Recent papers in Numerology
Learn from the Best Astrologers in India. Pandit K.A Dubey Padmesh Ji is the most renowned Astrologer of India and has received countless awards and recognition.
Renumbered to 4021. to 4720. Pretty much 100% certain to be 100% accurate, with merely a few minor variations in the exact numbering of a few verses here and there, like all the large books. It was even said at one point, which path was... more
The Book of Numbers is famous for its mysterious numbers. This short note addresses mainly those of chapters 3 and 4. In the following, I propose that hosts set apart by YHWH for his service, such as the firstborn sons of the Israelites... more
The present study discusses the compilation strategy and composition of the Troickij sbornik on the basis of new computer technology and electronic databases. Particular attention is paid to the relationship of the Troickij sbornik to... more
A very unusual phenomenon is about to happen in Dec 2020 and Feb 2021. This is my honest assessment of the movement and alignment of the stars during this period. Let us consider a normal lunar eclipse. Earth comes between the Sun and the... more
People these days know the Universe as a Whole, because not knowing the edge between This and That. Its secret is the secret of a forgotten body, the seventh in the series of multifaceted as Life, Seven. We know six of it now. But the... more
Quantitative Astrology (QA) can be applied in daily life and conclusions can be drawn about the general outcome of the event and its impact on key players. This analysis is based on arriving at the Numeral of the Event and calculating its... more
Birth through 27 28 through 54 From 55 on The First Life Period is the month of birth, reduced to a single digit or master number. The Second Life Period is the day of birth, reduced to a single digit or master number. The Third... more
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and the two shall be one flesh Genesis 2:24 (KJV)
«Everything is Number», says Pythagoras. This is the truth: the essence of the Number is the being of beings, their I: if it is numered, then it exists. Therefore, ignorance of the Number and neglect of it are destructive for us. An... more
In this article, see pages 164, 166-168 for Stuart's discussion of the Grolier Codex. It is highly significant that the Mexican State of Chiapas and the Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas chose to include the Grolier Codex as an authentic... more
is chiefly known as the finest English miniaturist of the Jacobean period, working between the death of Nicholas Hilliard and the rise of Samuel Cooper. He enjoyed substantial Royal patronage after the accession of Charles I in 1625, and... more
“Suppose a great genius is curious; like a babe, gazing in wonder with eyes superposed; an omnipresent humus, spectling on all his game.” Nostradamus said, "New Sage" (literal translation). I admit, I am literally a Super Genius. My... more
(This is a synopsis for a documentary. I am looking for a proper director and producer.) What will you witness here is real, yet at the same time extraordinary and surreal. There is divine code connecting major events in our world,... more
helps us to read the sound vibration of particular name or any word. It is "The universal science of pronunciation or an articulation. It is used to know the actual sound vibration and hidden meaning of that name. Pronology is one step... more
Numerology is a science and it is based on some logical mathematical calculation. According to the ancient believe every English alphabet has a numerical equivalent. Hence, the name of every person can be changed into a numerical form.... more
People are less inclined to know past then absorb present but much interested in knowing future. Humans have always yearned to know what the future has in store for us. Everyone wants a glimpse of the cosmic plan to see where the destiny... more
2. The number of antithesis; also of witness and confirmation. The binomial, as plus and minus, active and passive, male and female, positive and negative, profit and loss, etc. It stands for the dualism of manifested life -God and... more
What I will share with you is real, yet at the same time extraordinary and surreal. It is a verifiable and falsifiable scientific proof for God's existence, but also for God's universal message for humanity: Freedom, justice, peace,... more
By deliberately numbering sonnets 12, 60 and 126 of his sequence Shakespeare emphasised his repeated poetic stands against the destructive effects of Time. In doing so he displayed characteristics which had been displayed in Renaissance,... more
