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As part of the National Center for Border Security and Immigration (NCBSI) led by the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), researchers from the University of Washington, Wayne State University, and UTEP conducted a three-site study of... more
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      Collaborative Virtual EnvironmentsCommunication systemsOrganizations as complex adaptive systemsCollaborative decision making
Leadership is in crisis. Technology has enabled our complex and interconnected world where it is much easier for organizations and entire ecosystems to collaborate – quickly – while older mindsets based on the organization as a machine... more
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      Diversity & InclusionEducational reformOrganizations as complex adaptive systemsEducational Leadership and Management
This chaper connects Wittgensteinian thinking and complexity perspectives with discourse in the therapy room and elsewhere. We propose that this connection, termed 'narrative emergence''. While the future is unknowable, it is an ever... more
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      Discursive PsychologyNarrative PsychologySolution-Focused TherapyWittgenstein
on paper
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      Organizational TheoryComplex SystemsOrganizations as complex adaptive systems
Un sistema complejo es aquel donde la interacción entre sus agentes produce las reacciones del sistema tomado como un todo. En el lenguaje común, una interacción es la acción que se ejerce recíprocamente entre dos o más objetos, dos o más... more
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    • Organizations as complex adaptive systems
This paper illustrates how the payoff matrices of the single group Prisoner's Dilemma (PD) and the Intergroup Prisoner's Dilemma (IPD) differentially reinforce cooperation when participants care about relative performance. Examples of... more
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      Social TheoryPsychologySocial PsychologyTheoretical Physics
Drawing on complexity theory, this paper argues that common rational assumptions undergirding current reform policies (such as linearity and uniformity) limit our understanding of how policy is enacted through complex social interactions.... more
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      Educational LeadershipSocial NetworksComplexity TheoryEducation Policy
1 Per un'analisi di questo modello epistemologico, e del modo in cui esso ha disciplinato anche il progetto di un'epistemologia scientifica nel nostro secolo, rinvio a G. BOCCHI, M. CERUTI, Disordine e costruzione. Un'interpretazione... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceComplex Systems ScienceComplexity Theory
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
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      Complexity TheoryResilienceOrganizations as complex adaptive systemsResilience Theory
Organizational adaptation is equivocal. On the one hand, the concept is ubiquitous in management research and acts as the glue binding together the central issues of organizational change, performance, and survival. On the other hand, it... more
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      Dynamic CapabilitiesStrategic ManagementAdaptationTheory of the Firm
Complexity leadership theory (CLT) is about balancing formal and informal organization to leverage dynamics of Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) and produce learning, creativity, and adaptation in organizations. Based on interviews with... more
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      Organizations as complex adaptive systemsComplexity Leadership TheorySwedenAgile Methodologies
In this article, we establish a model to delineate the emergence of "self " in the brain making recourse to the theory of chaos. Self is considered as the subjective experience of a subject. As essential ingredients of subjective... more
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      ReligionEvolutionary BiologyNeurosciencePsychology
This qualitative study set out to identify behaviors and practices of individuals who foster innovation in others. It examined the developmental role of sponsors and unique organizational practices at a company that has a reputation for... more
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      Management of InnovationLeadership DevelopmentInnovation and Creativity (Business)Organizations as complex adaptive systems
Urban designers and urban planners should never uncritically rely on policy prescriptions purportedly derived from neoclassical economic theory concerning their respective disciplines or specialized praxis. Although neoclassical... more
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      EconomicsLaw And Economics (Economics)Institutional EconomicsMicroeconomics
will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Artificial Intelligence and its advances. The Conference looks for significant contributions to all major fields of... more
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      BioinformaticsMedia StudiesInformation VisualizationLogistics
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      Complexity TheoryInternational TradeComplex SystemsComplexity
This article seeks to theoretically substantiate Marc Sageman’s claims of a “leaderless jihad” through the application of the conceptual framework offered by the novel scientific paradigm of complexity theory. It is argued that jihadist... more
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      Social NetworksTerrorismInternational TerrorismComplexity Theory
Las múltiples condiciones de Venezuela requieren de muchos conocimientos de antecedentes para comprender la situación del venezolano de a pie pues comprende condiciones establecidas desde la existencia de la antigua Unión Soviética y su... more
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      Emotional intelligenceNeuro Linguistic ProgrammingPoliticsOrganizations as complex adaptive systems
Abstract: Developing the Global Strategy New vision on sustaining dynamic equilibrium in humankind society regarding the article the “5 misunderstandings about culture evolution” by Joseph Henrich & Robert Boyd & Peter J.... more
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      Civil EngineeringInformation ManagementSustainable DevelopmentStrategic Management
It is argued that to define social systems as non-biological is to deny their intrinsic biological groundedness which affects their complex system dynamics. In the case of human social systems, the ecological phenomenon of human society... more
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      Social-Ecological SystemsAutopoiesisSystems TheorySystem Dynamics
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      Complex Systems ScienceComplex SystemsAdaptive Learning SystemsOrganizations as complex adaptive systems
In a world where the market, customer profiles and demands change constantly and the events in the global marketplace are unpredictable, it becomes increasingly difficult for an enterprise to sustain its competitive advantage.
