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Scent-evoked nostalgia
Chelsea A. Reid , Jef f rey D. Green , Tim Wildschut & Const ant ine Sedikides
Depart ment of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealt h Universit y, Richmond, VA, USA
Depart ment of Psychology, Universit y of Sout hampt on, Sout hampt on, UK
Published online: 23 Jan 2014.
To cite this article: Chelsea A. Reid, Jef f rey D. Green, Tim Wildschut & Const ant ine Sedikides , Memory (2014):
Scent -evoked nost algia, Memory, DOI: 10. 1080/ 09658211. 2013. 876048
To link to this article: ht t p: / / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1080/ 09658211. 2013. 876048
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Memory, 2014
Scent-evoked nostalgia
Chelsea A. Reid1, Jeffrey D. Green1, Tim Wildschut2, and Constantine Sedikides2
Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA
Department of Psychology, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Downloaded by [] at 06:36 27 January 2014
(Received 1 July 2013; accepted 11 December 2013)
Can scents evoke nostalgia; what might be the psychological implications of such an evocation?
Participants sampled 12 scents and rated the extent to which each scent was familiar, arousing and
autobiographically relevant, as well as the extent to which each scent elicited nostalgia. Participants who
were high (compared to low) in nostalgia proneness reported more scent-evoked nostalgia, and scents
elicited greater nostalgia to the extent that they were arousing, familiar and autobiographically relevant.
Scent-evoked nostalgia predicted higher levels of positive affect, self-esteem, self-continuity, optimism,
social connectedness and meaning in life. In addition, scent-evoked nostalgia was characterised by
more positive emotions than either non-nostalgic autobiographical memories or non-nostalgic nonautobiographical memories. Finally, scent-evoked nostalgia predicted in-the-moment feelings of personal
(general or object-specific) nostalgia. The findings represent a foray into understanding the triggers and
affective signature of scent-evoked nostalgia.
Keywords: Nostalgia; Olfaction; Scent-evoked nostalgia; Psychological functions; Autobiographical
The kitchen smells of yeast, a nostalgic smell. It
reminds me of other kitchens, kitchens that were
mine. It smells of mothers; … It smells of me, in
former times, when I was a mother.
Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale (1998,
p. 47)
A wave of recent research has established nostalgia as a self-conscious emotion and has yielded
insights into its subjective experience. Nostalgia, a
sentimental longing for one’s valued past, entails
bitter–sweet affect, albeit considerably more positive than negative, and refers to momentous
occasions where the self and close others come
together (e.g., birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, reunions, cultural rituals such as Thanksgiving)
(Sedikides, Wildschut, Arndt, & Routledge, 2006,
2008). Importantly, nostalgia serves central psychological functions. Nostalgic reverie increases
positive affect (Stephan, Sedikides, & Wildschut,
2012; Wildschut, Sedikides, Arndt, & Routledge,
2006), enhances self-esteem (Hepper, Ritchie,
Sedikides, & Wildschut, 2012; Wildschut et al.,
2006), strengthens self-continuity (i.e., the connection between one’s past and one’s present; Sedikides, Wildschut, Gaertner, Routledge, & Arndt,
2008; Sedikides et al., 2013), raises optimism
(Cheung et al., 2013), instils a sense of social
connectedness (Hepper et al., 2012; Zhou, Sedikides, Wildschut, & Gao, 2008) and imbues life
with meaning (Routledge et al., 2011; Routledge,
Wildschut, Sedikides, Juhl, & Arndt, 2012).
In all of past research, nostalgia has been
induced through narrative tasks, song lyrics or
music. In the case of narrative tasks, participants are
typically asked to reflect on a nostalgic (vs. ordinary
autobiographical) experience, summarise it with
Address correspondence to: Chelsea A. Reid, Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University, 806 West Franklin
Street, Richmond, VA 23284, USA. E-mail:
[email protected]
We thank Charles Duda, Jackie Molyneaux, Jacob Stringer, and Jacob Waymire for their assistance.
