Putin's foreign policies
Recent papers in Putin's foreign policies
The Syrian war will allow Russia to recover its naval presence in the Mediterranean. The Russian Navy will have more facilities at the same time that the Chinese Navy will appear in this scenario. This new situation will give us a new... more
Hai-Nyzhnyk P., Chupriy L., Fihurnyi Y., Krasnodemska I., Chyrkov O. (2018). Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine: ethnonational dimension and civilizational confrontation. Saarbrucken (Germany): LAP Lambert Academic... more
Kreml og det russiske propagandamaskineriet beskriver annekteringen av Krim som et trekk for å beskytte etniske russere, og den pågående konflikten i Øst-Ukraina som en borgerkrig. Man kan ikke være lenger unna sannheten.
Hat die derzeitige politische Ordnung in Russland mittel- und langfristig Bestand? Die fundamentale Herausforderung der Fortexistenz des heutigen kleptokratischen Regimes Russlands in den kommenden Jahren wird das Zusammenfallen zweier... more
In political science an accent on individuals (political leaders) in researching politics is neither popular nor advocated one. In authoritarian countries like Russia or China, however, political leaders and their personalities are a... more
The article aims to develop an analytical model for foreign policy experts in order to gain a better understanding of Russian-U.S. relations. The content of Russian-U.S. relations is categorized into practical and ideational agendas. This... more
Today’s expert literature on the Kremlin’s subversive activities in Europe is often confusing in terms of the concepts and definitions used by authors in their reports and analyses. This paper aims to remedy this shortcoming by providing... more
Wenn ein Unterzeichnerland des Vertrages selbst vor einem der fünf Garanten des Sperrabkommens nicht sicher sein kann: Welchen Sinn hat dann das Verbot der Nichtweiterverbreitung von Kernwaffen? Im Austausch gegen einen Abbau von... more
A Rússia no século XXI se caracteriza pela dependência da exportação em alguns setores de sua economia, como o energético e o militar, os quais, ao mesmo tempo, permitiram a expansão econômica do país e o aumento do prestígio da nação no... more
تسعى الأطراف الدولية المتدخلة في الأزمة السورية إلى إطالة أمد الصراع التركي-الكردي في سوريا لاستنزاف القدرات العسكرية التركية، وتحجيم النفوذ التركي في سوريا، بهدف استبعاد أنقرة من معادلات تقاسم مناطق النفوذ بعد نهاية الصراع. وفي المقابل،... more
This time I decided to draw attention to a significant role (which was a surprise for many experts) of Chechen terrorists in a battle of Islamic state that has become a main threat to the West. Based on this role, it is not only possible,... more
Every year, the world leaders gather for conference at Munich to discuss global peace and security. But, the conference of 2007 is of exceptional nature because of the famous speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose speech was... more
The crisis in Ukraine is an unprecedented OPPORTUNITY. Never before has there been such a global opposition to psychotic “political” intention than the global righteous indignation expressed relative to Putin’s psychotic unprovoked attack... more
Текст был ранее опубликован в журнале «Континент» [Москва] (http://e-continent.ru/electronic/kontingent/ulmand/1s2k2012/) и на сайте «Geopolitika» [Вильнюс] (http://www.geopolitika.lt/?artc=5453).
The Russian Federation is currently and will remain, for the foreseeable future, the country that possesses the second largest number of nuclear warheads. This highly armed state has, like the Soviet Union before it and the US today, an... more
Die geringe Aufmerksamkeit der deutschen Elite und Öffentlichkeit für die Ukraine ist vor dem Hintergrund der hohen Opferzahlen der Ukrainer im Zweiten Weltkrieg geschichtsvergessen. Trotz einer Reihe begrüßenswerter deutscher Initiativen... more
Это договорное предложение о прекращении российско-украинского конфликта. Эта книга открывается исследованием братоубийственных элементов, которые преследовали восточнославянскую историю, и попыткой сформулировать импровизированный пакт,... more
The Kremlin’s loudly announced disarmament of Ukraine has, like most of its other aims in Eastern Europe, little chance of ever materializing.
Review article on the books: Black Wind, White Snow: The Rise of Russia’s New Nationalism. By Charles Clover. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016. The Gumilev Mystique: Biopolitics, Eurasianism, and the Construction of Community in... more
Seemingly sensible proposals to Kyiv to partially satisfy Moscow’s demands in Eastern Ukraine are counterproductive. They ignore the record of compromising with Russian revanchism, and underestimate the unexplored potential of serious... more
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Can Putin really be considered a neo-Eurasianist? Is his policy of ‘multipolarism’ a direct consequence of his neo-Eurasianist inclinations? If so, why did he try to construct closer relations with the US in the post-September 11 period?... more
Die aufgeführten Tatsachen und eine Reihe anderer aufschlussreicher Aspekte der denkwürdigen Ereignisse vom Februar-März 2014 sind in der Ukraine und unter Osteuropaexperten an Universitäten und Think-Tanks sowie bei Regierungen und... more
Looking at the examples of the Gazprom’s gas import arrangements in the several East European countries, this paper suggests that the centrality of the intermediary companies’ role in them cannot be explained with purely economic or even... more
Traces the evolution of Soviet Military Doctrine from CZARs to 1991 and defines the un recognized last revolution in Soviet military affairs. This is the Soviet doctrine that influenced Putin's development and his current world view
The focus of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, it outlines the geopolitical rationale behind contemporary Russian expansionism, as well as presents the asymmetric mechanisms utilized by Russia to solidify its authority in the... more
Putin’s Russia suffered a bitter defeat in the first weeks of the Russian-Ukrainian war. However, the Kremlin will keep on trying to place Ukraine into its orbit, as well as project its influence further into the Western world. Unceasing... more
L'Europa è fatta di nazioni che nascono, rinascono, si rinnovano, si fondono, si separano. Forte della sua profonda conoscenza della Russia, Vittorio Strada propone il suo contributo a una discussione sempre aperta su temi cruciali e... more
An Examination of the Motivation of Putin's "Holy Wars" in the Ukraine and the Middle Wast
This paper serves a looking glass into the geopolitics of the late-1700s and present-day. A special historical and foreign policy comparison of Empress Catherine the Great and President Vladimir Putin's Russification policies in the... more
Bu çalışma, küresel ve bölgesel şartların değişimiyle oluşan yeni bağlamın güçlü oyuncularından birisi olan Rusya Federasyonu'nun Putin dönemi ulusal güvenlik stratejilerini inceleyerek Rusya'nın Suriye krizine dahil olmasını ele... more
The EU should revert back to its pre-Minsk approach to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. The main raft of sanctions were introduced before both of the Minsk Agreements were negotiated. Back then, the lifting of sanctions had been linked... more
n this case I decided to examine not the current Russian government structure , the interrelation of various clans and th eir influence to processes in Russia and worldwide, but rather focus on why Russia can now be reasonably called a... more
As sanções norte americanas sobre a Rússia, impostas após o conflito na Ucrânia em 2014 e posterior anexação da Crimeia, mediante plebiscito, possuem, como finalidade, o enfraquecimento do Estado centralizado de Putin, bem como a mudança... more
Russia is not the Soviet Union, but Putin would like it to be…”