Papers by Mine Tunçok Sarıberberoğlu
Modular Journal, 2023
Bir mekânın algılanma süreci mekânın duyumsanmasıyla birlikte başlar. Çeşitli duyularla alınan me... more Bir mekânın algılanma süreci mekânın duyumsanmasıyla birlikte başlar. Çeşitli duyularla alınan mekânsal veriler, algılayıcının belleğindeki bilgilerle birleşerek algısal ürünü oluşturur. Algılama için kullanılan duyular çeşitli olmakla birlikte en çok kullanılan duyu görme duyusudur. Işık ise görme eyleminin gerçekleşebilmesi için en önemli unsurlardan biridir. Işığın farklı özelliklerine bağlı olarak aynı mekânda farklı atmosferler elde edilebilir. Işık, görme eylemini gerçekleştirmenin yanında mekân atmosferini etkiler veya oluşturur. Söylem, mekân ve atmosfer arasındaki ilişkinin somutlaştırılması çabasında olan bu çalışma kapsamında Troya Müzesi'ne ait görseller üzerinden ışığın fiziksel özelliklerinin yanında mekân atmosferine olan katkısı, mimarın söylemleri ile ilişkilendirilerek irdelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Yapılan literatür taraması sonucunda elde edilen verilerin yapının görselleri üzerinden değerlendirilerek mekân atmosferinde ışığın rolü ile ilişkilendirilmesi çalışmanın ana eksenini oluşturmaktadır. Ayrıca çalışma, bir yerel mimarlık ürünü üzerinden mekân atmosferi kavramını irdeleyerek literatüre katkı sağlamayı hedeflemektedir.
Journal of Design Studio, 2022
This article tries to set an example and explore the potential and limitations of the online lear... more This article tries to set an example and explore the potential and limitations of the online learning environment for the first-year Basic Design Studio course based on abstract architectural design thinking. The course is constructed on a connected yet independent series of practices on basic design principles starting from the point to the void space. The course was divided into parts to achieve continuity in design thinking, and instructions and critics were given via distant online theoretic implications. The final course focused on improving students' design skills on a small-scale project. Within each practice, students could experience the abstract way of thinking of design to achieve complex parameters of design problems. Overall evaluation for each study depended on the necessities of the work and participation of the students. The paper sets an example of an online architectural studio format and discusses the advantages and shortcomings of online courses for first-year architectural education.
Artium, 2020
Öz Bilimsel bilginin üretildiği ve paylaşıldığı toplumsal bir kurum olan üniversiteler, akademik ... more Öz Bilimsel bilginin üretildiği ve paylaşıldığı toplumsal bir kurum olan üniversiteler, akademik eğitim ve uygulamalar ile mesleki beceri kazandırmanın yanı sıra sahip oldukları bilimsel yaklaşımlar ile toplumsal kalkınmanın en önemli aktörlerinden biri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bununla birlikte üniversite kampüsleri farklı coğrafyalardan gelen bireyler ile de zengin bir sosyal çeşitlilik ortamı oluşturmaktadır. Fakülte binalarının da barındırması gereken eğitim ortamlarının yanı sıra sosyal öğrenme ortamlarına da sahip olarak bilginin üretimine destek vermesi beklenmektedir. Hukuk fakülteleri bu noktada toplumsal refahın temelini oluşturan sosyal hayatın merkezindeki adalet kavramını yaşatmayı amaç edinen en önemli kurum durumundadır. Bu kapsamdan bakıldığında; hukuk fakültesi binalarının eğitim programının içeriği gereği sosyal etkileşime olanak tanıyan özenli bir tasarım yaklaşımı ile planlanması gerektiğini söylemek mümkündür. Bu makalede, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi binasının tasarım süreci temel kavramsal yaklaşımlara bağlı olarak ele alınmakta, geliştirilen mimari avan proje ve uygulama tasarım ilkeleri sunulmaktadır. Abstract Universities are social institutions where scientific knowledge is produced and shared, and one of the most important actors of social development with its academic approaches as well as providing professional skills. University campuses maintain a rich social environment with people from different geographies. Faculty buildings are expected to support the production of knowledge by having social meanings like campus. At this point, law faculties are the most important institutions where the concept of justice is at the center of social life. Therefore it is possible to say that a law school building design should be planned with an elaborate design approach that allows for social interaction to support the educational program. In this article, the design process of Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University Faculty of Law building is explained based on basic conceptual approaches of the architectural preliminary project and application design principles are represented.