© 2014 Taylor & Francis
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keywords and write a brief essay about it (Routledge, Arndt, Sedikides, & Wildschut, 2008; Wildschut et al., 2006). In the case of song lyrics,
participants read lyrics of a song that they previously identified as personally nostalgic (vs. lyrics
of a song that another participant identified as
personally nostalgic; Cheung et al., 2013, Study 4;
Routledge et al., 2011). In the case of music,
participants listen to a variety of brief musical
excerpts (Barrett et al., 2010) or to a particular
song that is considered to be evocative of nostalgia, as determined by pre-testing (vs. a nonnostalgic song; Cheung et al., 2013, Study 3;
Sedikides et al., 2013). In all cases, the ensuing
experience of nostalgia is assessed via validated
scales, such as a 3-item general nostalgia scale
(Wildschut et al., 2006) or a 20-item object-specific
nostalgia scale (Batcho, 1995).
We would like to describe in more detail the
research on music-evoked nostalgia, as it is particularly relevant to our current concerns. Barrett
et al. (2010) reported that 26% of 6720 brief
musical excerpts evoked nostalgia (i.e., were rated
at least “somewhat nostalgic” in response to the
question “How nostalgic does this song make you
feel?”). Music elicited greater nostalgia (1) to the
extent that it was more arousing, familiar, autobiographically relevant or emotion-provoking, and
(2) among individuals who were high in dispositional proneness to nostalgic engagement. Barrett
et al. also compared the emotional profile of songs
that elicited nostalgia with the profile of songs that
did not elicit nostalgia but did elicit other autobiographical memories and with the profile of songs
that elicited neither nostalgia nor other autobiographical memories. Music-evoked nostalgia was
more strongly associated with both joy and sadness compared to the other two experiential
categories, which, in turn, were more strongly
associated with irritation than were nostalgic
We aimed, in this article, to expand on the
elicitors of nostalgia and its accompanying functions. By doing so, we endeavoured to widen the
scope of nostalgia research, broaden the construct’s relevance to psychological functioning
and bolster its ecological validity. We were concerned, in particular, with a new nostalgia elicitor,
namely scent-based cues. Scents have a special link
to autobiographical memories, especially emotional ones (Chu & Downes, 2000, 2002; Erlichman & Halpern, 1988). As such, olfactory cues
may readily evoke nostalgia, which is tethered to
emotional memories (Hepper et al., 2012; Turner,
Wildschut, Sedikides, & Gheorghiu, 2013). Many
individuals have had the experience of a scent
transporting them back to their elementary school
or Grandmother’s house—experiences likely tinged
with nostalgia. The power of scents to provoke
vivid and emotionally charged autobiographical
memories has been labelled the Proust phenomenon (e.g., Chu & Downes, 2000), after Proust’s
forceful experience of being jolted back to his
childhood upon smelling (and tasting) a teasoaked cake (Proust, 1922/1960).
Research has validated several elements of the
Proust phenomenon. Scent-cued memories are
more distant in time relative to memories cued
by verbal labels, peaking at ages 6–10 versus ages
11–25 (Chu & Downes, 2000; Willander & Larsson, 2006), thus perhaps having the potential to
spark greater nostalgia (Stephan et al., 2012).
Also, scent-cued memories are relatively emotional, vivid and detailed (Chu & Downes, 2002;
Herz & Cupchik, 1992). For example, Herz (2004)
had participants recall an autobiographical memory via a verbal label (e.g., campfire, freshly mown
grass), and then re-recall this memory from
olfactory (i.e., oil-based beads), visual (i.e., 5 s
film clip) or auditory (5 s sound clip) cues. Scentcued memories were more emotional and evocative than memories cued via visual or auditory
stimuli. In general, scent-cued memories (1) contain more emotional and relevant details than
visually cued memories (Chu & Downes, 2002)
and (2) are more strongly linked to a sense of being
brought back in time than visually- or verbally
cued memories (Willander & Larsson, 2006).
One reason for the strong link between olfaction and memory emotionality may be that the
olfactory bulb is linked to structures such as the
amygdala and hippocampus, which are associated
with emotional experience and memory (Buchanan, 2007; Cahill, Babinsky, Markowitsch, &
McGaugh, 1995). According to positron emission
tomography studies, olfactory cues activate the
amygdala more than auditory or visual cues do,
while scent-cued (compared to word-cued) memories are associated with greater limbic and temporal lobe activity, which is involved in positive
memory processing (Royet et al., 2000). In addition, autobiographical information that is retrieved
following an olfactory cue is related to more widespread prefrontal cortex activity, a region involved
in autobiographical memory retrieval (Arshamian
et al., 2013).
