Numerical Method
Recent papers in Numerical Method
We develop a multiscale simulation method for dense granular drainage, based on the recently proposed spot model, where the particle packing flows by local collective displacements in response to diffusing "spots" of interstitial free... more
The majority of concrete dams worldwide have behaved relatively well during seismic events. However, there are several cases where global failure or substantial damages have occurred. The need for new dam construction and retrofitting of... more
Survey Modelling Simulation a b s t r a c t Computer simulation has become a required tool in the design phase of vapor compression systems; however with relatively few exceptions most simulations focus on the basic four component... more
This paper presents the theoretical basis for both static and dynamic numerical approaches to the elastic stability of a folding multi-layered truss. Both analyses are based on bifurcation theory and include geometrical nonlinearity. The... more
The purpose of the paper is to develop a formalism for solving the problem of scattering of electromagnetic waves by a tilted, in"nite, multilayered cylinder. The approach allows us to obtain the Mie scattering coe$cients without... more
Ahatract-We investigate the existence and uniqueness of robust time-optimal control solutions of flexible structures for rest-torest motion. We show that several robust time-optimal control designs for flexible systems are equivalent to... more
A new nonlinear integral-equation model is derived in terms of hodograph variables for free-surface flow past an arbitrary bottom obstruction. A numerical method, carefully chosen to solve the resulting nonlinear algebraic equations and a... more
A blade element momentum (BEM), vortex lattice (VL) and a Reynolds-averaged thin-layer Navier-Stokes method (RaNS) were evaluated for their ability to predict the aerodynamic performance of the Combined Experiment Phase II Horizontal Axis... more
Fatigue Pro®le, a new numerical method for characterising fatigue in isokinetic cycle ergometry is presented and compared with the conventional fatigue index (FI). The new method describes the temporal development of muscle fatigue based... more
We discuss various analytic and numerical methods that have been used to get option prices within a framework of the VG model. We show that some popular methods, for instance, Carr-Madan's FFT method [1] could blow up for certain values... more
Based on the two-dimensional (2-D) least squares method, this paper presents a novel numerical method to calculate the magnetic characteristics for switched reluctance motor drives. In this method, the 2-D orthogonal polynomials are used... more
A numerical method, based on the integral equation formulation of Symm, is described for computing approximations to the mapping functions which accomplish the following conformal maps: (a) the mapping of a domain interior to a closed... more
A new fourth order compact formulation for the steady 2-D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is presented. The formulation is in the same form of the Navier-Stokes equations such that any numerical method that solve the Navier-Stokes... more
For the past 25 years, researchers have found momentum to be a difficult variable to quantify
Prediction of residual stresses in micro-electronic devises is an important issue. Virtual prototyping is used to minimize residual stresses in order to prevent failure or malfunction of electronic products.
Numerical computation of the electric field strength and ionic space charge density in electrode systems consisting of ionizing wire and non-ionizing cylinder, connected to the same DC high-voltage supply and facing a grounded plate, is a... more
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
Linearconstitutiveequationsofa thermopiezomagneticmedium involving mechanical, electrical, magnetic, and thermal e elds are presented with the aid of a thermodynamic potential. A thermopiezomagnetic medium can be formed by bonding... more
The horizontal electric field both at points above and below ground in the vicinity of lightning return strokes were evaluated by numerical solution of Sommerfeld's integrals. Results are presented for ground conductivities in the range... more
This paper explores orbits in extended mass distributions and develops an analytic approximation scheme based on epicycloids (spirograph patterns). We focus on the Hernquist potential ψ = 1/(1 + ξ), which provides a good model for many... more
This paper describes a new formulation, based on linear ÿnite elements and non-linear programming, for computing rigorous lower bounds in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions. The resulting optimization problem is typically very large and highly sparse... more
Many numerical methods produce sequences of vectors converging to the solution of a problem. When the convergence is slow, the sequence can be transformed into a new vector sequence which, under some assumptions, converges faster to the... more
Precooling refers to the rapid removal of field heat from freshly harvested fruits and vegetables prior to shipping, storage or processing. Hydrocooling is a form of precooling in which the product is sprayed with or immersed in an... more
