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      NumerologyMasterFibonacci numbersNumerologie
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Seals tell stories about gods, goddesses, kings, queens and noble men and on some seals these gods, goddesses and noble men are indicated by cuneiform inscription and on some other seals they are indicated by numbers. But three seals... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAssyriologyAnatolian ArchaeologyMesopotamian Archaeology
This paper examines Nick Land's "numbering practices" for opening up language to modernity's increasing technological entanglement beyond human comprehension. I begin by examining Land's attempt to override our linguistic systems with... more
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      Set TheoryOccultismNick LandNumerology
Gentil Lopes - FUNDAMENTOS DOS NÚMEROS (Atualizado SET2016) EBook.pdf
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This article outlines a history of numerical knowledge. It focuses on the forms of use that were developed for dealing with numbers. I begin with the act of counting and the notation of numbers (B); move from the role of numerals in... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryNumber TheoryCalculus
Premessa Aristotele (Metafisica, I, 5) ha lasciato scritto che: "I cosiddetti Pitagorici, avendo cominciato ad occuparsi di ricerche matematiche ed essendo grandemente progrediti in esse, furono condotti da questi loro studi ad assumere... more
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      HistoryMathematicsPhilosophyPhilosophy of Science
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      CyberneticsSpeculative RealismCyberfeminismNick Land
In Finnegans Wake, Joyce develops his interest in the secret organisation Freemasonry in two respects – in accordance to how moral instructions are taught using two tenets: firstly, by studying allegories taken from a vast range of world... more
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      PlatoJames JoyceResearch into FreemasonryHistory of Freemasonry
A speculative idea about why Pss 19 and 119 are placed precisely where they are in the MT Psalter. The idea involves the calendrical Metonic Cycle.
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      Book of PsalmsHistory, Science, Astronomy, Ancient Chronological Systems, CalendarsNumerologyRedaction Criticism
Part 1 of this paper is a detail analysis of the Birth of Christ as outlined in the New Testament and its supporting sources. It analyzes the three nativity account in Matthew, Luke and John. John gospel refers to the first word of... more
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      ChristianityEarly ChristianityHistory of AstrologyChristology
This is 'almost' completely plagiarized....for the most part. I am doing research on Numerology and this is my research document for that research. I make no claim to 'rights' over any particular words and am not charging for this. This... more
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      TruthMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Mystical TheologySacred Geometry
"This brief essay introduces eight papers in a thematic volume of Archaeoastronomy devoted to research into the Maya calendar, creation mythology, prophecy, and the 2012 phenomenon. It includes six new and expanded discussions of... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionEthnohistorySociology of Religion
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      Italian StudiesItalian Renaissance literatureRenaissance Lyric PoetryPetrarchism
According to the mythoi of the New Testament and Christianity’s traditional mythological histories and storylines, Christ was born on December 25th 7BC and John the Baptist was born six months earlier on June 24th 7BC. Those that are... more
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      Male CircumcisionWestern Esotericism (History)KabbalahJudaism
Mago Corpo-senza-l'anima C'era una vedova con una figlio che si chiamava Giuanin. A tredici anni voleva andarsene per il mondo a far fortuna. Gli disse sua madre: "Cosa vuoi andare a fare per il mondo? Non vedi che sei ancora piccolo?... more
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This essay shows all the most important numbers associated with the 7 magick squares of Cornelius Agrippa, along with others, can be found on an extended ordinal counting sequence version of the Tetractys of Pythagoras. That is by... more
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      KabbalahTantraNeoplatonism and PythagoreanismQabalah
Esta tesis doctoral se basa fundamentalmente en el estudio arquetípico de la obra poética (11 obras) de Gwendolyn MacEWEN (1941-1987) y también de algunos de sus relatos. Se ha aplicado la crítica literaria junguiana de orientación... more
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      MythologyComparative PoliticsAlchemyTarot
The purpose of this work is to create a mathematical formula that allows to generate Harshad numbers in base 10, that are positive integers (written in decimal form) divisible by the sum of their own digits.
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryAlgebraic Number TheoryApplied Mathematics
One of the most striking characteristics of the first volume of Manichaean Kephalaia is the occurrence of five-part patterns in a wide variety of contexts. Even though the importance of pentads in Manichaeism has long been recognized, few... more
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      GnosticismDoctrine of GodManichaeismNumerology
Os textos moçárabes escritos em al-Andalus entre os séculos VIII e XI proporcionam-nos informações, não apenas acerca do que trazem escrito em si mesmos, mas também acerca do período ou períodos nos quais eles foram escritos ou... more
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Graham Hancock’s assertion that the Great Pyramid’s dimensions reveal knowledge of the earth’s dimensions fails to hold up to any scrutiny as a practical theory. Each step argued by Hancock; that the Great Pyramid was built to a specific... more
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      EgyptologyBase Of The PyramidPseudoscienceNumerology
In the evolution of game diagrams and rules boardgames have come to mirror not only cultural aspects but also the transformations in the collective psyche. The boardgame portrays the collective psyche in the form of mandala shapes... more
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      Art HistoryDivinationAlchemyJungian psychology
Una obra inspirada en los misteriosos y enigmáticos cuadrados Mágicos y los números de la magnificencia a los que hacía referencia Nikola Tesla.