These findings suggest that nostalgia may be
elicited by olfactory stimuli. This possibility,
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however, has received almost no empirical attention. In fact, we are aware of only one study to
date that directly links scents to nostalgia. Participants from several countries responded to a scale
that assessed scent-evoked feelings; nostalgia was
one of the nine resulting feelings (Ferdenzi et al.,
2013). Our research zeroes in exclusively on the
olfactory elicitation of nostalgia while also examining its accompanying psychological functions.
We addressed five issues. First, we tested directly
whether scents elicit nostalgia. Second, we asked
whether scents are susceptible to similar contingencies as is music (Barrett et al., 2010) in eliciting
nostalgia: do scents evoke stronger nostalgia to the
extent that they are more arousing, familiar or
autobiographically relevant, and among nostalgiaprone individuals? Third, we wondered whether
nostalgia evoked by scents serves the same six
psychological functions as nostalgia evoked by
narrative writing tasks and exposure to song
lyrics/music. These functions (which were not
assessed in research on music-induced nostalgia
by Barrett et al., 2010) are: positive affect, selfesteem, self-continuity, optimism, social connectedness and meaning in life (Cheung et al., 2013;
Hepper et al., 2012; Routledge et al., 2011;
Sedikides et al., 2013; Wildschut et al., 2006;
Zhou et al., 2008). Fourth, we asked whether
scent-evoked nostalgic experiences comprise a
similar emotional profile to that of music-induced
nostalgic experiences (Barrett et al., 2010). Finally,
we examined whether scent-evoked nostalgia predicts in-the-moment (i.e., state) feelings of personal nostalgia, be it general or object-specific.
First, we conducted a pilot study to identify the
most appropriate scents which we would use for
nostalgia evocation in the main study. Undergraduate students (N = 72; 31 women, 13 men, 28
unreported) from introductory psychology courses
at a large, public university (Mage = 19.34, SDage =
2.84) sampled in a random sequence 33 pleasant
and neutral scented oils (e.g., Christmas tree,
buttered popcorn, baby powder) obtained from a
company (Nature’s Garden Wholesale Candle and
Soap Supplies) that sells fragrances in 1/2 ounce
vials. For each scent, participants indicated how
nostalgic it made them feel (1 = not at all, 7 = very
much). Of the 1378 scent ratings, 718 (52.10%)
ratings were at or above the midpoint of this
nostalgia scale (i.e., equal to or greater than 4).1
We retained for use in the main study the 12
scents (out of 33) with the highest corrected itemtotal correlations (treating scents as items). These
selected scents were: Chanel #5 (perfume; .93),
purrs and paws (a pet fragrance scented with citrus
and fresh flowers; .91), money (.91), eggnog (.88),
apple pie (.85), pumpkin pie spice (.83), fresh-cut
roses (.82), cappuccino (.81), cotton candy (.80),
baby powder (.78), lavender flowers (.78) and
oceans (.77). (The numbers in parentheses are
corrected item-total correlations in the pilot
study). The selected scents were not necessarily
the scents with the highest mean level of nostalgia
evocation. In fact, the three scents with the highest
level of nostalgia evocation (i.e., Hawaiian suntan,
toasted marshmallow, honeysuckle) were not
Undergraduate students (N = 160; 103 women, 56
men, 1 unreported) from introductory psychology
courses at a large, public and mid-Atlantic university
(Mage = 20.46, SDage = 3.80) took part for course
credit. Their ethnicity varied as follows: White/
Caucasian = 47.5%, Black/African-American =
22.5%, Asian = 18.1%, Hispanic/Latino = 3.8%,
Other = 7.5%.
Students entered the laboratory to participate in a
study on “scents and memories”. We first assessed
individual differences in dispositional nostalgia.
Participants completed the seven-item Southampton Nostalgia Scale (SNS; Barrett et al., 2010;
Routledge et al., 2008), a measure of dispositional
Out of a possible 2376 (72 participants × 33 scents) ratings,
1378 ratings were completed. Many participants were unable to
rate all scents in the allotted study time. However, given that
scents were presented in a random order, we assume that any
missing data are missing at random.
In the pilot study (N = 72), the mean level of scent-evoked
nostalgia across all 33 scents was 3.58 (SD = 1.24). In the main
study (N = 160), the mean level of scent-evoked nostalgia
across the 12 selected scents was 3.74 (SD = 1.07). A
comparison of these two means revealed that they were not
significantly different from each other, t(230) = 1.00, p = .317.
