Complex Adaptive Enterprises
Anet Potgieter
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Kurt April
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Judith Bishop
University of Pretoria, South Africa
collectively achieve. CRCs are the unique inter-relationships between resources and are the source of competitive advantage in an enterprise, as these relationships
cannot be duplicated by competitors. The behaviors of
the CRCs define the strategic architecture of an enterprise, which is defined as the capabilities of an enterprise,
when applied in the marketplace.
Social complexity refers to the complex behavior exhibited by a complex adaptive enterprise, when its CRCs
are embedded in a complex web of social interactions.
These CRCs are referred to as socially complex resource
combinations (SRCs). In social complexity, the source of
competitive advantage is known, but the method of replicating the advantage is unclear. Examples include corporate culture, the interpersonal relations among managers
or employees in an enterprise and trust between management and employees. SRCs depend upon large numbers of
people or teams engaged in coordinated action such that
few individuals, if any, have sufficient breadth of knowledge to grasp the overall phenomenon.
Casual ambiguity refers to uncertainty regarding the
causes of efficiency and effectiveness of an enterprise,
when it is unclear which resource combinations are enabling specific capabilities that are earning the profits.
The Chain of Sustainability
The Complex Adaptive Enterprise
According to the resource-based theory, there are dynamic relationships between enterprise resources, the
capabilities of the enterprise and the competitive advantage of the enterprise. The complex adaptive enterprise
maintains a chain of sustainability that constantly evolves
from the interactions between the individual resources
and the interactions between the resources and the dynamically changing marketplace.
Resources or assets are the basic components in the
chain of sustainability. Example resources are products,
employee skills, knowledge, and so forth. These resources
are combined into complementary resource combinations
(CRCs) according to the functionality that these resources
A complex adaptive enterprise is an enterprise that can
function as a complex adaptive system. A complex adaptive system can learn from and adapt to its constantly
changing environment. Such a system is characterized by
complex behaviors that emerge as a result of interactions
among individual system components and among system
components and the environment. Through interacting
with and learning from its environment, a complex adaptive enterprise modifies its behavior in order to maintain
its chain of sustainability.
It is impossible for an enterprise that cannot learn from
experience to maintain its chain of sustainability. The
learning process involves perception of environmental
In a world where the market, customer profiles and demands change constantly and the events in the global
marketplace are unpredictable, it becomes increasingly
difficult for an enterprise to sustain its competitive advantage. Under these conditions of uncertainty, complexity
and constant change, it becomes very important for an
enterprise to be able to learn from its experience and to
adapt its behavior in order to constantly outperform its
competitors. An enterprise that has these characteristics
is a complex adaptive enterprise.
The interrelationships between resources in a complex adaptive enterprise and its global behavior within the
marketplace can be numerous and mostly hidden, and can
affect many different resources throughout the enterprise. One of the main challenges of the modern enterprise
is to understand this complex web of interrelationships
and to integrate this understanding into its business
processes and strategies in such a way that it can sustain
its competitive advantage.
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Complex Adaptive Enterprises
inputs, understanding the perceived inputs (making meaning out of these inputs), and turning this understanding
into effective action (Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross &
Smith, 1994). The Soft Systems Methodology (Checkland,
2004) is a methodology that was developed that involves
perception, understanding and acting in an enterprise.
In the complex adaptive enterprise, the hyperstructures
encode the knowledge of the enterprise, and are distributed throughout the enterprise. This knowledge belongs
to one of the following component knowledge types:
Understanding Emergence
Self-awareness in a complex adaptive enterprise is instrumental in the maintenance of the chain of sustainability.
Enterprises need to understand the interrelationships
between the individual behaviors of the resources and the
emergent behaviors of the CRCs and SRCs. This will
enable the enterprise to understand its own social complexity and causal ambiguity.
Emergence, the most important characteristic of a
complex adaptive enterprise, is the collective behavior of
interacting resources in the CRCs. Emergence is the same
as holism (Baas & Emmeche, 1997). Holism in a complex
adaptive system means that the collective behaviour of
the system components is more than the sum of the
behaviours of the individual system components, for
example, a flock is more than a collection of birds and a
traffic jam is more than a collection of cars (Odell, 1998).
What does it mean to understand something? According to Baas & Emmeche (1997), understanding is related
to the notion of explanation. All complex adaptive systems maintain internal models (Holland, 1995). These
mechanisms are used for explanation and understanding.
The human mind is self-aware and capable of selfobservation and self-interaction. Consciousness may be
seen as an internal model maintained by the mind. In
Minsky’s Society of Mind, internal observation mechanisms called A-Brains and B-Brains maintain internal
models consisting of hyperstructures called K-Lines.
Each K-Line is a wire-like structure that attaches itself to
whichever mental agents are active when a problem is
solved or a good idea is formed (Minsky, 1988). Minsky
describes how a system can watch itself, using its B-Brain.
