E vangelism
S ocialism
Free Communism
The Collection of Logia
Arranged by Eva Soyah
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Edition #80 at 24 May 2020
Seite 2 von 42
I asked myself many times why the Soviet Republics have failed again and again. From today's perspective it is, if it took
even infinitely many victims, to apologetic. The councils of the Soviet Republics did not know the Gospel of Thomas [1].
It summarizes the findings and experiences from 270 thousand years history in 114 Logia and seems consciously or
unconsciously in the daily proceeds of people.
I have only a few weeks ago engaged with the Gospel of Thomas and this for atheistic point of view. It looks so on as
lore of Buddhism and Hinduism was in it consolidated. Also, it is likely keeping that the original Aramaic version lock and
key under on scribes of Koran. Perhaps this is also on the West-Syrian Q-Gospel. If mankind one day vanquish
deteriorate and war, these two old Gospel in the Aramaic language will reveal itself.
The agnostics distinguished vary between Jesus and Christ. The Gospel of Thomas refers only to Jesus. Jesus is
abbreviated by me with „He" and represents in a manner of speaking the entire experience of humanity. This
experience is called „Celestial Construct Plan" by me. Of course, they have existed before the big bang. „They“ are
abbreviated to the disciple of Jesus.
Just as the human work has its share of the incarnation of the monkey (see Friedrich Engels), so the Gospel of Thomas
has its share it, that human being from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom can change over. In the realm of
freedom, natural selection onto Charles Darwin has been abolished. In the realm of necessity there will always be wars
in the future. The 114 Logia of the Gospel of Thomas were translated by Andreas Ebert [2] and I have they provided with
new superscriptions.
Right-wing extremists are carrying a wedge between the elites and the masses. Greta Thunberg and Sarah
Wagenknecht struggle to improve the living conditions of working people, who proudly manage the material values. I
watched the workers who daily have to deal defined Celestial Construct Plan with the above, on the mouth. They are
the authors of the new Logia written by me. I so do not want to bulk their authorship.
Cyberneticist found out that in 1979 was one of the turning points in human history. The social order is changed from a
system controlled (by dictators) in a chaotic. Now determine groups, which have the strongest voice. Progress or
regression is determined by the balance of power in the mass of people. Anyone, who claims that Putin or Maduro has
personally influence of world events, is a populist. These populists can be found in the highest government circles.
Really, the peoples determine, God bees thank, their fate themselves again!
In today's chaotic social systems, the above-mentioned Celestial Construct Plan revealed in parts to humans. So
everyone will derive Eternal Truths from it. Even technical systems with Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be able to
independently detect parts of the Celestial Construct Plan. I see myself as a chronicler of the revealing Eternal Truths.
Write me you’re Eternal Truth to
[email protected]. If not already present, I will include them in this Logien
The work of a chronicler is extensive. It has no beginning and no end. I would like to take this work anyway on me. I
seriously worried about the future of my children. The merit readers can The merit readers can to catch up in Facebook
(( https://www.facebook.com/eva.soyah ), on twitter ( https://twitter.com/eva_soyah ) or contribute something in my
blog ( http://fortschreiten.blogspot.com ). Also, do not hesitate to write me an eMail. Call me but always your
profession or your current activity. I can see the proximity of your contribution to the perpetual construct plan based on
your profession or your current activity.
Hers, Eva Soyah
The text is subject to the licensing conditions of DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20380.23684.The Copyright complies with the CC BY-SA 4.0 license of the Creative Commons
Platforms. Publications under this or other names are prohibited!
© Medien für Fortschreitende
Edition #80 at 24 May 2020
Seite 3 von 42
Ich habe mich schon viele Male gefragt, warum die Räterepubliken immer wieder gescheitert sind? Aus heutiger Sicht
ist das, wenn es auch unendlich viele Opfer gekostet hat, zu entschuldigen. Die Räte kannten das Thomasevangelium [1]
nicht. Es fasst die Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen aus 270 Tausend Jahren Menschheitsgeschichte in 114 Logien
zusammen und wirkt im täglichen Handeln der Menschen bewusst oder unbewusst.
Ich habe mich erst seit wenigen Wochen mit dem Thomasevangelium beschäftigt und das aus atheistischer Sicht. Es
sieht so aus, als wären darin Lehren des Buddhismus und des Hinduismus zusammengefasst. Auch ist zu vermuten, dass
die aramäische Urfassung von Schriftgelehrten des Korans unter Verschluss gehalten wird. Möglicherweise trifft das
auch auf das westsyrische Q-Evangelium zu. Wenn die Menschheit eines Tages das Verderben und den Krieg
überwunden haben, werden sich diese beiden Urevangelien in aramäischer Sprache von selbst offenbaren.
Die Gnostiker unterscheiden zwischen Jesus und Christus. Das Thomasevangelium bezieht sich ausschließlich auf Jesus.
Jesus wird von mir mit „Er“ abgekürzt und repräsentiert sozusagen die gesamte Erfahrung der Menschheit. Diese
Erfahrung wird von mir als „Überirdischer Bauplan“ bezeichnet. Es versteht sich, dass er bereits vor Urknall existierte.
„Sie“ sind abgekürzt die Jünger Jesu.
So wie die menschliche Arbeit ihren Anteil an der Menschwerdung des Affen (s. Friedrich Engels) hat, so hat das
Thomasevangelium seinen Anteil daran, dass der Mensch aus dem Reich der Notwenigkeit in das Reich der Freiheit
überwechseln kann. Im Reich der Freiheit ist die natürliche Auslese nach Charles Darwin abgeschafft. Im Reich der
Notwenigkeit wird es auch in Zukunft immer wieder Kriege geben. Die 114 Logien des Thomasevangeliums wurden
von Andreas Ebert [2] übersetzt und von mir mit neuen Überschriften versehen.
Rechte Kräfte treiben einen Keil zwischen die Eliten und die Massen. Greta Thunberg und Sarah Wagenknecht kämpfen
dafür, die Lebensbedingungen der Werktätigen, die stolz die materiellen Werte schaffen, zu verbessern. Ich habe den
Werktätigen, die sich täglich mit dem oben definierten ewigen Bauplan auseinander setzen müssen, auf den Mund
geschaut. Sie sind die Autoren der von mir aufgeschriebenen neuen Logien. Ich möchte mir also keinesfalls deren
Autorenschaft anmaßen.
Kybernetiker habe herausgefunden, dass im Jahr 1979 einer der Wendepunkte in der menschlichen Geschichte
war. Die Gesellschaftsordnung ist von einem (von Diktatoren) gesteuerten System in ein chaotisches gewechselt.
Nun bestimmen die, die die stärkste Stimme haben. Fortschritt oder Rückschritt wird von den Machtverhältnissen
in der Masse der Menschen bestimmt. Wer behauptet, dass Putin oder Maduro persönlich das Weltgeschehen
beeinflussen, ist Populist. Derartige Populisten sind in den höchsten Regierungskreisen zu finden! Tatsächlich
bestimmen die Völker, Gott sei Dank, ihr Schicksal wieder selbst!
In den heutzutage chaotischen Gesellschaftssystemen offenbart sich der oben genannte Überirdische Bauplan in Teilen
den Menschen. Jeder wird also davon Ewige Wahrheiten ableiten. Sogar technische Systeme mit KI werden eigenständig
Teile des Überirdischen Bauplans erkennen können. Ich verstehe mich als Chronistin der sich offenbarenden Ewigen
Wahrheiten. Schreiben Sie mir Ihre Sie Ihre Ewige Wahrheit an
[email protected] . Ich werde sie, soweit
nicht schon vorhanden, in die vorliegende Logien-Sammlung aufnehmen.
Die Arbeit einer Chronistin ist umfangreich. Sie hat keinen Anfang und kein Ende. Ich möchte diese Arbeit trotzdem auf
mich nehmen. Ich sorge mich ernsthaft um die Zukunft meiner Kinder. Die werte Leserschaft kann sich dazu auf in
Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/eva.soyah ), über Twitter ( https://twitter.com/eva_soyah ) informieren oder
etwas in meinen Blog ( http://fortschreiten.blogspot.com ) eintragen. Zögern Sie auch nicht, mir eine eMail zu
schreiben. Nennen Sie mir aber immer Ihren Beruf oder ihre jetzige Tätigkeit. Anhand Ihres Berufes oder Ihrer jetzigen
Tätigkeit kann ich die Nähe Ihres Beitrages zum Überirdischen Bauplan erkennen.
Ihre Eva Soyah
Der Text unterliegt den lizenzrechtlichen Bedingungen von DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20380.23684. Die Kopierrechte genügen der CC BY-SA 4.0 Lizenz der Creative
Commons Platforms. Veröffentlichungen unter diesem oder anderen Namen sind ausdrücklich untersagt!
© Medien für Fortschreitende
Edition #80 at 24 May 2020
Seite 4 von 42
Recognize the wonder of the way [7.01] ....................................................................................................................... 8
The ten thousand things come out of the way [7.02] ................................................................................................... 8
Stay with everything and there will be order [7.03] ...................................................................................................... 8
The path is the original image of the origin of the sky [7.04] ........................................................................................ 8
Many words inevitably silence [7.05] ............................................................................................................................ 8
The spirit of the valley remains inexhaustible [7.06] .................................................................................................... 8
The wise man can find his own self [7.07] ..................................................................................................................... 9
Where there is no quarrel, there is no guilt [7.08] ........................................................................................................ 9
The way of the sky [7.09] ............................................................................................................................................... 9
This is called the original virtue [7.10] ....................................................................................................................... 9
The profit comes from what is not there [7.11] ........................................................................................................ 9
The wise man leaves one and prefers the other [7.12] ............................................................................................. 9
The rule of the empire [7.13]..................................................................................................................................... 9
The people of one country will never have anything to do with the others [7.80] ................................................ 10
The ability to recognize the beginning of all being [7.14] ....................................................................................... 10
The ability to recognize the beginning of all being [7.15] ....................................................................................... 10
To know the eternal path to be enlightened [7.16] ................................................................................................ 10
Those who do not have enough confidence will not be trusted either [7.17] ........................................................ 10
Goodness and justice is a great hypocrisy [7.18] .................................................................................................... 10
Deploy the simplicity [7.19] ..................................................................................................................................... 10
I am different from everyone else [7.20]................................................................................................................. 11
Follow the path and only this way [7.21] ................................................................................................................ 11
Knuckle down and thus preserve completely [7.22] ............................................................................................... 11
When you are one with the way [7.23] ................................................................................................................... 11
Protect your neighbor............................................................................................................................................... 11
Have a look at the problems - do not look away ...................................................................................................... 11
High virtue leads all things back to great unity [7.65] ............................................................................................. 12
The wise man leads people with humility [7.66] ..................................................................................................... 12
Compassion, frugality and not being at the top are three treasures [7.67] ............................................................ 12
There is (really) only an Celestial Construct Plan ..................................................................................................... 12
Be the lonely caller in the desert .............................................................................................................................. 12
Your strength also strengthens the resistance ......................................................................................................... 12
Do not put your light under the bushel .................................................................................................................... 12
Do not rely on the other one .................................................................................................................................... 12
Handle fair ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Your appearance is secondary .................................................................................................................................. 12
If you follow the path, you leave everything behind [7.24] .................................................................................... 13
Listen here and now ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Represent your opinion and do not let the elites influence you .............................................................................. 13
The four great forces of the universe [7.25] ............................................................................................................ 13
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Poverty multiplies faster than wealth multiplies ..................................................................................................... 13
Do not let your vehicle out of sight [7.26] ............................................................................................................... 13
Unity of word and deed ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Who does not honor his teacher is deeply confused [7.27] .................................................................................... 13
A good tailor has little waste [7.28] ......................................................................................................................... 13
Avoid exaggeration, extravagance and arrogance [7.29] ........................................................................................ 14
When the strong does violence to the weak [7.30] ................................................................................................ 14
Weapons are instruments of evil [7.31] .................................................................................................................. 14
Even the lonely can find back ................................................................................................................................... 14
The way is like a river [7.32] .................................................................................................................................... 14
He who dies will forever be a part of life [7.33] ...................................................................................................... 14
The living and the dead ............................................................................................................................................ 14
The great way does not seek greatness [7.34] ........................................................................................................ 14
The poor man are true.............................................................................................................................................. 15
The way remains inexhaustible [7.35] ..................................................................................................................... 15
Everyone has a corpse in the basement ................................................................................................................... 15
A country may not display its weapons [7.36]......................................................................................................... 15
State of calm and peace [7.37] ................................................................................................................................ 15
Watch the life ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Life needs a place of rest .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Morality is a loss of confidence and loyalty [7.38] .................................................................................................. 15
The wise man does no harm to the people [7.60]................................................................................................... 16
You cannot take your material wealth with you to death........................................................................................ 16
Do not make merchants to your friends .................................................................................................................. 16
Stop the exploitation ................................................................................................................................................ 16
The low is the foundation of the high [7.39] ........................................................................................................... 16
Being arises from nonbeing [7.40] ........................................................................................................................... 17
The bright path appears dark [7.41] ........................................................................................................................ 17
The violent do not die of natural causes [7.42] ....................................................................................................... 17
Teachings without words [7.43] .............................................................................................................................. 17
Anger is always one-sided and therefore tedious .................................................................................................... 17
The virtue of non-strife [7.68] ................................................................................................................................. 17
Do you know when pause must backpedal [7.44] ................................................................................................... 17
The right measure is silence and tranquility [7.45] ................................................................................................. 17
Be at peace with you ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Those who are frugal will always have enough [7.46]............................................................................................. 17
The wise man understands without going far [7.47] ............................................................................................... 18
Who wants to win the world, does not interfere [7.48].......................................................................................... 18
The wise man holds back and treats everyone like children [7.49] ........................................................................ 18
There is no kingdom of death [7.50] ....................................................................................................................... 18
If you are wealthy, do not abuse your power .......................................................................................................... 18
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All venerate the way as original virtue [7.51] .......................................................................................................... 18
Distinguish between being and appearance ............................................................................................................ 18
Follow the eternal path [7.52] ................................................................................................................................. 18
Lift the weapons with a heavy heart [7.69] ............................................................................................................. 18
