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El Sistema de Seguridad Social en Salud en Colombia ha sido, desde sus inicios, objeto de profundos debates sobre su estructura y su funcionamiento. Con el paso del tiempo, se ha planteado la existencia de una crisis estructural desde... more
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      ColombiaSocial Security LawPublic HealthHealth Reforms And Health Politics
A obra procura abordar a temática das pessoas transgêneras e como daria sua proteção por meio do sistema de seguridade social brasileiro. O objetivo geral da pesquisa busca responder às indagações que vem surgindo com a chegada de pleitos... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial SciencesSocial Security LawDIREITO PREVIDENCIÁRIO
Conference 'L’arrêt Dano ou les limites de la solidarité européenne', Les Midis de l'Europe, Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles, 5 February 2015
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      Social Security LawEuropean Union LawEU free movement rightsFree movement of persons
Sumário: 1. Introdução; 2. O direito ao ressarcimento por regresso; 3. Análise crítica do cabimento das ações regressivas previdenciárias ‒ 3.1. Sobre a (in)existência do direito de regresso; 3.2. Ausência de responsabilidade civil... more
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      Social Security LawCivil Procedure
Este trabalho tem o propósito de discutir analiticamente, com fundamento na Constituição da República e nos demais comandos infralegais, o sistema que rege a atuação dos profissionais do sexo, identificando propostas coerentes ao sistema... more
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      Social Security LawRetirementProstitution
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    • Social Security Law
У монографії розкрито методологію порівняльно-правових досліджень як основу гармонізації трудового законодавства України із законодавством ЄС, проаналізовано трудове та соціальне законодавство ЄС як джерело європейських стандартів,... more
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      Labour LawSocial Security LawSocial Securityтрудовое право
The article examines features of a system of social benefits in Ukraine and some EU countries, its specific regulatory characteristics and provides a profound comparative analysis. On the basis of the research carried out by the... more
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      Social Security Lawправо соціального забезпечення
Πρόκειται για σχολιασμό-κριτική της απόφασης 1/2018 του Ειδικού Δικαστηρίου άρθρου 88 Συντ. ("Μισθοδικείου") που αφορά στη νομολογιακή κατάφαση της αντισυνταγματικότητας: α) των περικοπών στις συντάξεις των δικαστικών και εισαγγελικών... more
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      Constitutional LawSocial Security LawSocial Security
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    • Social Security Law
Povzetek: V sredo, dne 29. 1. 2020, je državni zbor z 32 glasovi »za« in 51 glasovi »proti« zavrnil predlog Zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o zdravstvenem varstvu in zdravstvenem zavarovanju (ZZVZZ-O), ki je predvideval ukinitev... more
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      Social JusticeSocial Security LawEgalitarianismHealth insurance
В посібнику викладено питання правового регулювання соціального захисту усіх категорій інвалідів та громадян, що постраждали внаслідок Чорнобильської катастрофи. Розкрито основні поняття категоріального апарату права соціального... more
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    • Social Security Law
Constitution-making is a ubiquitous but poorly understood phenomenon. There is much speculation but relatively little evidence about the impact of different design processes on constitutional outcomes. Much of the debate reduces to the... more
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      ReligionLawComparative PoliticsGlobalization
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      Social Security LawPeríciaDIREITO PREVIDENCIÁRIO
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    • Social Security Law
Examines, following the Supreme Court ruling in R. (on the application of DA) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, the use of the “manifestly without reasonable foundation” test in domestic judicial review challenges. The... more
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      Human RightsSocial Security LawDiscriminationHuman Rights Act (1998)
Tanulmányomban a magyar társadalombiztosítás kialakulását mutatom be a kezdetektől 1950-ig.
