Nuclear deterrence
Recent papers in Nuclear deterrence
In an age where nothing seems clear-cut it is wonderful to have a hero and an even clearer villain. Putin is the new Hitler, an obsessive maniac with no respect for human life. The Ukrainians, by contrast, remind us of our parents and... more
Economic sanctions have become the tool of choice for U.S. policymakers to influence international affairs. On issues ranging from nuclear nonproliferation to human rights, the United States typically imposes sanctions with the goal of... more
The 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC on 01 Oct 19 was marked by the biggest ever parade in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. This brief analyses the event in the midst of seminal geopolitical developments involving China, inter alia... more
This paper argues that the practice and performance of nuclear deterrence can never be fully representative or democratic due to the particular pressures placed on leaders by the nuclear condition. For nuclear deterrence to be effective –... more
Book Review of Not War, Not Peace? Motivating Pakistan to Prevent Cross-Border Terrorism. By George Perkovich and Toby Dalton.
The appearance on Russian TV stations Channel One and NTV of the plans for a nuclear torpedo/unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) has prompted much interest among observers. Among other aspects, its probably salted warhead attracted much... more
Can we make comparisons of nuclear deterrence and cyberdeterrence in modern era. States conduct their critical infrastructures with SCADA systems. Also states make network centric warfare in our age. Because of all these reasons,... more
Artificial intelligence and the future of warfare sketches a clear picture of the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the digitized battlefield, broadening our understanding of critical questions facing decision-makers.... more
In February this year, at the École de Guerre in Paris and at the Munich Security Conference, France’s President Emmanuel Macron again reiterated the need to strengthen European autonomy in foreign and security policy and presented yet... more
The paper evaluates the strategic impact of hypersonic missiles. It first provides a short overview of the current American, Russian and Chinese hypersonic missile programmes and of their strategic rationale. It then examines the effects... more
What happened, in the years leading up to Valentine's Day 2014, that made a canister of nuclear waste burst open and spew out fire underground at a US facility for the long-term disposal of radioactive military waste? According to one... more
“It would seem that awareness of the nuclear danger should be precisely the common denominator with which statesmen of both countries would exercise restraint and seek mutual understanding to strengthen confidence, to avoid the... more
Dans cette note de l'Observatoire franco-russe, Igor Delanoë décrypte et analyse la "Doctrine nucléaire" de la Russie publiée le 2 juin dernier.
War spins the wheels of history. It changes societies, alters lives, and brings about new dimensions to inflict more brutality on human beings. This is what happened in the aftermath of World War II, when the advent of the nuclear weapons... more
The Kargil War of 1999 was one of the three wars fought by India and Pakistan over the disputed region of Kashmir. Pakistan’s incursion into the Kargil sector of Indian occupied Kashmir across the internationally recognized Line of... more
In 2009, after US president Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize for, amongst others, his commitment to long-term nuclear disarmament (BBC,2009), Time Magazine published an article titled “Want Peace? Give the Nuke a Nobel”. This... more
Since the end of the Cold War, many scholars questioned the relevance of nuclear weapons in a world where is not clearly defined as unipolar or multipolar. Many critics of the nuclear weapons see them as the outdated tools of the power... more
The pandemic of 2020-21 could be the first “painful contraction” of a birth. From the optimistic spectacles of Bucky Fuller's "World Game, " the sense of emergency might have had the markings of an economic and spiritual renaissance.... more
Les Etats adoptent-ils une posture plus ambitieuse, plus agressive ou plus provocante une fois qu'ils disposent d'un nombre minimal d'armes nucléaires ? Cette question, longtemps éclipsée par celle de "l'équilibre de la terreur", s'avère... more
How might nuclear deterrence be affected by the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems? How might the introduction of intelligent machines affect human-to-human (and human-to-machine) deterrence? Are existing... more
This article demystifies the hype surrounding AI in the context of nuclear weapons and, more broadly, future warfare. Specifically, it highlights the potential, multifaceted intersections of this disruptive technology with nuclear... more
North Korea is perilously close to developing strategic nuclear weapons capable of hitting the United States and its East Asian allies. Since their first nuclear test in 2006, North Korea has struggled to perfect the required delivery... more
The present work examines the possibility of a serious undermining of European security architecture in the near future, due to a synthesis a series of factors. One of these factors is the deconstruction of European militaries with a... more
1. Introduzione. 2. Il Confronto geopolitico. 3. Alcuni elementi di geopolitica iraniana. 4. L'origine del confronto con Israele. 4.1. Le ambiguità nei rapporti Iran-Israele. 5. L'elezione di Ahmadinejad. 6. La minaccia iraniana come... more
The chapter deals with peculiarities of establishment of the regional nuclear nonproliferation regime in the Asia Pacific as well as its condition in the modern period. From the standpoint of research methodology, the paper actively... more
Artikel om atomvåben i NATO's strategi.