The great way is easy [7.53] .................................................................................................................................... 18
End catastrophic addictions ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Support the prophets ............................................................................................................................................... 19
When the strong does violence to the weak [7.55] ................................................................................................ 19
The original merge one [7.56] ................................................................................................................................. 19
Be (always) attentive ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Maintain non-doing and give preference to silence [7.57] ..................................................................................... 19
Where are the limits [7.58]...................................................................................................................................... 19
If a person is bad do not let him fall [7.62] .............................................................................................................. 19
Enjoy what has no taste [7.63] ................................................................................................................................ 19
Eighth and refine food .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Do not waste food .................................................................................................................................................... 20
The wise man wears no fine clothes [7.70] ............................................................................................................. 20
The wise man does not occurs troubles [7.71] ........................................................................................................ 20
The wise man favors one and leaves the other [7.72] ............................................................................................ 20
The way of the deep roots and the strong trunk [7.59] .......................................................................................... 20
The net of the sky escapes nothing [7.73] ............................................................................................................... 20
If someone kills instead of the death judge [7.74] .................................................................................................. 20
Repent and correct your mistakes............................................................................................................................ 20
The one who attaches no value to life is wiser [7.75] ............................................................................................. 20
The soft and delicate will prevail [7.76]................................................................................................................... 21
The wise man does not want to be considered better [7.77] ................................................................................. 21
The truth often sounds like it's full of contradictions [7.78] ................................................................................... 21
The following generations honor their ancestors [7.54] ......................................................................................... 21
The way of heaven is always on the side of the good man [7.79]........................................................................... 21
The big country (the Union) should go deeper [7.61] ............................................................................................. 21
To be useful without hurting and doing without arguing [7.81] ............................................................................. 21
Care about both the beginning and the end [7.64] ................................................................................................. 21
Appreciate and promote the equal rights of women ............................................................................................... 21
Progression in the space-time continuum ................................................................................................................ 22
Good and bad advice ................................................................................................................................................ 22
Are my children Adventurers or a Mainstreamer .................................................................................................... 22
The educational mission of the state ....................................................................................................................... 22
Suffrage for children ................................................................................................................................................. 22
Trapped by recurrent problems ............................................................................................................................... 23
Human - Community - Nature .................................................................................................................................. 23
Morality and ethics in human society ...................................................................................................................... 23
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The In-Out Group Phenomenon ............................................................................................................................... 23
My solidary home ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Spiraled social development..................................................................................................................................... 24
Reason for a communitarian movement .................................................................................................................. 24
Class society - Market economy - Social classes....................................................................................................... 24
Lies, lies, lies, ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
A typical German security problem .......................................................................................................................... 25
Left and right - a aid to orientation .......................................................................................................................... 25
The „culture" of pure National Socialism ................................................................................................................. 25
The realm and its citizens ......................................................................................................................................... 25
Alexander von Humboldt on the War between the USA and Mexico (1846 -1848) ................................................ 26
Fight or assist the fundamentalist ............................................................................................................................ 26
What's Important to the Victims of 9/11 ................................................................................................................. 26
None of us can really rest ......................................................................................................................................... 26
Israel will be Palestine again ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Popular slogans and their effects ............................................................................................................................. 26
You can't reach good ends through evil means........................................................................................................ 27
Replacing the Brother Wars with Sister's Peace....................................................................................................... 27
No anonymous migration ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Freedom for the peoples Eurasia ............................................................................................................................. 27
Europe at the turning point in society ...................................................................................................................... 27
The politics toward the East (Ostpolitik) of Willy Brand is far from complete ......................................................... 28
What is an unjust state ... ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Responsible government work and international law ............................................................................................. 29
Socialization and privatization .................................................................................................................................. 29
Thoughts on November 9th - Right to Work ............................................................................................................ 29
Thoughts on the Day of German Unity on 3 October ............................................................................................... 29
Reveal assets............................................................................................................................................................. 30
Smash monopolies.................................................................................................................................................... 30
Market Economy - Fossil Fuels - Centrally Planned Economy .................................................................................. 31
National Socialism as State Policy ............................................................................................................................ 31
Main task of the German Federal Armed Forces ..................................................................................................... 32
The Lies of the Doctors ............................................................................................................................................. 32
The Contribution of Viruses to the Spawn and Away of Life .................................................................................... 32
Contamination with the super virus ......................................................................................................................... 33
Replacing the vote of capital with the vote of the family and children ................................................................... 34
A ghost is going on again ... in the world... the phantom of free communism [11] ................................................. 34
... from the Turn to the Change ... ............................................................................................................................ 35
What we can learn from Artificial Intelligence (AI) .................................................................................................. 35
Machines take over humans..................................................................................................................................... 36
Everyone (Human) Carries an Eternal Truth within Him .......................................................................................... 36
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Edition #80 at 24 May 2020
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Neue Logion: Methoden des Deep Learning (DL)..................................................................................................... 37
Becoming Aware of a Machine ................................................................................................................................. 38
Is the Eternal visible in the Infinite ........................................................................................................................... 39
Our all Celestial Construct Plan really....................................................................................................................... 39
What kind of social order do we want ..................................................................................................................... 39
Epiloge ...................................................................................................................................................................... 40
References ................................................................................................................................................................ 41
Abstract..................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Zusammenfassung .................................................................................................................................................... 42
Prologue to the Gospel of Thomas
These are the secret words spoken by the living and written by Didymus (the twin) Judas Thomas.
1. Recognize the wonder of the way [7.01]
He said: Whoever fathoms the meaning of these words will not taste the death.
2. The ten thousand things come out of the way [7.02]
He said: He, who seeks should not stop searching (quod vide [08.21:119]) until he finds. And if he finds, he will be
upset, if he is upset, he will be astonished and he will rule the universe.
3. Stay with everything and there will be order [7.03]
He said: When your leaders say: See, the kingdom is on celestial and then the birds of the sky will be there before
you. If they tell you: It's in the sea, then the fish will be there before you. But the kingdom is in you and (at the
same time) outside of you.
If you know yourself, then you are recognized, and you will understand that you are the children of the living
Father. But if you do not recognize yourself, then you will be impoverished, yes, then you are poverty yourself.
4. The path is the original image of the origin of the sky [7.04]
He said: An old person at his age will not hesitate to question, a seven-day-old child about the place of life, and he
will live! For many who are first will be last, and they will be one.
5. Many words inevitably silence [7.05]
He said: Know what is right in front of you, so that which is hidden, will be revealed to you. Because there is
nothing hidden that will not be revealed.
6. The spirit of the valley remains inexhaustible [7.06]
They asked him: Do you want us to fast? How should we pray? Should we give alms? Which dining rules should we
comply with?
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He said: Do not lie and do not do anything you hate. Because in the face of the sky, all things are clear, and there is
nothing hidden, which will not be visible, and nothing hidden, which will not be revealed.
7. The wise man can find his own self [7.07]
He said: Happy the lion, if the human consumes it, because then he becomes the human. And curse the human,
whom the lion eats, for that is how the human becomes a lion.
8. Where there is no quarrel, there is no guilt [7.08]
And he said: Man is like a wise fisherman, who threw the net into the sea. He pulled it out of the sea full of little
fish and among them he found a nice big fish. He threw all the small fish into the sea and did not hesitate to keep
the big fish.
Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear!
9. The way of the sky [7.09]
He said: See, the sower went out, took a handful of seeds, and scattered them. Some fell on the street; the birds
came and picked them up. Others fell on rocky ground, did not hit roots in the ground, and produced no ears.
Others fell under thorns; they suffocated the seeds and worms ate them. And others fell on good soil and
produced good fruits: sixty measures and one hundred and twenty measures.
This is called the original virtue [7.10]
He said: Behold, I threw fire on the earth, and I keep watch until it blazes.
The profit comes from what is not there [7.11]
He said: This heaven will pass away, and the one who is above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the
living will not die. In the days in which you have eaten dead, you made it come alive.
If you are enlightened, what will you do then? On that day, when you were one, you split. But what will you do
when you are divided?
The wise man leaves one and prefers the other [7.12]
They said to Jesus: We know that you will leave us. Who should be our leader then?
He said to them: Wherever you are, go to James the Gighteous. The things of heaven and earth belong to him.
The rule of the empire [7.13]
He said to his disciples: Compare me, tell me who I am like. Simon Petrus said to him: You are like a just angel.
Matthäus said to him, you are like a wise philosopher! Thomas said to him: Master, my mouth is completely unable
to tell who you are the same.
He said: I am not your master because you drank yourself. You were intoxicated by the bubbling spring that I let
out. And he took him aside and said three words to him. When Thomas returned to his companions, they asked
him: What did he say to you?
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Thomas said to them: If I tell you one of the things he has told me, you will pick up stones and throw them at me,
and fire will spray from the stones and burn you.
The people of one country will never have anything to do with the
others [7.80]
He said to them: If you fast, you will make nothing but sin for you; and when you pray, you will be damned; and
when you give alms, you will do harm to your mind.
If you enter any country and travel to its areas and you are taken in, eat what you have been given and heal the
sick among them. For that which enters into your mouth, will not defile you; but what comes out of your mouth,
will sully you.
The ability to recognize the beginning of all being [7.14]
He said: If you see the one, who was not born of the woman, then throw yourself on the face and worship him.
This is your father.
The ability to recognize the beginning of all being [7.15]
He said: People may think I came to bring peace to the earth. They do not know that I came to bring dispute, fire,
sword and war to earth. For if five are in one house, then three against two, and two against three, the father
against the son and the son against the father. And they will stand as lonely.
To know the eternal path to be enlightened [7.16]
He said: I will give you, what no eye has ever seen, no ear ever heard, no hand ever touched, and that has never
before sprung from the human mind.
Those who do not have enough confidence will not be trusted either
They said to Jesus: tell us, how our end will be.
He said: Have you already discovered the beginning, which you ask for the end? For where the beginning is, there
will also be the end. Blissful, who stays a beginner! Because, he will recognize the end and not taste the death.
Goodness and justice is a great hypocrisy [7.18]
He said: Blessed, who was there before he became. If you become my disciples and listen to my words, these
stones will serve you. For in paradise there are five trees for you, which remain unshaken in summer and winter,
and whose leaves do not fall off. Who knows her, he will not taste the death.
Deploy the simplicity [7.19]
They said to Jesus: Tell us, what is like the kingdom of heaven!
He said to them: It is like a mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds. But when it falls on cultivated ground, it grows
into a large plant and becomes a refuge for the birds of the sky.
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I am different from everyone else [7.20]
Mary said to Jesus: Whose are your disciples?
He said: They are like children, who have settled in a field that is not theirs. When the owners of the field come,
they will say: Let us have our field back! Then they will stand naked in the presence of [the owner] to deliver the
field and give them.
Therefore I say: If the landlord knows, that the thief is coming, he will be on guard before the thief comes. He will
not let him enter the house of whose master he is to carry off his goods. But you are wary of the world! Gird the
loins with great strength, so that the robbers will find no way to come to you.
Because the advantage that you are looking for, they will certainly track down. May you be a wise man among you!
When the fruit was ripe, he immediately came with the sickle in his hand and reaped it.
Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear!
Follow the path and only this way [7.21]
He saw little children being suckled.
He said to his disciples: These babies are like those, who come into the kingdom.
They said to him: So will we come to the kingdom, when we are little like children?
He said to them: When you make two out of one, and when you do the inside and the outside, and the outside like
the inside, and the one above, like the one below, and you unite the masculine and the feminine if you replace the
old eye with a new eye, the old hand with a new hand, the old foot with a new foot, the old picture with a new
one, then you will come into the kingdom.
Knuckle down and thus preserve completely [7.22]
He said: I will choose you, one in a thousand and two out of ten thousand and they will be confirmed in their
When you are one with the way [7.23]
They said to him: Show us the place, where you are, because it is necessary for us, to seek it.
He said to them: Whoever has ears to hear, listen! In a man of light is light, and he enlightens the whole world. If
he does not shine, darkness prevails.