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    • Social Security Law
Pension provision in Ukraine and Belarus: the history of formation and the prospects of development: edited by: Mykhailo Shumylo, Irina Komotskaya. Kyiv: Nika-Center, 2018. – 516 р. The monograph is devoted to a number of topical... more
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      Pensions and retirement incomeSocial Security LawSocial SecurityPensions
A presente monografia tem por objeto uma analise crítica, à luz dos direitos fundamentais, em especial do direito a saúde, no caso brasileiro do povoado Recanto de Araras, no município goiano de Fainas, uma comunidade pobre e pequena no... more
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      Social RightsSocial Security LawPublic Health PolicyThe Right to Health
The volume collects the works of the third edition of the Maceratesi Social Security Seminars (2018), including the reworking of the reports drawn up by the young participants in the working groups
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      Labour LawSocial Security LawLabour market policyUnenployment
У науковій доповіді досліджується один з актуальних, хоча й неоднозначних, аспектів європейської інтеграції - її соціальний вимір. Автори намагалися допомогти читачеві оцінити його зростаюче значення, уявити собі все різноманіття і... more
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      Social WorkSocial PolicyEuropean integrationSocial Sciences
ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКІ СОЦІАЛЬНІ СТАНДАРТИ В КОНТЕКСТІ ПРАВА НА СОЦІАЛЬНИЙ ЗАХИСТ В УКРАЇНІ Анотація. У статті встановлено, що згідно з положеннями Основного Закону Україна є соціальною державою, тобто визнає людину найвищою соціальною цінністю,... more
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      Labour LawSocial Security Lawсоціальний захистправо соціального забезпечення
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      Social Security LawFormer YugoslaviaKingdom of YugoslaviaPolitics of Austerity
ÖZET İş ve sosyal güvenlik hukuku işçi sağlığı ve iş güvenliği konusunda tedbir alma yükümlülüğünü ilk elde işverenlere yüklemiştir. İşverenin yükümlülükleri işçi sağlığına ve iş güvenliğine dair tüm tedbirleri almak, işçinin eğitimini ve... more
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      Occupational HealthOccupational Health & SafetyLabour LawSocial Security Law
The article discusses the issues of the case law of Polish administrative courts regarding the remission of contributions in the decision-making practice of the Social Security Institution (ZUS). The aim of the study is to create a “road... more
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      Social InsuranceSocial Security LawAdministrative LawAdministrative Procedure
This article explores the concept of the automatic unfair dismissal that is regulated in s 187(1)(c) of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (LRA), where the reason for the dismissal is to "compel the employee to accept a demand in respect... more
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      Contract LawLabour LawSocial Security Law
Este artigo é elaborado a partir de duas premissas distintas, mas interligadas. A Reforma Previdenciária promove precarização trabalhista, isto é, não apenas trata de matéria previdenciária, mas também contribui para o rebaixamento do... more
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      Social Security LawAusteridadeDireitos Fundamentais SociaisSEGURIDADE SOCIAL
The social and economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have prompted urgent wide-ranging reforms to social security across the UK, most of which have been implemented via secondary legislation. In a number of respects the changes that... more
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    • Social Security Law
Гришина Ю. М., доктор юридичних наук, професор, професор кафедри трудового права та права соціального забезпечення Інституту права Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка Малюга Л. Ю., доктор юридичних наук, доцент... more
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      Social Security LawСоціальна політикасоціальний захист
Статтю присвячено науковому аналізу актуальних шляхів удосконалення соціального законодавства України на основі стандартів та принципів європейського права як важливої складової частини процесу інтеграції України до ЄС. Наголошено, що... more
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      Social Security Lawтрудове правоправо соціального забезпечення
Analisi della disciplina dei fondi di solidarietà. Sostegno al reddito e lavoratori delle PMI nel Jobs Act
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsComparative LawSocial Security LawUnemployment
Cours magistral « Intégrations » (Pauvreté, précarité, politiques sociales, politiques de l'emploi) Master 2 Métiers du développement territorial et de l'ESS Parcours Conception animation, évaluation des projets de développement 15h00... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPovertyPolitics
Discrimination in the work environment is one of the basic problems of social policy nationally and internationally. This consists in the act of treating a person differently — negatively or positively — based on that person's race,... more
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      Social PolicySocial Security LawTurkeyWomen and Gender Studies
During the crisis of 1998, when economic growth in Indonesia was under the lowest point, several small businesses and workers in the informal sector has made it surplus and managed to accelerate the growth of national economy and capable... more
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      Welfare StateSocial Security LawIndonesiaSocial Security
У збірнику вміщено тексти наукових доповідей та повідомлень, присвячених актуальним теоретичним та практичним проблемам права. Правова реформа розглядається з позиції теорії права, а також через призму галузевих наук. Відоб- ражено окремі... more
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      Social Security LawLabor lawLaw reformправо
Today, in parallel with globalization and changing conditions, states strive to increase their tax revenues by means of placing excessive taxes on demerit goods and services which cause negative externalities. When state needs revenue and... more
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      Social PolicySocial Security LawSocial SecurityWoman Studies
El título del estudio refleja bien la extensión temporal de la protección, porque hay que considerar «menor» a quien, según la legislación civil no ha alcanzado la mayoría de edad, y por ello, se fija en los 18 años la edad del asistido,... more
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      Social Security LawSocial SecurityMaternitySeguridad Social
The right to social security is one of the main social rights within the fundamental rights. It is possible to understand the meaning, scope and content of the right if the change has been clearly and clearly in time revealed. It is seen... more
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      Constitutional LawCorporate LawInternational LawSocial Security Law
Este trabalho monográfico trata da insuficiência de vinculação da receita das contribuições sociais às finalidades que fundamentaram a sua instituição, tendo como contexto as sucessivas reformas do sistema de previdência social... more
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    • Social Security Law
Küçük işletmelerin iş sağlığı ve güvenliği uygulamalarına geçişini kolaylaştırmak ve desteklemek amacıyla 6331 sayılı Kanun’un 7 nci maddesi uyarınca Kamu kurum ve kuruluşları hariç olmak üzere 10’dan az çalışanı bulunanlardan, çok... more
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      Occupational HealthOccupational Health & SafetySocial Security LawWork and Labour
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      LawSocial Security LawChileSocial Security
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      Social Security LawSocial History
Sosyal güvenlik hukukunda gebe ve anne işçilerin pozitif ayrımcılık niteliğinde olan çeşitli hakları bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan bazıları, geçici iş göremezlik ödeneği, doğum sonrası yarım çalışma döneminde Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu primlerinin... more
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      Social Security LawTurkeyTurkish Labour Law
Il presente lavoro rientra in un più ampio progetto di ricerca su "Il Testo unico di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro e la tutela assicurativa alla prova della IV rivoluzione industriale", co-finanziato da INAIL nell'ambito del programma... more
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      Labour LawSocial Security LawDiritto Del LavoroAccident at Work
With the imperative nature of World circumstances today one needs assurance that as they carry out their daily day to day work they are assured of a good time once this work no longer subsists. Social security is the protection which... more
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      LawTaxationSocial Security Law
MODESTO, Paulo. O Abono de Permanência após a Reforma da Previdência (EC 103/2019). ConJur - Interesse Público. Publicado em 15-10-2020. Disponível em:... more
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      Social Security LawDireitoSocial SecurityDireito Constitucional
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      European LawSocial Security LawEvaluation of Legislation
Türk sosyal güvenlik sisteminde sigortalının ölümü halinde kız çocuklarına yasada aranan şartların gerçekleşmesi koşuluyla ölüm aylığı bağlanmaktadır. Ölüm aylığı bağlanmasında ölen sigortalının tabi olduğu sigortalılık statüsü ile... more
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      Social WorkSocial PolicySocial Security LawWomen
La crise économique et financière qui sévit depuis 2008 a frappé l’ensemble des pays européens, entraînant d’importantes répercussions sociales : fermetures et délocalisations d’entreprise, chômage, augmentation de la pauvreté etc. La... more
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      Labour LawSocial Security LawEuropean Social LawBelgian politics