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      Computer ScienceAutonomous Cognitive AgentsComplexity TheoryStrategic Management
La complessità della realtà, insieme fisica e virtuale, nella quale siamo immersi richiede una riflessione su come realizzare una integrazione tra il mondo del digitale e l'architettura contemporanea. In particolare, l'articolo intende... more
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      ResilienceOrganizations as complex adaptive systemsInteractive ArchitectureBig Data
One determining characteristic of contemporary sociopolitical systems is their power over increasingly large and diverse populations. This raises questions about power relations between heterogeneous individuals and increasingly dominant... more
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      SociologyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy of TechnologyMartin Heidegger
La globalización social y económica ha producido una nueva serie de problemas complejos cuyo riesgo no es cuantificable. Tomar decisiones en estos contextos es un problema ético que supera los procedimientos clásicos basados en el cálculo... more
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      Complexity TheoryOrganizations as complex adaptive systemsComplejidad / ComplexityÉtica Aplicada
Projects are strategic and encounter strategic issues in their operating context that have not been addressed in parent corporate strategy. These strategic issues, emanating from changes in the operating context, require interpretation... more
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      Project ManagementResilienceSustainable DevelopmentOrganizations as complex adaptive systems
The complex environments of today’s markets makes managing organizations in complexity and turbulence a concern for senior managers, and necessitate developing a dynamic strategic framework to cope with complexity in managing... more
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      Dynamical SystemsLeadershipConstruction ManagementComplexity Theory
Purpose: This article presents a cognitive framework to study dynamic/adaptive aspects of a collection of popular fit measures used in organisation research, in an attempt to highlight what there is to be gained.... more
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      ManagementCognitive PsychologyOrganizational TheoryComplexity Theory
In this article we demonstrate why mathematical models of the World System evolution are so important for the world-systems research, in general, and for the issue of systemic boundaries in particular. The point is that those mathematical... more
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      World Systems AnalysisComplexity TheoryCyberneticsDiffusion of Innovations
The Internet threats can affect anyone and even cause tremendous financial damage to organizations or even countries, while the mitigation of such threats can be very difficult, considering the highly sophisticated nature of attacks that... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyGame Theory
, the Japanese government declared a state of emergency due to the rapid spread of COVID-19. As a result, Japanese universities in the greater Tokyo area decided that all courses would be held online for the foreseeable future. This... more
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      Collective IntelligenceOrganizations as complex adaptive systemsAdaptive Leadership
The basic presumptions of the sciences, as we have known them, are undergoing transformational changes. The situation today is similar to that which existed in the 17th century. At that time the premises of science presented by Isaac... more
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      LeadershipHuman ValuesComplexity TheoryPersonal Relationships
Duality is a philosophical system that is regaining a second life through sciences such as quantum physics and the complexity sciences. These last years, business strategy too has become oriented again towards duality, mainly in the form... more
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      Strategic ManagementTransformational LeadershipOrganizations as complex adaptive systemsChaos/Complexity Theory
There is growing dissatisfaction with the traditional approach to the evolution of complex societies, which treated it principally as a sequence of transformations toward political centralization driven by the construction of increasingly... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCollective ActionSocial and Collective MemoryTeotihuacan
A new efficient modified back propagation algorithm with adaptive learning rate is proposed to increase the convergence speed and to minimize the error. The method eliminates initial fixing of learning rate through trial and error and... more