Thus, on average, the smaller selection of 12 scents used in the
main study did not comprise more evocative scents than the
more comprehensive set of 33 scents used in the pilot study.
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nostalgia. The SNS consists of four items that
assess frequency of (e.g., “How often do you
experience nostalgia”) or proneness to (e.g.,
“How prone are you to feeling nostalgia”) nostalgic engagement and three items that assess personal relevance of nostalgic engagement (e.g.,
“How valuable is nostalgia for you?”, “How
important is it for you to bring to mind nostalgic
experiences?”) (1 = not at all, 7 = very much). We
averaged the items to form a dispositional nostalgia index (Cronbach’s α = .93).
Participants proceeded to sample, in random
order, the 12 scented oils selected from the pilot
study. We presented the scents in glass test tubes,
and we instructed the participants to continue
smelling each scent while answering the relevant
questions, before moving on to the next scent. For
each scent, participants completed scent-level
measures (adapted from Barrett et al., 2010). They
indicated how nostalgic the scent made them feel
(i.e., “How nostalgic does this scent make you
feel?”), and also how arousing (i.e., “How exciting/
arousing do you find this scent?”), familiar (i.e.,
“How familiar is this scent?”) and autobiographically relevant (i.e., “Describe your autobiographical association with this scent. How personally
relevant is this scent?”) the scent was (1 = not at
all, 7 = very much). In addition, participants
completed 12 validated items assessing six psychological functions of nostalgia (two items per function; Cheung et al., 2013; Hepper et al., 2012;
Sedikides et al., 2013; Wildschut et al., 2006).
Specifically, they rated the extent to which each
scent made them feel (1 = strongly disagree, 7 =
strongly agree): positive affect (“happy” and
“ecstatic”; α = .85), self-esteem (“good about
myself” and “value myself more”; α = .96), selfcontinuity (“connected with my past” and “important aspects of my personality remain the same
across time”; α = .76), optimism (“ready to take on
new challenges” and “optimistic about my future”;
α = .96), social connectedness (“connected to
loved ones” and “loved”; α = .95) and meaning in
life (“life is meaningful” and “life has a purpose”;
α = .99). Furthermore, participants indicated (yes/
no) which of 12 discrete emotions (Shaver,
Schwartz, Kirson, & O’Connor, 1987) they experienced in response to each scent. Six of these
emotions were positive (love, affection, joy, excitement, surprise and amazement) and six were
negative (anger, frustration, sadness, loneliness,
fear and distress). We calculated the proportion of
endorsed positive and negative emotions for each
scent (i.e., the proportion of positive emotions
equals the number of endorsed positive emotions
divided by the total number of endorsed emotions;
Barrett et al., 2010). Moreover, we formed an
index of mixed emotions by creating a dummycoded variable (1 = endorsement of at least one
positive emotion and at least one negative emotion,
0 = endorsement of only positive or only negative
Finally, participants completed two validated
state measures of personal nostalgia. One measure
assesses general nostalgia (Turner, Wildschut, &
Sedikides, 2012; Wildschut et al., 2006). It consists
of three items: “Right now, I am feeling quite
nostalgic”, “Right now, I am having nostalgic
feelings” and “I feel nostalgic at the moment”
(1 = strongly disagree, 6 = strongly agree; α = .93).
The other measure assesses object-specific nostalgia (Batcho, 1995). For this measure, participants
rated how nostalgic they felt for 20 “objects” from
when they were younger. Examples are: my
childhood toys, my family, holidays I went on,
my pets, my family house, past TV shows, someone I loved (1 = not at all nostalgic, 7 = very
nostalgic; α = .84). Demographic questions and
debriefing concluded the experimental session.
Do scents elicit nostalgia?
Table 1 presents a rank-ordering of scents based
on the number of times each scent was rated at or
above the midpoint of the nostalgia scale (“How
nostalgic does this scent make you feel?”; 1 = not
at all, 7 = very much). Of the 1906 scent presentations, 1027 (53.88%) were rated at or above the
scale midpoint.3 This is more than double the
percentage of musical excerpts in Barrett et al.’s
(2010) study that received such ratings (26%).
This high level of nostalgia experienced in
response to scents cannot be attributed to exclusive selection of highly nostalgia-evoking scents.