ICONARPInternational Journal of Architecture and Planning, 2022
While we humans exist in space through our bodies, we experience it via all our senses and build ... more While we humans exist in space through our bodies, we experience it via all our senses and build up an integrated knowledge of the world in our memories. However, children’s conception of the world differs from adults due to their developmental stages. This study aims to examine human-space interaction with a new approach to reveal the effects of sensory stimuli on children's perception and memory of space. The case study was conducted in a theme park that offers various sensory stimuli with particularly designed spaces and activities. For the behavioral data, the spatial preferences of the participants (33 children, age 10) were recorded during the tour, and for the memory data participants were asked to draw pictures (cognitive maps) afterwards. The data sets were redefined by the main sensory stimuli offered by the spatial units (spatial data), and the number of stimulus experiences and the number of stimulus recalls were analyzed comparatively. Contrary to popular belief, the results show that (1) all of the senses take part in perception depending on the existing stimuli in the space, vision does not have any precedence; (2) the functioning of the senses during an experience changes depending on how much stimulus they are exposed to and how much the body participates in the perception process; (3) kinesthetic stimuli come to the fore as the best stored stimuli in memory, whereas the taste stimuli remain in the background as the least remembered ones. The case study group was limited, the subjective aspects of perception, and the age and gender differences that may exist are ignored. With the inclusion of age and gender factors precisely, this methodology could reveal promising alternatives for design methods and guide the production of all types of architectural spaces, including the children's spaces. This study proposes an original perspective that regards both the physical and social components of the space as the source of perception; and it attempts to make up for a deficiency by regarding the children who are mostly neglected in other studies, yet are active users of the space.
Artium, 2022
Üniversite kampüsleri özellikle Anadolu kentleri özelinde ele alındığında eğitim, üretim, konakla... more Üniversite kampüsleri özellikle Anadolu kentleri özelinde ele alındığında eğitim, üretim, konaklama, dinlenme, ulaşım gibi farklı işlevlere sahip olmalarının yanı sıra sosyal etkileşimin kurulduğu yerleşim yerleri olarak önemli alanların başında yer almaktadır. Bolu İli Mengen İlçesi için de üniversite kampüsü olgusu sıradan bir eğitim alanından ziyade ilçenin aşçılık ve gastronomi kültürünü yaşatacağı ve gelecek nesillere aktaracağı temel yapı taşlarından birini oluşturmaktadır. İnsan ölçeğinden kentsel ölçeğe potansiyel kullanıcı ihtiyaçlarını anlamayı ve ihtiyaçların karşılandığı yaşanabilir mekânlar oluşturmayı hedefleyen mimarlık pratiği sadece yapılı bir sistem olmanın dışında oluşturduğu mekânsal düzen ile de bir kimlik tanımlamaktadır. Mekânlar ile kurulan duyuşsal, bilişsel ve sosyal etkileşimler bu kimlik üzerinden inşa edilir. Dolayısıyla fiziksel mekânın temel ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması ile mekânsal düzenin niteliği de en temel mimari tasarım problemini oluşturmaktadır. Bu makalede Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Mengen Aşçılık ve Gastronomi Eğitim Kampüsünün kültür ve sosyal yaşam ekseninde sahip olduğu kimliği oluşturan mimari tasarım kriterleri sunulmaktadır.
