Recent papers in Secretary
ÖZ Müzakere tarzları, bireylerin müzakere sürecinde sergiledikleri tutum ve davranışlarla ilgilidir. Demografik özellikleri de müzakere tarzına etki eden önemli değişkenlerden birisidir. Bu kapsamda çalışmada, demografik özelliklerin... more
"A growing change has been observed in the field of the office management and secretariat, like in all other fields. Organizations would survive in such a competitive environment only if they forecast and keep up with this change.... more
We have done our part by showcasing all about the company secretary in Malaysia. Now we leave it up to you to make appropriate arrangements to leverage these services. If you happen to get stuck along the way, return to us. We will gladly... more
تمرالمجتمعات اليوم بمتغيرات اقتصادية واجتماعية وتنظيمية ناتجة عن تحديات العولمة وانفتاح السوق ،هذه المتغيرات التي فرضت نفسها في العالم أجمع، تجبر المجتمعات على نمط تحول كبير في طريقة التفكير وتتطلب إعادة إنتاج وظائف المجتمع والمؤسسات. من... more
Our subject centres on REPORTS WRITING. Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines REPORT as a media that give information to people about something that was heard, seen, done etc; a presentation written or spoken account of an event in the... more
ABSTRAK Tugas seorang sekretaris adalah melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang bersifat membantu manajer atau pimpinan untuk menjalankan roda organisasi, lembaga, maupun kantor. Disamping mempunyai tugas, sekretasis pun mempunyai peran yang sama... more
Business Archives,Sources and History, 76. November, 29-40 This article focuses on a highly significant newly deposited ledger in the Cunard Shipping Line archive at the University of Liverpool. This 'Allocation of Purser's Staff record... more
Nous avons choisi d’éditer quelques pièces afin d’illustrer notre étude. Nous les livrons aujourd’hui au public pour le profit de tous, dans l’attente de la publication prochaine de notre thèse de doctorat. Ces pièces révèlent des... more
In parallel with changes in management and manager approaches with his assistant and executive assistant position substituent changes in the profession is. With the speed of change, and structure and management functioning of complexity... more
ABSTRACT Modern day technology has to do with the use of machines and equipment in carrying out work in organizations which includes the use of computers and related electronic equipment to input, process, and store and file various... more
Abstract secretaryship, which does not seem as a hard job at first glance, and which is perceived as a profession doable byeverybody,isajobthatrequiresmorepersonalsklllsthanotherprofessionsbesidesvocationaltraining. Despite this fact,... more
1. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan pengertian rapat 2. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan jenis -jenis rapat 3. Mahasiswa dapat merencanakan rapat 4. Mahasiswa dapat melaksanakan dan mengendalikan rapat Menghadiri rapat dan konferensi merupakan... more
The aim of this paper is to analyse the role that Alfonso Fontanelli played in Gramigna’s book as a “courtly authority” and how Fontanelli’s experience and musical-literary wisdom was portrayed in order to highlight them as beneficial... more
La communication propose une exploration des liens fonctionnels entre régime de crise politique et construction de l’habitus des experts de gouvernement. Il conviendra d’interroger la lente sédimentation des pratiques de gouvernement lors... more
This paper studies how seventeenth-century writers in Spain elaborated different conceptions of interiority in connection with the intimacy they imagined between the king and his favorite or privado. Authors in the days of Lerma, Uceda... more
Para governar o vasto território que estava debaixo de sua jurisdição, os Governadores da Capitania de Pernambuco, quase todos adventícios ao solo americano, dependiam da ação cotidiana dos “oficiais da escrita” para produzir, circular, e... more
Study on religious practices in different religions, focusing on the use of a medieval Vulgate Bible and an African charm gown.
The embassy secretary is an often neglected and invisible figure in the history of Renaissance diplomacy. This contribution explores the various functions of this type of secretary by way of a diplomatic duo, namely Bernardo de’ Medici,... more
Comment rendre compte, au milieu du XVIe siècle, des voyages exploratoires qui renouvelaient alors la connaissance européenne du monde ? Venise pouvait-elle encore concurrencer, en mer ou sur terre, les expéditions ibériques ? À ces... more
Texto completo da minha dissertação de mestrado. Acteur central de l’Italie de la Renaissance, le secrétaire revêtit tour à tour les fonctions de scripteur, de conseiller ou d’émissaire. Ce dossier apporte un nouvel éclairage sur... more
De Lodovico Castelvetro a Alonso López Pinciano, la tradición de tratadistas de poética inspirados por Aristóteles contribuyó a enraizar un contraste entre poeta e historiador articulado en torno a la responsabilidad (y el privilegio) del... more
This article aims to show, through a literature review, the professional of Executive Secretary as an information manager for decision-making at a Public Institution of Higher Education in São Paulo, Brazil. Expected to show the Executive... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
The secretary is one of the supporters of a job or company that is very influential on the work activities that exist in a company. The existence of a secretary is very important, therefore to become a secretary of a company requires... more
Historically women were usually only allowed to work at sea in domestic roles. Women in the purser's office were non-existent. But from1926-29 Cunard allowed seagoing typists. And then women disappeared from such roles for over two... more
Se analiza el título y el ejercicio de chanciller y registrador mayor del Consejo de Indias que el conde de Olivares, valido de Felipe IV, desempeñó entre 1623 y 1643. Parte de una definición del valimiento y de las capacidades que los... more
Organisation et informations Antonio GEREMICCA et Hélène MIESSE « Transitions ». Département de recherches sur le Moyen Âge tardif et la première Modernité EpistolART Place Cockerill, 3-5 (bât. A2, 4 e étage) 4000 Liège Belgique Tél. +32... more
Come dimostrato da numerosi studi sulla Cancelleria della Repubblica di Venezia, i segretari dediti alla creazione e preservazione dei documenti di governo costituivano una componente socialmente definita, i cosiddetti cittadini... more
Mi estudio presenta un breve análisis de la presidencia de un Consejo como centro de escrituración a través de la figura de su secretario. Con ello, trato de explicar las capacidades individuales que este ministerio poseía, al margen de... more