We discussed this issue in footnote 2. We would
also like to add that 8 of the 12 selected scents
(i.e., purrs and paws, money, eggnog, apple pie,
fresh cut roses, cappuccino, cotton candy and
Out of a possible 1920 (160 participants × 12 scents)
ratings, 1906 ratings were completed. A few participants were
unable to rate all scents in the allotted study time. However, as
in the pilot study, we assume that, because scents were
presented in a random order, any missing data are missing at
random. We also note that all scents were rated by at least 158
Rank order of scents in terms of capacity to evoke nostalgia
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Pumpkin pie spice
Chanel #5 (perfume)
Lavender flowers
Baby powder
Cotton candy
Apple pie
Fresh cut roses
Purrs and paws
Total presentations
Presentations rated as nostalgic
Percentage of presentations rated as nostalgic
Note: Following Barrett et al. (2010) we scored scent presentations as evoking nostalgia when participants assigned a rating equal
to or greater than the midpoint (i.e., 4–7) on the nostalgia scale (“How nostalgic does this scent make you feel?”; 1 = not at all, 7 =
very much).
oceans) had mean levels of scent-evocation below
the scale-midpoint for nostalgia-evocation. We
conclude that scents, relative to songs, constitute
a potent nostalgia inducer.
Scent-evoked nostalgia: Multilevel model
We collected data at the person level (dispositional nostalgia) and the scent level (each participant’s ratings pertaining to each of 12 scents).
Due to the multilevel nature of the data and the
likelihood that responses to scent-level measures
may not be independent within participant, we
used mixed effects multilevel models (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002). Following recommendations by Singer (1998), we centred the personlevel measure across participants, and we
centred the scent-level measures (except for
mixed emotions, which was dummy coded)
within participants. We conducted multilevel
model analyses within SAS PROC MIXED
using restricted maximum likelihood estimation
We first partitioned the variance in scent-evoked
nostalgia into between-subjects and within-subjects
components by estimating an intercept-only model
(Singer, 1998). We obtained an intraclass correlation of .22, z = 6.89, p < .001. Thus, 22% of the total
variance in scent-evoked nostalgia ratings occurs
between participants, thereby confirming that the
use of multilevel models to analyze the data is
Next, we examined whether the person-level
measure—dispositional nostalgia as assessed by
the SNS—predicted the average strength of scentevoked nostalgia. We controlled for dependence
in the data by treating the intercept as both a fixed
and random effect. Dispositional nostalgia significantly predicted strength of scent-evoked nostalgia, B = .06, t(137) = 2.13, p = .03. Participants who
were high in dispositional nostalgia reported
stronger scent-evoked nostalgia across scents.
These findings are conceptually similar to Barrett
et al.’s (2010) in regard to music-evoked nostalgia.
We next estimated a combined multilevel
model including scent- and person-level measures, as well as all possible cross-level interactions. To be precise, we regressed scent-evoked
nostalgia on the following scent-level predictors:
arousal, familiarity, autobiographical relevance,
proportion of positive emotions, proportion of
negative emotions and presence (vs. absence) of
mixed emotions. We also examined the personlevel measure (SNS) again, as well as all possible
cross-level interactions. We controlled for
dependence in the data by treating the intercept
as both a fixed and random effect. We modelled
all scent-level predictors, except negative emotions, as both fixed and random effects. We
modelled proportion of negative emotions as a
fixed effect only, because the association
between negative emotions and intensity of
Scent-evoked nostalgia as a function of scent- and person-level measures: unstandardized parameter estimates
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Scent arousal
Scent familiarity
Scent autobiographical relevance
Number of positive emotions
Number of negative emotions
Presence (vs. absence) of mixed emotions
Nostalgia proneness (SNS)
Scent arousal × SNS
Scent familiarity × SNS
Scent autobiographical relevance × SNS
Number of positive emotions × SNS
Number of negative emotions × SNS
Presence of mixed emotions × SNS
scent-evoked nostalgia did not vary significantly
between participants (Singer, 1998).4
We present the results for this combined multilevel analysis in Table 2. All scent-level predictors
significantly predicted scent-evoked nostalgia, with
the exception of mixed emotions. On average,
participants reported more nostalgia when smelling scents that they found arousing, familiar and
autobiographically relevant. They also reported
more nostalgia when smelling scents that prompted
a greater proportion of positive and of negative
emotions. As before, higher levels of dispositional
nostalgia predicted greater scent-evoked nostalgia,
albeit marginally. The analysis did not reveal
significant interaction effects between dispositional nostalgia and the scent-level predictors on
scent-evoked nostalgia. In all, the results paralleled those of Barrett et al. (2010). Scents are
subject to similar contingencies as is music in
We developed the multilevel model by taking the following
steps. First, we estimated a baseline model in which we treated
all scent-level predictors treated as fixed effects only. We then
compared this baseline model to a second model in which we
treated all scent-level predictors as both fixed and random
effects. A comparison of these models showed that adding the
random effects resulted in a significant decrease in the –2 log
likelihood, χ2(27) = 282.37, p < .001, indicating better model fit
when the associations between scent-level measures and scentevoked nostalgia were allowed to vary between participants,
which parallels the results of Barrett et al. (2010). Given that
results for the second model showed that the association
between negative emotions and scent-evoked nostalgia did
not vary significantly between participants, we tested a modified final model in which we modeled negative emotions as a
fixed effect only. This modification resulted in a significant
decrease in the –2 log likelihood, χ2(7) = 16.79, p = .03,
indicating better model fit when the association between
negative emotions and scent-evoked nostalgia was not allowed
to vary between participants (but all other associations were).