Mimarlık ve Yaşam , 2020
Öz// Zamanı ve mekânı kullanarak yeni bir gerçeklik oluşturmaya çalışan sinema, mekânın ve onun t... more Öz// Zamanı ve mekânı kullanarak yeni bir gerçeklik oluşturmaya çalışan sinema, mekânın ve onun temsillerinin kavramsallaştırılması aracılığı ile varoluşsal deneyim ortamları sağlamaktadır. Gündelik hayattan aşina olduğumuz pek çok durum sinema tekniklerinin-tekrar eden kurgular, biçimsel manipülasyonlar-kullanımının yanı sıra doğrudan mimari mekândan-klostrofobik mekânlar, sonu gözükmeyen koridorlar vs.-beslenerek gerilim unsurunu ön plana çıkabilmektedir. Bu noktada gerilim sineması mekânları kullandığı psikolojik alt metinler ile mekân-deneyim araştırmaları için zengin ortamlar oluşturmasının yanı sıra bu kavramların mekânsallaşma biçimlerinin irdelenmesi ile de mimari söyleme olanak sağlamaktadır. Fantastik/korku-gerilim sinemasının temelinde yer alan tekinsizlik olgusu bilinç kavramı ile ilişkilendirilmekte ve 'aşina olduğumuz bir şeyin içinde yatan rahatsız edicilik' tanımlamasına dayanmaktadır. Bu filmlerde de oluşturulmaya çalışılan mekânsal tekinsizlik mimari mekânın konu edindiği en tanıdık olan ev kavramından insan zihninin bilinçaltı rüya mekânlarına kadar geniş bir yelpazede varlık göstererek, sinema anlatımının derinleşmesine olanaklar sağlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda mekân, sinema ve psikoloji arakesitinde yer alan çalışma mekân ve temsil ilişkisine tekinsizlik kavramı üzerinden yaklaşmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında olay örgüsünün ağırlıklı olarak tanımlı kurgusal mekânlar üzerinden gerçekleştiği fantastik/korku-gerilim türünde seçilen bir grup film aracılığıyla, tekinsizlik kavramının tanımı ve bu bağlamda sinemada "tekinsizlik" hissinin yaratılmasında öne çıkan psikolojik biçimlerin mekânsal yansımalarının bilinç, bilinçaltı ve bilinçdışı kavramları üzerinden irdelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Abstract // Cinema tries to create a new reality by using time and space, and offers experience of existential environments through the conceptualization of space and its representations. In cinema, many situations that are familiar from everyday life can be a medium of tension directly from architectural spaces such as well as cinematic techniques. At this point, cinema spaces not only create environments for space-experience researches with the psychological sub-texts, but also enable architectural discourse to examine the spatial parameters of these concepts. As a psychological term; the phenomenon of uncanny, which lies at the basis of the fantastic / horror-thriller cinema, is associated with the concept of consciousness and is based on the definition of 'disturbing underlying something we are familiar with'. The spatial uncanny that is attempted to be created in films provides endless possibilities for the deepening 1 Mimar, Dr./Architect, PhD.
IJARR, 2018
The notion of "being" is known as one of the initial problems of philosophy. Depending on its str... more The notion of "being" is known as one of the initial problems of philosophy. Depending on its structure and existence, the architectural object has a convenient position to be reviewed in this context. From Plato to present, the question of existence has changed its focus from the universe to the individual, and the attempt to define the answers continues in a dynamic way. Architecture can carry existential concerns within itself as an object produced by a subject in the current philosophical system in which the acquisition of knowledge evolved from mental processes to bodily processes in the period between Kant and Merlau-Ponty. From this point of view, it is possible to talk about the concept of body in philosophical foundation as existentially as well as the body of architectural structure. This paper searches the possibility to make an existential reading through the reviewing of architectural products. The basis of the study is the assumption that the architect's design decisions and the architectural object itself can create an existential posture and this phenomenon can resist in time with the awareness of the architect. In this regard, this paper attempts to discuss the selected works of Carlo Scarpa as an architectural discourse through phenomenological approaches. INTRODUCTION Philosophy and architecture have been in a strong relationship since the beginning of searching the meanings of self and the universe. Due to its natural structure, the architectural act is fed physically and conceptually from all other fields of knowledge and art. In this manner philosophical discourses are continuous tools for the forms of expression in architectural production. With the help of philosophical texts, the conceptual and intellectual approaches can be taken from the process of comprehension and interpretation of the architectural work by the state of the architect at the stage of production and the position of the experienced individual against the space or structure.