Pakistan and India, as two nuclear neighbors in South Asia with a hostile historical legacy, have limited strategic options to pursue in an environment where uncertainty and threat are constant. In this context, India has moved in the... more
Généralement associées à l’imaginaire issu de la science-fiction, littéraire ou cinématographique, utopique ou dystopique, les technologies de l’intelligence artificielle ont investi ces vingt dernières années des domaines de plus en plus... more
Proliferarea armelor de distrugere în masă Fenomenul de față este considerat drept una dintre cele mai importante amenințări de securitate, de la începutul secolului XXI. Îl găsim prezentat în discursul public, fie în declarații, fie în... more
Les rationalités de l'électronucléaire [Kairos, juin/juillet 2019, pp. 15-17] Le développement de l'utilisation de l'énergie nucléaire constitue le tournant de l'histoire de l'humanité. La majorité des citoyens pressent qu'on a « mal... more
Will the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in strategic decision-making be stabilizing or destabilizing? What are the risks and trade-offs of pre-delegating military force (or automating escalation) to machines? How might non-nuclear... more
Ten things you need to know about the nuclear capacity of the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to offer cogent analysis of Iran’s compliance with the existing Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and/or ongoing negotiations by the... more
Is peace among nations a utopia? Some would say yes, others would say no. In fact, it depends on how one defines peace. Is it the absence of international conflict or war? Is it the absence of violence or fear of violence both at the... more
In this paper, I address three of the most frequently used arguments for maintaining a significant measure of dependence for international security on nuclear deterrence both globally and regionally: Nuclear weapons have deterred great... more
Since the end of the Cold War, China is believed to have doubled the size of its nuclear arsenal, while the other nuclear powers under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) have cut their forces in half. Many analysts explain China’s... more
Over the last years, the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) recognized nuclear powers (P5) have substantially invested in modernizing their nuclear arsenals. Even considering the need for replacement of some of the nuclear platforms,... more
Quoique premier et principal domaine de l’histoire de la guerre, la puissance terrestre a depuis quelque temps maintenant été dissociée de la notion de « forces stratégiques », ces dernières renvoyant généralement à des moyens longue... more
Traces the evolution of Soviet Military Doctrine from CZARs to 1991 and defines the un recognized last revolution in Soviet military affairs. This is the Soviet doctrine that influenced Putin's development and his current world view
This paper aims to examine the historical background of India and Pakistan"s nuclear strategic doctrines in the context of nuclear deterrence policy of both states. Primarily, the reason of nuclear deterrence between India and Pakistan... more
Cold War-era, nuclear-policy debates focused on the US-Soviet nuclear balance and various loopholes and openings in arms-control agreements that arguably favored the Soviets at US expense. Missing from these debates was due attention to... more
Overt nuclearization by India and Pakistan in May 1998 threw up doctrinal challenges for the strategist communities of the two countries 2 , which had until then been conveniently swept under the carpet. International pressures with... more
Cold War-era, nuclear-policy debates focused on the US-Soviet nuclear balance and various loopholes and openings in arms-control agreements that arguably favored the Soviets at US expense. Missing from these debates was due attention to... more
Öz Nükleer silahlar, bu silahlara sahip devletler arasında savaş ve çatışma riskini azaltan bir işlev gör-mektedir. Devletler, askeri güç dengesinde dezavantajlı bir konumda olsalar da, nükleer silah sahibi olmaları durumunda "mutlak... more