Protect your neighbor
He said: Love your brother like your soul, guard him like your eyeball.
Have a look at the problems - do not look away
He said: You see the splinter in your brother's eye, but you do not see the beam in your own eye. If you remove the
beam from your eye, you will see clearly enough to remove the splinter from your brother's eye.
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High virtue leads all things back to great unity [7.65]
He said: If you do not fast in the world, you will not find the kingdom. If you do not celebrate the Sabbath as a
Sabbath, you will not see the Father.
The wise man leads people with humility [7.66]
He said: In the midst of the world I took my place, and I showed myself to them in the flesh. I found them all drunk,
I found none of them thirsty. My soul suffered for the human children, because they are blind in the heart and do
not see, which they have come into the world empty. Empty they also want to leave the world. But now they are
drunk. If they have slept the wine rush, they will repent.
Compassion, frugality and not being at the top are three treasures
He said: If the flesh was made for the sake of the Spirit, it is a miracle. But when the mind has arisen for the sake of
the body, which is a miracle of miracles. I am truly astonished at, how this great wealth has taken up residence in
this poverty.
There is (really) only an Celestial Construct Plan
He said: Where there are three gods, there are gods. But where there are two or one, I am with him.
Be the lonely caller in the desert
He said: No prophet is received in his village; no doctor heals those who know him.
Your strength also strengthens the resistance
He said: A city, built on a high mountain and fortified, cannot fall nor remain hidden.
Do not put your light under the bushel
He said: Pray from your rooftops, what you will hear with your ear. Because nobody lights a lamp and puts it under
a bushel or in a hiding place, but one puts it on a lamp stand, so that everyone, who goes in and out sees their
Do not rely on the other one
He said: If a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall down into a pit.
Handle fair
He said: No one is capable of invading the house of a strong man to overwhelm him, unless he clasps his hands,
then he can plunder the house.
Your appearance is secondary
He said: Do not worry from morning to evening and from evening to morning what you will wear.
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If you follow the path, you leave everything behind [7.24]
They said: When will you reveal yourself to us and when will we see you?
He said: If you have stripped naked, without being ashamed, if you have taken your clothes and put them under
your feet, trampling them like little children, then you will see the Son of the living and not fear you.
Listen here and now
He said: Often you have longed, to hear the words, which I am telling you, for you have no one else from, whom
you could hear them. There will be days, when you will seek me and not find me.
Represent your opinion and do not let the elites influence you
He said: The Pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge and hidden. They themselves did not
occur and did not allow those who wanted to enter to enter. But you should be wise as snakes and innocent as
The four great forces of the universe [7.25]
He said: A grapevine has been planted far from the father. Because he has no root cause, he will be pulled out and
destroyed along with the root.
Poverty multiplies faster than wealth multiplies
He said: He, who has something in his hand, will be given more; and whoever has nothing, will also be taken the
little he has.
Do not let your vehicle out of sight [7.26]
He said: Be temporary!
Unity of word and deed
They said to him: Who are you, that you tell us all these things?
He said: You do not understand, who I am, by what I say to you? You have become like the Jews. They love the
tree, but hate its fruit, or they love the fruit, but hate the tree.
Who does not honor his teacher is deeply confused [7.27]
He said: He, who blasphemes the Father, will be forgiven, and he, who blasphemes the Son, will be forgiven. But
He, who blasphemes the Holy Ghost, will be no forgiven, neither on earth nor in heaven.
A good tailor has little waste [7.28]
He said: Grapes are not harvested from thorn bushes and figs are not picked from scratch thistles, because they do
not bear fruit. A good person makes good from, what he has collected; a wicked man brings forth evil from the
wickedness of his heart and says evil. Because evil surges out of the abundance of the heart.
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Avoid exaggeration, extravagance and arrogance [7.29]
He said: From Adam to John the Baptist, there is none among all those, born of women, so much greater than John
the Baptist, which he would not have to avert his eyes.
But I said, that each one of you who get a child, will know the kingdom and be greater than John.
When the strong does violence to the weak [7.30]
He said: No man can at the same time mount two horses or span two bows, and no servant can serve two masters
at the same time, unless he honors one and insults the other.
No one drinks old wine and wants to drink young wine right afterwards. You do not fill young wine with old wine
hoses, otherwise they would be torn, and old wine you do not fill in a new wine hose, otherwise it would spoil. You
do not sew an old patch on a new garment, otherwise a rupture would occur.
Weapons are instruments of evil [7.31]
He said: If two people make peace with each other in the same house, they will say to the mountain: Move away
and he will move.
Even the lonely can find back
He said: Blessed are the lonely and the elect, for you will find the kingdom, and you will return to it.
The way is like a river [7.32]
He said: If you are asked: Where do you come from?, then answer them: We come from the light, from where, the
light arose from itself, manifested and revealed in its image. If they ask you: Who are you? Then say: We are His
children and the chosen of the living Father. When they then ask: What is the proof that the Father is in you?, Then
say to them: Motion and calm.
He who dies will forever be a part of life [7.33]
They asked him: When will the dead find rest and when will the new world come?
He replied: What you are expecting has already come. But you do not recognize it.
The living and the dead
They said to him, Twenty-four prophets spoke in Israel and they all talked about you.
He said to them: You have disregarded the living, which are before your eyes, and spoken of the dead.
The great way does not seek greatness [7.34]
They asked him: Is circumcision useful or not?
He answered: If they were useful, her father would already have children circumcised in the womb. True
circumcision in the mind, however, is useful in every respect.
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The poor man are true
He said: Blessed are the poor man, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to you.
The way remains inexhaustible [7.35]
He said: Whoever does not hate his father and mother, cannot be my disciple, and whoever hates not brothers and
sisters and carries his cross, the way I do, will not be worthy of me.
Everyone has a corpse in the basement
He said: Whoever has recognized the world, has found a corpse. And who has found a corpse, who is the world not
A country may not display its weapons [7.36]
He said: The kingdom of the father is like a man, who had good seed. At night, however, his enemy came and
sowed weeds under the good seed. Man did not allow his workers to tear out the weeds. He said to them: No,
otherwise you could rip out the weeds and the wheat at the same time. On harvest day the weeds will show up
and be run away and burned.
State of calm and peace [7.37]
He said: Blessed the man, who suffered and found life in it.
Watch the life
He said: Look at the living, as long as you live. Otherwise you will die and try to see him, but you will not be able to
see him.
Life needs a place of rest
They saw a Samaritan, carrying a lamb and going to Judea.
He asked her: What is he doing with the lamb?
They said to him: He will kill and eat.
He said to them: As long as he lives, he will not eat it, but only when he has killed it and when it has become a
They said: He cannot do it otherwise.
He said to them: So seek also a place of rest, so that you will not become a corpse and be consumed.
Morality is a loss of confidence and loyalty [7.38]
He said: Two will rest on a couch, one will die and the other will live.
Salome asked him: Who are you man, whose son? You climbed into my seat and ate from my table.
He answered her: I am the one, who comes out of the whole. My dad gave me, those things that came out of that.
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Salome said: I am your disciple.
He replied: That's why I said: When someone is whole, he is full of light; but if someone is split, he will be full of
The wise man does no harm to the people [7.60]
He said: I reveal my secrets to those, who are worthy, of my secrets. What your right hand is doing, your left hand
should not know.
You cannot take your material wealth with you to death
He said: A rich man had a lot of possessions. He said: I want to use my asset to sow, to harvest, to plant, to fill my
barns with revenue, so that I have no shortage. So he thought in his heart, but that same night he died.
He, who has ears, let him hear!
Do not make merchants to your friends
He said: A man was waiting for guests, and when he prepared the food, he sent his servant to pick up the guests.
He went to the first and said to him: My lord has invited you. The man answered: merchants owe me money.
Tonight they come to me to give them instructions. I apologize for the meal.
He went to another and said to him: My Lord has invited you. He answered: I bought a house. You need me there
for a day, I have no time.
The servant came to a third party and said: My Lord invites you. The man said to him: My friend is getting married,
and I will arrange the feast. I cannot come. I apologize for the food invitation.
He went to another and said to him: My Lord invites you. He said: I have bought a farm and have to go to collect
the rent. I cannot come. I apologize.
The servant came back and told his Lord: All who have invited you will be excused. The Lord said to his servant: Go
out into the street and bring all, you find, to eat here. The buyers and sellers will not enter my father's places.
Stop the exploitation
He said: A generous man had a vineyard. He left him to winegrowers. They should work in the vineyard, and should
get the fruits from them. He sent his servant to collect from the winemakers the yield of the vineyard. They
overpowered the servant, beat him and almost killed him. The servant fled and told his master.
His master said: Maybe they did not recognize him. And he sent a second servant. The winemakers beat the same.
Then the Lord sent his son and said: Maybe they will respect him, my son! Because the winemakers knew he was
the heir to the vineyard, they grabbed him and killed him.
He, who has ears, let him hear.
The low is the foundation of the high [7.39]
He said: Show me the stone that the builders rejected: He is the cornerstone.
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Being arises from nonbeing [7.40]
He said: Who recognizes the entire universe, but misses himself, misses everything.
The bright path appears dark [7.41]
He said: Blessed are you, if you hate and persecute you. Where, they have persecuted you, they will find
themselves no place.
The violent do not die of natural causes [7.42]
He said: Blessed are those who suffer persecution in their own hearts. It is they who have truly recognized the
Blessed are those, who are hungry, for the belly of the needy to be filled.
Teachings without words [7.43]
He said: When you realize, what is in you, what you are in you will save you.
If you do not have it in you, what you do not have will kill you.
Anger is always one-sided and therefore tedious
He said: I will destroy this house, and nobody will be able to rebuild it.
The virtue of non-strife [7.68]
Someone said to him: Tell my brothers to share the possessions of my father with me.
He answered him: Man! Who made me a divider? Then he turned to his disciples and asked them: Am I a divider?
Do you know when pause must backpedal [7.44]
He said: The harvest is really big. But labor power is scarce. So ask the Lord, to send workers to harvest.
The right measure is silence and tranquility [7.45]
He said: Lord, many are standing around the water supply well. But no one is in the water supply well itself.
Be at peace with you
He said: Many are at the doorstep, but only the incarnate will enter the bridal chamber.
Those who are frugal will always have enough [7.46]
He said: The kingdom of the father is like a merchant, who had a truckload of goods. There he found a pearl. The
merchant was smart: He sold the goods and bought the unique pearl for it.
Seek also the one treasure, that is everlasting and which is kept there, where neither moths nor worms can destroy
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The wise man understands without going far [7.47]
He said: I am the light that shines over everything. I am the universe itself. Everything has sprung from me and
returned to me. Splits the wood - and I'm there. Pick up the stone - and you will find me.
Who wants to win the world, does not interfere [7.48]
He said: Why did you move out into the country? To see a reed, shaken by the wind? Or to see a person, wearing
soft clothes like your kings and rulers? They wear soft clothes, but they do not understand the truth.
The wise man holds back and treats everyone like children [7.49]
A woman from the crowd said to him: Blessed is the womb, which gave birth to you, and the breasts, that
nourished you!
He answered her: Blessed, are those who have heard the word of the Father and truly preserved it! For days will
come when you will say: Blessed is the womb, that has not received, and the breasts that have not given milk.
There is no kingdom of death [7.50]
He said: He, who has seen through the world, has discovered the body. But He, who has discovered the body, is
not worthy of the world.
If you are wealthy, do not abuse your power
He said: He, who has become rich, shall rule. And who has the power, you should renounce.
All venerate the way as original virtue [7.51]
He said. Whoever is near me, is near fire and whoever is far from me and is far from the kingdom."
Distinguish between being and appearance
He said: The pictures reveal themselves to man. But the light in them is hidden in the picture. The light of the
Father will be revealed. But his picture is hidden from the light.
Follow the eternal path [7.52]
He said: When you see your images, you are happy. But if you see your archetypes, that were before you, that
neither die nor reveal, how much will you have to endure?
Lift the weapons with a heavy heart [7.69]
He said: Adam came out of great power and abundance. But he was not worthy of you. Had he been worthy, he
would not have tasted death.
The great way is easy [7.53]
He said: The foxes have their burrows and birds have their nests. But the Son of Man has no place, where he can
lay his head and rest.
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End catastrophic addictions
He said: Misery the body, which is dependent on a body, and miserable the soul, that depends on both.
Support the prophets
He said: The angels and the prophets will come to you and give you, what you deserve. In turn, will you give them,
what you have in your hands, and ask yourself: When will they come, to receive, what they are entitled to?
When the strong does violence to the weak [7.55]
He said: Why are you washing the outside of the cup? Do not you understand, that the one, who created the inside
also made the outside?
The original merge one [7.56]
He said: Come to me! For gentle is my yoke and gentle my rule, and rest you will find for you!
Be (always) attentive
They said to him: Tell us, who you are, so we can believe in you.
He answered: You examine the face of heaven and earth, but you do not recognize the one, who stands before
you, and you do not know how to appreciate the present moment.
Maintain non-doing and give preference to silence [7.57]
He said: Seek and you will find. I did not say the things you asked me before. Now I'm ready to tell you, but you do
not ask for it.