IJRSR, 2018
This paper tries to look at the concept of metaphor for the formation of meaning in architectural... more This paper tries to look at the concept of metaphor for the formation of meaning in architectural production. The study follows a theoretical and analytical research method in order to develop discursive formation and an attempt is made to create a conceptual discussion environment through the samples. The qualitative data of the work are derived from the contemporary architectural literature. And the notion of metaphors is approached through selected examples of contemporary architecture and this concept is discussed through the implications of design. What is important here is the question of the relation of the metaphor to the whole architecture and how the metaphor should affect the architectural meaning. Or, in other words, how necessary and effective the metaphor is for the work to be understood by the reader and for the creation of an aesthetic clause. In this context, the question of how metaphor use plays a role in architectural production can be regarded as always questionable.
IJARR, 2018
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the spatial order of typological... more The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the spatial order of typologically produced educational buildings and the cognitive perceptions of students upon them. The main hypothesis of this study is that children's perceptual, social and pyhsical relations differ via the spatial configuration of educational buildings and cognitive maps of the students can be a tool to understand these relationships.Within the scope of the study, a comparative method has been followed on cognitive maps in order to examine the perceptual relationship of two different educational institutions' students between the ages of 8-12. At the end of the study, it was found that (1) the cognitive interaction that the students established with their school buildings changed according to the spatial order and (2) social interaction of students with each other affected when the spatial organization has no supportive qualities of visual interaction. In addition, it has been seen that when the spatial order has supportive visual qualities in educational buildings children can have attached feelings to their school buildingsand have more meaningful relationships with their surroundings. INTRODUCTION Human nature is a social asset. When considered within the context of environmental and behavioral theories, the environment is a holistic concept that encompasses not only the physical characteristics that can be understood by the senses but also the social life in which is experienced. As a result of a child's basic nature, he/she is in constant development and change with the effect of constant stimuli from a holistic environment. In the design of educational buildings that constitute / limit / define the environment in which has a significant part of children's daily lives, spatial designs are made only within the needs of an educational program, regardless of the need of the spatial stimuli for the cognitive and social development of students.
Conference Paper by Mine Tunçok Sarıberberoğlu
Basic Design Education Approach Example and Comparative Analysis, 2024
The architectural education process in most state and foundation universities in our country is g... more The architectural education process in most state and foundation universities in our country is generally based on the backbone of 'Basic Design Education'. The study is based on the course outputs of Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University in the Fall Semester of the 2023-2024 academic year. Within the scope of the course, although a similar course operation was determined for two different branches, different activities were deliberately carried out, especially in the concept development process. With this approach, the students of one branch were given a large number of assignments and applications to experience the design process through various experiments with different disciplines. In the other branch, the scope was broader and the emphasis was on examples, assignments, and applications within architecture. The methodology outlined in this study is qualitative in approach and deals with a comparative analysis of the approaches between the branches. The study aims to contribute to the improvement of the learning-oriented model in the process of Basic Design Education in Architecture undergraduate education, as well as to create a discussion environment on the linear or inverse proportions of the educational approach that requires more effort, time and labor in quantitative terms on the results.
3 th International Congress of Multidisciplinary Social Sciences (ICMUSS2021), 2021
Spaces are environments experienced and interacted by all senses while living in. In this process... more Spaces are environments experienced and interacted by all senses while living in. In this process, the conceptualization of environmental character is a complex multi-sensory fusion of innumerable factors which are integrally grasped at once as an overall atmosphere, feeling or mood (Pallasma, 2014). On the other hand, cognitive development of children continues to be influenced and shaped by environmental characteristics; and this differentiates their spatial perception, experience, memory, and thus their conceptualization from adults. This study investigates the effects of sensory stimuli on children's spatial behavior and memory. In the case study, spatial preferences of 33 children in a theme park tour are recorded (behavioral data) and they were asked to draw a picture (memory data) afterwards. The data sets were redefined via sensory stimuli that are primarily offered by theme park spaces and compared over histograms. The findings showed that among the stimuli offered by the spaces, the primary senses -visual, auditory- are more effective than other senses on the participants' experience and recall of spaces. The overall results reveal that the effects of sensory stimuli on behavior and memory differ in the context of child space relationships; and that further studies based on perception and memory are required.