eliciting nostalgia: Scents evoke stronger nostalgia
to the extent that they are more arousing, familiar
or autobiographically relevant, and to the extent
that they engender a higher proportion of positive
and of negative emotions. In the study by Barrett
et al. (2010), cross-level interactions involving
dispositional nostalgia also made a minor contribution to predicting, in their case, music-evoked
Scent-evoked nostalgia: Psychological
We also examined whether nostalgia elicited by
scents serves the same psychological functions as
nostalgia elicited by narrative-writing tasks or song
lyrics/music. Stated otherwise, we examined whether
nostalgia evoked by the scents was associated with
each of six functions: positive affect, self-esteem,
self-continuity, optimism, social connectedness and
meaning in life. We used SAS PROC MIXED to
run a series of models testing if scent-evoked
nostalgia predicts these six functions. We controlled
for dependence in the data by treating the intercepts
in these models as both fixed and random effect
(Singer, 1998). We present the results of these
analyses in Table 3. Indeed, higher levels of scentevoked nostalgia predicted higher levels of scentevoked positive affect, self-esteem, self-continuity,
optimism, social connectedness and meaning in life.
Scent-evoked nostalgia: Emotional profile
What is the emotional profile of scent-evoked
nostalgia and how does it compare to that of
music-evoked nostalgia? Following Barrett et al.
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Psychological functions as predicted by scent-evoked nostalgia
Positive affect
Social connectedness
Meaning in life
(2010), we addressed this question by first distinguishing between three experiential categories:
scents that evoke nostalgia (those scents rated 2 or
higher on the nostalgia rating scale: “How nostalgic
does this scent make you feel?”), scents that do not
evoke nostalgia but evoke other autobiographical
memories (those scents rated 1 on the nostalgia
rating scale, and 2 or higher on the autobiographical
rating scale: “Please describe your autobiographical
association with this scent”), and scents that neither
evoked nostalgia nor other autobiographical memories (those scents rated 1 on both the nostalgia and
the autobiographical rating scale). We then compared the overall proportions of positive, negative
and mixed emotional experiences between the three
experiential categories. We display, in Figure 1, the
overall proportion of positive, negative and mixed
emotions reported for each experiential category.5
Positive emotions were more prominent for
nostalgic scents than for either non-nostalgic
autobiographical scents or for non-nostalgic nonautobiographical scents. For nostalgic scents, the
ratio of positive to negative emotions was 3:1,
whereas for non-nostalgic autobiographical scents
this ratio was 0.17:1 and for non-nostalgic nonautobiographical scents this ratio was 0.40:1. Nostalgic scents, then, engender substantially more
positive emotionality than the other two experiential categories.
