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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyIndigenous StudiesPottery (Archaeology)
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      Survey ResearchMetodologia della Ricerca ArcheologicaNeapolisArcheologia Romana
Felice Senatore: come avete appreso dal programma del Convegno, la sessione mattutina avrebbe dovuto essere presieduta dal Prof. Giuseppe Galasso, ma purtroppo il Prof. Galasso non può essere presente oggi tra noi. Tuttavia, non ha voluto... more
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    • Neapolis
The southern Tyrrhenian coast of Italy was the locus of the only known cults of the Sirens in antiquity. While a famous sanctuary of the Sirens was situated on the Sorrentine Peninsula at the southern end of the Bay of Naples, the cities... more
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      Greek HistoryGreek ArchaeologyAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Greek Religion
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      Maritime ArchaeologyNautical ArchaeologyHarbour ArchaeologyNeapolis
This thesis is meant to detail the impact of Roman military forces located on and around the Bay of Naples from the time of Nero to the death of Domitian, as it pertains to the archaeological record. This time period, spanning around 50... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman History
During his second apostolic tour, Apostle St. Paul passed from Troas to Neapolis of Eastern Macedonia. This fact was crucial for the subsequent historical course and culture, not only of Greece, but also of Europe. From Neapolis, Paul... more
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in DialArchMed I, 2, p. 313-321.
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      Urban PlanningFunerary ArchaeologyUrbanismNaples
Even the name, Pausilypon, or “place that puts an end to worries”, today used to refer to the entire Neapolitan hillside, conveys an idea of the pleasantness of the sites and the purpose of the villa. The hillside of Posillipo rises to... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryArchitecture
We all know about Pompeii and Herculaneum, to the south and west of Vesuvius respectively, but its north slope is by contrast almost a blank in the archaeological record, something which the Apolline Project set out to rectify. The... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyLate AntiquityPompeii
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      Maritime ArchaeologyNautical ArchaeologyPorts and HarboursHarbour Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyRoman Baths (Archaeology)ArcheologiaNeapolis
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Byzantine StudiesLate AntiquityRoman Pottery
In the last few decades, urban archaeology in Naples has contributed to outline the history of the city. The discovery of a great amount of pottery gave information about the daily life of ancient Naples. It was therefore decided to draw... more
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      CartographyPottery (Archaeology)Landscape ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)
With Dionysos through the vineyards of smoke-plumed Vesuvius: In a significant contribution, Marcello Gigante proves the existence of a strong connection between Dionysos and Mt. Vesuvius through a thorough analysis of the ancient... more
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      Roman ReligionPompeii (Archaeology)Classical philologyHerculaneum
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      Roman HistoryGreek EpigraphyAncient Sports/AthleticsGreek and Roman Epigraphy
Priapo è il dio greco della fertilità. Viene tradizionalmente rappresentato con un fallo enorme e un corpo deforme, dovuto, secondo la leggenda, ad un maleficio di Era, gelosa dell'amore tra Zeus ed Afrodite, di cui era frutto (altri... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryNeapolis
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      PisidiaRoman SarcophagiNeapolisRoman Necropolis
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      NeapolisArchéologie Subaquatique
The increase in urban archeology in Naples over the past decades has contributed to the reconstruction of the city's history thanks to the discovery of a lot of pottery. These - in spite of its modest appearance, especially in fragments -... more
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      Roman PotteryNeapolisHellenistic and Roman potteryArchaeological Map
The Roman baths of Agnano are one of the biggest archaeological complexes of Neapolis; it’s on the border between this last and Puteoli, along the road that connected the two centers. The area was intensely busy beginning from the... more
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      AsclepiusRoman Baths (Archaeology)NeapolisAgnano
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      NeapolisHellenistic and Roman potteryArchaeological Map
Bu kitapta yayınlanan yazıların yayım hakkı saklıdır. Yazarlarının yazılı izni olmaksızın çoğaltılamaz, basılamaz, yayınlanamaz. Yazıların metinleriyle ilgili her türlü sorumluluk yazarlarına aittir.
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      Ancient LyciaLykiaNeapolisBeydağları (Likya)
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Late AntiquityVesuviusNeapolis
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Late AntiquityVesuviusNeapolis
In: Balogh-Ebner Márton - György Sándor - Hajnáczky Tamás: Történelmi töredékek. Válogatás a Napi Történelmi Forrás szerzőinek írásaiból III. Budapest, 2019. Gondolat Kiadó Short biography of Elisabeth of Hungary, daughter of Stephen V,... more
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      Medieval HungaryMedieval SerbiaArpadian AgeNeapolis
Le terme ed il santuario ellenistico di Agnano. Nuovi dati dal territorio di Neapolis e Puteoli, tra il III a.C. ed il V d.C.
