Papers by Marcello Gelone
Historiká. Studi di storia greca e romana, 2023
In the inscriptions of Delos are mentioned many characters from Italy, mostly negotiatores, who t... more In the inscriptions of Delos are mentioned many characters from Italy, mostly negotiatores, who took part at the intense trades that were held on the island, especially after the foundation of the free port by the Senate of Rome (167 BC). Such characters have been the subject of many studies, starting from the end of the 19th century. However, among many aspects relating to their community that have been explored, the one of their geographical origins has been neglected or roughly investigated. So, it was decided to undertake an investigation into the origin of the Italics of Delos through the prosopography method and the comparison with the contemporary Italian occurrences of the nomina attested on the island. The paper shows the methodological principles by which the research
was carried out, synthetizing its results: until today have been analysed 30 out of 184 nomina known in Delos. Of the majority of the 30 families related to them, it has been possible to determine the cities or the regions from which they came from; furthermore, the research led to identify the commercial and productive activities in which these gentes were engaged and which they probably had to deal with also in Delos, since the epigraphic documents of the island are almost entirely deprived of references about such activities. Contemporarily with the research about the gentes, an autoptic exam of the inscriptions concerning Italics with a nomen has been carried out: until today have been red 125 inscriptions out of 278.
Axon. Iscrizioni storiche greche, 2023
On the slope of Monte di Vico at Ischia there was an inscription recording the construction of a ... more On the slope of Monte di Vico at Ischia there was an inscription recording the construction of a fortress by two characters with Oscan names and some soldiers. After recalling the various hypotheses about the document’s historical context, the most recent one, though neglected, is endorsed: the two characters were archons of Neapolis, who arranged the defences of Aenaria during the First or Second Punic War. New considerations are provided about the archonship at Neapolis, besides a complete historical commentary of the document, whose importance for the history of the Neapolitan constitution is highlighted.
Epigraphica. Periodico internazionale di epigrafia, 2021
The Neapolitan honorific dedication to the consul L. Crepereius Proculus by the Artemisi’s phratr... more The Neapolitan honorific dedication to the consul L. Crepereius Proculus by the Artemisi’s phratry, lost since the end of the 16th century, has been casually recovered at Meta (Sorrentine Peninsula) in 2016. This lucky event allows us to republish here its text, only known from some inaccurate transcriptions made by Neapolitan scholars of the 16th and 17th century. The new exam of the inscription lets us to drive out any doubt on the reading of the honoured character’s name. Since he came from a senatorial gens of the 2nd century A.D., it can be stated that the dedication belongs to the same period, reducing the chronology traditionally attributed to it, based on the palaeography of its text copied on the only handwritten drawing reporting it (1st-2nd century A.D.).
Puteoli, Cumae, Misenum. Rivista di studi. Notiziario del Parco Archeologico Campi Flegrei, 2021
A Greek funerary inscription, found in Pozzuoli in the necropolis of S. Vito, recalls a pythikos ... more A Greek funerary inscription, found in Pozzuoli in the necropolis of S. Vito, recalls a pythikos auletes (soloist flute player), named Sotas, native of Mantinea in Arcadia, who had been twice periodonikes. Likely, he came to Puteoli to participate in the Eusebeia, the Greek-style competitions that had been holding there since 142 AD, in memory of the emperor Hadrian.
in A. Palmentieri - F. Rausa (a cura di), Teanum Sidicinum. Nuove prospettive per lo studio della città e della sua storia, Napoli, 2018
The discovery of a thermal structure of the Imperial age, taking place in Teano in 1908, led to t... more The discovery of a thermal structure of the Imperial age, taking place in Teano in 1908, led to the recovery of sculptures, mosaics and architectural fragments that decorated the rooms of the structure itself. Among these materials, a base bearing a Greek honorary inscription was brought to light. The base must have been the support for the statue of a poet or a character who excelled in the literary field, as the inscription refers to someone defined as “an expert in the art of the Muses”. This evidence shows that probably in the thermal structure anyone could have dedicated himself to literary otium.
AION. Annali di archeologia e storia antica, 2017
The Roman baths of Agnano are one of the biggest archaeological complexes of Neapolis; it’s on th... more The Roman baths of Agnano are one of the biggest archaeological complexes of Neapolis; it’s on the border between this last and Puteoli, along the road that connected the two centers. The area was intensely busy beginning from the augustean age, but the site was jus occupied in Hellenistic epoch.
The archaeological complex of Agnano’s baths is composed by four separate archaeological (complex of Hellenistic age, grotta del Cane, thermal complex of Roman age, bridge of Roman age); all these areas are inside the area currently occupied by the modern Thermal baths of Agnano. This area has never reentered to full in the affairs of the researchers and it has remained for long periods to the borders of the archaeological search.