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      Differential PsychologyOrdinary Differential EquationsPartial Differential EquationsArtificial Intelligence
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsOrganizational LearningAgent Based Simulation
This study reviews 30 representative contributions to the software process improvement (SPI) lit-erature, first assessing history, broad themes, and research methods, then categorizing each article by its stated or implied organizational... more
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      Organizational BehaviorResearch MethodologyComplexity TheoryOrganizations as complex adaptive systems
Context: The essay considers economics as a psychological phenomenon with the characteristics of a complex dynamic system. It is an initial and somewhat playful exploration, not a mathematical paper on systems theory. The original context... more
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That ‘something’ referred to is managing. Disappointed? Don’t be. This is a smorgasbord for the interdisciplinarian. Managing is what I guess you think it is: a process of bringing people, tools, and raw material together to achieve a... more
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      ManagementCollective BehaviorCognitive SciencePrehistoric Archaeology
This paper illustrates how the payoff matrices of the single group Prisoner’s Dilemma (PD) and the Intergroup Prisoner’s Dilemma (IPD) differentially reinforce cooperation when participants care about relative performance. Examples of... more
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      Social TheoryTheoretical PhysicsGame TheoryComplex Systems
This paper illustrates how the payoff matrices of the single group Prisoner’s Dilemma (PD) and the Intergroup Prisoner’s Dilemma (IPD) differentially reinforce cooperation when participants care about relative performance. Examples of... more
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      Social TheoryTheoretical PhysicsGame TheoryComplex Systems
In a world where the market, customer profiles and demands change constantly and the events in the global marketplace are unpredictable, it becomes increasingly difficult for an enterprise to sustain its competitive advantage. Under these... more
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      Strategic ManagementOrganizations as complex adaptive systemsBayesian NetworksComplex Adaptive Systems
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      Organizations as complex adaptive systemsComplex Adaptive Systems
Our planet faces many impending crises as a consequence of growing populations and rising affluence. Governmental bodies at any level seem unable to provide the leadership to mitigate these. It seems to be up to those in the community who... more
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      Knowledge ManagementSociotechnical SystemsSocial MediaEnvironmental Policy and Governance
Public systems are facing increasingly complex challenges such as poverty and terrorism. In this paper, we seek to demonstrate the theoretical as well as practical value of complexity science, by investigating how key characteristics of a... more
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      Organizational LearningComplexity TheoryUnited NationsOrganizations as complex adaptive systems
Our planet faces many impending crises as a consequence of growing populations and rising affluence. Governmental bodies at any level seem unable to provide the leadership to mitigate these. It seems to be up to those in the community who... more
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      Knowledge ManagementSociotechnical SystemsGovernanceSocial Media
This is a presentation for a Health Foundation Webinar on complex systems approaches in public health ( on 2nd November 2017. It seeks to address how complex systems approaches can be applied to public health... more
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      Complex Systems SciencePublic Health PolicyPublic HealthOrganizations as complex adaptive systems
Acknowledgements 2 Modularity, degeneracy, redundancy • Systems and perspectives • Function mappings, emergence and complexity (modularity, degeneracy) • Architectural constraints and function realisation (interfaces, redundant... more
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      EngineeringComplex Systems ScienceSystems EngineeringComplex Systems
PurposeThis article presents a cognitive framework to study dynamic/adaptive aspects of a collection of popular fit measures used in organisation research, in an attempt to highlight what there is to be... more
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      ManagementPsychologyCognitive PsychologyOrganizational Theory