winning 2010 Ford College Community Grant Award.
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      ArchitectureSustainable UrbanismSustainable Urban EnvironmentsEnvironmental Sustainability
The growth of the city and the urban reconfigurations have contributed to the redistribution and evolution of social and social practices in the urban public space in mass housing quarters, research on inhabited persons in the Constantine... more
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      ArchitectureSpace and PlaceSettlement PatternsPrivatisation Of Public Space
This paper argues that significantly more sustainable and communal neighborhoods could be more common in North America if development practices addressed the barriers posed by sociotechnical obduracy and the inevitable limitations of... more
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      TechnologyComputer NetworksSustainable UrbanismUrbanism
We often think of cities as major drivers of economic development and growth. Big cities expand our access to infrastructure like public transit and public education. They allow for more efficient distribution of social services such as... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographyHistorical Geography
Le matériel présenté dans cette publication est un résultat du projet RUROS – Rediscovering the Urban Realm and Open Spaces – coordonné par le CRES, Département des bâtiments ( . Editeur : Dr Marialena... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureUrban PlanningUrbanism
Colección Picayo, n° 13. Universidad de Alicante - Ilmo. Ayuntamiento de Sax
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      New UrbanismPatrimonio CulturalEspacios Y JuegosArquitectura y urbanismo
New Urbanism has been described as the most important architectural movement in the United States since Modernism. It embraces the concept of environmental affordance, the belief that the built environment can inform attitudes and... more
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      Utopian StudiesNew Urbanism
This study tried to analyze and develop the multiple nuclei model principles in a city located in another geographical location with entirely diverse spatial, demographical, and social-economic structures. The type of this study is... more
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      Urban PlanningUrbanismNew Urbanism
Głównym celem współczesnych rozwiązań w zakresie zarządzania miastami jest podnoszenie jakości życia społeczności lokalnej. Coraz większą uwagę zwraca się na aspekty związane ze zrównoważonym rozwojem miejskim, polegającym na zastosowaniu... more
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      Urban PlanningNew UrbanismSustainable CitiesRevitalization
This exploration of Songdo centers around the framework of sustainability’s connection to globalization, modernity, and image. This paper is structured to explore Songdo as whole built environment, specific architecture in the city, and... more
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      Korean StudiesSouth KoreaSustainable Building DesignUrban Studies
Africa is certainly not only a continent of small villages in the jungle and savannah. Its level of diverse urbanization and global network of mobility is advancing rapidly, while African metropolitan regions, cities and towns are among... more
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      African StudiesUrban Design (Urban Studies)New UrbanismCities
Marittimo, 1, pp. 134-153. Madrid, 2011: Fundación Diego de Sagredo.
ISSN: 2174-6435
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      Climate ChangeContemporary Vernacular ArchitectureTheory Of ArchitectureSustainable Architecture
Para explorar a relação entre determinados aspectos da produção recente do espaço urbano da cidade de Pelotas-RS e o discurso utilizado para a legitimação e comercialização dos produtos do seu mercado imobiliário, esta pesquisa... more
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      New UrbanismAnálise De Discurso CríticaContemporary UrbanismArquitetura E Urbanismo Contemporâneo
Els camins, i especialment els antics camins tradicionals i amb ferm de terra, han estat habitualment absents de la planificació i la gestió municipal, més enllà de les necessitats puntuals de la mobilitat motoritzada. Això és... more
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      Climate ChangeMobility/MobilitiesAdaptation to Climate ChangeUrban Planning
The new urbanism (NU) is a vision of planning and urban design emerged in 1993, which finds its basis in the design of traditional communities. This trend has had various criticisms and replicas, which were reviewed in relation to urban... more
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      Urban PlanningNew UrbanismUrban DesignGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
How do we define quality in urban open spaces? What are people looking for? What makes them spend time outdoors? In this paper, I try to answers these questions by studying the open spaces of two neighborhoods in Colorado. Open space... more
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      Sustainable UrbanismBioclimatic Urban DesignNew UrbanismUrban Design
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      Self-OrganizationLiberalismUrban PlanningUrbanism
From the 1960s through the 1980s, planners, architects, designers, and academics assembled ideas for new developments in response to the suburbanization, increase in private automobile use, and lack of diversity in communities in the... more
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      New UrbanismCity planningSmart City
The New Urbanism has invigorated city planning history by invoking the tradition of American civic design to solve the conundrum of suburban sprawl. Studies have documented the similarities between the works of pioneer planner John Nolen... more
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      Urban PlanningNew UrbanismUrban DesignGarden City
Tesina que analiza problemas ambientales causados por la urbanización en la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara. Por: Alondra Estefania Sotelo Ayala. • Joshua Michael Richadson Richadson. • Roberto Duran Blanco
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      International LawUrban PlanningUrbanismPopulation Dynamics
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      Architectural EngineeringArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureEnvironmental Planning and Design