To the area of the thermal baths of Roman age they are tightly connected the structures of the socalled Grotta del Cane, currently inaccessible for the elevated temperature and the presence of poisonous gas, as well as the complex of Hellenistic age. This last is constituted by a mighty terrace-wall in blocks of tufo, on which some structures of Roman age have been founded. The wall, partially covered by the water of a source of mineral water, was also in ancient time connected to a source, as it testifies a channel, always in blocks of tufo, that cross it.
The presence of a fragment of black glaze ware with the inscribed name Igea, recovered in the layers of foundation of the channel, give us the possibility to hypothesize the pertinence of the structures to a sanctuary devoted to Asclepio and Igea. The complex of Roman age is distant from the Greek structures and, at the moment, there is no trace of a direct relationship among the two buildings.
AION. Annali di archeologia e storia antica, 2016
A recent autopsy of the bilingual epitaph of P. Tillius Dexiades from Nuceria Alfaterna, kept at ... more A recent autopsy of the bilingual epitaph of P. Tillius Dexiades from Nuceria Alfaterna, kept at the National Archaeological Museum of Valle del Sarno, allowed to notice some mistakes in the reading of the first hexameter of the Greek distich, present in the first publication of the funerary inscription’s text. In the paper a new reading is suggested, based on the interpretation of some letters marks that survived on the slab’s surface, quite vanished. This reading allows to correct even the text meaning, in a clearest and most fluent way.
This re-edition of the funerary inscription, a singular case of the epigraphic evidences of the ancient Roman colony, constitutes also a chance in drawing some hypothesis on the relationship that subsisted between the grave’s holder and the two dead women remembered in the text; besides it has been useful in making some reflections about the presence of the gens Tillia in Nuceria Alfaterna and on the origin of the family branch to which the dedicant of the funeral monument belonged.
Reports by Marcello Gelone
La campagna di scavo dell'anno 2014, presso l'abitato greco-romano di Cuma (Na), ha interessato e... more La campagna di scavo dell'anno 2014, presso l'abitato greco-romano di Cuma (Na), ha interessato esclusivamente l'isolato già parzialmente messo in luce e delimitato ad est da una plateia nord-sud e a sud e a nord da due stenopoi est-ovest. Sono stati effettuati sia alcuni saggi di verifica della sequenza stratigrafica all'interno dell'area già scavata in precedenza sia un allargamento, sul lato ovest, dell'area precedentemente oggetto di intervento, senza tuttavia raggiungere i limiti occidentali dell'isolato. I lavori sono stati condotti secondo la consueta formula dello scavo-scuola e hanno visto la partecipazione di circa 120 studenti dell'Università L'Orientale e di altre università italiane e straniere.
EDR epigraphic records by Marcello Gelone
in Italia Epigrafica Digitale II. Regio I - Latium et Campania II.4: Campania, parte III, Roma , 2020
in Italia Epigrafica Digitale II. Regio I - Latium et Campania II.3: Campania, parte II, Roma , 2020
in Italia Epigrafica Digitale II. Regio I - Latium et Campania II.2: Campania, parte I, Roma, 2020
Posters by Marcello Gelone
Poster presented at the "62° Convegno internazionale di Studi sulla Magna Grecia. Parthenope e Ne... more Poster presented at the "62° Convegno internazionale di Studi sulla Magna Grecia. Parthenope e Neapolis: nuovi dati e prospettive di ricerca", organized by the "Istituto per la Storia e l'Archeologia della Magna Grecia" of Taranto and held in Taranto from the 28th of September to the 1st of October 2023.
Poster presented at the International Colloquium "TeANUm Sidicinum. Nuove prospettive per lo stud... more Poster presented at the International Colloquium "TeANUm Sidicinum. Nuove prospettive per lo studio della città e della sua storia", organized by the University of Naples "Federico II" and held in Naples and Teano from the 21st to the 22nd of January 2016.
Events by Marcello Gelone
👩🏫 Starting from 2018 the Italian Archaeological School at Athens runs a Seminars programme orga... more 👩🏫 Starting from 2018 the Italian Archaeological School at Athens runs a Seminars programme organized and hosted by the Post Doctoral Fellows of the current year.
🧑🏫 Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects. The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion. Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
📌 Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
📌 To participate, attendees must register by filling up the following form: Google:
📌 The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at:
📩 [email protected] and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
Thank you!
Starting from 2018 the Italian Archaeological School at Athens runs a Seminars programme organize... more Starting from 2018 the Italian Archaeological School at Athens runs a Seminars programme organized and hosted by the Post Doctoral Fellows of the current year.
Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects.
The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion.
Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
To participate, attendees must register by filling up the following form:
The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at
[email protected]
and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
Thank you!