Next, we examined whether positive, negative
and mixed emotions were present at significantly
different levels among the three experiential
For the purpose of these analyses, we defined as nostalgic
those scents that were rated 2 or higher (1 = not at all
[nostalgic], 7 = very much [nostalgic]). This served to differentiate these scents from non-nostalgic scents, that is, scents rated
1. Doing so enabled us to replicate similar analyses reported in
Barrett et al. (2010). For the purpose of identifying the number
of scent presentations that were rated as nostalgic (Table 1), we
used a more stringent criterion: scents were deemed to elicit
nostalgia when they received a rating equal to or greater than
the scale midpoint (4) (also following Barrett et al., 2010).
categories. We conducted analyses in SAS PROC
MIXED (for positive and negative emotions) and
PROC GLIMMIX (for mixed emotions, a dichotomous dependent variable), using a Tukey–Kramer adjustment to control the familywise error
rate in post-hoc comparisons between the three
experiential categories. Given that we examined
experienced emotion at the scent-level, we treated
the intercept in these models as both fixed and
random effect to control for dependence in the
data due to individuals rating multiple scents.
Experiential category had a significant effect on
the presence of positive emotions, F(2, 1744) =
139.01, p < .001. Participants reported a higher
proportion of positive emotions for nostalgic
scents (M = 0.33, SD = 0.27) than for either nonnostalgic autobiographical scents (M = 0.16, SD =
0.17), t(1903) = –6.20, p < .001, d = 0.75, or nonnostalgic non-autobiographical scents (M = 0.06,
SD = 0.12), t(1744) = –16.19, p < .001, d = 1.29.
Experiential category also had a significant effect
on the presence of negative emotions, F(2, 1744) =
20.85, p < .001. Participants reported a lower
proportion of negative emotions for nostalgic
scents (M = 0.09, SD = 0.17) than for non-nostalgic
non-autobiographical scents (M = 0.15, SD = 0.18),
t(1744) = 6.46, p < .001, d = –0.34, albeit not lower
than for non-nostalgic autobiographical scents
(M = 0.10, SD = 0.16), t(1744) = 0.96, p = .60,
d = –0.06.
We also examined the presence of mixed
emotions in each experiential category. We determined the presence (vs. absence) of mixed emotions experienced (i.e., one or more negative
emotions and one or more positive emotions
endorsed for a given scent presentation) for each
scent and then analyzed this dichotomous variable
as a function of experiential category. We ran the
statistical analyses in SAS PROC GLIMMIX,
which allowed us to model mixed emotions as a
dependent variable with a binomial distribution.
Experiential category had a marginal effect on
the presence of mixed emotions, F(2, 1745) = 2.59,
Amoun to fEmotion Experienced (Proportion)
Non-nost. Autobio.
Non-nost. Non-autobio.
Downloaded by [] at 06:36 27 January 2014
Figure 1. Proportion of positive, negative, and mixed emotions reported across scents for each experiential category (Nost. =
nostalgic scents, Non-nost. Autobio. = non-nostalgic autobiographical scents, Non-nost. Non-Autobio. = non-nostalgic nonautobiographical scents).
p = .08. Compared to nostalgic scents (M = 0.14,
SD = 0.35), participants tended to report a lower
proportion of mixed emotions for non-nostalgic
non-autobiographical scents (M = 0.08, SD = 0.28),
t(1745) = –2.10, p = .09, d = 0.10, but not so for
non-nostalgic autobiographical scents (M = 0.11,
SD = 0.31), t(1745) = –1.11, p = .27, d = 0.05. Note
that Barrett et al. (2010) found significant differences among the three experiential categories on
mixed emotions.
Does scent-evoked nostalgia predict
state personal nostalgia?
Finally, we tested whether scent-evoked nostalgia
predicts general (Wildschut et al., 2006) and
object-specific (Batcho, 1995) state nostalgia.
Both general and object-specific nostalgia were
measured at the person-level. Therefore, it was
necessary for us also to create a person-level index
of scent-evoked nostalgia. We indexed scentevoked nostalgia for each participant by calculating the average nostalgia rating (“How nostalgic
does this scent make you feel?”; 1= not at all, 7 =
very much) across the 12 scents (α = .80). We then
conducted regression analyses predicting state
personal nostalgia from this scent-evoked nostalgia index. Participants who reported higher levels
of scent-evoked nostalgia also reported higher
levels of general state nostalgia, β = .51, t(150) =
7.31, p < .001, and of object-specific state nostalgia, β = .33, t(150) = 4.33, p < .001. Scent-evoked
nostalgia thus predicted both general and objectspecific state nostalgia.