The notion examining the interaction between the individual and the physical setting is the conce... more The notion examining the interaction between the individual and the physical setting is the concept of perception, which is evaluated by Hall (1966) as the main competence that living organisms possess for survival. In this manner, perceptual product can be defined as the result of perceptual processes through which the stimuli from the environment are converted into cognitive data by the receptor cells of sense organs-mainly the eye. According to Pallasmaa (2005), the eye became the centre of the perceptual world through the invention of perspectival representation, which turned into a symbolic form both describing and conditioning perception. Also, such concepts as Merleau-Ponty's (2005) bodily experience, a classification of perceptual modalities, have been partly replaced by more holistic approaches, considering the experience as the most essential factor of the physical setting which is defined as the collection of cognitive data of individuals formed by various information processing circumstances (Downs and Stea, 2011). Cognitive mapping is the process of a mental representation which people acquire, code, store, recall and decode information about the relative location and attributes of the physical setting (Downs and Stea 2011). This imaged information includes impressions about structure or appearance of a place, its relative location, its use and its values. On the other hand, a specific place's structure, value and relative relations can be analysed in a more analytical way. Space syntax is a method for describing and analysing the relationships between spaces and a set of techniques for the representation, quantification, and interpretation of spatial relations in buildings and settlements. Contributing to this debate, this paper explores the cognitive data generated by sighted people in a non-visual bodily experience, as they are guided through " Dialogue in the Dark " , a thematic environment consisting of completely dark rooms equipped with scent, sound, wind and tactile simulations of a specific urban setting and syntactic relations of that space. In this regard, a two-step methodology is applied: the first step comprises cognitive data from the cognitive maps drawn by participants just after their experience, while the second one comprises existing spatial data revealed by syntactic analyses. Finally, the correlation between the cognitive frequencies of the experienced nodes in each cognitive map and the syntactic values of the setting are statistically analysed. 2 Statistical outcomes show that without vision, no correlation is found between the syntactic values and the frequency of spaces but, auditive and tactile characteristics of the spaces are significantly correlated with the frequencies of the spaces. In conclusion, the results show that spatial cognition without vision is mainly dependent on bodily experience of the self which is stimulated mostly by auditive and tactile senses, and also that the effect of the syntactic characteristics of the space derived from visual parameters loosens the ties with the notion of spatial cognition.
The experience of the world that begins with the perception of the environment by human senses is... more The experience of the world that begins with the perception of the environment by human senses is followed by organized patterns of thoughts. This perceptual information is converted as memories which reach to the storage within a cognitive schema. Beginning from infancy, depending on the age and the stage of cognitive development, every individual continuously builds up a unique cognitive storage.
According to Piaget (1955), children, in the context of this constructive information approach, are not different from adults; they build schemata following their perceptual and cognitional processes. Their cognitive development helps them to cope with environmental stimuli and to behave in a more intellectual manner after the age of seven; which was defined as the last two stages of cognitive development. Because of the fact that cognitive development increases their capability of learning and recalling their environment, especially in the latter stages of their development it is expected from them to reflect more information in their cognitive maps.
Depending on this theoretical background within the scope of environment and behaviour theories, this article investigates how a thematic spatial layout for children influences their spatial cognitive schemata. An indoor theme park that presents temporal experience of a city life in a child scale is selected as the case study environment for this research. The layout of the theme park emphasized by
a city centre surrounded by children sized buildings functioned with various job professions, vehicles, landmarks and related equipment, which presents little participants mimicking adult activities like performing jobs, earning money, shopping or entertaining. This thematic world raises some questions
such as follows: How much do children remember the components of the environment? Are there any spatial components that are not remembered by any of the children? Does remembrance play role according to the syntactic values of spaces or the functions of spaces? How do children perceive this scaled environment and how much can they transfer it to their schemata?
The methodology is composed of three phases; first one is focused on behavioural data recorded by the parents tracking their children’s behaviour through the visit, second one is focused on cognitive maps created by each child as individual drawings, and third one is focused on existing spatial data which is revealed by syntactic analyses of the theme park to reach significant evaluations in terms of
integration, isovist perimeter and isovist area values.
