arXiv:quant-ph/0609070v2 12 Sep 2006
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite
cyclic groups
Stephen S. Bullock
IDA Center for Computing Sciences, 17100 Science Drive, Bowie, MD
20715-4300 USA
[email protected]
Gavin K. Brennen
Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Techniker Str. 21a,
6020, Innsbruck, Austria
[email protected]
Abstract. Surface codes describe quantum memory stored as a global property
of interacting spins on a surface. The state space is fixed by a complete set
of quasi-local stabilizer operators and the code dimension depends on the first
homology group of the surface complex. These code states can be actively
stabilized by measurements or, alternatively, can be prepared by cooling to the
ground subspace of a quasi-local spin Hamiltonian. In the case of spin-1/2 (qubit)
lattices, such ground states have been proposed as topologically protected memory
for qubits. We extend these constructions to lattices or more generally cell
complexes with qudits, either of prime level or of level dℓ for d prime and ℓ ≥ 0, and
therefore under tensor decomposition, to arbitrary finite levels. The Hamiltonian
describes an exact Zd ∼
= Z/dZ gauge theory whose excitations correspond to
abelian anyons. We provide protocols for qudit storage and retrieval and propose
an interferometric verification of topological order by measuring quasi-particle
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
1. Introduction
There is a rich history to the study of topologically ordered states of matter. Such
states are defined by the property that all physical correlation functions are topological
invariants. In the field of condensed matter, these states have been proposed as ground
states of models for high temperature superconductors and for fractional quantum Hall
states [22]. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that such order can arise as a low
energy property of hard core bosonic spin lattice models. In contrast to the familiar
situation with spontaneous symmetry breaking, here the ground states exhibit more
symmetry than the microscopic equations of motion. It has been suggested that such
emergent properties may model gauge fields and particles found in nature [16]. In
the field of quantum information it was shown by Kitaev [12] that ground states of
Hamiltonians which can be expressed as a sum over quasi-local stabilizer operators
provide for topologically protected qubit memories. These states are referred to
as surface codes. They are robust to arbitrary quasi-local perturbations and have
abelian anyonic excitations. In order to perform universal fault-tolerant quantum
processing, it is necessary to use non abelian anyonic excitations that transform under
an appropriate group [12]. From the algorithmic point of view attempts have also been
made to understand quantum computing in terms of nonabelian anyon operations
[1]. Finding suitable microscopic lattice models that provide for universal quantum
computation is an area of active research [6].
This survey attempts to exhaust the topic of surface codes for topologically
protected qudit memories. While not as powerful as fault tolerant models with non
abelian anyons, these models offer a new perspective on non-local encoding of quantum
information and give us insight into microscopic realizations of lattice gauge theories.
Surface codes for two level systems [12] are by now well understood. Their implications
for error-resistant quantum computer memories have also been considered [7]. In the
error-correction context, the topologically ordered eigenstates may be understood as
a particular case of quantum stabilizer codes (e.g. [9].) The error lengths of the
resulting stabilizer codes are not exceptional, and only rarely do anyonic systems
appear in classifications of near-optimal quantum codes. (Optimality in this sense
refers to minimizing the number of code-qubits against the number of errors a code
may correct.) Yet all the error correction operations are local upon the lattice in
which the quantum data is stored, which might improve scalability. Moreover, an
aside to an argument focused on deriving a famous stabilizer code from the topology
of the real projective space in fact demonstrates that a qubit lattice is not required [8].
Rather, a two-complex (see e.g. [15]) suffices, where a two-complex is a generalization
of a graph in which discs are also allowed with edge boundaries. On the physical
system which places a qubit on each edge of a (cellular or simplicial) two-complex Γ,
there exists a Hamiltonian whose topologically ordered (stabilizer-code) groundstates
are parametrized by the first homology group of the complex with bit-coefficients:
H1 (Γ, F2 ). The Hamiltonian is a sum of vertex and edge terms which are proportional
to either tensors of Pauli Z operators around qubits on edges adjacent to a vertex or
are proportional to tensors of X operators on edges bounding a face of the complex.
For some time the existence of stabilizer codes over qudits (d prime) have been
known [9]. Yet only recently have results on the topic become as strong as those
applicable in the bit case, including estimates of optimal code-lengths etc. ([11], see
also [10].) Moreover, extensions to prime-power (dℓ ) level qudits (actually qudℓ its)
have also been found, so that tensors provide a stabilizer formalism for all finite-level
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
systems. In this work, we exploit the new stabilizer formalism to construct codes on a
two-complex whose edges carry prime-d-level qudits, and we also outline the extension
to dℓ -level qudits. The associated ground states are parametrized by H1 (Γ, Fdℓ ), where
the coefficient field is viewed as an abelian group under addition. This requires few
new ideas, although care must be taken with sign conventions which were vacuous in
the earlier work on F2 -coefficients. Thus, after tensoring we have constructed surface
codes with qudits for arbitrary finite d placed on the edges of a generic orientable
two-complex Γ. Recent work by Bombin and Martin-Delgado [2] investigates classical
and quantum homological error correction codes. They construct a class of surface
codes for qudits which asymptotically saturates the maximum coding rate and provide
several example encodings on various two complexes. Here we do not address the issue
of coding efficiency. Rather we concentrate on explicit constructions of Hamiltonians
that support qudit surface codes in their ground eigenstates and describe how one
might encode and decode therein.
The manuscript is intended to be self-contained. Thus, §2 opens by reviewing
some the required facts on stabilizer codes. In order to aid readers less interested in
the general case, §3 treats prime-d level encoding on surfaces separately. Methods for
encoding, decoding, and stabilizer measurements are given in §4. Extensions to the
case of prime power qudit encodings are given in §5. Errors in our model correspond to
low lying excitations in the Hamiltonian whose superselection sectors may be viewed
as massive particles on the underlying cellulation. In §6 it is shown that our model
reproduces a Z/dZ gauge theory where errors are described by particle anti-particle
pairs of change/flux dyons. We propose an interferometer circuit for measuring the
the statistics of these quasiparticles. We conclude with a summary and some.
2. Qudit Stabilizer Codes
We next review stabilizer codes [9, 11]. This section focuses on the case of qudits
with a prime number of levels. The first subsection recalls the definition and a basic
technique. The next subsection generalizes a well known construction from bits to
2.1. Stabilizers and groundstates
Let d be a prime number, and consider the qudit state space H(1, d) = C |0i ⊕ · · · ⊕
C |d − 1i, with a pure state of n qubits being a ket within H(n, d) = H(1, d)⊗n . A
possible generalization of the Pauli operators on H(1, d) would be to consider the
group generated by the following unitary matrices:
X |ji = |j + 1 mod di
Z |ji = ξ j |ji ,
for ξ = exp(2πi/d)
These are not Hermitian unless d = 2. The qudit Pauli-tensor group, say P(n, d) (
U [H(n, d)], is the group of unitary matrices generated by n-fold tensors of elements
of {Id , X, Z}.
We might be more explicit in the description of P(n, d). First, for n = 1, label the
multiplication in Fd to be a dot-product. Then Z b X a = ξ a•b X a Z b . More generally,
for dit-strings a, b ∈ (Fd )n , we use X ⊗a and Z ⊗b to abbreviate X a1 ⊗ X a2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ X an
and similarly Z ⊗b for Z b1 ⊗ Z b2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Z bn . For the n-entry dot-product with values
in Fd , we have Z ⊗b X ⊗a = ξ a•b X ⊗a Z ⊗b . Thus explicitly
P(n, d) = {ξ c X ⊗a Z ⊗b ; a, b ∈ (Fd )n , c ∈ Fd
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
The qudit stabilizer groups are subgroups G ⊆ P(n, d). The code subspace of such a
stabilizer group is the joint +1 eigenspace of all g ∈ G.
Of course, such joint eigenspaces might well be trivial. Yet a standard argument
shows that they are nontrivial in certain cases. This technique is so fundamental
to stabilizer code manipulation that we wish to highlight it; it will be used several
more times in the course of the work. While actually an elementary technique from
representation theory, it has also featured prominently in the quantum computing
literature [14].
Stabilizer code projectors: The sum of unitary maps π = (#G)−1 g∈G g is a
projection onto the code-subspace. We present the argument. First, π 2 is the identity
map since πg = π for any g ∈ G. Second, π = π † since adjoints are inverses in
the unitary group. Hence, either π is a projection or −1 is an eigenvalue of π.
Yet Idn is a summand, so the complex inner product precludes π |ψi = − |ψi for
a nonzero |ψi. Now split H(n, d) = V1 ⊕ V2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Vℓ into irreducible orthogonal
unitary subrepresentations of G. For each Vj , the image under π and its orthogonal
complement form a decomposition of Vj . Thus by irreducibility, π either preserves a
Vj or πVj = 0. Clearly the former holds for any irrep (i.e. irreducible representation)
within the code subspace of G. On the other hand, if hψ|g|ψi =
6 1 for some g, then
the latter holds.