Gell-Mann (1994) refers to the information about the
environment of a complex adaptive system and the
system’s interaction with the environment as the “input
stream” of the system. A complex adaptive system creates
and maintains its internal model by separating “regularities from randomness” in its input stream (Gell-Mann,
1994). These regularities are represented using
hyperstructures, which in turn constitute the internal
model of the complex adaptive system. The observation
mechanism of a complex adaptive system is responsible
for the identification of regularities in its input stream, as
well as for the progressive adaptation of the
hyperstructures to include these regularities.
knowledge related to internal relationships within
the company;
knowledge related to products and services;
knowledge related to business processes and business units;
knowledge related to specific projects and project
knowledge related to customers;
knowledge related to the marketplace.
Component knowledge consists of both tacit and
explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is usually defined as
that which cannot be written down or specified. This
knowledge is embedded within the interrelationships
between the local behaviors of resources within the CRCs
and the emergent behaviors of the CRCs. Knowledge,
particularly tacit knowledge, is the most important strategic resource in an enterprise (April, 2002).
Bayesian Hyperstructures
Bayesian networks provide the ideal formalism to be used
as hyperstructures in the complex adaptive enterprise.
These networks can be used to encode beliefs and causal
relationships between beliefs and provide a formalism for
reasoning about partial beliefs under conditions of uncertainty (Pearl, 1988). These networks can be used to learn
a probabilistic model of what the emergent effects are of
certain interactions and behaviors in response to certain
environmental states (the causes). Such a causal model
can then be queried by an arbitration process to decide
which action(s) are most relevant given a certain state of
the environment.
A Bayesian network is a directed acyclic graph (DAG)
that consists of a set of nodes that are linked together by
directional links. Each node represents a random variable
or uncertain quantity. Each variable has a finite set of
mutually exclusive propositions, called states. The links
represent informational or causal dependencies among
the variables, where a parent node is the cause and a child
node, the effect. The dependencies are given in terms of
conditional probabilities of states that a node can have
given the values of the parent nodes (Pearl, 1988). Each
node has a conditional probability matrix to store these
conditional probabilities, accumulated over time.
Figure 1 illustrates a simple Bayesian network, which
we adapted from the user-words aspect model proposed
by Popescul, Ungar, Pennock & Lawrence (2001). Our
Complex Adaptive Enterprises
Figure 1: A Simple Bayesian Network
which the nodes can have multiple parents, but with the
restriction that there is only one path, along arcs in either
direction, between any two nodes in the DAG (Nilsson,
1998; Pearl, 1988).
network models the relationship between three observable variables, namely users (U), the contents of browsed
web pages characterized in terms of concepts (C), products bought from these pages (P) and one hidden variable,
namely the class variable (Z).
In Figure 1 above, the states of the hidden class
variable Z are mined from historical data (observations of
U, P and C). The class variable Z is the single cause
influencing multiple effects (U, P and C). This probability
distribution is called a naïve Bayes model or sometimes
called a Bayesian classifier (Russell & Norvig, 2003).
Bayesian learning can be described as the “mining” of
the structure of a Bayesian network and the calculation of
the conditional probability matrices from history data.
The data may be incomplete and the structure of the
Bayesian network can be unknown.
Bayesian inference is the process of calculating the
posterior probability of a hypothesis H (involving a set
of query variables) given some observed event e (assignments of values to a set of evidence variables),
P ( H | e) =
P (e | H ) P ( H )
, where
P (e )
P( H | e) represents the belief in H given e ,
P(e | H ) represents the belief in e given H , and
P(H ) and P(e) represent the beliefs in H and e
Bayesian inference is NP-hard (Pearl, 1988; Dechter,
1996). In order to simplify inference, Bayesian networks
are simplified to trees or singly-connected polytrees. A
tree is a DAG in which each node has only one parent
(Pearl, 1988). A singly-connected polytree is a DAG in
Adaptive agents are the basic building blocks of a complex adaptive system. The collective behavior of the
agents, the interactions between the agents and the
environment as well as the interactions between the
agents themselves comprise a complex set of causal
We implement complex adaptive systems using Bayesian agencies that collectively implement Bayesian behavior networks. These networks are Bayesian networks
that model the regularities in the input stream of a complex
adaptive system. The nodes in a Bayesian behavior network are grouped into what we call competence sets,
where each competence set has an associated set of
actions that must be performed by the Bayesian agencies
depending on the states of the nodes in the competence
set. These actions are usually part of a business process
or workflow in the enterprise.
Complex adaptive systems generate their internal
models from re-usable building blocks (Holland, 1995). As
an example, the quarks of Gell-Mann (1994) are combined
into nucleons, nucleons are combined into atoms, atoms
are combined into molecules, and so forth. It is essential
that the knowledge in the internal model of the enterprise
be represented using re-usable building blocks, in order
for the enterprise to be able to function as a complex
adaptive system.