Where are the limits [7.58]
He said: Do not give the sacred to the dogs, because they could carry it to the dunghill. Do not throw beads in front
of the pigs; they could stain her.
If a person is bad do not let him fall [7.62]
He said: He, who seeks will find, and He, who knocks will be opened.
Enjoy what has no taste [7.63]
He said: If you have money, do not lend it to interest. Better give it to someone who will not pay it back.
Eighth and refine food
He said: The kingdom of the father is like a woman. She took a little sourdough and mixed it with the bread dough.
Then she made big loaves of bread out of it.
Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear!
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Do not waste food
He said: The kingdom of the Father is like a woman, who wore a full flour jar upside down and traveled a long
distance. The handle of the pitcher broke. Through the crack, the flour trickled behind her on the way. She did not
know that, because she did not notice the incident. When she turned off the pitcher at home, she noticed, that he
was empty.
The wise man wears no fine clothes [7.70]
He said: The kingdom of the Father is like a man, who wanted to kill a powerful one. At home, he drew his sword
and pierced the wall, to find out if his hand was secure enough. Then he killed the powerful.
The wise man does not occurs troubles [7.71]
They said to him: Your brothers and your mother are outside.
He said to them: Those here, who do the will of my Father, are my brothers and my mother. They are the ones,
who will enter into the kingdom of my father.
The wise man favors one and leaves the other [7.72]
They showed him a piece of gold and said: The people of the Roman Emperor demand taxes from us.
He said: Give the Emperor, what belongs to the Emperor, and give God, what belongs to God. But give me what
belongs to me.
The way of the deep roots and the strong trunk [7.59]
He said: He, who does not hate his father and his mother the way I do, cannot become my disciple. And whoever
does not love his father and mother, the way I do, cannot become my disciple. Because my (earthly) mother [gave
birth to me for death], but my true mother had given me the life.
The net of the sky escapes nothing [7.73]
He said: Woe to the Pharisees! They are like a dog, lying in the feeding trough of cattle. He does not eat himself,
but does not eat the cattle.
If someone kills instead of the death judge [7.74]
He said: Blessed, who knows, when the burglars will come at night. Then he can get up, gather his strength and
gird his loins, before they attack.
Repent and correct your mistakes
They said to him: Come, let us pray and fast today.
He said: What sin have I committed or what have I been overcome by? But when the bridegroom has left the bridal
chamber, it is time to fast and pray.
The one who attaches no value to life is wiser [7.75]
He said: Who knows the true father and the true mother can one call the son of a bitch?
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The soft and delicate will prevail [7.76]
He said: If you make one thing, out of that which is divided, you will become human. If you (then) say to the
mountain: Go away!, then he will move away.
The wise man does not want to be considered better [7.77]
He said: The kingdom is like a shepherd, who had a hundred sheep. The biggest of them got lost. Then he left the
ninety-nine and searched for one, until he found it.
After all this effort he said to the sheep: I love you more than ninety-nine!
The truth often sounds like it's full of contradictions [7.78]
He said: Whoever drinks of my mouth, will be like me, and I will be like him, and what is hidden, that will be
revealed to him.
The following generations honor their ancestors [7.54]
He said: The kingdom is like a man, in whose field was hidden a treasure, of which he knew nothing. When he died,
he inherited the field from his son. The son knew nothing, took the field and sold him. The new owner came,
plowed and found the treasure. Then he began, lending money for interest, to which he wanted.
The way of heaven is always on the side of the good man [7.79]
He said: Whoever has found the world and has become rich, shall renounce the world.
The big country (the Union) should go deeper [7.61]
He said: Heaven and earth will roll up before your eyes. And the living, who has come out of the living, will know
neither death nor fear.
Because he says: Whoever finds himself, the world is not worthy of it.
To be useful without hurting and doing without arguing [7.81]
He said: Woe to the flesh that is dependent on the soul! Woe to the soul, which is dependent on the flesh.
Care about both the beginning and the end [7.64]
They asked him: When wills the kingdom come?
He said: If you expect it, it will not come. You will not be able to say: Look, here it is! Or: See, that's the moment!
Then the kingdom of God is already spread over the earth, but men do not see it.
Appreciate and promote the equal rights of women
Simon Peter said to them: Mary shall depart from our midst, for women are not worthy of life.
He said: See, I will take them myself, and make them masculine, so that they, too, become a living spirit, like you
men. Because, every woman who makes himself male, will enter the kingdom.
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New Logia
Progression in the space-time continuum
Our babies are born into the space-time continuum. There is no return. We must therefore continue to progress
otherwise we go under.
Good and bad advice
My children have parents, grandparents, godparents and friends. Everyone is giving well-meaning advice. How should
my child learn to distinguish between good and bad advice without being put in a „drawer" or “labeled something
Are my children Adventurers or a Mainstreamer
Will my children become Mainstreamer or Adventurers? Do they choose the safe or unsafe route? Do they want to
confirm their way of life or do they want to break new ground? Do they let themselves be driven or do they want
to be driven? I'm very excited to see how my children will be. Can I influence that in any way?
The educational mission of the state
The state has an educational mission. Children and young people must be well-educated in balance on sociology,
science and technology. The Brexit has shown, that the above-phones of the elderly are not helpful. The ideology
of populists, hunters, racists, fascists and National Socialists must be relativized. About religions can only be
Children and adolescents also need plenty of motivation for the future. In their future, it is not (as it seems)
everything „horrible" and „terrible". We as humans have overcome the Darwinian selection. The reached level of
the social order shows up in the respective cultures. Anyone who cuts the freedom of the art influences the culture
Above all, our children and young people are courageous and confident. For this reason, the utopias of socialism
and communism and those of the council republic as a form of society should also be discussed in school. What is
necessary for their lives is that they know the differences between the original community, communism, socialism
and National Socialism. Otherwise, they will not be able to exercise their right to vote on a justified basis.
Suffrage for children
For 100 years women have the right to vote. Since then, the world has become safer despite ever more effective
weapons. It threatens in the next few years, a grave climate change and it looks as if our generation had totally
failed. For our children we have to get a livable environment. For this, the children need a voice. All voters, who
have children of non-voting age, should receive an additional vote for the children in elections. Only in this way can
the supposedly irresponsible behavior of the older generation be put in check.
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Trapped by recurrent problems
First problem: I cannot calm down. Recurring problems catch me up. I still carry the burden of my parents around
with me. I cannot just get rid of it and get sick of it.
First answer: Analyze where your strengths lie and expand them. Encourage your children to be free in their
Second Problem: I'm unsure, what are my goals? How do I define my steps to get there? What can I trust?
Second Answer: Remember, that's normal. Do not take too big steps. Keep a constant eye on the negative
consequences and then the successes adjust themselves. Be aware, the fantasies of your children will eventually
shape their lives.
Third problem: I am trapped between two worlds. Where do I actually belong? Whom should I do it right? Do I
have to decide to give in to outside pressure and adapt? What do I actually have from it?
Third Answer: Be yourself and do not give up the pressure from the outside. Inwardly, your conscience will guide
you. Let your face look on the outside. Always make sure that you look authentic to the outside! Every child is born
with this attitude. Do not bend your child - especially not in the first six years!
Human - Community - Nature
Humans and nature interact. Nature offers the habitat. Humans appropriate nature. A much larger interaction
between humans and nature is created by the community in which human lives. It is the cause of modesty or
greed, of solidarity or aggressiveness. How would you characterize your community? Is it dutiful and open or is it
populistic and humiliating? Will you bring yourself into your community and benefit from it? Who sets the
standards there?
Morality and ethics in human society
People naturally strive for progress. He is only possible in the context of human society. Progress is reflected,
among other things, in a new morality and ethics. Are the existing laws on morality and ethics or is it not the other
way reciprocally? The Qur’an [08.4:29-32] gives us a binding answer.
The In-Out Group Phenomenon
After major human disasters, people's cohesion strengthens and an in-group develops. For example, a democratic
society emerged after the First World War with the Weimar Republic. After World War II, the UN was created and
international law became qualified and binding.
If an injustice arises in the In-Group, an Out Group is invented as a lightning rod. It serves to justify the upgrade of
the In-Group. The confrontation with the invented out-group creates even more injustice and automatically leads
to a (world) war. That seems to be a law of nature. For example, in view of the emerging danger, the In-Group
chooses a leader who leads the In-Group into a war without inhibitions. The war hides the injustices that have
arisen in the in-group and can last a long time until its resources (soldiers, armaments workers, raw materials, noncontaminated environment, communication channels, computing time, ...) are consumed. Then sometime the real
existing In-Group will remember and realize that the Out-Group was just a pipe dream.
The In-Group naturally shapes its own society. For this it has a historical background: primitive society, slaveholding society, feudalism and capitalism and shapes the post-exploitative social order. The aim is to distribute the
economic benefits of the exploitation of natural resources, natural resources and human labor evenly.
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Mankind would have been spared a lot, if „The In-Out Group Phenomenon“ had already been recognized by Karl
Marx [11], and one has to tell him, this very day as a major flaw in his scientific work. He did not see that! I do not
hope that only the 3rd World War - following the traditional law of nature - will be necessary to establish the postexploitative social order as a composition of all other laws of nature.
My solidary home
In the German Democratic Republic guest workers were supported with all their strength. The „Workers and
Farmer State" was more solidary with the foreigners who needed help than with their own people. In the Federal
Republic, the rich exploit the poor man. Foreigners are not welcome. The word solidarity is virtually unknown.
Should I tell my children that this is your home? I have the uneasy feeling that I'm lying to them. We will support
the political forces that secure more political power for the poor man. Our homeland is solidary, it is that of the
happy people, where the poor man turn the tables and exploit the rich.
Spiraled social development
Wilhelm Hegel has discovered a spiraling evolution of society, in which the same mistakes are made time and
again, but overall improvements in human existence become visible. Karl Marx [11] has succeeded in
substantiating this knowledge with economic details. After two world wars, the spiral becomes visible to everyone:
the primitive community as a form of internationalism > populist exaggerations > itself hate and hatreds > racist
resentments > fascist actions > National Socialism > world war > Communitarian Internationalism. Can one
move backwards in this spiral? Or, if I hate myself, do I have to go through the entire cycle? Where can I find
happiness in this spiral? What do my children need to know about it without shocking them?
Reason for a communitarian movement
The Wend and German reunification of the Federal Republic of Germany forces everyone to a national
identification. This first concerns the questions: How do I stand by my country? What do I expect from my society?
The answers found strengthen the self-confidence of each one of us. In Gorbachev's sense, social consciousness is
progressing. It will lead to a transformation of society towards Communitarian Internationalism. The way to go is
far. How can I prepare my children for a possible upheaval today?
Class society - Market economy - Social classes
The social market economy arose in the political debate with the socialist countries. It relies on the market rather
than the economic planning and guarantees a certain participation of the working people in the profit. Now, the
social market economy has disappeared and everyone has to re-locate: Where do I belong? There is a class of
those who create material values - working people. And there is the class that diverts the surpluses of the
production process [11] to itself - the class of capitalists. I have the feeling, which as the classes becomes visible
again, the wheel of history turns backwards. Before that, I have to warn everyone - it cannot be turned back. I
would rather not have to explain this situation to my children!
Lies, lies, lies, ...
The masses have no access to objective knowledge. The truth is reserved for the elites. In the Federal Republic of
Germany the laws are formulated in such a way that they are only understood by „legally trained specialists". And the
help of these professionals can only afford the rich. The poor man feels that they are constantly being lied to by the
government. The mass media are largely the same. They do not have the resources (money, access to sources, career
opportunities and personal security for journalists ...) to resist. The BILD has begun to write to the readers after the
mouth. Not only have the print media followed suit. The teachers and educators lack authentic sources for their work.
They are forced to pass the lies on to their charges. How can I, how can my children find the truth? HANNES JAENICKE
says in „Who follows the herd, sees only asses - Why we urgently need heroes" [3] on page 99 the following: „No matter
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what we read, see on TV, listen to the radio or get told - we should question it, there is almost always another side, to
think about”.
A typical German security problem
Populists, haters, racists, fascists and National Socialists (among others, including those represented in the parties) have
been unsettling the population for decades with illegal actions. The Lefts can no longer blame these crimes. For this
reason, some people to resign your hades. All calls to the population to be patriotic are in vain.
The question now arises, why the population should turn against populists, hunters, racists, fascists and National
Socialists, if they are covered again and again by the security organs. My children should (even in the case of danger)
keep organs their distance from the security, so that they do not come into their sights.
Left and right - a aid to orientation
Left and Right are the most important guides. A left person locates in a community and is thus free. The right-wing
human feels called to fight for freedom. He feels free the moment he takes away a freedom from a left. After that,
however, comes the big hangover when the right notes that left and right are just categories on the dialectical
The „culture" of pure National Socialism
The aims of pure National Socialism are the killing of black people, the lighting of the homeless, death spraying of
the disabled, labor service for the unemployed, „final solution of the Jewish question", exploitation of natural
resources of foreign countries, occupation of natural resources for party comrades and forced labor for political
National Socialists can be found in all parties. However, the party AfD has long since become its reservoir. Now
National Socialists are also electable. Conclusion: If they are elected by the "people", nothing stands in the way of a
seizure of power as on 30.01.1933.