As a remark, irreps within the code subspace of G must be one-dimensional and
are also known as trivial representations. As a second remark, the code subspace is
nonzero iff Trace(π) 6= 0 iff (G ∩ {ξ j Id }) = {Idn }.
In the Hermitian case (d = 2,) it is standard that all eigenvalues of group elements
are ±1, so that a suitable Hamiltonian for which the code space is the groundstate
is −π. For general d, the eigenvalues lie within the unit circle, so that −1 is still the
least possible real part. Also, g † |λi = (1/λ) |λi = λ |λi since g † = g −1 . Thus, one
may place the qudit code subspace into the groundstate of
Pa Hamiltonian by adjusting
each summand of π with a Hermitian conjugate: H = g∈G −(g + g † ), so that the
eigenvalues of the summands are then −2Re[spec(g)].
2.2. Quantum circuits for qudit stabilizer measurements
Given an n-qudit system, it is important for purposes of error-correction to be
able to test whether or not a state |ψi lies within the stabilizer code of some
G = h{gj }i ⊆ P(n, d). It suffices to test whether |ψi is a +1 eigenvector of each
generator gj . We sketch quantum circuits which achieve such a measurement.
Let Fd = d−1/2 j,k=0 ξ jk |ji hk| be the qudit Fourier transform. Considering
eigenkets, Fd† XFd = Z. Now the number operator n = j=0 j |ji hj| suffices to infer
the eigenvalue of Z and project into the appropriate eigenstate. As a circuit, we might
denote a number operator measurement with the Z symbol, one of several common
conventions in the qubit case:
Determination of the X eigenstate may be accomplished by
Similarly, there is some one-qudit unitary which will diagonalize any X a Z b ∈ P(1, d),
usually not a Fourier transform. Yet using the diagonalization and a number operator
one may infer an eigenstate.
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
For Z ⊗k and X ⊗k , we suggest using addition gates along with a qudit ancilla.
We will denote |j, ki 7→ |j, (j + k) mod di by a typical control bullet with the target
(in the formula second) line holding a + gate. The the following construction of Z ⊗2
generalizes for Z ⊗k :
For Z ⊗k |j1 , j2 , . . . , jk i = ξ j1 +···+jk |j1 , j2 , . . . , jk i, and we have placed |(j1 + · · · + jk ) mod di
on the ancilla line before the number operator is applied. Note that Z ⊗ Z −1 results
by replacing one of the modular addition gates above with modular subtraction. Powers of operators are measured by multiple appications of the sum gate appropriately.
Finally, (Fd† )⊗k X ⊗k Fd⊗k = Z ⊗k , so that the following diagram for X ⊗2 extends:
Using similarity transforms by qudit Fourier transforms, we may similarly achieve
X ⊗ Z ⊗ Z ⊗ X etc. Yet more generally, the comment on existence of diagonalizations
above produces circuits for arbitrary elements g ∈ P(n, d).
3. Homologically Ordered Groundstates for Prime Qudits
It is typical to place topological orders on explicit planar or spacial lattices of spinj particles, e.g. square, triangular, hexagonal, Kagome, etc. An alternative was
presented in Freedman and Meyer’s derivation of certain error-correcting codes of
Shor and LaFlamme [8]. Namely, qubits could be placed on the edges of a twocomplex Γ, and an appropriate Hamiltonian would have the dimension of its degenerate
groundstate eigenspace equal to the number of classes within H1 (Γ, F2 ). We next
extend this construction to prime-level qudits; the task is mainly to keep track of sign
conventions which are vacuous in F2 . We then check that the groundstate eigenspace
is similarly spanned by kets associated to elements of H1 (Γ, Fd ), by applying stabilizercode techniques.
3.1. Cellular Hamiltonians
Label V to be the vertices of Γ, E to be the edges, and F to be the faces. We also
require properties that hold if Γ is a cellulation of an orientable, compact, connected
surface. Specifically, each edge has a boundary of exactly two vertices and each face
has an orientation according to which each edge lies in the boundary of two faces
with the edge taking opposite orientations in the boundary of each face. Finally, Γ
is finite and H2 (Γ, Fd ) is a copy of Fd spanned by [Γ], the sum of all faces with their
orientation according to Γ.
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
We briefly review the appropriate homology. Label the chain sets to be formal
sums of vertices, edges, and faces respectively: C0 (Γ, Fd ) = spanFd (V), C1 (Γ, Fd ) =
spanFd (E), and C2 (Γ, Fd ) = spanFd (F ). We generally drop the Γ and coefficient
system, which should be clear from context. Since Γ is a cell complex, there exist
boundary operators
C0 ←− C1 ←− C2
with ∂ = 0 [15]. For example, if an edge e connects v1 and v2 , say e = [v1 , v2 ], then
∂e = v1 − v2 = v1 + (d − 1)v2 . Note that the definition of Γ demands that edges
e ∈ E are images of [0, 1] within Γ, and hence all edges are implicitly oriented. The
coefficients further allow for Fd -valued multiplicities on each edge. Since ∂ 2 = 0, we
have ker(∂1 ) ⊇ image(∂2 ) for ∂j : Cj → Cj−1 . Thus we may define the Fd vector
space H1 (Γ, Fd ) = ker(∂1 )/image(∂2 ). This first homology group is well known to be
a topological invariant, i.e. any topological space homotopic to that underlying Γ will
produce an H1 (Γ, Fd ) of the same dimension. Homology elements are represented by
cycles, i.e. elements of the kernel of the boundary operator. However, several elements
might represent the same class, differing by a boundary, i.e. an element of ∂(C2 ).
Recall that any Hamiltonian on n-qudits may be written as a sum of tensor
products of Hamiltonians (Hermitian matrices) on each factor. The degree of a
summand in the tensor basis is the greatest number of non-identity factors in any
term. A k-local Hamiltonian is a Hamiltonian whose degree is bounded by k in some
decomposition. The topologically ordered Hamiltonians defined below are k-local for
k the maximum of the valence of any vertex and the number of edges on any face.
Let n = #E, and consider placing a qudit on each e ∈ E. Again, each edge is
the image of [0, 1] and is oriented (by Γ) from one vertex to the other. For the qudits
associated with each edge, the |1i excitation of the edge will be implicitly associated
to this orientation, while the |d − 1i state corresponds to the other.
On the associated physical system H(n, d), let Xe and Ze denote the operator
applied to the qudit of that edge with identity operators buffered into the remainder
of the tensor. For each v ∈ V, we define a Pauli-tensor and vertex Hamiltonian by
gv =
e=[v,∗] Ze
e=[∗,v] Ze
Hv = −(gv + gv )
For some U > 0, we thenPdefine the potential energy term of a topologically ordered
Hamiltonian by H∂ = U v∈V Hv .
P The notation H∂ has been chosen for the following reason. Suppose that ω =
e∈E ne e is a chain, with each ne ∈ Fd . There is an associated qudit computational
basis state, say |ωi, which is local and places the qudit of each e in state |ne i. We
claim that |ωi is a groundstate of H∂ iff ∂ωP
= 0, i.e. ω is a cycle. To see this, one
verifies that gv |ωi = ξ c |ωi where ∂ω = cv + w6=v cw w. Hence |ωi is in the stabilizer
h{gv }i ⊆ P(n, d) iff |ωi is an eigenstate of each Hv of minimial (real) eigenvalue iff |ωi
is in the degenerate groundstate eigenspace of H∂ .
Strictly speaking, one should not refer to the groundstate of H∂ P
as being
topologically ordered. Admittedly, groundstates are of the form |ψg i =
αω |ωi
for ω a cycle, colloquially a loop of excited edges. For d > 2, the edges must be
properly oriented, and hitting every edge of a Y junction is allowed if multiplicities
are accounted for. Yet the cycle subspace is not a topological invariant. Indeed, should
Γ be a cell complex, subdividing Γ by breaking each 2-simplex (triangle) into several
subtriangles will generally increase the size of ker(∂1 ), although such a subdivision
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
Figure 1. Cellulation of an orientable surface. Each system particle (qudit) is
represented by an edge. Particle interactions occur between all edges that meet
at a common vertex and all edges comprising a plaquette boundary. (a) In this
example, physical qudits reside on the vertices of a Kagome’ lattice on a torus such
that the resultant cellulation is a honeycomb lattice on a torus. Edge and face
orientations are indicated. For the vertices v0 , v1 and faces f0 , f1 the mutually
, gv1 =
commuting operators in the Hamiltonian are gv0 = Z[v6 ,v0 ] Z[v5 ,v0 ] Z[v
,v ]
Z[v0 ,v1 ] Z[v
Z −1
, gf0 = X[v0 ,v1 ] X[v1 ,v9 ] X[v
X −1
X −1
,v ] [v ,v ]
,v ] [v ,v ] [v ,v ] [v6 ,v0 ]
gf1 = X[v
X[v3 ,v2 ] X[v4 ,v3 ] X[v5 ,v4 ] X[v
. (b) Same cellulation with
0 ,v1 ]
1 ,v2 ]
5 ,v0 ]
vertex (red) ancilla and face (green) ancilla. These can be used to perform
local stabilizer checks or to mediate many body interactions between edges from
physical 2-local interactions as described in §4.3.
does not change the topology of the underlying manifold. Thus, we next add a kinetic
energy term to the potential, splitting the degeneracy of H∂ and reducing to a final
groundstate capturing homology.
For each face f , the face Hamiltonian Hf is defined as follows. Orient
Ppf according
to the orientation of the manifold underlying Γ. Label edges by ∂f = k=1 ok ek for
ok ∈ {1, d − 1}. Then we define
= Xeo11 Xeo22 Xeo33 . . . Xepp
= −(gf + gf† )
With these choices, [Hf , Hv ] = 0 for all faces f and vertices v. For the two edges
incident on a given vertex will be in the boundary of some face, and after correcting for
orientation conventions this commutativity check reduces to [X⊗X, Z⊗Z
P ] = 0. (See
Figure 1.) Hence, for some constant h > 0, we might define HKE = h f ∈F Hf . Due
to commutativity, the kinetic energy Hamiltonian respects the groundstate degeneracy
of H∂ . Label H = H∂ + HKE . We next show that the dimension of the groundstate
degeneracy of total Hamiltonian
H = H∂ + HKE
(over C) corresponds to the number of elements of H1 (Γ, Fd ).
3.2. Homology class groundstates
The goal of this section is to associate the degeneracy (dimension) of this groundstate
of H = H∂ + HKE to #H1 (Γ, Fd ). We accomplish this in two distinct cases for the
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
manifold underlying Γ:
(i) The manifold is orientable, compact, and has no boundary, so that H2 (Γ, Fd ) =
Fd .
(ii) The manifold is compact with boundary and has H2 (Γ, Fd ) = 0. For homology is
a homotopy invariant, and such a surface retracts into its one skeleton.
Assertion: Let Hloop denote the groundstate of H∂ and H[ω] = ⊕η∈[ω] C |ηi.
Hloop = ⊕ω∈ker ∂ C |ωi = ⊕[ω]∈H1 (Γ,Fd ) H[ω]
Throughout this section, let π = #G−1 g∈G g. Suppose either Case i or Case ii.
Then for each [ω], the restriction of π to H[ω] is a rank one projector whose (nonzero)
image is an element of ker (H∂ + HKE ) = ker H.
To verify this, suppose |ωi is the computational basis state of some cycle ω ∈ C1
(i.e. ∂ω = 0.) Then we may also speak of [ω] ∈ H1 (Γ, Fd ), |ωi is in the groundstate
of H∂ . Label
|[ω]i = πf |ωi = (#G)−1
g |ωi .
It suffices for the Assertion to show the following.
• If ω1 and ω2 each lie in [ω], then |[ω1 ]i and |[ω2 ]i differ by a global phase.
• If |ωi =
6 0, then |[ω]i =
6 0.
This suffices to see the restriction of π is a rank one projector, since the first item
demands the rank ≤ 1 and the second demands the rank ≥ 1.
We begin with the first item, writing ω1 − ω2 = η ∈ im ∂2 . Since the underlying
manifold of Γ is orientable,
Q that all faces f have positive
P suppose for convenience
orientation. Then for η = f ∈S(η) f we put gη = f ∈S(η) gf , implying |ω1 i = gη |ω2 i.
Note that gη πf = πf gη = πf . Thus |[ω1 ]i = πf gη |ω2 i = πf |ω2 i = |[ω2 ]i.
We next demonstrate that πf |H[ω] has rank ≥ 1. As discussed in §2, it suffices
to show that the trace of this projection, when restricted to the subspace H[ω]
which it preserves, is nonzero, and that immediately follows if ξ ℓ Idn ∈ Gf demands
ξ = 1. For all other elements of P(n, d) are traceless when restricted to Hloop , since
gη |ωi = |ω + ∂ηi. Case i and Case ii differ somewhat. In each case, multiples of
the identity in Gf are products gη for [η] ∈ H2 (Γ, Fd ). In Case i, besides the
Q empty
product of the gf we also produce multiples of Idn as the full product f ∈F gfk ,
0 ≤ k ≤ d − 1. This corresponds to H2 (Γ, Fd ) = Fd . Yet for these products ξ = 1,
as may be verified at an individual edge. In Case ii, there is no nontrivial product
of the gf which produces a multiple of the identity. This is due to the retraction
demanding H2 (Γ, Fd ) = 0, the second homology of the one complex we may retract
onto. Colloquially, taking a sum of all faces will force a boundary edge to be acted
on nontrivially by gf for the single face it bounds. Thus in Case ii the only multiple
of the identity is the trivial product of the gf , and ξ = 1 tautologically. In each case,
πf |H[ω] is not traceless and hence has rank at least one. Given the last paragraph, the
rank is exactly one.
Retracing the argument above, we may compute the image under π of the code
space of Gv is ⊕[ω]∈H1 (Γ,Fd ) C |[ω]i, which is also the code space of G. Since πf is a
rank-one projector when restricted to each H[ω] , we have the following.
dimC ( groundstate of H) = #H1 (Γ, Fd )
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
3.3. Groundstates on a punctured disk
In practice, constructing physical realizations of Hamiltonians corresponding to twocomplexes without boundary is daunting. It is possible to simply identify opposite
qudits on the square fundamental domain of S 1 × S 1 = R2 /Z2 , but this would require
some sort of nonlocal coupling on the boundary in addition to the standard lattice
coupling. Given a lattice Hamiltonian that arises from electromagnetic coupling, one
could speculate about some kind of apparatus (perhaps involving fiber-optic cabling
[21]) which allows for interactions between boundary qudits.
Alternately, we might modify the homological groundstates to allow for a surface
with a boundary curve and punctures. Consider a cellulation Γ of a disk with k
punctures. An example with k = 2 is shown in Fig. 2. Label the j-th puncture face
fj′ which has the same orientation as Γ. Also label the outer boundary of the disk ∂Γ
and the boundaries of the j-th puncture ∂fj′ . Analogous to the previous construction,
the Hamiltonian on Γ is defined H ′ = H∂ + HKE
. Here the kinetic term is modified
so that the set ofP
face operators does not include operators on the punctured faces
fj′ , i.e. HKE
= h f ∈F ′ Hf , where F ′ = F \ {f ∈ ∪kj=1 fj′ }. Consequently, there are
edges on the boundaries ∂fj′ that are acted on by X operators from faces on one side
only. Another way to see this is that all edges of the dual cellulation that cross the
boundary ∂fj′ share a common vertex located at fj′ in Γ. Each edge in Γ has two
vertices in V, hence the product over all vertex operators is:
gv = Idn .
Not every edge in Γ borders two faces in F ′ , however, and the product over all face
operators is:
f ∈F ′
gf = C∂Γ (X)
Cj (X),
where C∂Γ (X) = ej ∈∂Γ Xejj and Cj (X) = ej ∈∂f ′ Xejj . The orientation oj = 1
if the edge ej is oriented in the same direction as the boundary on which the edge
resides, and ej = d − 1 if the orientations are opposite.
First we argue that the code space in nonempty. Recall, the code states are
defined as +1 eigenstates of the stabilizer group G′ = h{gf |f ∈ F ′ } ⊔ {gv }i. The
operators h{gv }i and h{gf } commute and the only additional relations
obtained from
the stabilizer group, embedded in Eqs. 10,11, guarantee that (G′ ξ j Idn ) = Idn . We
next show that the code space is Hgr = H(k, d) by considering the action of operators
that commute with any member of G′ but act non trivially on Hgr . One such set of
operators are non trivial Fd valued cycles on Γ generated by {Cj (X)}. We do not
include the non trivial cycles generated by C∂Γ (X) because by Eq. 11 their action on
the code subspace is not independent but can be generated by the cycles around the
boundaries of the punctures. A non trivial cycle on Γ̃ is generated by a string of Z
operations along a path P ath(j) that begins on an edge of ∂fj′ and ends on an edge
of ∂Γ without touching otherQ
edges on puncture boundaries. We denote the generator
of a such a cycle Cj (Z) = ej ∈P ath(j) Zejj where ok = 1 at the edge ek ∈ ∂fj′ if
ek and ∂fj share the same orientation and ok = d − 1 otherwise. The other oj are
chosen in a consistent way such that [H ′ , C(Z)fj′ ] = 0. The operators on cycles satisfy
the commutation relations C(Z)aj C(X)bj = ξ ab Cj (X)b Cj (Z)a for a, b ∈ Fd as is easily
verified by considering the action on the one intersecting edge e ∈ ∂fj′ . As such the set
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
Figure 2. An oriented two complex Γ, which is a cellulation of a two punctured
disk encoding two logical qudits in n physical qudits. Vertex operators Hv are
k local where k is the valence of the vertex whereas all face operators Hf are 4
local in this example. Ground states are +1 eigenstates of the stabilizer group G′ ,
but not all the stabilizer generators are independent. There are two independent
non trivial cycles on Γ which can be generated by closed loops of X operators
around the boundaries ∂fa′ and ∂fb′ . Similarly, there are two independent non
trivial cycles on the dual Γ̃ which can be generated by strings of Z operators that
connect two independent pairs of boundaries of the complex. Shown are the Pauli
group operations Z k X j on qudit a and Z s X r on qudit b.
Rj = {Cj (Z)a Cj (X)b )}d−1
a,b=0 generates a representation of the Pauli group P(1, d). For
sufficiently spaced punctures, all paths P ath(j) exist and the group R = h{Rj }kj=1 i
forms a representation of P(k, d). We then find that the ground subspace of H ′ encodes
k qudits and the set Rj performs local Pauli group operations on the j-th qudit.
In a lattice implementation of our model Hamiltonian, the punctures may arise
as physical defects in the system. Coding operations that correspond to cycles around
defects vividly illustrate the fact that even short ranged correlators (short relative to
the system size) in a topologically ordered state can have non-trivial values.
4. Quantum Memory: Input/Output and Error Detection
We next describe how one might exploit abelian anyons as quantum memories; the
qubit case has been studied thoroughly [7]. In the new setting of prime level qudits,
we must treat storage and retrieval of quantum data. It is also possible to generalize
earlier discussions of stabilizer operations on topologically stored data while in code,
but we will not treat that topic here.
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
4.1. Storing qudits
Placing quantum data into such a |[ω]i is difficult. For large lattices, this would
be a special case of the qudit state-synthesis problem. Universal circuits of two-qudit
operators capable of reaching arbitrary n qudit states are known to scale exponentially
with the number of qudits [4]. In this section, we propose an alternative which requires
a number of stabilizer measurements that is linear in the size of the lattice and also a
sublinear number of entangling gates.
For an orientable, connected, compact surface of genus g, it is well known that
H1 (Γ, Fd ) = (Fd )2g . (See e.g. [15].) We next describe how one might transfer a qudit
|ψi stored within an ancilliary copy of H(1, d) to the topologically ordered groundstate
eigenspace of H, say Hgr ∼
= Cd .
The suggestion for encoding is as follows. We begin with |ψi =
j=0 αj |ji.
Choose a copy of Fd ⊆ H1 (Γ, Fd ), and let [ω] correspond to 1 ∈ Fd . Choose ω ∈ [ω],
preferably with as few nonzero (excited) edges as possible. Now jω is also a cycle for
0 ≤ j ≤ d − 1, and by our choice {[jω] = j[ω]}d−1
j=0 contains distinct homology classes.
Using whatever unitaries are convenient, we form
αj |jωi
For example, on a toric Γ one might have n-sites and choose a vertical or horizontal
unitary would cost
√ on a square fundamental domain. Then thePappropriate
O( n) gates. Our goal is to construct ψstorage = j=0 αj |[jω]i. For the remainder
of the construction, note that all intermediate states are in the code space of the
stabilizer Gv = h{gv }i ⊆ P(n, d). Hence, we may correct for errors in this code at any
time. Also, the scheme below might be thought of as arising from an error correction
to the stabilizer Gf = h{gf }i. Nonetheless, only ψstorage is in the code space of the
full stabilizer G. Arbitrary local errors are correctible in the code space of G since the
normalizer of G contains {Ze , Xe ; e ∈ E} [9, 11]. Since this is clearly false for Gv ,
one should perform the initialization above as quickly as possible.
We suppose an ordering of the faces f ∈ F, say f1 , f2 , . . . , fL , such that for each
fixed ℓ the boundary of fℓ contains some edge eℓ which (i) is not within the boundaries
of f1 , f2 , . . . , fℓ−1 and (ii) does not intersect the support of ω. This is not possible
for the last face fL , but E
we only require this condition for 1 ≤ ℓ ≤ L − 1. To store the
qudit beginning with ψ̃ , we apply the following steps for each fℓ .
• Measure the eigenvalue of gfℓ , e.g. using an ancillary qudit. (See §2.2.) The
eigenvalue λ will be an element of {ξ j }d−1
j=0 .
• If λ = 1, then the state has collapsed onto the stabilizer h{gv } ⊔ {gfk ; 1 ≤
k ≤ ℓ}i (by induction.) Else, measuring ξ j accidentally performed the collapse
Pj = (1/d) k=0 ξ jk gfkℓ , which is in fact a projection ‡ Let eℓ be the isolated
edge as above. Since Zekℓ gfℓ = ξ k gfℓ Zℓk , we see that Zejℓ Pj = P0 Zejℓ . Thus an
appropriate power of Zeℓ will fix the projection onto the unwanted eigenvalue so
that the final state lies within the the +1 eigenspace of Hfℓ .
Applying the process of the last paragraph clearly produces an element of Hgr .
The applications of Hf , Pj , and also Ze all respect H[jω] for 0 ≤ j ≤ d − 1. Note
‡ Why is this a projection? Consider the unitary h = ξ j gfℓ and consider projection onto the stabilizer
of h{h}i.
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
that Hgr ∩ H[jω] = C |[jω]i. If S denotes the superoperator of the above sequence
of measurements and unitary maps, then equivalently we have shown S(Hloop ) ⊆
Hgr ∩ H[jω] . Equality is immediate after noting S |[jω]i = |[jω]i.
However, the effect of the superoperator on relative phases is still unclear. Given
the global phase on |ωi, there is a natural global phase on |[ω]i = π |ωi. With the
argument above, we have actually verified that S |0i = eiϕ0 |[0]i, S |ωi = eiϕ1 |[ω]i,
S |2ωi = eiϕ2 |[2ω]i, etc. Thus perhaps ψstorage = j=0 eiϕj αj |[jω]i. We argue that
all of these relative phases are in fact equal. For in terms of the observed eigenvalues,
S =
Pj (fℓ ) =
P0 (fℓ )Ze±j
= π
QL−1 ±j
By choice of the support of |ωi, also the support
E of |jωi, we have ℓ=1PZeℓ |jωi = 1.
Thus, the applying the superoperator S to ψ̃ produces ψstorage = j=0 αj |[jω]i,
given that we may choose the {eℓ }ℓ=1
to be disjoint from the support of ω.
4.2. Retrieval
Thus we next consider retrieval of a qudit stored as in the last subsection, i.e. swapping
the data in a topological qudit with that encoded in some ancilla qudit. Physically,
this is more intricate than encoding, which amounts to creating a cycle class |ωi and
then applying stabilizer corrections for {gf }f ∈F generating Gf .
For retrieval, the central
point is that we may applyPa logical X operation to the
encoded qudit using O( n) gates. To see this, for ω = e ne e let X ⊗ω = ⊗e∈E Xene .
This might be thought of as a creation operator of an excitation of the loop ω,
and moreover X ⊗ω is an element of the centralizer of G not contained within
G. As such, it preserves the code space, and one readily verifies that it must
map |[jω]i 7→ |[(j + 1)ω]i, up to global phase. Hence, √we may apply controlledX operations targetting the topological qudit using O( n) physical controlled-X
We next consider a controlled-X operation controlled on the topological qudit and
targetting an ancilla. One must choose a cycle in the dual complex to Γ according to
ω, say η. For example, an earlier work [7, Fig.3] depicts a picket fence dual to a loop
generator of the first homology group of a torus. In order to perform the required
controlled-X, follow these steps.
• Prepare a second ancilla. Then prepare this second ancilla so that the Z eigenstate
of the ancilla measures Z ⊗η .
• Perform the controlled-X contingent on this second ancilla.
• Disentangle, i.e. reverse the qudit gates of the first step.
Consquently, we can perform either controlled-X to or from the topologically encoded
The ability to perform a two-qudit controlled-X gate implies the ability to
perform controlled modular addition. The composition begins with a single controlled
increment triggering when the control carries |1i, continues with two controlled
increments when the control carries |2i, etc. The entire circuit thus realizes a controlled
modular addition in a number of controlled-X gates roughly the triangular number of
d. Controlled modular subtraction is similar.
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
Finally, modular addition and subtraction allow us to SWAP the topological qudit
to an ancilla. For bits, the standard three CNOT swap relies on the fact that CNOT
exclusive-or’s one bit to another. Thus the CNOTs perform b1 b2 7→ b1 (b1 ⊕ b2 ) 7→
b2 (b1 ⊕ b2 ) 7→ b2 b1 . In like manner, we may perform suitably controlled and targetted
additions and subtractions for the following sequence of dit operations:
d1 d2 7→ d1 (d1 + d2 ) 7→ (−d2 )(d1 + d2 ) 7→ (−d2 )d1
Hence, modifying gates so that a control symbol with a + or − target means to add
or subtract the control respectively, we have the following diagram:
We have not described how to complete the gate |ji 7→ |d − ji on the topologically
ordered state. Rather than do so, we claim the top line as the ancilla. This is also
improves the cost of the controlled additions.
4.3. Modified constructions using ancillary qudits
In the quantum circuit model of computation ancillary particles are often used as a
means to assist in gate operations and as an entropy dump during error correction
cycles. In the context of surface codes it is tempting to borrow this idea and place
qudits at the center of each face and on each vertex of the cellulation Γ, so that the
appropriate stabilizer checks might be done in place (see Figure 1b). Recall, any
state may be projected into the groundstate of the topologically ordered Hamiltonian
H = H∂ +HKE using stabilizer checks to the Pauli tensors {gv }⊔{gf } ⊂ P(n, d) (§3.2.)
Each individual stabilizer check may then be performed using a certain sequence
of two-qudit gates and a neighboring ancilla (§2.2.) In fact, this basic observation
presents an auxilliary Hamiltonian which also computes the same topological order
as the original. Namely, on the face-edge-vertex qudit system, one may build a
Hamiltonian which is in the groundstate iff all the stabilizer checks gv and gf are
satisfied. For gv , suppose we use Σve for the sum gate targetting the qudit of vertex v
and take nv to be the qudit number operator on v. Then
(Σve )−1
(Σve )−1 nv
H̃v =
Then |ψi is in the groundstate of H̃v iff gv |ψi = |ψi. Similarly, fix a face f ∈ F with
∂f = ℓj=1 nj ej for nj ∈ {1, d−1}. We take Ff = ℓj=1 (Fd )ej and Uf = ℓj=1 (Σfej )nj
for Σfe the sum gate targetting the f qudit. Then for nf the number operator of the
qudit at the center of the face f , we label
H̃f = Ff Uf Ff † nf Ff Uf† Ff †
As before, we see that |ψi is in the groundstate of H̃f iff gf |ψi = |ψi. Thus for h > 0
and U > 0, if H̃ = U v H̃v + h f H̃f , then the groundstate of H̃ is also the code
space of G = h{gv } ⊔ {gf }i, i.e. the topologically ordered groundstate spanned by
{|[ω]i ; [ω] ∈ H1 (Γ, Fd )}.
We finish this section describing another utility for ancillary particles, namely
to mediate many body interactions present in the Hamiltonian H (Eq. 6) using
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
more physically motivated binary interactions. Consider the vertex constraint term
Hv = −(gv + gv† ) where the valence at that vertex is k. This k-local interaction
can be obtained as a perturbative limit of 2-local interactions between each d-level
qudit incident at v and a k-level ancillary qudit a located at the vertex. Begin with
a local Hamiltonian for the ancilla Ha = −Ea |0ia h0|, and a perturbing interaction
Va = Jv r=1 (Zeorr ⊗ |r − 1i hr| + h.c.), where Ea ≫ |Jv | and the edge orientations
give oj = 1 if ej = [∗, v] and oj = d − 1 if ej = [v, ∗]. By construction, the
lowest nontrivial, i.e. non identity, contribution to coupling in the ground subspace
Hgr = |0ia h0| (H0 + V ) |0ia h0| is the effective Hamiltonian Hveff = U (Hv + O(ǫ))
where U = (−1)k Ea (Jv /Ea )k with an error term of norm ||ǫ|| ≪ 1. By judicious
choice of sign(Jv ) it is possible to fix U > 0. A similar argument applies to building
the face constraint Hf using a j-level ancilla b located at face f to mediate interactions
between all j edges on the boundary of f . Here we choose Hb = −Eb |0ib h0| and
Vb = Jf r=1 (Xeorr ⊗ |r − 1i hr| + h.c.) such that Hf eff = h(Hf + O(ǫ)), where
h = (−1)j Eb (Jf /Eb )j . These mediator qudits could be placed on all the vertexes
and faces of Γ to build an effective Hamiltonian in the subspace spanned by states
with all ancillae in the |0i state.
An argument in Ref. [19] suggests that an effective Hamiltonian between spins on
a two complex can be built using such mediating interactions that closely approximates
a target Hamiltonian projected to its ground subspace Hgr = Pgr HPgr . In the present
context this would imply that for sufficiently large energies Ea , Eb both the degeneracy
of the ground subspace of H = H∂ + HKE as well as the energy gap to the excited
states could be accurately approximated by a model built from a sum of effective
vertex and face operators. An analysis regarding the validity of such constructions for
topologically ordered states is wanting, but is outside the scope of this work.
5. Other Homological Groundstates
We have originally presented the case of groundstates for H1 (Γ, Fd ) for d prime, in
order to present the new orientation conventions in the simplest possible context. This
section describes a construction for homological order on dits whose number of levels
is not prime but rather a prime power. Homological order for arbitrary composite d
follows immediately through a tensor product of the prime-power Hamiltonians.
5.1. Homology Fdℓ stabilizer codes
The hypothesis in the main text has been that qudits have d levels, for d a prime so
that each |ji is associated to an element of Fd . Recent work [11] extends stabilizer
techniques to the finite fields of order dℓ , i.e. Fdℓ , which exist for any ℓ ≥ 1.
The generic Fdℓ constitute all fields F with #F < ∞, so this is (perhaps)
the most general field for which a stabilizer code makes sense. The most typical
construction of Fdℓ is to consider the polynomial ring Fd [x] and divide out relations
in the ideal generated by some irreducible polynomial f (x) = xℓ + aℓ−1 xℓ−1 + . . . + a0 ,
aj ∈ Fd . It is typical to label α ∈ Fdℓ as the adjoined root corresponding to
the class of x. The Galois group of the extension Fdℓ over Fd , say K, then acts
as permutations of the roots of f (x). Note that Fdℓ is a vector space over the
scalars Fd . Moreover, multiplication by any fixed a ∈ Fdℓ may be viewed as a Fd linear map, with an associated matrix with entries in Fd . Computing the trace of
this matrix creates a map TraceFdℓ /Fd : Fdℓ → Fd . Another characterization is that
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
TraceFdℓ /Fd (x) = κ∈K (κ · x). To ground the discussion, let us review not extensions
over finite fields but rather TraceC/R (z) = z + z = 2Re(z). The complex conjugate
is the Galois action that interchanges i ↔ −i, for C = R[x]/(x2 + 1). We might
instead form a 2 × 2 matrix for multiplication by z = x + iy, which results in
µz = x |0i h0| − y |1i h0| − y |0i h1| + x |1i h1| with trace 2x.
For Fdℓ extending Fd the Galois group K is cyclic of order ℓ, generated by x7→xd
for x ∈ Fdℓ . Now κ generates a one-qud it unitary Uκ by Uκ |xi = |κ · xi, and the
corresponding diagonal unitary on the entire lattice will be denoted Ũκ .
5.1.1. Fourier transforms for Fdℓ Having reviewed the machinery of finite fields, we
next review what one would mean by a stabilizer code of Pauli matrices indexed by it
[11]. Since our earlier qudit operators X and Z for Fd had order d, we might instead
claim to have constructed an X operator and a Z operator for each a ∈ Fd , i.e. X a
and Z b . For Fdℓ , we do not take operator powers. Label H(1, dℓ ) = ⊕a∈Fdℓ C{|ai}.
Then suitable definitions are as follows, where we define ξ = exp(2πi/d).
X(a) |bi = |a + bi
TraceF ℓ /Fd (ab)
Z(a) |bi = ξ
For ℓ = 1, this generalizes the powers of earlier Pauli operators. Furthermore, with
these conventions we have a commutator relation:
X(a)Z(b) = ξ
ℓ ⊗n
/Fd (ab)
Finally, let H(n, d ) = H(1, d ) . In a slight abuse of notation, for a, b ∈ (Fdℓ ) we
will write a • b = TraceFdℓ /Fd (a0 b0 + a1 b1 + · · · + an−1 bn−1 ). Then we may generalize
the earlier commutatator formula for Pauli tensors as
[Z(b0 ) ⊗ Z(b1 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ Z(bn−1 )]
[X(a0 ) ⊗ X(a1 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ X(an−1 )]
ξ a•b [X(a0 ) ⊗ X(a1 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ X(an−1 )]
[Z(b0 ) ⊗ Z(b1 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ Z(bn−1 )]
Given this relation, one may define P(n, dℓ ) to be that group generated by products of
Pauli tensors indexed by Fdℓ , as above. Continuing, we may consider sets of particular
Pauli tensors X(a0 )Z(b0 )⊗· · ·⊗X(an−1 )Z(bn−1 ) and consider the stabilizer subspaces
of the subgroup G ⊂ P(n, dℓ ) they generate. The error lengths of such code are studied
in detail [11].
Before considering which of these stabilizer codes arise as topological orders,
we add a point omitted in the original treatments. Namely, we wish to propose
quantum circuits for the appropriate stabilizer checks. We suppose the existence
of a number operator measurement
which can output classical values in the finite
field, say abusively n = a∈F ℓ a |ai ha|. Then as with Fd , stabilizer checks would
follow given an appropriate Fourier transform Fdℓ : H(n, dℓ ) → H(n, dℓ ) which
maps X(a)
P eigenstates to |ai. This leads one to guess we should define Fdℓ |ai =
(dℓ )−1/2 b∈F ℓ Z(a) |bi, i.e.
X Trace
F ℓ /Fd (ab)
|bi ha|
Fdℓ = (dℓ )−1/2
However, note that X(a) now has degenerate eigenspaces when ℓ ≥ 2. Thus, it is not
clear the the above equation actually defines a unitary matrix.
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
We briefly comment on why unitarity holds. For convenience, let us drop the
subscript from the appropriate trace maps. A computation reveals that the unitarity
assertion is equivalent to knowing that for any fixed a ∈ Fdℓ which is nonzero,
ξ Trace(ab) = 0
Since a 6= 0 has a multiplicative inverse, this amounts to
ξ Trace(b) = 0
Now suppose we use α to denote the formally adjoined root of f (x) in Fdℓ =
Fd [x]/(f (x)). Then since every equivalence class may be written as a polynomial
of degree less than ℓ, we see that {αj }ℓ−1
j=0 is a basis of Fdℓ over Fd . In terms
of the last basis, we might express a generic polynomial class in coordinates as
b = bℓ−1 xℓ−1 + bℓ−2 xℓ−2 + · · · + b0 for bj ∈ Fd . Then Equation 22 becomes
Pd−1 Pd−1
bℓ−1 =0
bℓ−2 =0 · · ·
b0 =0
[ξ Trace(α ) ]bℓ−1 [ξ Trace(α ) ]bℓ−1 · · · [ξ Trace(1) ]b0
This will in fact be zero, unless all Trace(αj ) = 0 mod p, 0 ≤ j ≤ ℓ − 1. A standard
in field extensions is to form the discriminant of a basis, for our basis
∆ = ℓ−1
) |ki hj|. For a given basis, it is not possible that this matrix
∆ have determinant zero in Fd [17, Thm2.37,pg.61]. Since the first column of ∆ can
not then be zero, all Trace(αj ) may not be zero, and unitarity of Fdℓ follows.
5.1.2. Homological order for Fdℓ The chain complex for computing H1 (Γ, Fdℓ )
extends our early discussion by allowing for coefficients of the vertices, edges, and face
to be within Fdℓ , which in context is ℓ copies of Fd since only the additive structure
is relevant. Yet the previous section has nontrivally extended our definition of X and
Z operators to account for field multiplication, and these operators may be used to
form a homological order on the physical system in which qudℓ its (with dℓ levels) are
associated to the edges of Γ:
• For each vertex, we may again set gv =
e=[v,∗] Ze (−1) and
e=[∗,v] Ze (1)
Hv = −(gv + gv† ). Then again H∂ = U v∈V Hv .
• Again set gf = Xe1 (o1 )Xe2 (o2 )Xe3 (o3 ) . . . Xep (op ), where ∂f = ℓ=1 oℓ eℓ . Put
Hf = −(gf + gf† ). Given the generalization of the commutators of P
the new X and
Z operators, [Hf , Hv ] = 0 for any f ,v. Then for h > 0, HKE = h f ∈F Hf .
• So H = H∂ + HKE . A similar argument to that given before produces a basis
|[ω]i of the groundspace of H, as [ω] runs over all elements of H1 (Γ, Fdℓ ).
• These groundstates may again be viewed as a stabilizer code of G = h{gv , gf }i (
P(n, dℓ ). Stabilizer checks can be performed as before (see §2.2). The only
required modifications are that the quantum circuit uses the new Fourier
transform over Fdℓ to measure X(a) operators and powers thereof and the number
operator measurement now takes values in Fdℓ .
We close with one further comment. Recall Ũκ which act on each qudℓ it as
Uκ |ai = |κ · ai for κ the generator of the cyclic Galois group of Fdℓ extending Fd .
Now Ũκ H = H Ũκ , as one can verify directly using Hf and Hg . Thus we may view
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
Ũκ or more generally the Galois
action as a symmetry of the topologically ordered
groundstate. Also, πκ = ℓ−1 j=0 Uκj will then act as a projection collapsing the
groundstate associated to elements of H1 (Γ, Fdℓ ) onto the groundstate parametrized
by H1 (Γ, Fd ) as constructed in §3. In terms of Hamiltonians, πκ projects onto the
groundstate of Hκ = −(Uκ + Uκ† ), whose physical significance is unclear.
6. Z/dZ Gauge Theory and Anyonic Excitations
In our treatment of code subspaces, we have used the isomorphism between spins on a
surface and one-chains on a two complex to label the ground states of the Hamiltonian
H in terms of homology equivalence classes. The language of cell complexes also carries
over to describe the excited states. If we identify the ground subspace of H as the
vacuum then excited states are labeled by Fd valued boundaries of one chains on the
complex Γ or the dual complex Γ̃. These excitations can be viewed as massive particles
with definite statistics.
In this section we show by construction that our model is a Z/dZ gauge theory
with quasi-particles corresponding to dyonic combinations of charge and flux. These
quasi-particles have abelian anyonic statistics. We provide an algorithm in terms of
an interferometer circuit for measuring components of the scattering matrix.
6.1. Stabilizer errors as abelian anyons
Consider a two-complex Γ with a physical system of qudits associated to each edge
and a topologically ordered Hamiltonian H as above. We have already seen how
to associate a basis of the groundstate eigenspace with elements of H1 (Γ, Fd ). As
stabilizer states, it is well known that the groundstates are entangled. Abelian anyons
arise as entangled excitations of this system. In the qubit case, such excitations always
arise in pairs [12]. In our generalization, this is also true, and an excitation |ji is always
paired to an excitation |d − ji.
The linear algebra for constructing a charge anyon is as follows. First, choose
two vertices v1 and v2 of Γ on which the anyon should reside with charges j and
d − j respectively. Choose
P a chain ω with ∂ω = jv1 + (d − j)v2 . Recall from §3.2 the
projection π = (#F )−1 f ∈F gf which projects onto the stabilizer code of all the face
operators gf = ⊗e∈∂f (Xe )± . We set
ψcharge anyon
= π |ωi
The resulting state is an excited state of H∂ whose eigenenergy is 4U (1 − Re(e
above ground. It is not independent of the choice of ω, and this in fact allows for
an interesting geometric interpretation of the error length of the associated stabilizer
code [7].
For let ω1 and ω2 be two such choices, with |ψ1 i and |ψ2 i the resulting anyon
states. Then ω1 − ω2 is a cycle, and
|φi = π(|ω1 i − |ω2 i) = |ψ1 i − |ψ2 i
is the ground state eigenket associated to [ω1 −ω2 ] ∈ H1 (Γ, Fd ). Hence, if we encounter
such a charge anyon excitation which has sullied a qudit encoded in the groundstate
of H, then correcting it amounts to choosing an cancelling anyon or equivalently to
choosing a cycle on Γ. If the dual charges of the anyon are separated by roughly
half the diameter of the two-complex, then this choice is likely to cause an error. Yet
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
for nearby dual charges one might reasonably guess [ω1 − ω2 ] = [0]. In particular, if
Γ were to cellulate √
the square fundamental domain of a torus using n qudits on the
edges (implying Θ( n) qudits on a side,) then√we would expect an error length for
the associated stabilizer code to be roughly O( n) [7].
Similar comments apply not only to charge anyons but also flux anyons [12]. Here,
one chooses a path in the dual complex to Γ, i.e. a sequence of connected faces. Let
|[0]i be the homological groundstate associated to [0] ∈ H1 (Γ, Fd ). A flux charge of
multiplicity j on the endpoints of the face path is associated to
· · · gf±j
ψflux anyon = πv gf±j
where πv = (#V)−1 v∈V gv and the path consists of faces f1 , f2 , . . . , fℓ with the
signs allowing for orientation. The flux anyon theory follows quickly by considering
the charge anyons of the dual two-complex to Γ, say Γ̃. Faces of Γ become vertices
of Γ̃ while vertices become faces, and the graph of Γ̃ arises by connecting vertices
corresponding to incident faces of Γ. Suitable hypotheses on the cellulation of the
underlying two-manifold of Γ will cause this dualization procedure to be well behaved
[15], and one might associate charge-anyonic observation of flux anyons and vice versa
with pairings exploited in the proof of Poincaré duality.