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      MathematicsMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Nikola TeslaNumerology
I’ve argue that numbers are not mere quantities and that the first four numbers, in particular, have rich qualitative structures; they are psychologically potent and numinous. Jung and the Jungians have explored these archetypal numbers,... more
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      Philosophy Of MathematicsJungian psychologyNeoplatonismNumerology
Ausonius' poem on the number three has prompted at least four different avenues of interpretation aimed at answering the 'riddle'. I argue that all but one of them are misguided, and that the remaining one can only be speculative (though... more
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      Late AntiquityLatin Language and LiteratureRiddlesAusonius
Summary: Daniel’s solution to the riddle inscribed on Belshazzar’s wall (viz. MNHMNHTKLWPRSYN)1 is analytically elegant and prophetically accurate. It’s also a lot more involved than it seems. Daniel decomposes the king’s riddle into... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyBook of DanielThe Book of DanielMagic and Divination in the Ancient World
Initial cosmology may have been designed and measured. I suggest the principal reference points of its measure were the motions of the stars, the sun and the moon and the cardinal directions. A cosmology was a projection on the terrain of... more
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      CosmologyNumerologySettlement Patterns and Systems
In this paper the author analyzes the recurrence in Aristophanes' Frogs of structures in which number three plays a relevant role, particularly based on the use of triple sequences or iterations. The conclusion he proposes is grounded on... more
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      Aristophanes FrogsNumerologyAncient Greek ComedyDionysos in the theater
Because the ancient Greeks used the same characters to write numbers and words, arithmetic pervaded their language in a way that is difficult for us to imagine today. The numerical value derived from the sum of letters concealed a hidden... more
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      RosicrucianismGreek ArchaeologyQabalahNumerology
This paper tackles the vexed question of the sources of Vitruvius's De Architectura. A series of passages of De Architectura show affinities with the Pythagorean notions of harmony and number proportions. In these passages the concepts of... more
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“Reprinted by permission of the copyright owner, Confluencia.”
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      History of the BookJorge Luis BorgesWalter BenjaminMidrash
Adiyen's Quantitative Astrology gives a generic tour of this ancient field of study. Please read attached preview of this book. Those interested in purchasing the book please send your request by e-mail to the Author given on the... more
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      Quantitative analysisNumerologyVoid
Summary:  A brief look at the significance of certain numbers in Jesus’ genealogies and their immediate context.  Key words:  Matthew, Luke, genealogy, Jesus, 14, 42, Jubilee, ark, glory.  Date:  Mar. 2021.
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      New TestamentSynoptic GospelsInfancy NarrativesCalendars
Summary: The book of Judges uses numbers in order to shed light on particular features of its narrative. Over 250 of its words designate numerical quantities, and our treatment of Judges’ narrative will be poorer if we gloss over them.... more
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      Hebrew BibleNarrative AnalysisInner-Biblical ExegesisNumerology
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      James JoyceGenetic Criticism (Genetic Criticism)FreemasonryResearch into Freemasonry
Biblioteca Casanatense, 1991 IL MATEMATICO E GLI ASTRI. CONTRIBUTO ALLO STUDIO DELL'ARITHMOLOGIA DI ATHANASIUS KIRCHER Nel quadro della produzione enciclopedica del gesuita tedesco Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680), ' la pubblicazione... more
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      History of Mathematics (History)NumerologyAthanasius Kircher
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      Creative WritingArtificial IntelligencePhysicsChristian Mysticism
Prayers for birth and death in the Bayān (‫ﺖ‬ ّ ‫ﻣ‬ ‫و‬ ‫ﻟﻮد‬ ‫ﻣﻮ‬ ‫ﳕﺎزﻫﺎى‬) and a short commentary on their inner significance N. Wahid Azal © 2018
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      Iranian StudiesEsotericismNumerologyBurial Customs
Ben Kur’an’da 19 Mucizesini inkâr etmiyorum. Fakat bu mucizenin Kur’an’dan ayet çıkartmasına ve Ümmetin fiili yani nesilden nesle aktardığı sünneti inkâr etmeye sebep olmadığına kailim. Edip Bey’in karşı olduğu hadisler ise, sünneti... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesMiraclesReligious Studies
Now superseded with the paper at
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament ProphecyBook of DanielNumerology
(This is a synopsis for a documentary. I am looking for a proper director and producer.) What will you witness here is real, yet at the same time extraordinary and surreal. There is divine code connecting major events in our world,... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryPhilosophyMetaphysics
The following is a 2013 PhD thesis, successfully defended at the University of Ulster, 2013. "Current textual studies of Finnegans Wake have identified sigla chiefly as notebook shorthand, but this thesis argues that this interpretation... more
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      James JoyceFreemasonryNumerologyFinnegans Wake
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    • Numerology
This article considers the future of audience research in an era of big data. It does so by interrogating the dynamics and potentials of the big data paradigm in an era of usergenerated content and commercial exploitation. In this... more
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      Cultural StudiesDigital MediaAlchemyAudience and Reception Studies
Event timings are sometimes fraught with uncertainty. Here the author gives a numerological basis for confirming uncertain event timings like the time of birth (ToB) or the time of events (ToE) based on certain numerological parameters.... more
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      Current Events AnalysisNumerology
Bu çalışmada Kazakça ve Çincedeki numeroloji, Şark milletlerinin sayı kültürünün oluşum tarihi hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Kazakça ve Çincedeki 1, 9 sayılarının oluşumuna, özelliklerine, kutsallığına, bilişsel sıfatına halklar arasındaki... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreTurkish CultureKazakh CultureTurkology
The Message For The Computer Generation Chapter 74 of the Quran is dedicated to the PRIME number 19. This chapter is called “Al-Muddassir” (The Hidden Secret). The number 19 is specifically mentioned in that Chapter as a “punishment” for... more
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