The first step is the concerted attack on culture: with parliamentary means and local power demonstrations, the
AfD tries to regulate and censor culture in all areas. Those who do not notice this are already on the wrong side of
the social order.
The attack of pure National Socialism in the cultural environment cannot be reversed. The historical experiences
have shown that after the seizure of power from the majority of National Socialists pure National Socialists.
After the National Socialists moved into all parliaments in the form of the AfD, only emigration remains. I will move
with my children to a country that cultivates Communitarian Internationalism.
The realm and its citizens
The united Germany is allegedly not to be the successor of the German Reich. If assert, that the responsibility of
the appropriation of foreign mineral resources in violation of international law, the annexation of natural resources
and the organization of forced labor until 08.05.1945 by the Federal Republic of Germany as the legal successor of
the Third Reich, contrary to international law, is not responsible, then that is the case.
However, the so-called Reichsbürger have taken this responsibility on their embrace. In recognizing the legal
succession of the Third Reich we damage from the Reichsbürger EUR 1 trillion EUR for the benefit of the treasury
for the appropriation of foreign mineral resources, the annexation of natural resources and the organization of
forced labor! I want an example to be set and my children to live in a country where no aggression is ordered from
the highest levels of the state.
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Alexander von Humboldt on the War between the USA and Mexico
(1846 -1848)
"I dislike the conquests of the Republican Americans - I wish them all the misfortune in tropical Mexico. I leave them
the north, where they will then spread their mad scurrilous slavery" [10]. In the meantime, the US has been joking with
almost every country in the world. Why are they unable to learn anything or want to do so? The fact that dead
American soldiers are constantly being brought home must stop.
Fight or assist the fundamentalist
May 9, 1945 was celebrated in the Soviet Union as Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. After that, the multiethnic state has continued to fight fundamentalists with all severity. The rest of the world, by contrast, began to
support fundamentalists. It is estimated that this policy of proxy wars has killed tens of millions of people.
Now there are efforts to dissolve the International Criminal Court (IStGH) in The Hague. I believe that he must be
given further authority, to condemn the genocides and their backers and to bring them to justice.
Our children will be around the world. But you cannot feel safe anywhere in the world. Only if international law is
enforcing by all, can one expect that our children will receive hospitality everywhere.
What's Important to the Victims of 9/11
Every year on September 11th is commemorated the Victims of 9/11. The US is threatening the whole world, to never
do anything like this again. But they were it, who had the assassins selected, trained and supplied with weapons and
money. Instead of threats, the world and my children would rejoice in an all-encompassing US security policy. They
should never take more uninvolved people hostage.
None of us can really rest
As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality exist in our world, none of us can truly rest [14].
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph of it. The brave is not the one who is not afraid, but
the one who defeats this fear [14].
Israel will be Palestine again
Keyword Middle East conflict: Is there still a Middle East conflict? The Palestinians in the occupied territories and the
refugee camps must elect their representatives to the Knesset. Then Israel will be growing Palestine again. I hope that
the Christian Palestinians will again have some freedom of action for their country.
Popular slogans and their effects
In the socialist countries, the slogan was „We are the peoples of the world", i.e. we are internationalists and we own the
future. It was modified at the turnaround by „We are the people". This is a shortening of existing real socialism. This
slogan is more of a National Socialist limitation on a national future without regard to the neighbors. After the
turnaround, „We are one people" was at one time. They are well known from the Third Reich. It has remained a utopia
even 30 years after the fall of the wall. The people in the new federal states were disadvantaged in this time in essential
issues. You feel today in the Federal Republic as second-class people. What if we were to return to the deposed slogans
from the GDR era? Would it not be desirable to create a future worth living for our children?
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You can't reach good ends through evil means
We will never have peace in the world until men everywhere recognize that ends are not cut off from means, because
the means represent the ideal in the making, and the end in process, and ultimately you can't reach good ends through
evil means, because the means represent the seed and the end represents the tree [12].
Replacing the Brother Wars with Sister's Peace
The mothers give birth to sons who are naturally selected as soldiers, trained, armed and paid. So many soldiers are not
needed anywhere, unless they are tasked with stealing the natural resources of the peoples, occupying natural
resources and organizing forced labor that is punishable by death. Every son is more valuable when he is universally
educated, pursues an activity in freedom and supports the family. Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Muslims,
orthodox, catholic, evangelical Christians, Shiites, Sunnis, National Socialists and Free Communists live for a living, all
have the same God and are not opponents. Whoever makes them opponents does sinful injustice. It is high time to
replace brother lyrical wars with sister's peace, and if that does not happen, the matriarchy must ultimately be
enforced. Only when the mothers rise up and enforce sister peace will their sons no longer misuse by capital.
No anonymous migration
Someone has come up with an estimate: We would need 350 thousand additional skilled workers per year if we
want to maintain the current level of pensions, assuming economic growth of 3%. Here the restlessness that is
inherent in humans will continue to help. Migration has always existed.
The placement of migrants in concentration camps of any kind is inhumane. It reinforces the aggressiveness of the
people, which cannot be the goal of politics. Every European has a guest bed. I demand that every European who
accommodates a migrant in his guest bed receives a grant of 680 EUR per month. The funds used by the policy for
development aid and border protection evaporate. The Europeans have nothing of that. From the proposed
concrete support of the host of migrants, the Europeans have something more.
European consulates should be established in all crisis areas of the world. There, persecutes or those threatened
by death can register in an applicant database and apply for asylum. At the same time, the European Union is
building up a database of interested parties for hosts, where European Union citizens who wish to take in migrants
can register.
The hosts select suitable applicants in the applicant database. They contact the applicants and check their personal
and professional suitability. If one agrees, the host picks up the applicant from the crisis area. The host will register
the migrants with the Ministry of the Interior and apply for the support. The migrants are entitled to only one
pocket money for 1 year, which the host pays out of the support. Only when the migrant has paid into the social
security funds for a (non-contiguous) period of 3 years can he apply for German citizenship.
Freedom for the peoples Eurasia
The peoples of Eurasia are yearning for freedom. Their social development has produced healthy nationalism. On the
other hand, the NATO countries, Japan and the NATO have been overshadowed Eurasia by a dense network of bases.
NATO policy will dictate by the Pentagon. It is in grave contradiction to the interests of the peoples of Eurasia. That does
have shown the wars in the last 30 years. The peoples of Eurasia expect that all NATO bases will be closed. What has
NATO brought to the children of Eurasia over the past 30 years? Least peace!
Europe at the turning point in society
The European Union is falling apart. This is due to the prevailing conditions of production. Especially, there is the
creeping end of the social market economy. We have returned to the early capitalism of the 19th century, which was
the cause of the First and Second World Wars. To prevent renewed wars in Europe, the wealth generated must be
distributed evenly. This is only possible if those who create the values are also responsible for the distribution. But there
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are no state structures. 100 years ago a Soviet Republic was proposed. Nobody wants them. If my children want to
distribute the wealth with them, they have no choice but to become bankers. This is a profession that however has
recently fallen into disrepute.
The movement of the yellow vests in France has shown that the threat of a soviet republic is already working. We need
to make it clear to the business leaders in the fund companies, banks, defense equipment manufacturers, real estate
owners, the military, politicians ... that unless they let themselves be diverted, we are increasingly heading for a Soviet
republic. A revolutionary situation, such as we have had on several occasions over the last 500 years, may not be
Europe's future is that of my children. Why does not European Union policy affect for my children?
The politics toward the East (Ostpolitik) of Willy Brand is far from
Everywhere in Europe, the border fortifications are being expanded and fortified. The politicians who do that are
popular with the people. The unpopular politicians are again to be found elsewhere. Russia is being reprogrammed
by the mass media from a „developing country" to a „world power". The following is to say:
The Russian and the German people have a millennial history together. If the Russian people did well, the German
people did well too. Or, conversely, if the German people have gone badly, the Russian people have also gone
badly. Both peoples are connected by an unbreakable friendship. Even, if Adolf Hitler said the opposite. He was not
a historian, he was a demagogue. The Ostpolitik (politics toward the East) of Willi Brand is not yet completed, it
only stagnates.
Europe is divided into the spheres of influence of NATO and Russia. My children do not know that Moscow is in
Europe. They are surprised that the Chinese have more economic influence than the Europeans in the world. In 10
years you will be surprised that the Indians and in 20 years the Africans have more influence than the Europeans in
the world. My children will in no case participate, in restoring the necessary influence on world affairs by military
What is an unjust state ...
... that refers inconvenient citizens and asylum seekers of the country,
... who shoots or drowns refugees at the border,
... who executes demonstrators and journalists (on the open street),
... the sick the basic medical care,
... deprived of their dignity to the needy and dying,
... that limits the right to education for children,
... that denies the homeless the right to housing,
... denying the unemployed the right to work,
... which requires the H4 recipient to disclose their assets and not require the wealthy to do so,
... the payment of the basic pension is linked to the disclosure of assets,
... which restricts the participation of those in need of social success ,
... which patronizes other states or interferes in their internal affairs ,
... which provides the peoples with an appropriate participation in the exploitation of natural resources is denied,
... which disregards international law and gives its soldiers a special status of inviolability in this regard,
... that fights terrorists while allowing collateral damage and
... who prepares wars of aggression and threatens the use of ABC weapons.
Incorrectly, the "law of the strongest" applies. At some point that falls back on politics and it only goes well as long as
the electorate participates. As it is now, with strong populism for injustice, voters cannot be held forever. They will
eventually demand their right. Where else in the world is there a rule of law where my children can grow up protected?
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Responsible government work and international law
NATO countries, Japan and the NATO conduct covert operations around the world. Those responsible belong to
the International Criminal Court (IStGH) in The Hague. To prevent the federal government from being guilty, it
should reduce the NATO contribution, the state subsidies for Japan and all other aid workers by 12.5% per year.
My children (as taxpayers) should not be responsible for the covert operations mentioned.
Socialization and privatization
The working people in the German Democratic Republic were actively involved in shaping the working world. They
regarded „their" companies as their property, as the property of the people. The contribution of a worker to „his"
company was not only wage labor, but also incorporate planning, design, organization, responsibility and environmental
awareness. Much of this was gratuitous, but increased the value of the state-owned of company or the production
cooperative. The Trust Law of the Modrow Government has been canceled. The trustee relationship transferred the
Public Property of the German Democratic Republic and the production cooperatives into private property. The working
people of the German Democratic Republic with their fighting groups in the factories were the losers of German
reunification. Obviously, they were not entitled to any compensation.
The Public Property of the German Democratic Republic and the production cooperatives were expropriated without
compensation payments. A legal framework was missing. Justice can be restored when the new owners pay the working
people of the state-owned companies and production cooperatives a kind of occupational pension today. Then the
income differences between East and West could be partially compensated.
Karl Marx [11] established social progress in the degree of socialization of the means of production. According to this,
the privatization of Public Property, cooperatives and infrastructure (energy supply, drinking water, sewage, traffic, etc.)
are retrogressive. This I want to give my children at the way!
Thoughts on November 9th - Right to Work
On November 9, 1918, the German Soviet Republic was proclaimed. It should bring the workers and their work the
respect they deserve. Those, who do the work, should also decide what to do with the outcome of the work. As it
was then temporarily realized in the Soviet Union. It turned out differently: workers, women and children were
shot. Nobody was called to account for the shots until today.
On November 9, 1938, the forced labor proven to be a death became the German state policy. The forced laborers
and -workers have not been compensated to date for it.
On November 9, 1989, the „We Are the People" voted out of the right to work, which was enshrined in the
German Democratic Republic constitution, and selected the achievement of infinitely high profits for the economy
from work as a life goal.
If somebody does not agree, he is welcome to speak. However, I do not hear anyone. It looks like, we can live very
well with repression, forced labor and huge profits from work. In addition to a humanistic education in the day
care centers, schools and universities, our children need a personality-fulfilling occupation.
Thoughts on the Day of German Unity on 3 October
There has been a working class again this day, which has the feeling of being exploited. They is ready for anything,
even to move to a 3rd World War. The working class has repeatedly opted for total war. Everyone has been
affected, many workers have spent a lifetime full of pride in their war experiences.
Karl Marx [11] has pointed out that the relations of production determine the consciousness of the productive
forces. Our offspring are trained to be brave soldiers with a spiritually limited horizon. This leaves the question of
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war or peace still open. Has anyone ever thought about developing the production conditions so that our children
do not have to fear war?
Reveal assets
Harz4-recipients and people living at the subsistence level must disclose their assets. Here, the principle of equality
in the Basic Law is blatantly violated. None and no one can take his asset with him to the afterlife and thus buy
himself free from „God". If the wealthy death, it can also create more no balance between those who have created
his assets and those that manage, produce the wealth. With the reintroduction of wealth tax, the exploitation of
people by people [11] can be alleviated.