Biblioteca Casanatense, 1991 IL MATEMATICO E GLI ASTRI. CONTRIBUTO ALLO STUDIO DELL'ARITHMOLOGIA DI ATHANASIUS KIRCHER Nel quadro della produzione enciclopedica del gesuita tedesco Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680), ' la pubblicazione... more
Part 1 of this paper is a detail analysis of the Birth of Christ as outlined in the New Testament and its supporting sources. It analyzes the three nativity account in Matthew, Luke and John. John gospel refers to the first word of... more
Graham Hancock’s assertion that the Great Pyramid’s dimensions reveal knowledge of the earth’s dimensions fails to hold up to any scrutiny as a practical theory. Each step argued by Hancock; that the Great Pyramid was built to a specific... more
Numerology Number 3 is considered to be associated with the child. Number 1 is for man and number 2 is for woman, so number 3 should be for the child. It is for the person who may not be childish but childlike. Number 3 is associated with... more
There are three main ritual baths in a human life of any religion or any country, i.e. Birth Bath, Marriage Bath and Death Bath. The bath of Birth and Death is a natural and being happened at the time, when the native is not conscious,... more
This book deals with appearance (phainesthai) in antiquity, a topic that has so far received only scant attention by scholars in ancient aesthetics. It focuses on a group of philosophers who were active in the 5th and 4th centuries BC,... more
Gentil Lopes - FUNDAMENTOS DOS NÚMEROS (Atualizado SET2016) EBook.pdf
Because the ancient Greeks used the same characters to write numbers and words, arithmetic pervaded their language in a way that is difficult for us to imagine today. The numerical value derived from the sum of letters concealed a hidden... more
Una obra inspirada en los misteriosos y enigmáticos cuadrados Mágicos y los números de la magnificencia a los que hacía referencia Nikola Tesla.
Premessa Aristotele (Metafisica, I, 5) ha lasciato scritto che: "I cosiddetti Pitagorici, avendo cominciato ad occuparsi di ricerche matematiche ed essendo grandemente progrediti in esse, furono condotti da questi loro studi ad assumere... more
The purpose of this work is to create a mathematical formula that allows to generate Harshad numbers in base 10, that are positive integers (written in decimal form) divisible by the sum of their own digits.
Summary: A brief look at the significance of certain numbers in Jesus’ genealogies and their immediate context. Key words: Matthew, Luke, genealogy, Jesus, 14, 42, Jubilee, ark, glory. Date: Mar. 2021.
Each and every date of birth can have maximum 8 digits only in the form of date (DD/MM/YYYY), while there are 9 digits and zero in number system of numerology i.e. 0, 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. We don’t consider zero in any type of... more
Seals tell stories about gods, goddesses, kings, queens and noble men and on some seals these gods, goddesses and noble men are indicated by cuneiform inscription and on some other seals they are indicated by numbers. But three seals... more
This article outlines a history of numerical knowledge. It focuses on the forms of use that were developed for dealing with numbers. I begin with the act of counting and the notation of numbers (B); move from the role of numerals in... more
The following is a 2013 PhD thesis, successfully defended at the University of Ulster, 2013. "Current textual studies of Finnegans Wake have identified sigla chiefly as notebook shorthand, but this thesis argues that this interpretation... more
Ben Kur’an’da 19 Mucizesini inkâr etmiyorum. Fakat bu mucizenin Kur’an’dan ayet çıkartmasına ve Ümmetin fiili yani nesilden nesle aktardığı sünneti inkâr etmeye sebep olmadığına kailim. Edip Bey’in karşı olduğu hadisler ise, sünneti... more
This paper examines Nick Land's "numbering practices" for opening up language to modernity's increasing technological entanglement beyond human comprehension. I begin by examining Land's attempt to override our linguistic systems with... more
This essay shows all the most important numbers associated with the 7 magick squares of Cornelius Agrippa, along with others, can be found on an extended ordinal counting sequence version of the Tetractys of Pythagoras. That is by... more
The Message For The Computer Generation Chapter 74 of the Quran is dedicated to the PRIME number 19. This chapter is called “Al-Muddassir” (The Hidden Secret). The number 19 is specifically mentioned in that Chapter as a “punishment” for... more
Наука сделала много открытий за последние столетия, но есть ещё вещи, которые пока остаются малоизвестными для большей части современного общества. Евгений Мешков в своей бесплатной электронной книге "Простые Истины Жизни" пишет о том,... more