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The Odor Awareness Scale (OAS) is a questionnaire designed to assess individual differences in awareness of odors in the environment. The theory that odor awareness can be distinguished in awareness of negative (to be avoided) odors and... more
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      ChemicalHealthQuestionnaire designBiological Sciences
BACKGROUND: Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Mill spp. chiloensis form chiloensis, is a strawberry that produces white fruits with unique aromas. This species, endemic to Chile, is one of the progenitors of Fragaria x ananassa Duch. In order to... more
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      Animal communicationMammalsHymenopteraBiological Sciences
A highly uncommon odorant, 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol was detected by using Gas Chromatography-Olfactometry (GC-O) and unequivocally identified for the first time in wine. A purge and trap sampling technique which provides highly... more
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      Analytical ChemistryWineFood AnalysisReproducibility of Results
Background: Whether Parkinson's disease (PD) influences suprathreshold changes in perceived odor intensity is unknown. In patients with Alzheimer's disease, patients with schizophrenia, and the elderly, such perception is reportedly... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMovement disordersSmellClinical Sciences
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      MusicAdolescentWineBiological Sciences
Twenty-one subjects were studied to evaluate the effect of renewal of sensory stimulations of previously eaten foods on sensory-specific satiety and intake. The subjects ate French fries then brownie cakes ad libitum in three situations:... more
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      AdolescentHungerBiological SciencesFood Consumption
The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the human hippocampus in episodic retrieval of odors, in comparison with episodic retrieval of visual objects. Subjects encoded a set of unique odors and objects, and retrieval was... more
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      Cognitive ScienceVisual perceptionMagnetic Resonance ImagingEpisodic Memory
The investigation of the semantic space associated with subjective affective experiences or feelings linked to odour perception has recently emerged. Because of the specificity of the emotional effects of odours, the terms derived from... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSemanticsPsychometrics
Behavioral evidence indicates that odor evoked autobiographical memories (OEAMs) are older, more emotional, less thought of, and induce stronger time traveling characteristics than autobiographical memories (AMs) evoked by other... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMagnetic Resonance ImagingEpisodic Memory
Totalitarian regimes smell bad, literally and symbolically. The Nazi regime attempted to regulate the fashion and beauty industries via a prescribed natural, cosmetics-free ideal for women. At the other end of the olfactory spectrum, the... more
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      Holocaust StudiesConsumer CultureNazi GermanyHistory of Cosmetics and Perfumes in General
Can scents evoke nostalgia; what might be the psychological implications of such an evocation? Participants sampled 12 scents and rated the extent to which each scent was familiar, arousing and autobiographically relevant, as well as the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceFace recognition (Psychology)Episodic Memory
L’articolo propone una lettura del racconto Il nome, il naso, che si trova nella prima raccolta postuma di Calvino, Sotto il sole giaguaro (Garzanti, 1986), nonostante la stesura e una prima pubblicazione risalgano all’inizio degli anni... more
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      Italian Studies"New" senses in art: touch, smell, tasteItalian Literature20th Century Italian Literature
Changes in smell function can modify feeding behaviour but there is little evidence of how acute negative energy balance may impact olfaction and palatability. In a within-subjects repeated measures design, 15 subjects (nine male; six... more
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The article is devoted to the problem of the visitors’ olfactory perception of museums. The smells are an important part of the intangible heritage, and the use of smells can stimulate personal and collective olfactory memories, which... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseumMuseum AnthropologyMuseums and Exhibition Design
We review our recent behavioural and imaging studies testing the consequences of congenital blindness on the chemical senses in comparison with the condition of anosmia. We found that congenitally blind (CB) subjects have increased... more
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      BlindnessSmellNeuronal PlasticityTaste
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      Brain MappingSmellOdorsOlfactory Bulb
This overview focuses on autobiographical odor memory and how information evoked by the olfactory sense may differ from memories evoked by visual or verbal information. Three key topics are addressed: (a) age distributions of evoked... more
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The human brain's ability to adapt to environmental changes is obvious in specific sensory domains of experts, and olfaction is one of the least investigated senses. As we have previously demonstrated that olfactory expertise is related... more
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      PerfumeMagnetic Resonance ImagingBrain MappingBrain
Basic neuroscience research provides strong evidence for the role of oxytocin in olfactory processes and social affiliation in rodents. Given prior indication of olfactory impairments that are linked to greater severity of asociality in... more
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      SchizophreniaOxytocinOdorsOlfactory perception
symbol Congruency Olfactory event-related potentials a b s t r a c t
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive SciencePsychophysics
An induction of disgust can lead to more negative attitudes toward an entire social group: Participants who were exposed to a noxious ambient odor reported less warmth toward gay men. This effect of disgust was equally strong for... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEmotionPolitics
Orthonasal Retronasal Flavor fMRI a b s t r a c t Eating implies mutual interactions between different senses. In the present work we aimed at studying relations between food texture and food odor, using both psychophysical and imaging... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMagnetic Resonance ImagingPrefrontal CortexBrain Mapping
Mammals rely heavily on olfaction to interact adequately with each other and with their environment 1 . They make use of seventransmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors to identify odorants and pheromones. These receptors are present on... more
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryBioinformaticsEvolutionary Biology
The aim of this study was to investigate whether UPSIT (The University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test) clinical olfactory function test is suitable to assess olfactory function in Turkish population.
