Office Management and Technology
Recent papers in Office Management and Technology
A well-organised and well-managed office is an important prerequisite for any thriving organisation. During the early months of 2020, the world experienced a health catastrophe, the Corona Virus pandemic, known as the COVID-19. This... more
Purpose: This research investigates the impact of technology adoption on organisation productivity. The framework has three independent variables viz. technological change, information technology (IT) infrastructure, and IT knowledge... more
Purpose: This research investigates the impact of technology adoption on organisation productivity. The framework has three independent variables viz. technological change, information technology (IT) infrastructure, and IT knowledge... more
Gagasan Society 5.0 muncul sebagai konsep dalam mengatur perkembangan teknologi yang masif dan mengatasi permasalahan sosial melalui teknologi. Implementasi konsep ini dalam dunia pekerjaan dan perkantoran dapat diaplikasikan dengan... more
ABSTRACT The paper focused on the current trends in office communication. In pursuit of the focus of this paper it treated numerous issues. It examined the meaning of communication, definition of business communication, process of... more
Abstract The project work examines the changing functions of the office manager in modern organisation. The main purpose of the study is to examine the traditional functions of an office manager in the modern organisation. Four research... more
This study examined the Comparative analysis of entrepreneurial competencies acquired by Accounting and Office Technology Management students of Business Education students in tertiary institutions, Lagos State. The final year students of... more
During the growth of a competitive global environment, there is considerable pressure on most organizations to make their operational, tactical, and strategic process more efficient and effective. An information and Communication... more
ABSTRACT The project work examines Meeting and its Impact on the Productivity of an Organisation: The Role of Secretaries. The main objective of the study is to examine the Impacts of meeting on organizational productivity. Three research... more
This work examined the influence of digital skill upgrade and office information managers’ job performance. Objective of the study was to examine how dimensions of digital skill upgrade such as advance typesetting skill, trouble shooting... more
The study investigates modern information technology and yesterday’s secretaries. The aim of the study was to examine how modern information technology impact on today’s secretaries in business organisation. Information technology... more
Modul Adminstrasi Perkantoran, Modul Adminstrasi Perkantoran. Bahan Ajar Mata Pelajaran Produktif Administrasi Perkantoran untuk Siswa/i Kelas XI Semester I di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Indo Sains Palembang oleh Yolanda Nur Rohma,... more
ABSTRACT Modern day technology has to do with the use of machines and equipment in carrying out work in organizations which includes the use of computers and related electronic equipment to input, process, and store and file various... more
Pada dasarnya, cahaya diperlukan untuk mendukung kegiatan-kegiatan manusia baik itu kehidupan sehari-hari bahkan dalam organisasi atau perusahaan khususnya kantor. Setiap layout kantor memiliki desain dan posisi yang berbeda-beda yang... more
ABSTRACT This research work examines Conflict Resolution Strategies and Organizational Productivity. The main objective of this study amongst others was to investigate the causes of unresolved conflicts in the organization. The... more
Innovation is a continuous, cyclic process and management must address this cyclic character. We have depicted that in the figure below. The Innovation Management Cycle Model The innovation process in the first part of the pre-project... more
Covid-19 lockdowns, local restrictions and resulting slowdowns and/or recessions have resulted in new ways of working and operating. The implications of these changes and virtual operation for corporate productivity depends upon a number... more
Belgium was one of the first countries in Western Europe to celebrate at the end of 2019 the 75th anniversary of a generally compulsory social security system. But this was done with a certain reluctance as if the main actors, the... more
Office is a place for people who carry out office activities, the office is also often referred to as a service center and information center. Offices that do not have a standard selection in security and comfort in the arrangement of... more
Ergonomics is a condition where humans and work support equipment have a positive interaction, so that they can support employee work productivity and also maintain employee health, both physically and psychologically. The work equipment... more
Manajer dalam sebuah organisasi atau perusahaan sangatlah penting keberadaannya yangnantinya bisa menjadi suatu ujung tombak dari keberhasilan suatu organisasi dan tentunya ia akanmelakukan pekerjaan yang lebih luas bila dibandingkan... more
Kegiatan dalam pengambilan data guna mengetahui jumlah kehadiran dari suatu kegiatan disebut Absensi. Dalam kegiatan pekerjaan disuatu instansi absensi memberikan banyak informasi penting, yang didapat terkait dengan jumlah pegawai yang... more
Purpose: This research investigates the impact of technology adoption on organisation productivity. The framework has three independent variables viz. technological change, information technology (IT) infrastructure, and IT knowledge... more