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      ArchaeologyRoman Baths (Archaeology)Roman UrbanismBaths and bathing culture
The north slope of the Somma-Vesuvius complex is archaeologically still little known. Archaeological and volcanologic field research at a site in the town of Pollena Trocchia offers new data for understanding the burying process of the AD... more
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      VolcanologyPompeii (Archaeology)LaharsVesuvius
In this short study, the data obtained from the archaeological investigations conducted by the authors on behalf of SABAP in the area of the Naples-Capodichino International Airport are briefly presented. Excavations have revealed how the... more
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      Roman ceramicsNeapolisItalian Sigillata - Roman Pottery - Arretine decorated wareRoman Campania
La ceramica in argilla depurata e grezza di VI e V secolo a.C. dal santuario periurbano settentrionale di Cuma. Contesti di rinvenimento, produzioni, forme e funzioni.
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Material Culture StudiesArchaeology of Southern Italy
Geoarchaeology.2018;1–16. Archaeological excavations, undertaken since 2004 for the construction of the new Naples subway, have unearthed the harbor basin of the Greco–Roman town of Parthenope–Neapolis, furnishing scientists with the... more
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      Landscape EcologyArchaeologyVolcanologyGeoarchaeology
Ikonographische Bemerkungen zu einem Kalksteinrelief aus Pannonia Inferior Im Lapidarium von Aquincum (Budapest, Aquincumi Múzeum, Inv. Nr. 66.11.12) ist ein Kalksteinrelief mit einer merkwürdigen Darstellung von Priamos vor Achill... more
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      Roman IconographyGreco-Roman MythologyPannoniaNeapolis
Il tema del contributo si collega al dibattito sulla reale natura dell’identità greca di Neapolis in età imperiale. Scopo del saggio è quello di dimostrare che l’immagine di una Napoli ancora greca in piena età imperiale non può... more
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      Roman HistoryGreek EpigraphyLatin EpigraphyRoman imperial history
The worship of Augustus and his successors is the subject of an extensive bibliographic production dedicated to the analysis of the forms it took in the different regions of the Empire. In the Greek East the beginning of the worship found... more
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      Roman HistoryGreek EpigraphyAthleticsAncient Greek History
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      GlobalizationGreek colonies in Magna GraeciaPythagoreanismNaples
This article aims to provide a snapshot of local production and trade patterns in the territories of Neapolis and Nola in late Antiquity through the study of published data from Neapolis and pottery assemblages from two sites: a bath... more
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      Ancient economies (Archaeology)Pompeii (Archaeology)Late AntiquityArchaeometry
The idea of Greco-Roman Neapolis was essential to renewal in nineteenth-century Naples. This urban past appealed to public health reformers, who believed their ancient city exemplified the qualities of a healthy city; they drew attention... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryUrbanism (Archaeology)Infrastructure Planning
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      Medieval Ecclesiastical HistoryNeapolisMonasteriesMedieval Monasteries
Pollena Trocchia, a tiny town on the north slope of the Somma-Vesuvius complex, is the subject of this paper. The archaeological sites of the town are studied through the analysis of archival records, field survey, and excavation. The... more
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Late AntiquityVesuviusNeapolis
The Roman baths of Agnano are one of the biggest archaeological complexes of Neapolis; it’s on the border between this last and Puteoli, along the road that connected the two centers. The area was intensely busy beginning from the... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Greek EpigraphyRoman Baths (Archaeology)
I commerci di anfore contenenti prodotti da salagione verso la Sardegna.
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      Sardinia (Archaeology)Late AntiquityRoman PotteryRoman North Africa (Archaeology)
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Late AntiquityVesuviusNeapolis
Atene e l'Occidente. Relazioni con le città siceliote ed italiote in funzione della Grande Spedizione in Sicilia (415 a.C.-413 a.C.) Antonio Montesanti "...che la storia della Magna Grecia, non si possa staccare da quella della Sicilia e... more
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      Greek HistoryGreek colonies in Magna GraeciaGreek ColonisationGreek Archaeology
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      Decorative ArtsNaplesCampanian ArchaeologyNeapolis
The Roman baths of Agnano are one of the largest archaeological sites in the territory of Neapolis, between Neapolis and Puteoli. The area was occupied from the age of Augustus; however, there was already a settlement in the Hellenistic... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman Baths (Archaeology)ArcheologiaNeapolis
Since the discovery of the ancient harbor of Naples in 2004 during construction work on an underground railway, geoarchaeological studies undertaken on the archaeological excavation have revealed the main stratigraphic and... more
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      GeochemistryGeoarchaeologyTsunamiAlluvial fans
Programma di sala per i concerti del 6 e 7 novembre 2015 organizzati dal Centro di Musica Antica Pietà de' Turchini in collaborazione con l'Opera Pia del Purgatorio ad Arco. Esecuzione di musiche di Francesco Feo, Gennaro e Gaetano Manna... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology