Inverse Problems
Recent papers in Inverse Problems
A model of the multibeam echosounding process was developed. This model has now been used as the basis for the application of a model inversion technique, with the aim of analyzing midwater multibeam echosounder data, for fisheries... more
The magnetic field around the Moon has been successfully observed at a nominal altitude of ∼100 km by the lunar magnetometer (LMAG) on the SELENE (Kaguya) spacecraft in a polar orbit since October 29, 2007. The LMAG mission has three main... more
The availability and performance of laser-based adaptive optics (AO) systems are strongly dependent on the power and quality of the laser beam before being projected to the sky. Frequent and time-consuming alignment procedures are usually... more
A new model describing laser noise in terms of non-Markovian stochastic phase jumps has been recently introduced. In this letter an exact expression for the correlation function for the electric field is obtained. This expression, valid... more
The uncertain conductivity value of skull and brain tissue influences the accuracy of the electroencephalogram (EEG) inverse problem solution. Indeed, when the assumed conductivity in the numerical procedure is different from the actual... more
—Hough transform (HT) is a typical method to detect or segment geometry objects from images. In this paper, we study the principle of Hough Transform and its mathematical expressions, and try to use a new approach based on Hough transform... more
In this paper, the deterministic parameter identification procedure proposed in a companion paper is applied to suction-dependent elasto-plasticity problems. A mathematical model for such type of problems is firstly presented, then it is... more
Projection data obtained through optical techniques for tomographic measurements, such as interferometry for refractive-index-based measurements, are often incomplete. This is due to limitations in the optical system, data storage, and... more
With respect to the microwave imaging of the dielectric properties in an imaging region, the full derivation of a new inversion algorithm based on the contrast source inversion (CSI) algorithm and a finite-element method (FEM)... more
This paper concerns the reconstruction of an anisotropic conductivity tensor $\gamma$ from internal current densities of the form $J = \gamma\nabla u$, where $u$ solves a second-order elliptic equation $\nabla\cdot(\gamma\nabla u) = 0$ on... more
In this paper, we investigate the inverse problem of determining the potential of the Schrödinger equation from finite measurements on the boundary. It is well known that this is an ill posed problem in the sense of Hadamard. The... more
Capability in accurately determining the permittivity of a dielectric specimen is significant for a number of reasons. In this study, a new method is proposed to estimate the texture of the test rod with negligible error. It is based on... more
Bregman iterative algorithms have been extensively used for l1 and TV regularization problems, allowing to obtain simple, fast and effective algorithms. In this paper, a coordinate descent algorithm for geosounding inversion is modified... more
In this paper, we derive a principal component regression (PCR) method for estimating the optical flow between frames of video sequences according to a pel-recursive manner. This is an easy alternative to dealing with mixtures of motion... more
The Marchenko inversion method of the one-dimensional non-relativistic quantum mechanics is generalised to perturbations. The change in the potential that corresponds to a finite change in the scattering matrix is obtained by formulating... more
Two new fast algorithms for computing the inverse modified discrete cosine transform (IMDCT) as used in the adaptive spectral entropy coder (ASPEC) [2] are proposed. A fixed-point error analysis is presented to determine the number of... more
A numerical approximation of the Green's function equation based on a heat-flux formulation is given. It is derived by assuming as a functional form of the surface heat flux a stepwise variation with space and time. The obtained... more
Many works related learning from examples to regularization techniques for inverse problems, emphasizing the strong algorithmic and conceptual analogy of certain learning algorithms with regularization algorithms. In particular it is well... more
We give and prove two new and fundamental properties of total-variationminimizing function regularization (TV regularization): edge locations of function features tend to be preserved, and under certain conditions are preserved exactly;... more
An ionospheric reconstruction method is developed that is capable of simultaneously utilizing information from all possible sources of ionospheric measurement. We describe the method and demonstrate its performance on ionospheric data... more
L'Assimilation de Données est un cadre méthodologique utilisé en sciences de l'environnement pour la prédiction des systèmes complexes, que sont les modèles météorologiques, océanographiques, ou encore de qualité de l'air. L'Assimilation... more
This paper discusses the results of geoacoustic inversion carried out using explosive charge data from the Asian Seas International Acoustic Experiment (ASIAEX) East China Sea (ECS) Experiment. A multifrequency incoherent matched-field... more
Rooms for music are often designed starting from a shape known from past experience to perform well acoustically. We reverse this design process by defining an acoustical signature and using it to generate novel room shapes. Our method... more
This paper considers synthetic aperture radar and other synthetic aperture imaging systems in which a backscattered wave is measured from a variety of locations.
Literature on Unified Modeling Language (UML) and aspect-orientation often focus on improving the software development process [2]. This paper presents a systems engineering perspective that motivates an aspect-oriented software... more
NP Complete (abbreviated as NPC) problems, standing at the crux of deciding whether P=NP, are among hardest problems in computer science and other related areas. Through decades, NPC problems are treated as one class. Observing that NPC... more
An important component of any spatial temporal gradient motion estimation algorithm is the accuracy by which spatial gradients are calculated. When an image sequence is corrupted by noise, the problem of determining these spatial... more
This paper presents an efficient method for the design of complex fiber Bragg gratings. The method relies on the synthesis of the impulse response of the grating by means of a differential layer-peeling algorithm. The algorithm developed... more
The development of energy selective, photon counting X-ray detectors allows for a wide range of new possibilities in the area of computed tomographic image formation. Under the assumption of perfect energy resolution, here we propose a... more
System-on-Chip designs require low cost integration of analog and digital blocks. Often, the analog requirements are not considered sufficiently early in the device design cycle, resulting in devices that are suboptimal for the analog... more
An inverse problem of construction of chemical structures with given value of property is considered. An algorithm for the solution of the inverse problem for the case of correlating equation "property-topological 'K"-indiCeS" is... more
In this paper the problem of recovering a regularized solution of the Fredholm integral equations of the first kind with Hermitian and square-integrable kernels, and with data corrupted by additive noise, is considered. Instead of using a... more
Some iterative matrix relations for the geometric, kinematic and dynamic analysis of a Delta parallel robot are established in this paper. The prototype of this manipulator is a three degree of freedom spatial mechanism, which consists of... more
The investigation of the earth's internal structure is of great interest in areas as diverse as civil engineering, water management and oil exploration. A common technique looks to estimate the electrical conductivity of the subsurface, a... more
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a coherent active microwave imaging method. In remote sensing it is used for mapping the scattering properties of the Earth's surface in the respective wavelength domain. Many physical and geometric... more
Karst aquifers are characterized by extreme heterogeneity due to the presence of karst conduits embedded in a fractured matrix having a much lower hydraulic conductivity. The resulting contrast in the physical properties of the system... more
The paper presents a cognitive architecture for solution of inverse kinematics problem (IKP) of 6-DOF elbow manipulator with spherical wrist by Locally Recurrent Neural Networks (LRNNs) and simulated the solution by using MATLAB/Simulink.... more
Stress inversions are a useful and popular tool for structural geologist and seismologist alike. These methods were first introduced by Wallace (1951) and Bott (1959) and subsequent studies continue to be based on their assumptions: the... more
Data assimilation systems allow for estimating surface fluxes of greenhouse gases from atmospheric concentration measurements. Good knowledge about fluxes is essential to understand how climate change affects ecosystems and to... more