Original publication by Christopher Alexander in the April and May 1965 issues of Architectural Forum. Extracted from US Modernist archive PDF (AF ceased publication in 1965). Other versions, including the one edited/amended in 1966 for... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural TheoryNew UrbanismArchitecture and Public Spaces
This article explores the ways in which architecture, landscape design, and site planning helped maintain racial segregation in housing in Atlanta, Georgia, between the 1960s and 1990s. Under Jim Crow, apartment complexes in Atlanta hewed... more
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      Real EstateUrban GeographyArchitectureHousing & Residential Design
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
Across suburban America, hundreds of shopping malls have become vacant and indebted hulks. Demographics and economics, from the decline of the city fringe to the rise of online shopping, has finished them off. The website more
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      ArchitectureNew UrbanismEvolution of Shopping MallsArchitecture and Public Spaces
This is the Final Paper submitted by the Government Policies Project Team in Fall 2015 Semester FNAN-351 Principles of Real Estate course at the George Mason University School of Business. It is intended to assist undergraduate students... more
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      Transportation StudiesEnvironmental StudiesHousing PolicyEnvironmental Sustainability
Toronto's Rivertowne (formerly Don Mount Court) is Canada's first fully completed experiment with redeveloping post-war public housing developments into newly built mixed-income neighbourhoods (a combination of public housing and private... more
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      Urban GeographySpace and PlaceNew UrbanismUrban Redevelopment
A review of Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Jeff Speck, Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream (North Point Press, 2000).
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      Political PhilosophyUrban PlanningNew Urbanism
Since the early 20th century various planning movements have been developed. It would be useful to trace the evolution of these movements to see how their underlying principles have changed and how successful they have been in addressing... more
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      Modern ArchitectureModernismNew UrbanismEcological Urbanism
This is a short essay regarding the use of urban morphology as a technique in urban design, especially noting the effects of Townscape and New Urbanism. It argues for greater awareness of morphology in form-based codes, especially... more
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      Urban PlanningTownscapeUrban MorphologyUrbanism
Many books about Burning Man begin with a caveat. Their authors write that Burning Man cannot be described, that its whole is incomprehensible to anyone, even to those who have attended the event. They say Burning Man can’t really be... more
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      Community PsychologyInstallation ArtEnvironmental StudiesRitual
Purpose. The purpose of this preliminary research is to explore if demographics affect participants’ attitude towards the characteristics of New Urbanism. Methodology. To achieve this purpose, the literature will be reviewed to establish... more
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      Urban PlanningHousing And SustainabilityUrban StudiesNew Urbanism
In recent years, there has been an increase in well-meaning policy makers, city planners, and urban designers pursuing such laudable goals as historic preservation, green design, vibrant streets, and convenient access to transit. However,... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban PolicyNew UrbanismUrban Design
El Seminario Internacional Nueva Arquitectura Vernácula se celebró en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM-UPM) los días 17 y 18 de octubre de 2019. Fue organizado por INTBAU, el Premio Rafael Manzano de Nueva... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureContemporary Vernacular ArchitectureNew UrbanismTraditional Architecture
Along the past half-century, suburban sprawl has created a new spatial geography which diverse authors have called the extensive city, the fragmented city, the formless city, or the city without model. An outstanding characteristic of the... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesUrbanismUrban And Regional Planning
While vacant land in cities has long been considered a sign of decline, a growing literature now suggests that such land can serve valuable social and ecological functions. In this article, I argue that such approaches advocated to date,... more
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      CommonsPolitical EcologyPermacultureIntentional Communities
Indexed by SCOPUS This Series focuses on the entire spectrum of human settlements-from rural to urban, in different regions of the world, with questions such as: What factors cause and guide the process of change in human settlements... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningSettlement PatternsSustainable Urbanism
Actas del Seminario Internacional del mismo nombre, organizado, gracias a la generosidad de Richard H. Driehaus, por el Premio Rafael Manzano Martos de Arquitectura Clásica y Restauración de Monumentos y la School of Architecture of the... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageHeritage ConservationVernacular Architecture
In 2004, the city of Tel Aviv initiated an urban renewal project based on New Urbanist design principles for one of its most central sites, the former Palestinian village of Summayl. This sample is an excerpt from my MA thesis, which... more
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      ArchitectureUrban PlanningIsrael/PalestineNew Urbanism
This paper investigates the contemporary afterlife of Satyajit Ray’s protagonist sleuth, Prodosh C. Mitter (Feluda) and the new media space he now inhabits. This paper sets off from the debate in this journal around Feluda’s cultural and... more
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      New MediaBengali LiteratureMigration StudiesBangladesh
New urbanism is an urban design movement to create pedestrian-oriented settlements that also advance social equity and mitigate the environmental impacts of development. Proponents of the movement have suggested it offers a model of... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentNew Urbanism