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National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA) has investigated the telecommunication performance in the service providers in Egypt between the periods of February 2018 till February 2019. Fraud is a multi-billions pounds'... more
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      BusinessTelecommunicationsMobile TechnologyEgypt
The pole-zero structure of a transfer function has been analyzed by two distinct approaches:
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      EngineeringSystems TheoryMathematical SciencesTransfer Function
In practice punctuality of transit service has been a chronic operational problem mainly due to the random environment and very high complexity of the public transport processes. This challenging problem affects both travellers... more
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      Public TransportUrban And Regional PlanningDynamic OptimizationNumerical Method
1. Introduction 2. Integrable dynamical systems 3. Synopsis of integrable systems 4. Algebraic methods 5. Analytical methods 6. The closed Toda chain 7. The Calogero-Moser model 8. Isomonodromic deformations 9. Grassmannian and integrable... more
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPhysicsGenus
In this paper, variants of the classical Toeplitz operators on H 2 are studied. A characterization is obtained for the bounded, harmonic symbols giving rise to a bounded Toeplitz operator on a Dirichlet-type space. The relationship... more
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      Operator TheoryPure MathematicsOperator
In 1961, Jacob and Monod proposed the operon model for gene regulation based on metabolism of lactose in Escherichia coli [1]. This proposal was followed by an explication of allosteric behavior by Monod and colleagues [2]. The operon... more
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      GeneticsPhysiologyMolecular BiologyProtein Folding
To date, there is no Federal legislation requiring the certification of WWTP operators; therefore, the need and requirements of WWTP operator certification is left solely to the discretion of the States. An extensive literature review was... more
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      TrainingProfessional DevelopmentWastewaterOperator
This paper is an attempt to clarify the status of discourse markers. These lexical expressions have been studied under various labels, including discourse markers, discourse connectives, discourse operators, pragmatic connectives,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceFunctional AnalysisPhilosophyPragmatics
deepest thanks goes to my friends and family, especially my parents, Howard and Wendy, for their support and encouragement. Warm thanks also to the many other people who have contributed to this Dissertation, especially Carl Caves, who... more
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Scale (AIS)-based systems-the Injury Severity Score (ISS), New Injury Severity Score (NISS), and AISmax-are used to assess trauma patients. The merits of each in predicting outcome are controversial.
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The canonical operator quantisation formulation corresponding to the Klauder-Daubechies construction of the phase space path integral is considered. This formulation is explicitly applied and solved in the case of the harmonic oscillator,... more
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      Field TheoryDynamicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
In this work we present a detailed study of the Fermion Monte Carlo algorithm (FMC), a recently proposed stochastic method for calculating fermionic ground-state energies. A proof that the FMC method is an exact method is given. In this... more
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      AlgorithmsMonte CarloModelsMathematical Sciences
The widespread implementation of advanced and complex systems requires predominantly operators' cognitive functions and less importance of human manual control. On the other hand, most operators perform their cognitive functions below... more
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      Industrial EngineeringAutonomic Nervous SystemHeart rate variabilityComplex System
The comfort of travelers is always the ultimate target of system operations and services of every queuing of transportation stations in the country. This study determined the status of queuing operations during COVID-19 pandemic in terms... more
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      DriverPublic transportationOperator
Resumen — El presente trabajo presenta el desarrollo de una plataforma robótica móvil que permite precautelar la integridad de rescatistas apoyándolos en sus labores de búsqueda y asistencia, lo cual ha permitido dotar de una alternativa... more
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      CommunicationFireRadio FrequencyOperator
This paper offers a new account of the different positions Greek demonstratives can occupy within DP.
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      Cognitive ScienceSyntaxMorphologyLinguistics
In the present research, human errors existed in tasks of operators working in two control rooms (Northern and Southern control rooms) in the Tehran oil refinery are identified and evaluated. Then, corrective strategies and actions are... more
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      HTAHUMAN ERROROperator
The 21st century has witnessed a number of incredible changes ranging from the way of life and the technologies that emerged. Currently, we have entered a new paradigm shift called industry 4.0 where science fictions have become science... more
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      EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceEducationOperations Research
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesElectromagnetic FieldsElectromagnetic Field
The aim of this project was to discover and extract the Evolutionary Algorithms in a Fortune-telling document attributed to Shaikh Bahaʼi. This document accounts for a model of formal languages where there exists accurate and... more
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      GeographyMathematicsLogicNatural Language Processing
The Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis (CJT) effective action for composite operators at finite temperature is used to investigate the chiral phase transition within the framework of the linear sigma model as the low-energy effective model of... more
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      Quantum ChromodynamicsPhase TransitionsInteger quantum hall effectLinear Model
Surface codes describe quantum memory stored as a global property of interacting spins on a surface. The state space is fixed by a complete set of quasi-local stabilizer operators and the code dimension depends on the first homology group... more
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      Mathematical SciencesGauge theoryPhysical sciencesHomology
a b s t r a c t Let AðpÞ; p 2 N, be a class of functions f : f ðzÞ ¼ z p þ P 1 k¼pþn a k z k analytic in the open unit disc E. We use Carlson-Shaffer operator for p-valent functions to define and study certain classes of analytic... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical AnalysisHypergeometric FunctionOperator
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      Sound DesignAbleton LiveOperatorFm Synthesis
In this paper we prove certain inequalities involving matrices and operators on Hilbert spaces. In particular inequalities involving the trace and the determinant of the product of certain positive definite matrices.