Both the behavioural maps and cognitive maps of children are analysed and compared with the given spatial syntactic data to attain some significant results to generate an efficient debate on examining how such an environment can be associated with cognitive maps and behaviour of children. Thus, the research is projected to find out correlations between children’s behaviour, memory and syntactic values of a specific physical environment.
Papers by Mine Tunçok Sarıberberoğlu
Conference Paper by Mine Tunçok Sarıberberoğlu
According to Piaget (1955), children, in the context of this constructive information approach, are not different from adults; they build schemata following their perceptual and cognitional processes. Their cognitive development helps them to cope with environmental stimuli and to behave in a more intellectual manner after the age of seven; which was defined as the last two stages of cognitive development. Because of the fact that cognitive development increases their capability of learning and recalling their environment, especially in the latter stages of their development it is expected from them to reflect more information in their cognitive maps.
Depending on this theoretical background within the scope of environment and behaviour theories, this article investigates how a thematic spatial layout for children influences their spatial cognitive schemata. An indoor theme park that presents temporal experience of a city life in a child scale is selected as the case study environment for this research. The layout of the theme park emphasized by
a city centre surrounded by children sized buildings functioned with various job professions, vehicles, landmarks and related equipment, which presents little participants mimicking adult activities like performing jobs, earning money, shopping or entertaining. This thematic world raises some questions
such as follows: How much do children remember the components of the environment? Are there any spatial components that are not remembered by any of the children? Does remembrance play role according to the syntactic values of spaces or the functions of spaces? How do children perceive this scaled environment and how much can they transfer it to their schemata?
The methodology is composed of three phases; first one is focused on behavioural data recorded by the parents tracking their children’s behaviour through the visit, second one is focused on cognitive maps created by each child as individual drawings, and third one is focused on existing spatial data which is revealed by syntactic analyses of the theme park to reach significant evaluations in terms of
integration, isovist perimeter and isovist area values.
Both the behavioural maps and cognitive maps of children are analysed and compared with the given spatial syntactic data to attain some significant results to generate an efficient debate on examining how such an environment can be associated with cognitive maps and behaviour of children. Thus, the research is projected to find out correlations between children’s behaviour, memory and syntactic values of a specific physical environment.
According to Piaget (1955), children, in the context of this constructive information approach, are not different from adults; they build schemata following their perceptual and cognitional processes. Their cognitive development helps them to cope with environmental stimuli and to behave in a more intellectual manner after the age of seven; which was defined as the last two stages of cognitive development. Because of the fact that cognitive development increases their capability of learning and recalling their environment, especially in the latter stages of their development it is expected from them to reflect more information in their cognitive maps.
Depending on this theoretical background within the scope of environment and behaviour theories, this article investigates how a thematic spatial layout for children influences their spatial cognitive schemata. An indoor theme park that presents temporal experience of a city life in a child scale is selected as the case study environment for this research. The layout of the theme park emphasized by
a city centre surrounded by children sized buildings functioned with various job professions, vehicles, landmarks and related equipment, which presents little participants mimicking adult activities like performing jobs, earning money, shopping or entertaining. This thematic world raises some questions
such as follows: How much do children remember the components of the environment? Are there any spatial components that are not remembered by any of the children? Does remembrance play role according to the syntactic values of spaces or the functions of spaces? How do children perceive this scaled environment and how much can they transfer it to their schemata?
The methodology is composed of three phases; first one is focused on behavioural data recorded by the parents tracking their children’s behaviour through the visit, second one is focused on cognitive maps created by each child as individual drawings, and third one is focused on existing spatial data which is revealed by syntactic analyses of the theme park to reach significant evaluations in terms of
integration, isovist perimeter and isovist area values.
Both the behavioural maps and cognitive maps of children are analysed and compared with the given spatial syntactic data to attain some significant results to generate an efficient debate on examining how such an environment can be associated with cognitive maps and behaviour of children. Thus, the research is projected to find out correlations between children’s behaviour, memory and syntactic values of a specific physical environment.