This paper describes analytical and numerical methods to analyze the steady state periodic response of an oscillator with symmetric elastic and inertia nonlinearity. A new implementation of the homotopy perturbation method (HPM) and an... more
We discuss two numerical techniques, based on the path integral approach described in a previous paper, for solving the stochastic equations underlying the financial markets: the path integral Monte Carlo, and the path integral... more
Several electrostatic technologies, such as separation of granular mixtures, flocking, printing, or biological cell manipulation, are based on the accurate control of conductive particle motion in insulating gases or liquids by means of... more
The ultrasonic pulse-echo backscattered amplitude integral (BAI)-mode imaging technique [IEEE Trans. UFFC, 45:30 (1998)] has demonstrated sensitive detection of subwavelength channel defects (38-m diameter reliably and 6-m diameter... more
Numerical calculations of the 2-D steady incompressible driven cavity flow are presented. The Navier-Stokes equations in streamfunction and vorticity formulation are solved numerically using a fine uniform grid mesh of 601 × 601. The... more
We have developed a new software tool, LENSVIEW, for modelling resolved gravitational lens images. Based on the LENSMEM algorithm, the software finds the best fitting lens mass model and source brightness distribution using a maximum... more
We present some examples of detailed analysis of intrinsic localized modes in lattices, using the accurate numerical methods derived from the proof of existence of MacKay-Aubry. We report on some improvements on the methods, which are... more
The research in this paper deals with the simulation of continuous machine systems that can be described in a discrete manner (discrete-event systems), using qualitative simulation techniques. In order to represent discrete-time... more
The design of an idle speed controller for automotive engines is considered. A hybrid nonlinear model of the engine is presented. Based on suitable (nonlinear) change of variables, the idle speed control design problem can satisfactorily... more
We consider the problem of regular refraction (where regular implies all waves meet at a single point) of a shock at an oblique planar contact discontinuity separating conducting fluids of different densities in the presence of a magnetic... more
In this paper, a numerical method for the evaluation of topological derivatives is proposed. The integral shape functional is considered for the Signorini type variational inequality in nonsmooth geometrical domain with a cut. The... more
Summary form only given. The purpose of this paper is to determine the radial distribution of the emission coefficient from the measured intensity distribution emitted by an extended source of radiation, particularly a plasma source. The... more
In this paper a novel approach based on Asymptotic Iteration Method (AIM) is presented to solve analytically the light propagation through one-dimensional inhomogeneous slab waveguide. Practically implemented optical slab waveguides based... more
The main goal of this paper is to present a numerical model describing the major physical phenomena involved in electromagnetic casting industrial processes as precisely as possible. Under suitable physical assumptions, we derive the set... more
Kinetics of solidification of phase change materials (PCM) was analyzed for combined heat conduction in the PCM and container wall, and convection in the cold fluid. Stable and convergent numerical methods were derived after... more
Context awareness has been a vital field of ubiquitous computing research. Numerous methods for capturing, interring external context and providing necessary service have been developed and relevant projects have been performed. However,... more
This paper proposes a model for the reoccupation of ants in a region of attraction, using evolutive partial differential diffusion-advection equations, in which the population dispersion and velocity in directions x and y are fuzzy... more
Of concern in the paper is a study of steady incompressible viscoelastic and electrically conducting fluid flow and heat transfer in a parallel plate channel with stretching walls in the presence of a magnetic field applied externally.... more
The field and loss in the transition between a bent asymmetric and a straight symmetric slab waveguide are analyzed by the beam propagation method. The steady-state results obtained at large axial propagation distances are compared with... more
The solar water heating system functioning on a fixed temperature control (FTC) mode, rather than a differential temperature control (DTC) mode (continuous water flow rate), has appreciable advantages for saving parasitic power... more
The inverse dynamic model of a multibody system is used for many applications in engineering. A very interesting property of these models is that they can be written in a linear form with respect to the inertial parameters of the solids,... more
Simulation of wear evolution during abrasive processes is a very difficult task compared to that of machining processes because of the degree of randomness of geometry and disposition of cutting teeth. Superfinishing is a specific case of... more