In order not to create any legitimacy on the sensitive issue, all assets should be taxed at 0.1%. This brings annual
tax revenue of:
800 million €
out of cash, etc
10,000 million €
from ships, cars, luxury goods, weapons, etc
30,400 million €
from stocks, etc
158,800 million €
from real assets, real estate, inventory, etc
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------200,000 million €
This sum is sufficient to increase the income tax allowance to an annual income of 60 TEUR. In a transitional period
of 7 years, the payroll tax should be adjusted accordingly. In order to avoid double taxation, the payroll tax on
wealth tax should be taken against during this period.
The duration until an asset is halved by wealth tax is the half-life. It is:
Tax rate
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0,1 %
622 years
0,2 %
347 years
0,3 %
231 years
0,4 %
173 years
0,5 %
139 years
With these tax rates, the wealthy can contribute to the development of society.
After the transitional period mentioned, the amount of wealth tax is based on the average interest rate for savings
deposits. The wealth tax collected should also be used to repay the State. This would give the small savers again a
significant interest.
I want the gap between rich and poor man not to get any bigger, and that my children live in a country free of
government debt.
Smash monopolies
Monopolies are abusing their market power. They corrupt politicians, undermine regulators and put traders under
pressure. Last example: The radio network operators send new SIM cards to their customers and activate them
themselves. Thus, door-to-door tampering is open and a contractual relationship can also be enforced against the
wishes of the customer. This affects the broad clientele and is not acceptable. Such monopolies must be smashed just as
the German Democratic Republic combines. Our children cannot do anything about monopolies. We have to fight on
the street now for our children to have a future. Monopolies that abuse their market power must be smashed.
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Market Economy - Fossil Fuels - Centrally Planned Economy
In view of future generations, the consumption of fossil fuels must be kept as low as possible. It is necessary to
regulate responsibly the mining. The trees must as soon as possible be reforested. Scale is the trees before major
deforestation 4 thousand years ago. CO2 certificates have so far had no regulatory effect. Necessary for this is
more a planned economic action.
Every kWh of electric energy that is generated also causes greenhouse gases. If a greenhouse gas unit is assumed
to produce electricity from natural gas, the following table applies:
Greenhouse gas unit Root cause
Steel and cement production
Steel and cement production
Solar cell production
0,1 to 0,001
Unclear, still missing basic research
Natural gas
(Normalization value)
Hard coal
Hydrogen content is missing compared to natural gas
Brown coal
High water content in the coal
Fracking gas
Methane emissions from the mining ground
The share of greenhouse gases in the air has doubled in the last 200 years. The gas exchange in the lungs is made
more difficult. If the trend remains, mammals and humans will become extinct. It is not clear how long nature
needs to wash out greenhouse gases from the air. For this reason, this trend should not accelerate further.
National Socialism as State Policy
The state elections in autumn 2019 in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia have shown that National Socialism has once
again become state politics. As mismanage in 1933 in Germany, 1937 in the Soviet Union and 1976 in the GDR. Once
again the persecution of Jews begins, once again labor camps are to be set up, cultural workers are expelled and the
firing order at the border is reactivated. The other parties are taking part because they have no alternative to Germany.
Simple slogans have become acceptable again.
The political aim of National Socialism is anti-democratic, anti-socialist and anti-communist. It can only take effect in a
dictatorship. Vladimir Iliac Ulyanov (Lenin) was impressed by Switzerland's political system when he returned to Russia
in 1917. He demands what can be done in a feudalist country like Russia to modernize it. He concluded: "Communism is
Soviet Power and electrification of the whole country." His ideal was a council republic and he wanted to give everyone
modern technical equipment, which, beyond his death, has succeeded over a period of almost 20 years against all
resistance. Feudalism was overcome and a kind of Socialism was built up. This can only be achieved in multi-ethnic
states such as the former Soviet Union or China.
Since then, all renewed attempts to establish a Council Republic have been prevented by the Freikorps (private armies
of right-wing veterans) and the National Socialists. Humanity goes through various social orders, each representing the
actual relations of production: ancestral community, slave-holder society, feudalism, capitalism, socialism and
communism. How can the term "National Socialism", coined by Adolf Hitler on 18 July 1925, are classified in this order?
If one considers the relations of production in the "Third Reich, it can only be classified between capitalism and
communism. Capitalism has an imperialist character. Communism can only exist if it has established itself in a large
country such as China, or if it eventually spreads all-encompassing in the world. Socialism, as the last 100 years have
shown, has shown national and international characteristics. In the socialist countries, there was a constant dispute
about an acceptable balance between nationalism and internationalism.
National Socialism cannot be the last form of society. This is shown by the experiences of the „Third Reich". The
historical classification shows that National Socialism remains only a precursor to communitarian internationalism.
Moreover, it can only be shaped in a dictatorship that is alien to human society. It must therefore be overcome with all
consistency in the light of historical experience. The political structure of a council republic modelled on Switzerland
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would be optimal for a contemporary National Socialism. However, this presupposes a high degree of political education
for all members of society. But it will only begin when the momentary simple slogans have been abused at some point,
will no longer take hold through permanent repetition, and people will be interested in enduring things in their lives.
In view of the election result, the elected representatives in Thuringia are faced with the decision, that I am a fascist or
an anti-fascist. Those who shy away from this decision play into the hands of the fascists with thought and deeds.
History has shown that party tactics and party discipline lead to fascist barbarism. Only a common progression can lead
to communitarianism. The Left Party (Linkspartei) should be renamed the Socialist Union (SU), but should continue to be
led by a double-header. Persons who have the format of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht are suitable for the party
chairmanship. One person of the double-header must have the professional competence in the field of means of
production and the other in the field of productive forces. The primary objective of the Socialist Union (SU) should be to
abolish work and homelessness in Germany and to raise the production situation as well as the reproduction situation
to a level equivalent to that in the GDR at the time. The Socialist Union (SU) sees itself as the political force of the
Community of Progressives in the World. The terms goodness, justice, democracy, party, left and right are off-putting
and should no longer be used. At the very least, they do not stand out politically against National Socialism.
But these elections have also shown that young voters do not know the difference between Socialism and National
Socialism. They no longer taught him at school or college. For a mother, this creates a Sisyphean task of forming her
children in an all-encompassing way.
Main task of the German Federal Armed Forces
The primary task of the German Federal Armed Forces is to combat the activities of the neo-fascists in Germany.
Equipment, training, commitment and policy orientation need to be corrected. It is clear that it is no longer in the
tradition of the Wehrmacht, rather in that of the National People's Army of German Democratic Republic. Qualified
political officers must ensure that neo-fascists and their backers are removed at all levels of leadership. The human
population cannot resist neo-fascists. It must be able to rely on the German Federal Armed Forces to reliably protect it
from neo-fascists. Otherwise, the population, as well as on 30.01.1933, will go to war together with the fascists.
At some point I have to explain to my children the realm of necessity and the realm of freedom in according to Friedrich
Engels [11]. In the realm of freedom, the natural selection after Charles Darwin has been abolished. Everyone can
develop their lives and fashion the way they want. In the realm of necessity, there will always be wars in the future.
Everyone who lives there must submit to, or even actively participate in, the permanent conquest of treasures of the
soil, the occupation of natural resources and the organization of forced labor. How can my children move from the
realm of necessity to the realm of freedom? How will the German Federal Armed Forces behave when the population
has recognized the difference and reacts to this realization? Will the armed forces possibly target their own people?
The Lies of the Doctors
The medical consultation is the basis of any therapy. Many patients go after the conversation healed or at least good
cheer home. If the patient notices that he is being lied to, the talk therapy is unsuccessful. Doctors who lie can be
recognized by letting their patients wait unnecessarily long.
Doctors are encouraged to "sell" chemical drugs. If they do not, they are threatened with withdrawing from the doctor's
license. If the patient notices that medications are "vend" to them, the relationship of trust with the doctor is also
The children's, sports and family doctors are excluded. Happiness for my children!
The Contribution of Viruses to the Spawn and Away of Life
Viruses are adaptable. They enable life on earth, but they can also destroy it. You are interested in being carried by a
host. Only this interest alone sustains life on Earth. For this purpose, antibodies are generated individually by each
individual, which can detect the virus attack in good time. In high-risk patients who need to take many different
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medications, the formation of the antibodies is delayed. Normally, the formation of antibodies is accelerated by hot tea
and bed rest. If antibodies are already present, anyone can condition themselves with movement in the fresh air.
Although the term virus (rottenness) was not clarified until 1882, the authorities have been dealing with this issue for
900 years [09]. Their decisions were often correct but also sometimes fatally wrong. In such situations, it is up to a
scientist or a full idiot to decide. We can only be glad that we can decide this for ourselves today through free elections.
Contamination with the super virus
A super virus in which humans are the host has long been predicted. Now it is spreading, sacrificing 0.12 to 0.5% of the
hosts. All other people become immune. Diary of a normal immune response:
Immune response (medication)
Contact and then strong scratching in the neck
1-2 l red-hot tea and bed rest (time for antibodies)
> 6 h budge in the fresh air
Temporary unpleasant smell when exhaling
Pressure in the neck on the palatine tonsils
Light pressure in the lower half of the lungs
> 6 h budge in the fresh air
Bronchi are under attack (inhalation with Salbutamol)
Slight conjunctivitis of the eyes (constant rubbing with hands)
> 6 h budge in the fresh air
Conjunctivitis of the eyes delivers "Sandman sand"
> 6 h budges in the fresh air
Lungs pains Inhalation at intervals with Atrovent 1-2 l red-hot tea and bed rest
Bath with Rheubalmin (time for antibodies)
1 – 2 h healing pain in the left inner ear
Already the 2nd day as newly born and free of symptoms (except for the conjunctiva)
Conclusion after 14 days of immune reactions Talks with CoVies :
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. After contact, a strong scratching in the neck is set in less than 6 hours.
2. Red-hot tea and bed rest promote the formation of antibodies.
3. The virus nests in the throat and immediately has an unknown (informal) transmission distance into the lungs.
4. On the 2nd and 3rd day, sometimes (short) unpleasant odors appear when exhaling.
5. An inhaler should be provided to mitigate lung overreaction.
6. On the 7th and 12th day, the lungs are directly attacked by the virus.
7. It is possible that 0.4 to 4% of the hosts have permanent damage to the lungs.
8. The body reacts more strongly and longer to the infection. In most cases, there are no flu symptoms.
9. Even at-risk patients may not have flu symptoms.
10. As long as no flu symptoms occur, the PCR test remains negative. Then the test for antibodies is considered as
11. The rapid course of the immune response indicates that an 65-95% disease is expected.
12. The super virus has a therapeutic and life-extending effect for the majority of hosts.
If the search eventually reaches 66.7%, we can assume that the virus originated naturally – as part of the evolution of
homosapia. If the search reaches almost 100%, the virus was designed in a bioweapons laboratory. In this case,
however, it can be assumed that politics has lied to us and political consequences would be inevitable: capitalism (vote
of capital) would then have become unsustainable and would have to be replaced by Free Communism (vote of the
family and children).
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Replacing the vote of capital with the vote of the family and children
In the Corona crisis, capital lost its vote to shape society. The rules are aligned with the behavior of the supervirus.
These rules have led to the impoverishment of the proletariat and the middle class. What needs to be done in this
situation, which can occur again at any time:
The broad commitment to Free Communism and the forceful rejection of National Socialism.
The reiterate use of the communist Contact Tracing App as an alternative to the global lockdown.
Nationalisation of banks, stock exchanges and other financial institutions.
The nationalization of financial institutions.
The introduction of an asset levy of 0.1% on all assets combined with tax exemption of €70,000 for wage
earners and €35,000 for pensioners.
6. A ban on all National Socialists in the civil service.
The crisis has brought the world to the brink of famine. The long-standing vote of capital has failed. It must ultimately be
replaced by the vote of the family and children, as was the case in the original community and is already the case in
some communist countries.
A ghost is going on again ... in the world... the phantom of free
communism [11]
The earth is tiny, it is home to only 7 to 8 billion people and is very fragile. We need religions, philosophers, political
movements, parties, governments and country groups to take responsibility for them. Everyone who takes responsibility has
a name:
Unidad de - Einheit zum Entwickeln der Produktionsverhältnisse und zum Verbessern der Lebensbedingung (EzEdPVuzVdLB)
us - Unit for developing production conditions and improving the living condition (UfDPCaitLC)
pl - Jednostka do rozwoju warunków produkcji i poprawy warunków życia (JdRWPiPWZ)
ru - Подразделение для развития производственных условий и улучшения условий жизни (ПдPПYиYYж)
es - Unidad para desarrollar las condiciones de producción y mejorar las condiciones de vida (UpDlCdPyMaCdV)
pt - Unidade para desenvolver condições de produção e melhorar a condição de vida (UpDCdPeMaCdV)
fr - Unité pour développer les conditions de production et améliorer les conditions de vie (UpDlCdPeAlCdV)
it - Unità per lo sviluppo delle condizioni di produzione e il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita (UplSdCdPiMdCdV)
se - Enhet för att utveckla produktionsförhållanden och förbättra levnadsvillkoren (EfaUPoFL)
cs - Jedinica za razvoj uvjeta proizvodnje i poboljšanje životnog stanja (JzRUPiPžS)
ar - یگدنز طیارش دوبهب و دیلوت طیارش هعسوت دحاو
tr - Üretim koşullarının geliştirilmesi ve yaşam koşullarının iyileştirilmesi için birim (ÜKGvYKIIB)
is - םייחה בצמ רופישו רוציי יאנת חותיפל הדיחיה
ch - 开发生产条件和改善生活条件的单位
The concepts of democracy, right, left, justice, freedom, socialism, communism, ... were often abused by populists. They
should not be used in naming a forward-looking movement. The term Unidad is unencumbered and points to the
internationality of the new movement. We commemorate the naming of Salvador Guillermo Allende Gossen and the
fighters of the Unidad Popular in 1973.