Our Bayesian agencies consist of simple re-usable
software components, distributed throughout the enterprise. There are two types of Bayesian agencies, namely
belief propagation agencies and competence agencies.
Belief propagation agencies consist of a collection of
components, where each component can be one of three
re-usable components, namely node components, link
components and belief propagation agents. Collectively
these simple components capture the knowledge throughout the enterprise by collectively implementing distributed Bayesian behavior networks. Each node component
implements a Bayesian behavior network node. Each
network link is implemented by a queue, together with a
link component that participates in the synchronization of
messages flowing to the child, or to the parent node via
the queue. For each queue, a belief propagation agent is
Complex Adaptive Enterprises
deployed that listens on that queue for messages from the
child or parent node of the associated network link.
The belief propagation agents collectively perform
Bayesian inference by localized message passing in response to the environmental evidence in order to update
the beliefs of network nodes. The competence agencies
use the beliefs of selected network nodes to determine if
certain business components must be activated or not.
Business components are re-usable components containing parts of business processes or workflow processes.
Each competence agency monitors a set of constraints on
the beliefs of a subset of nodes – the constraint set. If all
the constraints in a constraint set are met, the competence
agency can activate its associated business component.
Node components are deployed throughout the enterprise to collect evidence from disparate data sources
within the enterprise or from external data sources. The
Bayesian agencies incrementally learn from this experience.
The Bayesian agencies are observation mechanisms
that enable the enterprise to be self-aware. Belief propagation agencies are connected to the real world. As soon
as evidence is received from the environment, the belief
propagation agents collectively perform Bayesian inference by using local message passing. The competence
agencies inspect the beliefs of nodes and act upon these
beliefs and possibly change the state of the environment,
influencing the collective Bayesian inference of the belief
propagation agencies.
The flexibility, adaptability and reusability of automated business processes (enterprise software) determine the ability of an enterprise to evolve and survive in
the marketplace (Sutherland & van den Heuvel, 2002). The
belief propagation agencies enable the re-usable business components in the competence agencies to be flexible and adaptable.
We have successfully implemented prototype Bayesian agencies using Sun’s Enterprise JavaBeans™ component architecture. We developed prototype node and
link components and belief propagation agents that are
assembled into distributed Bayesian behavior networks,
collectively performing Bayesian learning and Bayesian
inference in singly-connected Bayesian behavior networks with known structure and no hidden variables.
agencies in order to cope with multiply-connected Bayesian behaviour networks.
Our Bayesian agencies can be distributed throughout an
enterprise, enabling it to function as a complex adaptive
enterprise. These agencies will assist the enterprise to be
self-aware by collectively modeling the complex interrelatedness of local behaviors of resources and emergent
behaviors of CRCs, from which the enterprise’s tacit
knowledge, social complexity and causal ambiguity
emerges – the source of its competitive advantage. The
enterprise can then use this self-understanding to adapt
its business processes and to formulate new knowledge
or business strategies in response to the ever-changing
marketplace in order to sustain its competitive advantage.
April, K. (2002). Guidelines for developing a k-strategy.
Journal of Knowledge Management, 6(5), 445-456.
Baas, N. A., & Emmeche, C. (1997). On emergence and
explanation. Intellectica, 25, 67-83. Retrieved March 22,
2001, from http://www.nbi.dk/~emmeche/coPubl/
Checkland, P. (2004). Soft systems methodology. Retrieved June 25, 2004, from http://www.onesixsigma.com/
Dechter, R. (1996). Bucket elimination: A unifying framework for probabilistic inference. Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence, UAI96, 211-219. Retrieved October 8, 2000,
Gell-Mann, M. (1994). The quark and the jaguar (2nd ed.).
London: Little, Brown and Company.
Holland, J. H. (1995). Hidden order: How adaptation
builds complexity. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company Inc.
Minsky, M. (1988). The society of mind (First Touchstone
ed.). New York: Simon & Schuster.
Future research will involve a full implementation of
Bayesian learning, where Bayesian agents collectively
and incrementally discover structure from data in the
presence of known values for variables as well as in the
presence of missing data. We will also complete the
collective belief propagation capabilities of the Bayesian
Nilsson, N. J. (1998). Artificial intelligence: A new synthesis (1st ed.). San Francisco, USA: Morgan Kaufmann.
Odell, J. (1998). Agents and beyond: A flock is not a bird.