Papers by Marcello Gelone
was carried out, synthetizing its results: until today have been analysed 30 out of 184 nomina known in Delos. Of the majority of the 30 families related to them, it has been possible to determine the cities or the regions from which they came from; furthermore, the research led to identify the commercial and productive activities in which these gentes were engaged and which they probably had to deal with also in Delos, since the epigraphic documents of the island are almost entirely deprived of references about such activities. Contemporarily with the research about the gentes, an autoptic exam of the inscriptions concerning Italics with a nomen has been carried out: until today have been red 125 inscriptions out of 278.
The archaeological complex of Agnano’s baths is composed by four separate archaeological (complex of Hellenistic age, grotta del Cane, thermal complex of Roman age, bridge of Roman age); all these areas are inside the area currently occupied by the modern Thermal baths of Agnano. This area has never reentered to full in the affairs of the researchers and it has remained for long periods to the borders of the archaeological search.
To the area of the thermal baths of Roman age they are tightly connected the structures of the socalled Grotta del Cane, currently inaccessible for the elevated temperature and the presence of poisonous gas, as well as the complex of Hellenistic age. This last is constituted by a mighty terrace-wall in blocks of tufo, on which some structures of Roman age have been founded. The wall, partially covered by the water of a source of mineral water, was also in ancient time connected to a source, as it testifies a channel, always in blocks of tufo, that cross it.
The presence of a fragment of black glaze ware with the inscribed name Igea, recovered in the layers of foundation of the channel, give us the possibility to hypothesize the pertinence of the structures to a sanctuary devoted to Asclepio and Igea. The complex of Roman age is distant from the Greek structures and, at the moment, there is no trace of a direct relationship among the two buildings.
This re-edition of the funerary inscription, a singular case of the epigraphic evidences of the ancient Roman colony, constitutes also a chance in drawing some hypothesis on the relationship that subsisted between the grave’s holder and the two dead women remembered in the text; besides it has been useful in making some reflections about the presence of the gens Tillia in Nuceria Alfaterna and on the origin of the family branch to which the dedicant of the funeral monument belonged.
Reports by Marcello Gelone
EDR epigraphic records by Marcello Gelone
Posters by Marcello Gelone
Events by Marcello Gelone
🧑🏫 Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects. The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion. Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
📌 Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
📌 To participate, attendees must register by filling up the following form: Google:
📌 The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at:
📩 [email protected] and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
Thank you!
Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects.
The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion.
Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
To participate, attendees must register by filling up the following form:
The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at
[email protected]
and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
Thank you!
was carried out, synthetizing its results: until today have been analysed 30 out of 184 nomina known in Delos. Of the majority of the 30 families related to them, it has been possible to determine the cities or the regions from which they came from; furthermore, the research led to identify the commercial and productive activities in which these gentes were engaged and which they probably had to deal with also in Delos, since the epigraphic documents of the island are almost entirely deprived of references about such activities. Contemporarily with the research about the gentes, an autoptic exam of the inscriptions concerning Italics with a nomen has been carried out: until today have been red 125 inscriptions out of 278.
The archaeological complex of Agnano’s baths is composed by four separate archaeological (complex of Hellenistic age, grotta del Cane, thermal complex of Roman age, bridge of Roman age); all these areas are inside the area currently occupied by the modern Thermal baths of Agnano. This area has never reentered to full in the affairs of the researchers and it has remained for long periods to the borders of the archaeological search.
To the area of the thermal baths of Roman age they are tightly connected the structures of the socalled Grotta del Cane, currently inaccessible for the elevated temperature and the presence of poisonous gas, as well as the complex of Hellenistic age. This last is constituted by a mighty terrace-wall in blocks of tufo, on which some structures of Roman age have been founded. The wall, partially covered by the water of a source of mineral water, was also in ancient time connected to a source, as it testifies a channel, always in blocks of tufo, that cross it.
The presence of a fragment of black glaze ware with the inscribed name Igea, recovered in the layers of foundation of the channel, give us the possibility to hypothesize the pertinence of the structures to a sanctuary devoted to Asclepio and Igea. The complex of Roman age is distant from the Greek structures and, at the moment, there is no trace of a direct relationship among the two buildings.
This re-edition of the funerary inscription, a singular case of the epigraphic evidences of the ancient Roman colony, constitutes also a chance in drawing some hypothesis on the relationship that subsisted between the grave’s holder and the two dead women remembered in the text; besides it has been useful in making some reflections about the presence of the gens Tillia in Nuceria Alfaterna and on the origin of the family branch to which the dedicant of the funeral monument belonged.
🧑🏫 Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects. The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion. Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
📌 Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
📌 To participate, attendees must register by filling up the following form: Google:
📌 The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at:
📩 [email protected] and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
Thank you!
Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects.
The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion.
Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
To participate, attendees must register by filling up the following form:
The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at
[email protected]
and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
Thank you!