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Este artículo estudia los adverbios que marcan preferencia. Estos seleccionan un elemento que el hablante elige de un paradigma. Se describe su comportamiento en los niveles informativo, argumentativo y enunciativo. This article study... more
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      Cognitive ScienceFunctional AnalysisPhilosophyPragmatics
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the notions of two operators and induced by fuzzy grill G on a fuzzy m-space. A new fuzzy topology is obtained with the help of non-fuzzy topological space (fuzzy m-space) and the basic properties... more
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Let v be a real polynomial of even degree, and let ρ be the equilibrium probability measure for v with support S; so that, v(x) ≥ 2 log |x−y| ρ(dy)+C v for some constant C v with equality on S. Then S is the union of finitely many bounded... more
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      Differential EquationsModelsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
We study the BMN correspondence between certain Penrose limits of type IIB superstrings on pp-wave orbifolds with ADE geometries, and the set of four-dimensional N = 2 superconformal field theories constructed as quiver gauge models... more
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      Lie AlgebraModelsMathematical SciencesLie algebras
This paper concerns the reconstruction of the absorption and scattering parameters in a time-dependent linear transport equation from knowledge of angularly averaged measurements performed at the boundary of a domain of interest. We show... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPure MathematicsInverse Problems
The frame concept was first introduced by Duffin and Schaeffer (1952), and it is widely used today to describe the behavior of vectors for signal representation. The Gabor (1946) expansion and wavelet transform are two special well-known... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingAlgorithmSignal Analysis
We investigate a lattice version of the Yang-Lee model which is characterized by a non-Hermitian quantum spin chain Hamiltonian. We propose a new way to implement PT -symmetry on the lattice, which serves to guarantee the reality of the... more
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      Mathematical SciencesIsing ModelPhysical sciencesOperator
L'inventaire par évaluation visuelle de grosseurs d'arbres utilise un dispositif d'échantillonnage systématique à taux de sondage élevé (25 à 40 %). Il est proposé comme alternative aux inventaires complets pour la caractérisation de... more
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      ForestrySamplingForest ManagementSTEM
The 21st century has witnessed a number of incredible changes ranging from the way of life and the technologies that emerged. Currently, we have entered a new paradigm shift called industry 4.0 where science fictions have become science... more
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      EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceEducationOperations Research
In practice punctuality of transit service has been a chronic operational problem mainly due to the random environment and very high complexity of the public transport processes. This challenging problem affects both travellers... more
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      Public TransportUrban And Regional PlanningDynamic OptimizationNumerical Method
Let 8 denote the set of bounded linear operators T, acting on a separable Hubert space % such that T* Tand T+T* commute. It is shown that such operators are G,. A complete structure theory is developed for the case when o(T) does not... more
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      Pure MathematicsOperatorSpectrum
In the food industry, controlling sensory properties on the manufacturing line represents a key issue for companies, because sensory properties influence consumer choice and preference. Pertinent control of a sensory property depends on... more
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      Food EngineeringFuzzy set theoryProcess ControlFuzzy Control
This paper introduces two models on procedures and safety and assesses the practical consequences these have for organizations trying to make progress on safety through procedures. The application of procedures is contrasted as rote rule... more
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      ErgonomicsMethodologyOccupational HealthAdaptation
An increase in computer-based control and the automation of functions direct to predominantly cognitive tasks assigned to the shop floor. To date, very few psychophysiology-based approaches used to teach the operators how to be relaxed... more
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      Industrial EngineeringAutonomic Nervous SystemHeart rate variabilityComplex System
and sharing with colleagues.
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      ErgonomicsComputer HardwareLow back painItaly
The Morse potential one-dimensional quantum system is a realistic model for studying vibrations of atoms in a diatomic molecule. This system is very close to the harmonic oscillator one. We thus propose a construction of squeezed coherent... more
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      LocalizationModelsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
This paper concerns the modeling of imprecision, vagueness, and uncertainty in databases through an extension of the relational model of data: the fuzzy rough relational database, an approach which uses both fuzzy set and rough set... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSet TheoryRelational DatabaseModeling
Abstract. In this paper we study mapping properties of the Bergman pro-jection P, ie which function spaces or classes are preserved by P. It is shown that the Bergman projection is of weak type (1, 1) and bounded on the Orlicz space Lϕ(D,... more
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      OperatorFunction Space
Although claim that unlike dou, quan is a domain restrictor without any quantificational or distributive force, in this paper, we will argue that in addition to being a domain restrictor, quan has to be analysed as a universal quantifier,... more
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      SemanticsOperatorUniversal quantifiers
Communication between distant DNA sites is a central feature of many DNA transactions. Negative regulation of the galactose (gal) operon of Escherichia coli requires repressor binding to two operator sites located on opposite sides of the... more
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      BiologyRegulationTransmission Electron MicroscopyTranscription Factors
Exposure to whole-body vibration (WBV) may cause health problems, e.g. lumbago. The risk will depend on intensity and duration. Exposure to WBV in vehicles varies due to several factors as the vehicle type, the terrain condition, the... more
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      ErgonomicsRisk assessmentPreventionIndustrial Ergonomics
A new formulation of the immersed boundary method with a structure algebraically identical to the traditional fractional step method is presented for incompressible flow over bodies with prescribed surface motion. Like previous methods, a... more
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      EngineeringComputational PhysicsFinite Volume MethodsMathematical Sciences
We introduced a family of infinite graphs directly associated with a class of von Neumann automaton model AG. These are finite state models used in symbolic dynamics: stimuli models and in control theory. In the context of groupoid von... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsProbability TheoryMeasure Theory
Digital Cinema (DC) consists of integration of new advanced digital technologies in the context of the cinema system. As regards the transport of DC content towards theatres, Distributors may select the method that is both economically... more
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      Audio Signal ProcessingService QualityRoutingResource Allocation