Researchers have induced nostalgia through narrative tasks, song lyrics and music. Capitalising on
suggestive psychological (Chu & Downes, 2002;
Herz, 2004; Willander & Larsson, 2006) and
neuroscience (Arshamian et al., 2013; Buchanan,
2007; Cahill et al.,1995) evidence, we wondered
whether scents could also evoke nostalgia. In so
doing, we aimed to expand the agenda for nostalgia research by (1) identifying new elicitors of the
emotion, (2) linking these elicitors to structural
and functional aspects of the emotion and (3)
strengthening the ecological validity of the nature
and functions of the emotion.
Summary of findings
The majority of scents (52% in the pilot study,
53% in the main study) received ratings equal to
or greater than the midpoint of the nostalgia scale,
which is more than double the proportion of
musical excerpts receiving similar ratings (i.e.,
26%; Barrett et al., 2010). In addition, scentevoked nostalgia was subject to similar contingencies as music-evoked nostalgia (Barrett et al.,
2010). Scents rated as arousing, familiar or autobiographically relevant were particularly likely to
elicit nostalgia, as were scents linked to a greater
proportion of positive and of negative emotions.
Also, participants who were especially prone to
nostalgic reverie reported greater scent-evoked
nostalgia. Moreover, nostalgia elicited by scents
served the same psychological functions as nostalgia prompted by narratives and song lyrics/music
(Cheung et al., 2013; Hepper et al., 2012;
Downloaded by [] at 06:36 27 January 2014
Routledge et al., 2011; Sedikides et al., 2013;
Wildschut et al., 2006; Zhou et al., 2008): positive
affect, self-esteem, self-continuity, optimism, social
connectedness, meaning in life.
In general, scent-evoked nostalgia was characterised by a similar emotional profile as musicevoked nostalgia (Barrett et al., 2010). The former
engendered greater positive emotion and a higher
proportion of positive to negative emotion relative
either to non-nostalgic autobiographical scents or
non-nostalgic non-autobiographical scents. Scentevoked nostalgia also engendered lower negative
emotion than non-nostalgic non-autobiographical
scents. Compared to music-evoked nostalgia (Barrett et al., 2010), scent-evoked nostalgia evinced a
less pronounced trend toward engendering mixed
emotion (compared to non-nostalgic non-autobiographical scents). Finally, scent-evoked nostalgia
predicted both general and object-specific state
nostalgia. Rather than being an idiosyncratic and
esoteric form of nostalgic reflection, scent-evoked
nostalgia is integrally linked with other, established forms of nostalgic engagement.
Nostalgia prompted by narratives has self-protective benefits. For example, it buffers individuals
from self-threat (e.g., negative feedback; Vess,
Arndt, Routledge, Sedikides, & Wildschut, 2010).
Does scent-evoked nostalgia also buffer against
self-threatening information? Moreover, do individuals spontaneously resort to scents as an effort
to evoke nostalgia for coping with life’s vicissitudes (e.g., loneliness, boredom, meaninglessness
and self-discontinuity)? These empirical questions
could be fruitfully explored in future research.
In the opening quote, the scent of yeast in a
kitchen aroused not only memories of the author’s
mother but also of her past self as a mother. Our
research indicated that the scents can powerfully
elicit nostalgia, which, in turn, serves pivotal
psychological functions. The findings provide
insight into the operation of nostalgia and the
modalities that trigger it. We hope that our
findings add momentum for additional work in
this burgeoning area of inquiry.
Implications and future research
The finding that scents can contribute to a powerful evocation of nostalgia adds to the understanding of the nature and prevalence of this emotion. It
can be elicited not only by narratives, song lyrics or
music (Barrett et al., 2010; Routledge et al., 2008,
2011), but also by scents. Given the prevalence of
scents in one’s natural environment, nostalgia is
likely to be incited more frequently than three times
a week—an estimated average produced on the
basis of previous research, which relied exclusively
on self-reports (Wildschut et al., 2006).
While testifying to an empirical link between
olfaction and nostalgia, the findings raise an issue
regarding the relation between nostalgia and its
sources (e.g., words, song lyrics, music and scents).
The emotional profile of scent-evoked nostalgia
(compared to non-nostalgic autobiographical
scents and non-nostalgic non-autobiographical
scents) was characterised by greater incidence of
positive emotions, but not of mixed emotions—at
least not to a similar degree as music-evoked nostalgia (compared to non-nostalgic autobiographical songs and non-nostalgic non-autobiographical
songs; Barrett et al., 2010). Thus, the precise pattern of accompanying emotional responses may
depend partially on the mode of nostalgic evocation. This possibility is worth empirical scrutiny.
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