Ernest Jones
Recent papers in Ernest Jones
Birlikte yaşam insanın yazgısıdır, en baştan beri. Yolculuk boyunca bu birlikte yaşamda tahakkümü eline geçirenlerin diğerlerini yok saydığı sayısız sistem ortaya çıktı. Varsayıma göre diyalektiğin akışıyla bu sistemler dönüştü ve... more
On Freud: Retellings and the Therapeutic Action of Psychoanalysis What are the hallmarks of psychoanalysis? I think the aims of psychoanalysis are to help the patients learn the truth about themselves (in ways that are helpful to them)... more
L'introduzione al volume di Max Eitingon "Il mio policlinico" propone un sintetico quadro sulla personalità di Eitingon e il suo ruolo nella storia della psicoanalisi, nei suoi aspetti istituzionali e, con l'apertura del policlinico... more
This article conducts a genealogy of Freud’s never fully-developed concept of the narcissism of minor differences, which first appears in his writings in 1917, and then three more times with slight variations. It starts with an earlier... more
How does the literature and culture of early Victorian Britain look different if viewed from below? Exploring the interplay between canonical social problem novels and the journalism and fiction appearing in the periodical press... more
De pioneiro da terapia corporal a ícone da contracultura, o legado de Wilhelm Reich é vasto. O nosso objetivo é centrar num momento específico da trajetória de Reich: a sua vivência como psicanalista. Qual é o status de Reich na... more
Chartist Fiction Online is a website for scholars, students and others interested in Chartist fiction, the Chartist periodical press, or Victorian popular literature. It contains a database of the fiction – novels and extracts from... more
Powszechnie wiadom o, że w 1913 roku w ruchu psychoanalitycznym nastąpił rozłam. W iadomo także, że nastąpił on z "winy" jednego z bliższych współbojowników Freuda, jego potencjalnego sukcesora -C arla Gustawa Junga. U kazanie się książki... more