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      TurkeySmellYoung AdultOlfactory perception
Phylogenetically the most ancient sense, olfaction is characterized by a unique intimacy with the emotion system. However, mechanisms underlying olfaction-emotion interaction remain unclear, especially in an ever-changing environment and... more
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      NeuroscienceAdolescentAnxietyCerebral Cortex
The TOR1A and THAP1 genes were screened for mutations in a cohort of 21 Brazilian patients with Primary torsion dystonia (PTD). We identified a de novo delGAG mutation in the TOR1A gene in a patient with a typical DYT1 phenotype and a... more
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      Cognitive ScienceHeterogeneityMovement disordersOlfaction
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceMethodology
Background: Several carbohydrate-based models of feeding have been described. The influence of the substrate oxidation rate on liking, wanting, and macronutrient selection, however, is not known in humans. Objective: The aim of this study... more
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      EngineeringCarbon DioxideDietEnergy Metabolism
To sense myriad environmental odors, animals have evolved multiple, large families of divergent olfactory receptors. How and why distinct receptor repertoires and their associated circuits are functionally and anatomically integrated is... more
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Some chemicals elicit innate emotionally laden behavioral responses. Pheromones mediate sexual attraction, parental care or agonistic confrontation, whereas predators' kairomones elicit defensive behaviors in their preys. This essay... more
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      Animal BehaviorFearPheromonesSignal Transduction
Like odor perception, odor imagery is characterized by wide variability between individuals. The present two-part study sought to assess whether this inter-individual variability is underlain by behavioral differences in actual odor... more
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      MultidisciplinaryQuestionnairesOlfactory perception
Odor stimuli presented to one nostril can only be localised if they additionally activate the trigeminal nerve's chemosensitive fibers. In this study we aimed to investigate characteristics in the localisation of unilateral trigeminal,... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive ScienceAdolescent
Interest in nutrient-rich berry juices is growing, but their high polyphenol levels render 1 them sensorily unappealing. Fifty adults, who were assessed for sensory phenotype and dietary 2 behaviors, provided sensory and palatability... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisDietAdolescentMultidisciplinary
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)SemanticsEtymologyFrench language
Metaphorical effects are commonly assumed to be unidirectional, running from concrete to abstract domains but not vice versa. Noting that metaphorical effects are often found to be bidirectional, we explore how they may be mediated and... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceExperimental games
The human ability to localize odorants has been examined in a number of studies, but the findings are contradictory. In the present study we investigated the human sensitivity and ability to localize hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S), which in... more
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      Carbon DioxideBiological SciencesSignal Detection TheorySmell
Olfactory loss is considered as idiopathic (IOL) when no cause can be found, neither on the basis of a standardized history nor a thorough clinical evaluation. Olfactory bulb volume (OB) has been shown to be decreased in patients with... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingPrefrontal CortexAllergic rhinitisSmell
The present study aimed to investigate olfactory anhedonia and olfactory negative alliesthesia in depressed patients. Two odorants, one with pleasant (vanillin), and one with unpleasant (butyric acid) hedonic valence were evaluated by 30... more
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      PsychiatryDepressionFace recognition (Psychology)Probability
In humans, the pleasantness of odors is a major contributor to social relationships and food intake. Smells evoke attraction and repulsion responses, reflecting the hedonic value of the odorant. While olfactory preferences are known to be... more
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      MultidisciplinaryMicePLoS oneFood intake
To develop a method for evaluating and designing the retronasal aroma of espresso, sensory evaluation data was correlated with data obtained from gas chromatography/olfactometry (GC/O, CharmAnalysis TM ) and from an electronic nose system... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFood ScienceColombiaElectronics
Many previous studies have attempted to investigate the effect of visual cues on olfactory perception in humans. The majority of this research has only looked at the modulatory effect of color, which has typically been explained in terms... more
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      CognitionVisual perceptionAttentionAdolescent
Pavlovian fear conditioning has been thoroughly studied in the visual, auditory and somatosensory domain, but evidence is scarce with regard to the chemosensory modality. Under the assumption that Pavlovian conditioning relies on the... more
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      PainMagnetic Resonance ImagingBrain MappingClassical Conditioning
Flavor is a result of the complex combination of olfactory, gustatory and trigeminal sensations perceived during oral processing of foods, including thermal, painful, tactile and/or kinesthetic effects. Aim of this study was to better... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisElectroencephalographyEvoked PotentialsMultisensory Integration
In nature, animals form memories associating reward or punishment with stimuli from different sensory modalities, such as smells and colors. It is unclear, however, how distinct sensory memories are processed in the brain. We established... more
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      Drosophila melanogasterLearningMemoryReward
While we humans exist in space through our bodies, we experience it via all our senses and build up an integrated knowledge of the world in our memories. However, children’s conception of the world differs from adults due to their... more
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      PsychologyArchitectureAuditory PerceptionVisual perception
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      Art HistoryMuseum Studies"New" senses in art: touch, smell, tasteModern Art
The present study aimed to investigate olfactory anhedonia and olfactory negative alliesthesia in depressed patients. Two odorants, one with pleasant (vanillin), and one with unpleasant (butyric acid) hedonic valence were evaluated by 30... more
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      PsychiatryDepressionFace recognition (Psychology)Probability
Little is known about the influence of visual characteristics other than colour on flavor perception, and the complex interactions between more than two sensory modalities. This study focused on the effects of recognizability of visual... more
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      PerceptionMultidisciplinaryFood QualitySucrose
The central gustatory pathways are part of the brain circuits upon which rest the decision to ingest or reject a food. The quality of food stimuli, however, relies not only on their taste but also on properties such as odor, texture and... more
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      EducationObesityBiological SciencesBlood Glucose