Distributed Computing, 52–54. Retrieved June 25, 2004,
from http://www.jamesodell.com/publications.html
Pearl, J. (1988). Probabilistic reasoning in intelligent
Complex Adaptive Enterprises
systems: Networks of plausible inference (2nd ed.). San
Mateo, USA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Pearl, J., & Russell, S. (2000). Bayesian networks (Technical Report R-277). UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory. Retrieved May 5, 2001, from http://bayes.cs.ucla.edu/
Popescul, A., Ungar, L. H., Pennock, D. M., & Lawrence,
S. (2001). Probabilistic models for unified collaborative
and content-based recommendation in sparse-data environments. Retrieved January 28, 2002, from http://
Russell, S. J., & Norvig, P. (2003). Artificial intelligence:
A modern approach (2nd ed.). New Jersey, USA: Prentice
Senge, P. M., Kleiner, A., Roberts, C., Ross, R. B., & Smith,
B. J. (1994). The fifth discipline fieldbook. New York,
USA: Double Day.
Sutherland, J., & van den Heuvel, W. (2002). Enterprise
application integration encounters complex adaptive systems: A business object perspective. Proceedings of the
35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Retrieved June 25, 2004, from http://
Bayesian Agencies: Agencies consisting of simple
agents that collectively implement distributed Bayesian
behavior networks. The agents are organized into agencies, where each agency activates one or more component
behaviour depending on the inference in the underlying
Bayesian behaviour network.
Bayesian Behavior Networks: Specialized Bayesian
networks, used by the Bayesian agents to collectively
mine and model relationships between emergent
behaviours and the interactions that caused them to
emerge, in order to adapt the behaviour of the system.
Bayesian Hyperstructures: Bayesian Behavior Networks are Bayesian hyperstructures that in turn constitute the internal model of the complex adaptive system.
Competence Sets: The nodes in a Bayesian behavior
network are grouped into competence sets, where each
competence set has an associated set of actions that must
be performed by the Bayesian agencies depending on the
states of the nodes in the competence set.
Resources: Also known as “assets”, come in many
forms, from common factor inputs that are widely avail-
able and easily purchased in arms-length transactions, to
highly differentiated resources, like brand names, that are
developed over many years and are very difficult to
replicate. Resources come in two main forms: “tangible
resources” - which are the easiest to value, and often are
the only resources that appear on a company’s balance
sheet. They include real estate, production facilities and
raw materials, among others. Although tangible resources
may be essential to a company’s strategy, because of their
standard nature they rarely constitute a source of competitive advantage; and “intangible resources” - include
such things as company reputations, brand names, cultures, technological knowledge, know-how shared among
employees, patented process and design, trademarks,
accumulated learning and/or knowledge, as well as experience. These resources often play important roles in
competitive advantage (or disadvantage) and company
value. Intangible resources also have the important property of not being consumed in usage.
Complementary Resource Combinations (CRCs): Are
not factor inputs, but are complex combinations of interrelated configurations, or networks of assets, people, and
processes that companies use to transform inputs to
outputs. Many of these configurations are a blend of
“hard” tangible resources and “soft” intangible resources
which simply cannot be recreated by another company.
Finely honed CRCs can be a source of competitive advantage.
Social Complexity: Is when the source of advantage
is known, but the method of replicating the advantage is
unclear, e.g., corporate culture, the interpersonal relations among managers in a company, or trust between
management and labor.
Social Complex Resource Combinations (SRCs):
Depend upon large numbers of people, or teams, engaged
in coordinated action such that few individuals, if any
(both outside the company, as well as inside the company), have sufficient breadth of knowledge to grasp the
overall phenomenon.
Strategic Architecture: Refers to a company’s capabilities, when applied in the marketplace.
Chain of Sustainability: An evolving, dynamic and
matched mix between company resources (arranged in
value-generating combinations) and the changing marketplace that gives the company a competitive edge.
Causal Ambiguity: Refers to uncertainty, by
competitors, regarding the causes of efficiency and effectiveness of a company, when it is unclear which resource
combinations are enabling specific competitive capabilities that are earning the company profits.
Complex Adaptive Enterprises
Competitive Advantage: A company is said to have a
competitive advantage when, based on its strategic architecture and complementary resource combinations (CRCs),
it is able to implement a strategy that generates returns
and benefits in excess of those of its current competitors
– who simultaneously are implementing strategies, similar
or otherwise – because of the perceived value in the
marketplace. The definition therefore also depends on
what the company, its management and its stakeholders,
define as what the required returns and benefits should be
(because even though many would list it as financial,
clearly this does not apply to all companies, i.e., an
advantage could be something other than financial). One
could reasonably expect, though, that companies within
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similar industries would define similar variables as the
required returns and benefits. A company is said to have
a sustained competitive advantage when it is implementing a value-creating strategy, which generates returns
and benefits at a level not enjoyed by current competitors
and when these other companies are unable to reach an
“equilibrium level” with the company enjoying the advantage. In this sense, the definition of sustained competitive advantage adopted here does not imply that it will
“last forever,” and does not depend upon the period of
time during which a company enjoys a competitive advantage (rather, the equilibrium level is critical in this