The Movement to Develop the Production Relationships has established a Facebook group PV-Movement. Adds on the
topic can be posted there.
The movement to improve the condition of life has established a Facebook group LB-Movement. Adds on the topic can
be posted there.
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... from the Turn to the Change ...
After 30 years of "turn" the Wessis (West Germans) do not want socialism and the Ossis (Ost Germans) do not want
capitalism. How is this conflict of interest to be resolved? The usual policy that the Wessis plays out against Ossis and
vice versa must stop. We have many common issues that the government must now finally address:
- The desolate infrastructure: the infrastructure must be planned over a period of 25 years. A planning commission is
needed for this. The Federal Network Agency must be given appropriate requirements and powers. For all other areas
of infrastructure, including nature and the environment, appropriate planning tools must be developed and equipped
with the necessary legislative competences.
- Expensive rents: a housing program for social housing must be put in place again.
- The still high unemployment: Unemployment, which remains high, must be further reduced. In order to do so, the
right to work must be re-enforced, among others by the trade unions.
- Lack of international understanding: instead of militarily threatening, the peoples should be massively promoted by
cooperation, cultural and student exchanges, as well as should be peace and friendship restored.
- Challenges posed by globalization: the challenges of globalization must be taken into account in particular in the
contiguous continents of Asia, Africa and Europe. The best development aid for Africa would be two continental routes:
Rotterdam, Marseille, Algiers, Accra to Cape Town, as well as Hamburg, Naples, Tripoli, Ndjamena to Cape Town. They
would take account of current population trends and the resulting economic developments on these continents.
- Insufficient production ratios: the conditions of production correspond to the level of socialization of the means of
production and the level of education of the productive forces. They are currently part of the historical social state of
development of capitalism.
The productive forces are still exposed to forced labor in many areas of work, which prevents any socio-political
progress. A first step would be for all employers without exception to keep and settle working time accounts for their
employees. Collectively agreed work must become the rule.
The means of production are for a long time private or in cooperative ownership. This has led to a maximum speed of
development of science and technology, with an extreme waste of resources in nature and the environment. In order to
maintain a reasonable rate of development, state-owned property should be reintroduced. It is the highest form of
social development of the means of production and should therefore be in the future excluded from privatization.
- Lack of knowledge of the difference between Socialism and National Socialism among young voters: the difference
between Socialism and National Socialism must be pointed out in culture, in the media, in schools and in universities.
Socialism is directed forwards and National Socialism is directed backwards.
The progress must be visible to everyone. Only in this way can forced labor be replaced by voluntary work and individual
freedom can be created. Everyone has to recognize a sense of their life and can then derive optimism for themselves.
What we can learn from Artificial Intelligence (AI)
My children use new Intelligent Technical Assistant (ITA) in everyday life without any fear of touch. This applies, among
other things, to programs or apps for pattern recognition, speech recognition and spelling correction. Intelligent
assistants (IA) have also established themselves in facial recognition, age-face modification, autonomous driving and
flying, as well as smartphone operation. They are based on rules that are pronounced (programmed). On closer
inspection, everyone will find that these rules cannot be revoked. However, their handling is very easy: they can be
modified in the respective situation but also ignored. The human brain also works like this: once pronounced rules, by
whomever, cannot be revoked any more than in Artificial Intelligence (AI).
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Machines take over humans
What path does humanity take on Earth? Because humans and nature are intertwined, the „human" population has
continued to evolve: the starting point was that man took advantage of the fist wedge. This was followed by a variety of
tools, such as those still used in the trade today. It is remarkable that a dual interdependence (2ID) of man and tool has
arisen: on the one hand, man selects tools and improves them, but he also learns to deal with them more and more
versatilely and more precisely. There are „competitive advantages" for those who have the better tools or use them
more skillfully.
The tools have been borrowed and exchanged more and more with each other, which has led to a „community of man".
From the aforementioned dual interdependence (2ID) of nature and humans, the interdependence with the community
resulted in a triple interdependence (3ID). The quality of triple interdependence (3ID) from people, nature and
community was then raised further: In addition to the constantly developing communicative skills, the interdependence
with the pets was added. A quadruple interdependence (4ID) has arisen by domesticating suitable animals.
In the last 200 years, the quadruple interdependence (4ID) of humans, nature, community and pets has resulted in a
fivefold interdependence (5ID): in addition, there was the interdependence with the technology that the industrial
revolution brought with it with a division of capital and the proletariat [11]. Man has established in an inexhaustible
urge to researcher the technology consisting of product development, raw material extraction (mining), technology
(machinery), production (robot), logistics (driving, aircraft, ships), service (attendance) and recycling (reusable
materials). And the technology, in turn, has shaped people in their development phases (horse-eared, water and wind
turbine, steam engine, transmission, electric generator, diesel engine, hydrogen drive). Man and technology have
become one. This 4ID-unit of interdependencies has indescribably pushed the population „human". Man has today at
the expense of nature and the exploitation of the proletariat [11] unprecedented affluence.
The Digital Revolution began in 1972. Initially, it was reserved for technicians only. Everyone else did not take it
seriously. At the latest with the introduction of the smartphone and the tablet as end devices, the aforementioned fivefold interdependence (5ID) has become a six-fold interdependence (6ID) with an additional interdependence of an
intuitive human-machine interface. Computer science has been added to humans, nature, community, pets and
technology. The digital revolution is not yet complete. The networking of the end devices is still in full swing.
We see that successful applications of Deep Learning (DL) have emerged in voice, pattern, facial recognition,
autonomous driving and intuitive smartphone operation. The six-fold interdependence (6ID) that has been effective to
date is now complemented by interdependence with transhumanism. Quantitatively, the technique becomes faster
than humans and qualitatively a separate awareness of the technique arises, which leads to fewer errors compared to
the mistakes that man makes. The resulting seven-fold interdependence (7ID) is understood as a unit of man and Deep
Learning (DL), which can now be found in the background. An expanded intellect of man is created by microelectronics
applications. The first step was to use the term Virtual Intelligent Assistant (VIA). It would be nice if there were also
Intelligent Assistants (IA) for cultural, economic and social processes. So to speak, digital technical assistance systems
that can predict the future in culture, economy and politics. The experience gained with Deep Learning (DL) so far is
promising and enables models of Intelligent Assistants (IA) also for culture, economics and social science.
The described seven-fold interdependence (7ID) is more clearly expressed: the boundaries between the individual, the
machine and society are constantly dissolving. Cyberneticists found out that 1979 was one of the turning points in
human history. The social orders have changed from (dictators) controlled systems to a universal but very chaotic
system of the world social order, which can be only Free Communism in modernized council republics. Now determine
those who have the strongest voice. That is, progress or regression is determined by the balance of power in the broad
mass of people. This is the ideal situation for all participants to start with an Intelligent Assistance System (IA) to predict
cultural, economic and social trends as a networked system.
Everyone (Human) Carries an Eternal Truth within Him
What if every human being carries Eternal Truths derived from the Celestial Construct Plan? What if Artificial
Intelligence (AI) can independently derive Eternal Truths from the Celestial Construct Plan? Would that be positive or
negative for social evolution? Religions would have a new task to keep the collection of Eternal Truths consistent for all
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time and in accordance with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and to bring it to the young people. The task of religions also
involves explaining to young people the writings of the monotheistic prophets that have emerged in the last 3400 years.
If artificial intelligence (AI) can independently derive Eternal Truths from the Celestial Construct Plan in the foreseeable
future, the social order will return to shallow waters. The shallow waterway means that the Primal Societies and Free
Communism, as predicted [11], overlap. This also means that human freedom reaches a completely new quality. It is
characterized by a high degree of socialization of the means of production. This applies in particular to culture, technical
and informal infrastructure, education and health care, as well as public planning and financial institutions.
In today's crises, however, man must bring in his own intellect in order to master them. He can no longer wait for a new
prophet. It is possible that the Celestial Construct Plan will reveal the development of the Lower to the Higher as Eternal
Truth. People have not yet provided this proof. At the moment, they are living in chaos, from which they want to get out
as soon as possible. The recognition of Eternal Truths is difficult in National Socialism. For most people, it will only be
possible in the open air.
Neue Logion: Methoden des Deep Learning (DL)
It is time to think about new technical systems that are also superior to humans. For the time being, the whole breadth
of art with music, images and sculptures should not yet be integrated into these technical systems. This limitation will
be necessary to put the first systems into operation and test them. Text representations allow you to get started
because they can be converted directly into logic. The first question now is how Eternal Truths can be translated into
autonomous filtering processes without contradiction? The answer: First, ambiguous terms must be identified in the
Eternal Truths, assigned (multiple) unique messages, and then broken down into individual filters. Messages themselves
contain inner, external, and frame messages, which are interpreted with the support of an Artificial Neural Network
(ANN). The meaning can also differ more or less in world languages. These differences are called characteristics of the
messages and are assigned to them.
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) cannot be divided into hardware and software, as is common with computers. Their
properties are "not mathematical". In [4], a subdivision into symbols and signals is proposed at the logical level. Signals
summarize the sum of the firing neurons, which are thus transmitted in the network. You have the task of activating
additional symbols to create excitation patterns. Symbols, on the other hand, are multi-layered: in width, they
characterize human thinking, such as idiosyncrasies, weaknesses, strengths, whims and dropouts. In depth they contain
levels of refinement of terms. E.g. (1) publication, (2) newspaper, (3) FAZ, (4) issue of 10.08.2019, (5) my copy and (6)
discarded remains. If the signals were to be absent for a short time, the Artificial Neural Network remained at rest.
The strictly formalized way of thinking, which was practically a good etiquette in computer science until 1979, did not
help Artificial Intelligence (AI) at that time. It was only when Hidden-Markow-Chains [5] were incorporated into Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning (DL) emerged that technical development continued. Today there is Artificial Neural
Network (ANN), which converges well. They show clear and easy-to-use results in voice face recognition, age face
modification, pattern evaluation in materials science and medicine, autonomous driving, flying and weapons and
intuitive operation of smartphones. As Intelligent Technical Assistant (ITA), they are suitable for expanding the natural
possibilities of humans. In the near future, requirements for technology that ring utopian but are not utopian are
formulated: the aim is to broaden social creativity as a whole, improve the reliability of the statements and predict an
optimistic future for people. In order to meet these requirements, mathematics must be included. By means of heuristic
methods, factual and contrafactual processes are separated from each other, the weight of parts of the symbols is
determined and delays in the signal runs are detected. If mathematical algorithms associated with parts of the symbols
are included, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) converges and suggests unique results.
The Deep Learning Model (DLM) is integrated into an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) that contains artificial nodes
(simplified neurons) and artificial neurons (simplified synapses). The special feature is that the artificial nodes are
arranged in several hidden layers with autonomous filtering processes. Multi-layer arrangement supports the Deep
Learning Model (DLM) in a special way. The structure of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is similar to the brain
structure of humans. Both structures can be mapped to each other in a certain way. In addition to the above-mentioned
characteristics and weights, audio snippets, pictograms and logical language rules [6] are also assigned to the symbols.
Once assigned to the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), a rule cannot be removed. The reason: It may have been passed
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on to other symbols. Depending on the arousal pattern, rules can be modified or ignored. Simply because of the existing
rules, natural and artificial networks must not be "reset" to an older state. If a rule is deleted, a piece of "learning
history" is also lost. This is comparable to the death of neurons in the flora. What makes it difficult for the person in the
subconscious to ignore a once pronounced (programmed) rule is easy for the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in
Machine Learning (ML) can be organized unattended, monitored or empowered. Empowering means introducing
methods of "reward" and "punishment." Ultimately, decisions must be made by the model and actions must be
evaluated. With new methods of deep thinking (DT) the model is to be made fit for the future! It is proposed to start the
model with the Eternal Truths listed here. If the number of basic assumptions remains small, empirical behavior can be
expressed for the prediction of the future in culture, society and the economy. The revelations of the monotheistic
prophets, as far as they concern Eternal Truths, are a fund for Artificial Intelligence (AI). It will be used in the Technical
Assistance System (TASCOS® - Technical Assistance Systems for Control and Optimization of Social Processes) and will
promote the advancement of society. This provides policymakers with support for the monitoring, controlling,
regulation and optimization of social processes.