6.2. Quasi-particle statistics
We next wish to study such anyon states, i.e. errors of the stabilizer code as
above. New notation for the excitations follows. A charge a ∈ Z/dZ at vertex v
is labeled by the state |(a, 0; (v, −))i such that h(a, 0; (v, −))| gv |(a, 0; (v, −))i = ξ a .
Similarly, flux b ∈ Z/dZ at face f is labeled by the state |(0, b; (−, f ))i such that
h(0, b; (−, f ))| gf† |(0, b; (−, f ))i = ξ b . A dyon refers to a bound state of charge and
flux at vertex v and face f neighboring each other, i.e. [v, ∗] ∈ ∂f or [∗, v] ∈ ∂f
and (a, b) ∈ (Z/dZ)2 . The state of such a dyon in Hilbert space will be denoted
|(a, b; (v, f ))i. For simplicity we restrict our discussion to simply connected compact
surfaces with boundary such that the ground (vacuum) state is nondegenerate §
Pauli-group elements local to a single edge of Γ produce dyons of the topological
order in particle anti-particle pairs. To see this, note that the operator Xea acting at
edge e = [v1 , v2 ] creates a pair of boundaries on the vertices, one with charge a at v1
and other with charge d − a at v2 . We name the charge d − a particle an anti-charge
to a. Similarly, the operator Zeb creates quasi-particles located on the two faces f1 and
f2 that share the edge e on their boundaries. Let face f1 be the face with opposite
orientation to e. Then the flux at f1 is b and the anti-flux at f2 has the value d − b.
A product operator X a Z −b acting on edge e creates the dyon (a, b) with charge a at
vertex v1 and flux b at face f1 (see Fig. 3a). When it might be clear from context,
we will drop the particle location labels (v, f ), e.g. particle anti-particle pairs might
be written as |(a, b); (−a, −b)i. The mass of a dyon is given by the expectation value:
ma,b = h(a, b)| H |(a, b)i − E0 = 2U (1 − Re[ξ a ]) + 2h(1 − Re[ξ b ]), where E0 is the
vacuum energy. The energy to create a particle antiparticle pair is twice this value.
Prior work in continuum field theory has considered dyon excitations in which
charges and fluxes take values in Z/dZ. The interactions described by a Z/dZ gauge
§ In general |(a, b); (v, f )i describes an equivalence class of pure states which results from applying
Xea Ze−b to any groundstate. For a degenerate vacuum, particle creation, followed by braiding and
annihilation can result in non trivial logical operations on the code subspace.
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
theory are completely characterized by the following rules [20].
|(a, b; (v, f ))i × |(a′ , b′ ; (v, f ))i = |(a + a′ , b + b′ ; (v, f ))i
R |(a, b; (v, f ))i |(a, b; (v ′ , f ′ ))i = ξ ab |(a, b; (v, f ))i |(a, b; (v ′ , f ′ ))i (28)
R2 |(a, b; (v, f ))i |(a′ , b′ ; (v ′ , f ′ ))i =
ξ (a b+b a) |(a, b; (v, f ))i |(a′ , b′ ; (v ′ , f ′ ))i
C |(a, b; (v, f ))i = |(−a, −b; (v, f ))i
T |(a, b; (v, f ))i = ξ ab |(a, b; (v, f ))i .
We next review these rules and argue that the dyonic excitations of our Hamiltonian
satisfy them.
The first relation is the fusion rule for particles occupying the same location where
addition is performed modulo d. In the context of our model this rule follows from the
additivity of boundaries of one chains. Indeed, it is the ability to annihilate particle
anti-particle pairs by choosing a trivial cycle on Γ or Γ̃ that makes correction of local
errors possible (see Fig. 3b). The next two rules describe the action of the monodromy
operator R which performs a counterclockwise exchange of one particle with another.
The quantum state of n indistinguishable particles residing on a surface belongs to
a Hilbert space that transforms as a unitary representation of the braid group Bn .
If we order the positions of the particles {(vj , fj )}nj=1 , then the n − 1 generators
of Bn correspond to the monodromy operator R acting on the particle pairs in the
locations {(vj , fj ), (vj+1 , fj+1 )}j=1
. For a Z/dZ gauge theory, the irreducible unitary
representation of Bn is one dimensional, meaning the particles are abelian anyons.
Notice that the definition of the monodromy operator involves orientation of the path
taken during particle exchange. For a non orientable surface, Z/dZ statistics for d > 2
are not allowed because the clockwise trajectory of particle around another is not
uniquely defined whereas the phases ξ, ξ −1 are distinguishable except for d = 2.
The braiding of one dyon around another is shown in Fig.
we begin with a state of two dyonic particle anti-particle pairs: |Ψi =
|(a, b); (−a, −b)i |(a′ , b′ ); (−a′ , −b′ )i in distinct locations on the surface. The mutual
statistics are determined by winding one dyon, (a, b) around the other (a′ , b′ ) in
a counterclockwise sense. This action is described by the square of monodromy
operator R, which exchanges two particles in a counterclockwise sense. A non trivial
phase is accumulated under the action of R2 because the closed loop string operators
that wind (a, b) collide with the strings connected the dyon (a′ , b′ ) with its antiparticle. In the example shown in Fig. 4a, the strings intersect at two locations
where we have the operators Z −b X −a = ξ a b X −a Z b and X −a Z b = ξ b a Z −b X −a .
Rewriting these operators with the action of the closed strings (Pauli operators
with unprimed powers) first has the advantage that the closed strings act trivially
provided that there are no other quasi-particles inside the closed loops. Hence we
have that R2 |Ψi = ξ (a b+b a) |Ψi. The preceding example illustrated the Aharanov
phase accumulated when winding one charge around a flux along a trajectory that
was local, i.e. did not explore the global properties of the surface. Were the flux
absent, then the path would be homotopic to a point. One can also define this
phase for trajectories that explore the global properties of the surface, but can be
continously deformed to a process where one anyon wraps around another. On a
torus, for example, the following process traces out non trivial cycles for the charges
and fluxes. Represent the torus as a square with opposite sides identified, labelling the
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
axes of the square x1 , x2 . Pick a non trivial cycle along the x1 direction of Γ, and call
it P1 . Similarly, pick a non-trivial cycle along the x2 direction of the dual Γ̃ and call it
P2 . To obtain the exchange statistics, first create the dyonic particle antiparticle pair
|Ψi = |(a, b; (v1 , f1 )); (−a, −b; (v2 , f2 ))i out of the vacuum state |Ψg i. Wind the charge
a around P1 so that it annihilates with its anticharge partner at site v2 . Next wind
the flux b around P2 so that it annihilates with its antiflux partner at face f2 . Create
another dyonic particle antiparticle pair |Ψ′ i = |(a, b; (v2 , f2 )); (−a, −b; (v1 , f1 ))i with
particle antiparticle positions reversed relative to |Ψi. Wind charge a around P1 in
the opposite direction to the first winding so that it annihilates with the anticharge at
site v1 and likewise, flux b along P2 in the opposite direction so that it annihilates with
the antiflux at face f2 . These four trajectories cross at one edge e and the action on
the state (for one choice of edge orientation) is |Ψg i → Ze−b Xe−a Zeb Xea |Ψg i = ξ ab |Ψg i.
If we embed the torus in R3 , then the worldlines described by intersecting strings in
the above process are equivalent under ambient isotopy to linked world lines on the
plane which describe winding the charge a around the flux b.
Identical quasi-particle statistics are determined by exchanging one dyon (a, b)
counterclockwise with another. Such a process is depicted in Fig. 4b. The action on
the state |Ψi = |(a, b)i |(a, b)i can be computed by annihilating particle-antiparticle
pairs after exchange, creating them again, and comparing the resultant state with the
initial state |Ψi. We can annihilate the charges on the left side first. Reversing the
order of the operator that created the dyon there, we have X a Z −b = ξ ab Z b X a and the
charges are annihilated by applying Z b . Similarly, the charges on the right side are
annihilated by applying a string of Z −b operators. Finally, the fluxes are annihilated
by applying X a or X −a along the remaining two connected strings. The action on the
wavefunction is then R |(a, b)i |(a, b)i = ξ ab |(a, b)i |(a, b)i.
The particle conjugation operator C in Eq. 30 reverses the sign of all the particles.
This is realized in our microscropic spin model by reversing the orientation of the all
the edges on the cellulation. Finally, the operation T in rule 31 rotates the charge
component of a dyon around its own flux, generating an Aharanov-Bohm phase in
the process. This is illustrated in Fig. 4b. Here the charge component of the dyon
(r, s) is wrapped around its flux component in a counterclockwise sense. During this
operation, there is a collision at the edge where the dyon was created. Rewriting
the operation on the edge as X 2r Z −s = ξ rs X r Z −s X r so that loop operation about
boundary of the face f acts trivially first, we have that T |r, s(v, f )i = ξ rs |r, s(v, f )i.