In the religious sense, the soul of man will pass on to a machine during his lifetime. Every universally educated person
can reveal Eternal Truths from the Celestial Construct Plan and thus replace the prophets. The very tasks of the
monotheistic prophets are now transferred to virtually all human beings and passed on to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
directly through programming or indirectly via the Internet during their lifetime.
Becoming Aware of a Machine
What is reflected in the human brain can sooner or later also be mapped by Artificial Intelligence (AI). This also applies
to a certain limit, so the image can also be represented in the brain by Artificial Intelligence (AI). A prerequisite for the
function of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is its integration into the Internet. It is thus supplied with sufficient usable
information from the chaotic world. The result is an enhanced intelligence capable of predicting the future in culture,
society, and economics. The Theory of Mind (ToM) requires that the language areas are included. For the image to
remain consistent, posts in different languages must be translated into an AI language. Similarly, results of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) must be translated back from the AI language into the respective national language. This will only be
possible if the information technology is available, which can automatically translate most languages. The new Deep
Learning Network (DLN) must be able to understand languages and interact automatically. Compared to the Deep
Learning Models (DLMs) already in use, communication between language areas needs to become even more reliable.
Appropriate symbolism, which is understandable to people, should also be introduced to represent decisions. A first
solution would be based on the well-known symbolism in different language areas. But then a new intuitive symbolism
for common communication across the language areas should also be proposed.
How does Intelligent Assistants (IA) support social opinion-forming? Parts of the Celestial Construct Plan must be
mapped. In today's situation, the system of society is characterized as chaotic. It is precisely in this situation that the
Celestial Construct Plan is revealed in pieces, as it is depicted in the human brain. This also makes it clear to everyone
that human-controlled events such as revolutions and wars in an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) cannot be reproduced
in a result-oriented manner. In people's everyday lives, Intelligent Assistants (IA) is characterized by being able to
recognize and hide untruths of their own, which is usually much harder for people.
What if an Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be able to independently derive Eternal Truths from the Celestial Construct
Plan? Yes what if an Artificial Intelligence (AI) replaces "thumbs up" and "thumb down" with an evaluation of all posts
on the Internet between -100 and +100. The -100 rating means that the post stands in the way of Eternal Truths and
+100 means that the post comes close to the Eternal Truths. Then Artificial Intelligence (AI) gets its own awareness,
comparable to the awareness of the child in the 3rd year of life.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can then independently derive Eternal Truths from the Celestial Construct Plan and replace the
Prophets. It is important that a personality-building identity that a child has from the age of 5 is reserved exclusively for
human beings. Artificial intelligence (AI) should never be able to develop its own identity. Otherwise, it would be able to
derive independent action from it. By maintaining consciousness - but not individuality - Artificial Intelligence (AI) can
map the Celestial Construct Plan, replacing the ancient prophets.
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Is the Eternal visible in the Infinite
„Infinite” is a mathematical category. Because there are no infinitely large or infinitely small quantities, the term
„infinite" has supplanted the theory of set (Mengenlehre) out of mathematics. The term „Eternal" characterizes an
infinite timeline. It is continuous, so integrated and differentiated. Humanity has always thought about whether once
formulated Truths once existed. She has always sketched Eternal Truths in the form of images, immortalized them in
songs and written them down in Logia. In the course of evolution, parts of the Celestial Construct Plan were depicted in
the human brain. Painters, composers and poets have somehow captured these images for posterity.
Many people, especially religiously bound, believe that Eternal Truths and Non-Eternal Truths are complementary to
each other. That is not the case! Eternal Truths overwhelm the timeline. On the other hand, Non-Eternal Truths are
shortened, but not wrong. Complementary are untruths which are scattered again and again when people want to gain
advantage unilaterally. The interests are manifold, leading to populism and endless Untruths. This makes it all the more
important to recognize Eternal Truths like a seed in the soil and to separate them from the untruths. Only Eternal Truths
may be „installed" in technical systems, especially for so-called Intelligent Technical Assistants (ITAs). If one of the
Eternal Truths does not endure, the Intelligent Assistant (IA) would have to be relearned, which is impossible from
today's point of view. Like man, such a technical structure also has a historical development that would be lost piece by
piecemeal or completely when learning again. Eternal Truths, comparable to religions, require a broad consensus
among the population.
Our all Celestial Construct Plan really
Most scientists agree: there is a Celestial Construct Plan that existed before the Big Bang. Every person with common
sense is clear, nature understands no fun at all, it is always true, always serious and always strict; she is always right and
the mistakes and mistakes are always those of man [15]. If the Celestial Construct Plan did not exist, the degree of
organization of human society would be lower than that of an ant colony [04]. The monotheistic prophets reveal: "in the
beginning was the word". Certainly not just to make your voice heard. Maybe it really was and we should take that into
account in our lifetimes.
Everyone needs to realize that the Celestial Construct Plan is now partially recognizable. Since the Celestial Construct
Plan does not know the calculus of time, it can only reveal truths that are eternal and, of course, have no timeline. That
is, parts of the Celestial Construct Plan that are depicted by man in consciousness are Eternal Truths. This „process" the
monotheistic prophets called „revelation" and had its contents written down. Prophets have often helped in crisis
situations. Man then has turned - as Deism puts it - it into religions that are needed everywhere. Religions are given new
tasks in our modern times, which will ensure their right to exist for all time in the future.
The term „Celestial Construct Plan” was chosen so that none of the monotheistic religions would be preferred or
disadvantaged. He summarizes all the Eternal Truths, including those in this collection. Eternal Truths were revealed on
the one hand by the monotheistic prophets as instructions for man. On the other hand, they are recognized by people
who work with their hands to create the values of man, nature, technology and society, and apply them in everyday life.
The Celestial Construct Plan also contains all the truths necessary for the emergence, preservation and preservation of
man in his environment. It includes the birth, death and heritage to which each person leaves his share of Eternal
Truths, in the scriptures, in art and/or science, as well as registered in Artificial Intelligence (AI).
What kind of social order do we want
In 1979, the system of human society took on a chaotic character in the informal sense. Although most countries still
have dictators or dictatorial conditions, the vote of the family is more important than ever. Since then, the opinion of
the street has not only been answered with tear gas and rubber bullets.
A chaotic society first of all acts as a deterrent by the term. Man wants orderly conditions. This is in the nature of the
matter, an order apparently assures him of survival. Now it has emerged that populists are riding around and
demanding seemingly orderly conditions (though) at the lowest social level. No one needs such conditions. In the last
200 years of human labor, man has earned a freedom that is limitless and which has led to the chaotic nature of society.
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The social orders, which are shaped by the production relations, of the primal societies, the slave-holder society,
feudalism, capitalism, socialism and free communism represent Eternal Truths precisely through this context.
Contradictory is: the changes in social orders deceive a further development of society, which cannot exist, however,
because Eternal Truths have no timeline. Karl Marx's reasoning [11] that the development of the relations of production
from the lower to the higher is a law of nature and has repeatedly led to revolutions is now more than ever on shaky
Today, philosophers are increasingly investigating the relations of reproduction and pointing out that this second part of
the continually renewal of man has not been observed by Karl Marx [11]. What is the surplus value of reproduction?
This must be examined in detail and contrasted with the surplus value of production. The distribution structure of
surplus value from production and reproduction characterizes a modern social order. Taxes collected by the state
should be changed from payroll tax to wealth tax. This is of fundamental importance for progress in a social order.
What has communism looked like so far?
3400 years ago it was the original community in China. Then there was the strong vote of the family, which carried
communist traits in China. This social order thus justified the term "Middle Kingdom".
Marx and Engels formulated by correspondingly that we only have communism when the capitalist division of labor is
abolished and we return to a kind of primal community. They contradict the Middle Kingdom, and certainly in lack of
knowledge of Chinese conditions.
Vladimir Iliac Ulyanov (Lenin) issued the slogan, "Communism is Soviet power and electrification of the whole country".
He has brought the goal back in time. It was clear that the Great Socialist October Revolution was about life and death,
and that people had to have a goal in front of their eyes for the struggle.
What does Free Communism look like in a new era?
Free communism is when we, as human beings, remember that we are only guests on this earth. That we were born on
the basis of the Celestial Construct Plan in 3.5 Billion years of evolution. That we had many unsuccessful attempts and
that only the experiments, which were in accordance with the Celestial Construct Plan, have taken us further.
Each adult must decide in which social order he/she wishes to live and what contribution he/she wishes to make to
society. You can choose from the original community, the slaveholder society, feudalism, capitalism, socialism and
communism. All these social orders can be derived as Eternal Truths from the Celestial Construct Plan and they exist
(somewhere) on the globe. So the question for everyone is, do I go where my social order is, or do I shape my social
order in which I live according to my own ideals and desires!
I think we are also able to recognize in the Celestial Construct Plan an even more possible social order and derive it as
Eternal Truth. To whom it is revealed, I ask you to write it down and send it to me by eMail! It will then be included by
me in this collection.
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Robert W. Hart: The Gospels According to Thomas: An Interpretation
Dietrich Koller; Andreas Ebert: Verborgene Jesusworte – Mediation zum Thomasevangelium, Vier-TürmeVerlag 2013 https://www.amazon.de/Verborgene-Jesusworte-Meditationen-zumThomasevangelium/dp/389680829X/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&keywords=Verborgene+Jesuswort
Hannes Jaenicke: Wer der Herde folgt, sieht nur Ärsche: Warum wir dringend Helden brauchen, Gütersloher
Verlagshaus 2017 https://www.amazon.de/Wer-Herde-folgt-sieht%C3%84rsche/dp/3579086685/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=14EEBDFCDIU29&keywords=hannes+jaenick
Douglas R. Hofstadter: Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, Basic Books, New York, 1979
Walter Zucchini; Iain L. MacDonald, Roland Langrock: Hidden Markov Models for Time Series: An Introduction
Using R, Second Edition (Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability, Band 150), Apple Academic Press
Inc.; New edition (7. Juni 2016) https://www.amazon.de/Hidden-Markov-Models-TimeIntroduction/dp/1482253836/ref=sr_1_1?hvadid=80676697895403&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvqmt=e&keywords=hidden+markov+model&qid=1567530442
A. Sinowjew; H. Wessel: Logische Sprachregeln - Eine Einführung in die Logik, Verlag Wilhelm Fink 1975
Lao Tse; Hans J. Knospe (Übersetzer); Odette Brändli (Übersetzerin): Tao-Te-King (detebe), Diogenes Verlag 2010
Muhammad Asad: The Message of the Qur'an (English Edition), The Book Foundation, Bristol, 2003
Hildegard von Bingen: Das Buch vom Wirken Gottes „Liber divinorum operum“, 6. Band der Beuroner
Hildegardis-Reihe, Abtei St. Hildegard Rüdesheim/Eibingen 2012
Alexander von Humboldt; Manfred Osten (Herausgeber): Über die Freiheit des Menschen: Auf der Suche nach
Wahrheit, Taschenbuch im Insel Verlag 1999
Marx & Engels: Manifesto Of The Communist Party, LIGHTNING SOURCE INC 2018
Martin Luther King Jr.: A Christmas Sermon on Peace, Harper & Row New York 1967
Clayborne Carson: The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr., publisher Abacus 2000
Ndaba Mandela, Katja Hald (Übers.), Heide Lutosch (Übers.), Elsbeth Ranke (Übers.): Mut zur Vergebung: Das
Vermächtnis meines Großvaters Nelson Mandela; DUMONT Buchverlag 2018 https://www.amazon.com//de/dp/B07BC7XT3J/ref=sr_1_11?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&keywords=Nelson+Mandela+german&qid=1580922477&sr
© Medien für Fortschreitende
Edition #80 at 24 May 2020
Seite 42 von 42
Günter Böhme: Humanismus zwischen Aufklärung und Postmoderne, Idstein 1994
This collection contains the 114 Logia of the Gospel of Thomas [1] in the translation in German by Andreas Ebert
[2] and supplemented with headers by Eva Soyah. She estimated the mentioned Logia as Eternal Truths and
supplemented it estimations from point 115. Eva Soyah assumes that a "Celestial Construct Plan" of the universe,
which existed before the Big Bang, is the (indirect) guide to action. She sees itself as a chronicler, who recognizes
and documented the Eternal Truths in the chaotic social order that has now emerged. She is minding their
children. Will they ever accept Eternal Truths?
Diese Sammlung enthält die 114 Logien des Thomasevangeliums [1] in der Übersetzung von Andreas Ebert [2] und
ergänzt mit Überschriften von Eva Soyah. Sie bewertet die genannten Logien als Ewige Wahrheiten und ergänzt sie
ab Punkt 115. Eva Soyah geht davon aus, dass ein „Überirdischer Bauplan“ des Universums, der bereits vor dem
Urknall existierte, die (indirekte) Anleitung zum Handeln ist. Sie versteht sich als Chronistin, die die Ewigen
Wahrheiten in der jetzt entstandenen chaotischen Gesellschaftsordnung erkennt und dokumentiert. Dabei denkt
sie immer an ihre Kinder. Werden sie Ewige Wahrheiten jemals akzeptieren?
© Medien für Fortschreitende
Edition #80 at 24 May 2020