6.3. Measuring statistical phases
In any physical construction of a Hamiltonian that admits topologically ordered states
it will be important to verify the predicted properties. One, albeit crude, observable
is to measure the energy gap from a ground state to a first excited state. This
could be done by probing linear response of the ground states to a perturbing field
that generates local unitary operation at a frequency ωF . For a system with the
internal Hamiltonian Eq. 6, the expected resonant absorption occurs at frequencies
ωF = 2ma,b /~. However, as a witness to topological order, this measure is not
sufficient because there could be another spin Hamiltonian with equal gap that does
not possess topologically invariant correlations functions. Another more convincing
probe would be to directly compute the statistical phases in Eq. 29. Operationally,
this should be done by measuring both the phase φτ accumulated when one particle
(a, b) wraps around another (r, s) and the phase φ1 when the particle (a, b) traces out
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
Figure 3.
Quasi-particle excitations on a honeycomb cellulation.
Excitations appear in particle anti-particle pairs. Charges(anti-charges) appear
as boundaries on vertices represented by open(filled) diamonds, and fluxes(antifluxes) as boundaries on the faces represented by open(filled) squares. The
total charge and flux of any pair is zero. Shown is a flux pair |(0, c); (0, −c)i,
charge pairs |(j, 0); (j, 0)i , |(k, 0); (−k, 0)i and a bound state of charge and flux
pairs |(a, b); (−a, −b)i. Notice that strings of the same or different types are
allowed to intersect. (b) Fusion of quasi-particles. The upper two diagrams
illustrate corrective procedures to annihilate charge and flux excitations. The
lower two diagrams illustrate the fusion rules |(j, 0)i × |(k, 0)i = |(j + k, 0)i and
|(0, j)i × |(0, −k)i = |(0, j − k)i.
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
Figure 4. Braid relations. (a) Counterclockwise braiding of the dyon (a, b)
around the dyon (a′ , b′ ): R2 |(a, b)i |(a′ , b′ )i = ξ (a b+b a) |(a, b)i |(a′ , b′ )i. (b)
Counterclockwise exchange of identical dyons: R |(a, b); (a, b)i = ξ ab |(a, b); (a, b)i.
In the upper left hand side of the surface is shown the counterclockwise winding
of the charge component of a dyon (r, s) about its flux component generating an
Aharanov-Bohm phase according to T |(r, s)i = ξ rs |(r, s)i.
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
Figure 5. Protocol for measuring quasi-particle statistics. The green circle
represents an ancillary particle which performs conditional gate operations on the
qudit residing on edge e = [v2 , v0 ]. The red lines indicate operations which are
done adiabatically with respect to the energy gap ∆E. The inset is a simplified
space-time diagram of the braid.
the same path in configuration space but does not enclose the particle (r, s). The phase
difference φτ − φ1 = φtop subtracts out dynamical phases and Berry’s phases, leaving
only topological information. We sketch an algorithm for computing this phase using
operations in accordance with the two complex illustrated in Fig. 5. Adaptation to
other cellulations is straightforward.
(i) Beginning from a ground state |Ψ(0)i, prepare a state with two particle antiparticle pairs in disjoint regions of the surface:
= |(a, b; (v3 , f3 )); (−a, −b; (v4 , f4 ))i
|(r, s; (v0 , f0 )); (−r, −s; (v1 , f1 ))i .
(ii) Prepare an ancillary qubit a in the state |+x ia = √12 (|0ia + |1ia ) and use this
qubit to perform the controlled unitary operation ∧1 (Xe−r Zes ) = |0ia h0| ⊗ 1d +
|1ia h1|⊗Xe−r Zes (with (r, s) 6= (0, 0)) on the qudit residing on the edge e = [v2 , v0 ].
Measure the ancilla in the x̂ basis and record the result m = ±1. The resultant
state is |Ψ(2)i = √12 (|Ψ(1)i + (−1)m Xe−r Zes |Ψ(1)i), where
Xe−r Zes |Ψ(1)i =
is orthogonal to |Ψ(1)i.
|(a, b; (v3 , f3 )); (−a, −b; (v4 , f4 ))i
|(r, s; (v2 , f2 )); (−r, −s; (v1 , f1 ))i
(iii) Use a sequence of local spin operations to drag the dyon at location (v2 , f2 ) to the
location (v5 , f5 ). These operations should be done adiabatically, i.e. they should
be done using localized control fields with frequency components much smaller
than the minimum gap energy ∆E. In this way no new particles will be created,
only the component of the wavefunction with the dyon located at (v2 , f2 ) will be
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
changed. Instead of using control fields to perform local spin operations, another
possibility is to slowly decrease the values of U and h on the vertices and faces in
the path from (v2 , f2 ) to (v5 , f5 ) so that it is energetically favorable for the dyon
to follow this path. The resultant state is: |Ψ(3)i = √12 (|Ψ(1)i + (−1)m |Ψ′ i),
|Ψ′ i = |(a, b; (v3 , f3 )); (−a, −b; (v4 , f4 ))i
|(r, s; (v5 , f5 )); (−r, −s; (v1 , f1 ))i .
(iv) Braid the dyon (a, b; (v3 , f3 )) in a counterclockwise sense around the location
(v5 , f5 ) such that it returns to location (v3 , f3 ). The state is now: |Ψ(4)i =
√1 (|Ψ(1)i + (−1)m ξ (sa+rb) |Ψ′ i).
(v) Perform the inverse of the operations in step iii, again insuring that no new
quasi-particles are created during the process. The resulting state is: |Ψ(5)i =
√1 (|Ψ(1)i + (−1)m ξ (sa+rb) eiχ X −r Z s |Ψ(1)i), where we have included χ, the sum
of dynamical and Berry’s phases that may have accumulated during steps ii-iv.
(vi) Reprepare the ancilla in the state |+x ia and perform the controlled unitary
operation ∧1 ((−1)m Ze−s Xer ). Measure the qubit in the x̂ basis. The expectation
value is:
hσax iτ = 21 cos(χ + φtop )+
δ2r,0 δ2s,0 cos(χ + φtop − 2πrs/d) ,
where φtop = 2π(sa + rb)/d.
(vii) Repeat steps i-vi but measure the ancilla in the ŷ basis. The expectation value
hσay iτ = 12 sin(χ + φtop )−
δ2r,0 δ2s,0 sin(χ + φtop − 2πrs/d) ,
(viii) Perform a similar experiment but this time using a trivial braiding operation, i.e.
perform the steps in the order (i,ii,iv,iii,v,vi,vii) so that the braid is contractible.
Then the expectation values are
hσax i1 =
cos χ + δ2r,0 δ2s,0 cos(χ − 2πrs/d) ,
sin χ − δ2r,0 δ2s,0 sin(χ − 2πrs/d) .
hσay i1 =
(ix) Compute the topological phase φtop from an ensemble average obtained by
repeated measurements on identically prepared systems.
As a simple example, consider the computation of the mutual statistics of charge
and a flux for d = 2. Setting (r, s) = (0, 1) and (a, b) = (1, 0), the expected
measurement results are hσax iτ = 12 cos(χ + φtop ), hσay iτ = 0, hσax i1 = 12 cos χ,
hσay i1 = 0. If desired, the phase χ could be engineered to vary in a controlled manner
over different trials in order to improve the visibility of the phase shift φtop . For d > 2
it is always possible to choose the probe dyon such that δ2r,0 δ2s,0 = 0. In this case, φtop
is estimated by finding the closest solution to eiφtop = (hσax iτ +ihσay iτ )/(hσax i1 +ihσay i1 ).
Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups
7. Conclusions
We have proven the existence of a microscopic spin model that provides for
topologically protected qudit encodings. This model describes a Z/dZ gauge theory
with abelian charge/flux dyons as excitations. The construction is quite general,
allowing for arbitrary cellulations of an orientable surface and encoding qudits with
any finite number of levels. Suggested adaptations to the standard spin models
using ancilla for in place stabilizer checks could prove advantageous in any physical
implementation of such codes. Moreover, with some limited degree of local control
it is possible to measure the anyonic statistical phases. Given that these properties
are difficult to measure in quantum Hall systems, this could provide a novel probe of
topological order.
7.1. Acknowledgments
GKB appreciates helpful conversations with Xiao-Gang Wen, Bei-Lok Hu, and John
Preskill. Part of this work was completed at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
2006 Workshop on Topological Phases and Quantum Computation. This research
was supported in part by the Austrian Science Foundation and the National Science
Foundation under Grant No. PHY99-07949.
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